forked from cerc-io/plugeth
This change simplifies the logic for indexing transactions and enhances the UX when transaction is not found by returning more information to users. Transaction indexing is now considered as a part of the initial sync, and `eth.syncing` will thus be `true` if transaction indexing is not yet finished. API consumers can use the syncing status to determine if the node is ready to serve users.
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364 lines
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// Copyright 2020 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <>.
package rawdb
import (
// InitDatabaseFromFreezer reinitializes an empty database from a previous batch
// of frozen ancient blocks. The method iterates over all the frozen blocks and
// injects into the database the block hash->number mappings.
func InitDatabaseFromFreezer(db ethdb.Database) {
// If we can't access the freezer or it's empty, abort
frozen, err := db.Ancients()
if err != nil || frozen == 0 {
var (
batch = db.NewBatch()
start = time.Now()
logged = start.Add(-7 * time.Second) // Unindex during import is fast, don't double log
hash common.Hash
for i := uint64(0); i < frozen; {
// We read 100K hashes at a time, for a total of 3.2M
count := uint64(100_000)
if i+count > frozen {
count = frozen - i
data, err := db.AncientRange(ChainFreezerHashTable, i, count, 32*count)
if err != nil {
log.Crit("Failed to init database from freezer", "err", err)
for j, h := range data {
number := i + uint64(j)
hash = common.BytesToHash(h)
WriteHeaderNumber(batch, hash, number)
// If enough data was accumulated in memory or we're at the last block, dump to disk
if batch.ValueSize() > ethdb.IdealBatchSize {
if err := batch.Write(); err != nil {
log.Crit("Failed to write data to db", "err", err)
i += uint64(len(data))
// If we've spent too much time already, notify the user of what we're doing
if time.Since(logged) > 8*time.Second {
log.Info("Initializing database from freezer", "total", frozen, "number", i, "hash", hash, "elapsed", common.PrettyDuration(time.Since(start)))
logged = time.Now()
if err := batch.Write(); err != nil {
log.Crit("Failed to write data to db", "err", err)
WriteHeadHeaderHash(db, hash)
WriteHeadFastBlockHash(db, hash)
log.Info("Initialized database from freezer", "blocks", frozen, "elapsed", common.PrettyDuration(time.Since(start)))
type blockTxHashes struct {
number uint64
hashes []common.Hash
// iterateTransactions iterates over all transactions in the (canon) block
// number(s) given, and yields the hashes on a channel. If there is a signal
// received from interrupt channel, the iteration will be aborted and result
// channel will be closed.
func iterateTransactions(db ethdb.Database, from uint64, to uint64, reverse bool, interrupt chan struct{}) chan *blockTxHashes {
// One thread sequentially reads data from db
type numberRlp struct {
number uint64
rlp rlp.RawValue
if to == from {
return nil
threads := to - from
if cpus := runtime.NumCPU(); threads > uint64(cpus) {
threads = uint64(cpus)
var (
rlpCh = make(chan *numberRlp, threads*2) // we send raw rlp over this channel
hashesCh = make(chan *blockTxHashes, threads*2) // send hashes over hashesCh
// lookup runs in one instance
lookup := func() {
n, end := from, to
if reverse {
n, end = to-1, from-1
defer close(rlpCh)
for n != end {
data := ReadCanonicalBodyRLP(db, n)
// Feed the block to the aggregator, or abort on interrupt
select {
case rlpCh <- &numberRlp{n, data}:
case <-interrupt:
if reverse {
} else {
// process runs in parallel
var nThreadsAlive atomic.Int32
process := func() {
defer func() {
// Last processor closes the result channel
if nThreadsAlive.Add(-1) == 0 {
for data := range rlpCh {
var body types.Body
if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(data.rlp, &body); err != nil {
log.Warn("Failed to decode block body", "block", data.number, "error", err)
var hashes []common.Hash
for _, tx := range body.Transactions {
hashes = append(hashes, tx.Hash())
result := &blockTxHashes{
hashes: hashes,
number: data.number,
// Feed the block to the aggregator, or abort on interrupt
select {
case hashesCh <- result:
case <-interrupt:
go lookup() // start the sequential db accessor
for i := 0; i < int(threads); i++ {
go process()
return hashesCh
// indexTransactions creates txlookup indices of the specified block range.
// This function iterates canonical chain in reverse order, it has one main advantage:
// We can write tx index tail flag periodically even without the whole indexing
// procedure is finished. So that we can resume indexing procedure next time quickly.
// There is a passed channel, the whole procedure will be interrupted if any
// signal received.
func indexTransactions(db ethdb.Database, from uint64, to uint64, interrupt chan struct{}, hook func(uint64) bool, report bool) {
// short circuit for invalid range
if from >= to {
var (
hashesCh = iterateTransactions(db, from, to, true, interrupt)
batch = db.NewBatch()
start = time.Now()
logged = start.Add(-7 * time.Second)
// Since we iterate in reverse, we expect the first number to come
// in to be [to-1]. Therefore, setting lastNum to means that the
// queue gap-evaluation will work correctly
lastNum = to
queue = prque.New[int64, *blockTxHashes](nil)
blocks, txs = 0, 0 // for stats reporting
for chanDelivery := range hashesCh {
// Push the delivery into the queue and process contiguous ranges.
// Since we iterate in reverse, so lower numbers have lower prio, and
// we can use the number directly as prio marker
queue.Push(chanDelivery, int64(chanDelivery.number))
for !queue.Empty() {
// If the next available item is gapped, return
if _, priority := queue.Peek(); priority != int64(lastNum-1) {
// For testing
if hook != nil && !hook(lastNum-1) {
// Next block available, pop it off and index it
delivery := queue.PopItem()
lastNum = delivery.number
WriteTxLookupEntries(batch, delivery.number, delivery.hashes)
txs += len(delivery.hashes)
// If enough data was accumulated in memory or we're at the last block, dump to disk
if batch.ValueSize() > ethdb.IdealBatchSize {
WriteTxIndexTail(batch, lastNum) // Also write the tail here
if err := batch.Write(); err != nil {
log.Crit("Failed writing batch to db", "error", err)
// If we've spent too much time already, notify the user of what we're doing
if time.Since(logged) > 8*time.Second {
log.Info("Indexing transactions", "blocks", blocks, "txs", txs, "tail", lastNum, "total", to-from, "elapsed", common.PrettyDuration(time.Since(start)))
logged = time.Now()
// Flush the new indexing tail and the last committed data. It can also happen
// that the last batch is empty because nothing to index, but the tail has to
// be flushed anyway.
WriteTxIndexTail(batch, lastNum)
if err := batch.Write(); err != nil {
log.Crit("Failed writing batch to db", "error", err)
logger := log.Debug
if report {
logger = log.Info
select {
case <-interrupt:
logger("Transaction indexing interrupted", "blocks", blocks, "txs", txs, "tail", lastNum, "elapsed", common.PrettyDuration(time.Since(start)))
logger("Indexed transactions", "blocks", blocks, "txs", txs, "tail", lastNum, "elapsed", common.PrettyDuration(time.Since(start)))
// IndexTransactions creates txlookup indices of the specified block range. The from
// is included while to is excluded.
// This function iterates canonical chain in reverse order, it has one main advantage:
// We can write tx index tail flag periodically even without the whole indexing
// procedure is finished. So that we can resume indexing procedure next time quickly.
// There is a passed channel, the whole procedure will be interrupted if any
// signal received.
func IndexTransactions(db ethdb.Database, from uint64, to uint64, interrupt chan struct{}, report bool) {
indexTransactions(db, from, to, interrupt, nil, report)
// indexTransactionsForTesting is the internal debug version with an additional hook.
func indexTransactionsForTesting(db ethdb.Database, from uint64, to uint64, interrupt chan struct{}, hook func(uint64) bool) {
indexTransactions(db, from, to, interrupt, hook, false)
// unindexTransactions removes txlookup indices of the specified block range.
// There is a passed channel, the whole procedure will be interrupted if any
// signal received.
func unindexTransactions(db ethdb.Database, from uint64, to uint64, interrupt chan struct{}, hook func(uint64) bool, report bool) {
// short circuit for invalid range
if from >= to {
var (
hashesCh = iterateTransactions(db, from, to, false, interrupt)
batch = db.NewBatch()
start = time.Now()
logged = start.Add(-7 * time.Second)
// we expect the first number to come in to be [from]. Therefore, setting
// nextNum to from means that the queue gap-evaluation will work correctly
nextNum = from
queue = prque.New[int64, *blockTxHashes](nil)
blocks, txs = 0, 0 // for stats reporting
// Otherwise spin up the concurrent iterator and unindexer
for delivery := range hashesCh {
// Push the delivery into the queue and process contiguous ranges.
queue.Push(delivery, -int64(delivery.number))
for !queue.Empty() {
// If the next available item is gapped, return
if _, priority := queue.Peek(); -priority != int64(nextNum) {
// For testing
if hook != nil && !hook(nextNum) {
delivery := queue.PopItem()
nextNum = delivery.number + 1
DeleteTxLookupEntries(batch, delivery.hashes)
txs += len(delivery.hashes)
// If enough data was accumulated in memory or we're at the last block, dump to disk
// A batch counts the size of deletion as '1', so we need to flush more
// often than that.
if blocks%1000 == 0 {
WriteTxIndexTail(batch, nextNum)
if err := batch.Write(); err != nil {
log.Crit("Failed writing batch to db", "error", err)
// If we've spent too much time already, notify the user of what we're doing
if time.Since(logged) > 8*time.Second {
log.Info("Unindexing transactions", "blocks", blocks, "txs", txs, "total", to-from, "elapsed", common.PrettyDuration(time.Since(start)))
logged = time.Now()
// Flush the new indexing tail and the last committed data. It can also happen
// that the last batch is empty because nothing to unindex, but the tail has to
// be flushed anyway.
WriteTxIndexTail(batch, nextNum)
if err := batch.Write(); err != nil {
log.Crit("Failed writing batch to db", "error", err)
logger := log.Debug
if report {
logger = log.Info
select {
case <-interrupt:
logger("Transaction unindexing interrupted", "blocks", blocks, "txs", txs, "tail", to, "elapsed", common.PrettyDuration(time.Since(start)))
logger("Unindexed transactions", "blocks", blocks, "txs", txs, "tail", to, "elapsed", common.PrettyDuration(time.Since(start)))
// UnindexTransactions removes txlookup indices of the specified block range.
// The from is included while to is excluded.
// There is a passed channel, the whole procedure will be interrupted if any
// signal received.
func UnindexTransactions(db ethdb.Database, from uint64, to uint64, interrupt chan struct{}, report bool) {
unindexTransactions(db, from, to, interrupt, nil, report)
// unindexTransactionsForTesting is the internal debug version with an additional hook.
func unindexTransactionsForTesting(db ethdb.Database, from uint64, to uint64, interrupt chan struct{}, hook func(uint64) bool) {
unindexTransactions(db, from, to, interrupt, hook, false)