Martin Holst Swende b8d44ed98b
log: remove lazy, remove unused interfaces, unexport methods (#28622)
This change 

- Removes interface `log.Format`, 
- Removes method `log.FormatFunc`, 
- unexports `TerminalHandler.TerminalFormat` formatting methods (renamed to `TerminalHandler.format`)
- removes the notion of `log.Lazy` values

The lazy handler was useful in the old log package, since it
could defer the evaluation of costly attributes until later in the
log pipeline: thus, if the logging was done at 'Trace', we could
skip evaluation if logging only was set to 'Info'.

With the move to slog, this way of deferring evaluation is no longer
needed, since slog introduced 'Enabled': the caller can thus do
the evaluate-or-not decision at the callsite, which is much more
straight-forward than dealing with lazy reflect-based evaluation.

Also, lazy evaluation would not work with 'native' slog, as in, these
two statements would be evaluated differently:

  log.Info("foo", "my lazy", lazyObj)
  slog.Info("foo", "my lazy", lazyObj)
2023-12-05 11:54:44 +01:00

54 lines
5.0 KiB

INFO [xx-xx|] big.Int 111,222,333,444,555,678,999=111,222,333,444,555,678,999
INFO [xx-xx|] -big.Int -111,222,333,444,555,678,999=-111,222,333,444,555,678,999
INFO [xx-xx|] big.Int 11,122,233,344,455,567,899,900=11,122,233,344,455,567,899,900
INFO [xx-xx|] -big.Int -11,122,233,344,455,567,899,900=-11,122,233,344,455,567,899,900
INFO [xx-xx|] uint256 111,222,333,444,555,678,999=111,222,333,444,555,678,999
INFO [xx-xx|] uint256 11,122,233,344,455,567,899,900=11,122,233,344,455,567,899,900
INFO [xx-xx|] int64 1,000,000=1,000,000
INFO [xx-xx|] int64 -1,000,000=-1,000,000
INFO [xx-xx|] int64 9,223,372,036,854,775,807=9,223,372,036,854,775,807
INFO [xx-xx|] int64 -9,223,372,036,854,775,808=-9,223,372,036,854,775,808
INFO [xx-xx|] uint64 1,000,000=1,000,000
INFO [xx-xx|] uint64 18,446,744,073,709,551,615=18,446,744,073,709,551,615
INFO [xx-xx|] Special chars in value key="special \r\n\t chars"
INFO [xx-xx|] Special chars in key "special \n\t chars"=value
INFO [xx-xx|] nospace nospace=nospace
INFO [xx-xx|] with space "with nospace"="with nospace"
INFO [xx-xx|] Bash escapes in value key="\x1b[1G\x1b[K\x1b[1A"
INFO [xx-xx|] Bash escapes in key "\x1b[1G\x1b[K\x1b[1A"=value
INFO [xx-xx|] "Bash escapes in message \x1b[1G\x1b[K\x1b[1A end" key=value
INFO [xx-xx|] "\x1b[35mColored\x1b[0m[" "\x1b[35mColored\x1b[0m["="\x1b[35mColored\x1b[0m["
INFO [xx-xx|] an error message with quotes error="this is an 'error'"
INFO [xx-xx|] Custom Stringer value 2562047h47m16.854s=2562047h47m16.854s
INFO [xx-xx|] a custom stringer that emits quoted text output="output with 'quotes'"
INFO [xx-xx|] "A message with wonky 💩 characters"
INFO [xx-xx|] "A multiline message \nINFO [10-18|14:11:31.106] with wonky characters 💩"
INFO [xx-xx|] A multiline message
LALA [ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ] Actually part of message above
INFO [xx-xx|] boolean true=true false=false
INFO [xx-xx|] repeated-key 1 foo=alpha foo=beta
INFO [xx-xx|] repeated-key 2 xx=short xx=longer
INFO [xx-xx|] log at level info
WARN [xx-xx|] log at level warn
ERROR[xx-xx|] log at level error
INFO [xx-xx|] test bar=short a="aligned left"
INFO [xx-xx|] test bar="a long message" a=1
INFO [xx-xx|] test bar=short a="aligned right"
INFO [xx-xx|] The following logs should align so that the key-fields make 5 columns
INFO [xx-xx|] Inserted known block number=1012 hash=000000..001234 txs=200 gas=1,123,123 other=first
INFO [xx-xx|] Inserted new block number=1 hash=000000..001235 txs=2 gas=1123 other=second
INFO [xx-xx|] Inserted known block number=99 hash=000000..012322 txs=10 gas=1 other=third
WARN [xx-xx|] Inserted known block number=1012 hash=000000..001234 txs=200 gas=99 other=fourth
INFO [xx-xx|] (*big.Int)(nil) <nil>=<nil>
INFO [xx-xx|] (*uint256.Int)(nil) <nil>=<nil>
INFO [xx-xx|] (fmt.Stringer)(nil) res=<nil>
INFO [xx-xx|] nil-concrete-stringer res=<nil>
INFO [xx-xx|] error(nil) res=<nil>
INFO [xx-xx|] nil-concrete-error res=
INFO [xx-xx|] nil-custom-struct res=<nil>
INFO [xx-xx|] raw nil res=<nil>
INFO [xx-xx|] (*uint64)(nil) res=<nil>
INFO [xx-xx|] Using keys 't', 'lvl', 'time', 'level' and 'msg' t=t time=time lvl=lvl level=level msg=msg
INFO [xx-xx|] Odd pair (1 attr) key=<nil> LOG_ERROR="Normalized odd number of arguments by adding nil"
INFO [xx-xx|] Odd pair (3 attr) key=value key2=<nil> LOG_ERROR="Normalized odd number of arguments by adding nil"