forked from cerc-io/plugeth
XEth.gpo was being initialized as needed. WithState copies the XEth struct including the gpo field. If gpo was nil at the time of the copy and Call or Transact were invoked on it, an additional GPO listenLoop would be spawned. Move the lazy initialization to GasPriceOracle instead so the same GPO instance is shared among all created XEths. Fixes #1317 Might help with #1930
1089 lines
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// Copyright 2014 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <>.
// Package xeth is the interface to all Ethereum functionality.
package xeth
import (
var (
filterTickerTime = 5 * time.Minute
defaultGasPrice = big.NewInt(10000000000000) //150000000000
defaultGas = big.NewInt(90000) //500000
dappStorePre = []byte("dapp-")
addrReg = regexp.MustCompile(`^(0x)?[a-fA-F0-9]{40}$`)
// byte will be inferred
const (
UnknownFilterTy = iota
type XEth struct {
quit chan struct{}
logMu sync.RWMutex
logQueue map[int]*logQueue
blockMu sync.RWMutex
blockQueue map[int]*hashQueue
transactionMu sync.RWMutex
transactionQueue map[int]*hashQueue
messagesMu sync.RWMutex
messages map[int]*whisperFilter
transactMu sync.Mutex
// read-only fields
backend *eth.Ethereum
frontend Frontend
agent *miner.RemoteAgent
gpo *eth.GasPriceOracle
state *State
whisper *Whisper
filterManager *filters.FilterSystem
func NewTest(eth *eth.Ethereum, frontend Frontend) *XEth {
return &XEth{backend: eth, frontend: frontend}
// New creates an XEth that uses the given frontend.
// If a nil Frontend is provided, a default frontend which
// confirms all transactions will be used.
func New(ethereum *eth.Ethereum, frontend Frontend) *XEth {
xeth := &XEth{
backend: ethereum,
frontend: frontend,
quit: make(chan struct{}),
filterManager: filters.NewFilterSystem(ethereum.EventMux()),
logQueue: make(map[int]*logQueue),
blockQueue: make(map[int]*hashQueue),
transactionQueue: make(map[int]*hashQueue),
messages: make(map[int]*whisperFilter),
agent: miner.NewRemoteAgent(),
gpo: eth.NewGasPriceOracle(ethereum),
if ethereum.Whisper() != nil {
xeth.whisper = NewWhisper(ethereum.Whisper())
if frontend == nil {
xeth.frontend = dummyFrontend{}
state, err := xeth.backend.BlockChain().State()
if err != nil {
return nil
xeth.state = NewState(xeth, state)
go xeth.start()
return xeth
func (self *XEth) start() {
timer := time.NewTicker(2 * time.Second)
for {
select {
case <-timer.C:
for id, filter := range self.logQueue {
if time.Since(filter.timeout) > filterTickerTime {
delete(self.logQueue, id)
for id, filter := range self.blockQueue {
if time.Since(filter.timeout) > filterTickerTime {
delete(self.blockQueue, id)
for id, filter := range self.transactionQueue {
if time.Since(filter.timeout) > filterTickerTime {
delete(self.transactionQueue, id)
for id, filter := range self.messages {
if time.Since(filter.activity()) > filterTickerTime {
delete(self.messages, id)
case <-self.quit:
break done
func (self *XEth) stop() {
func cAddress(a []string) []common.Address {
bslice := make([]common.Address, len(a))
for i, addr := range a {
bslice[i] = common.HexToAddress(addr)
return bslice
func cTopics(t [][]string) [][]common.Hash {
topics := make([][]common.Hash, len(t))
for i, iv := range t {
topics[i] = make([]common.Hash, len(iv))
for j, jv := range iv {
topics[i][j] = common.HexToHash(jv)
return topics
func DefaultGas() *big.Int { return new(big.Int).Set(defaultGas) }
func (self *XEth) DefaultGasPrice() *big.Int {
return self.gpo.SuggestPrice()
func (self *XEth) RemoteMining() *miner.RemoteAgent { return self.agent }
func (self *XEth) AtStateNum(num int64) *XEth {
var st *state.StateDB
var err error
switch num {
case -2:
st = self.backend.Miner().PendingState().Copy()
if block := self.getBlockByHeight(num); block != nil {
st, err = state.New(block.Root(), self.backend.ChainDb())
if err != nil {
return nil
} else {
st, err = state.New(self.backend.BlockChain().GetBlockByNumber(0).Root(), self.backend.ChainDb())
if err != nil {
return nil
return self.WithState(st)
func (self *XEth) WithState(statedb *state.StateDB) *XEth {
xeth := &XEth{
backend: self.backend,
frontend: self.frontend,
gpo: self.gpo,
xeth.state = NewState(xeth, statedb)
return xeth
func (self *XEth) State() *State { return self.state }
// subscribes to new head block events and
// waits until blockchain height is greater n at any time
// given the current head, waits for the next chain event
// sets the state to the current head
// loop is async and quit by closing the channel
// used in tests and JS console debug module to control advancing private chain manually
// Note: this is not threadsafe, only called in JS single process and tests
func (self *XEth) UpdateState() (wait chan *big.Int) {
wait = make(chan *big.Int)
go func() {
eventSub := self.backend.EventMux().Subscribe(core.ChainHeadEvent{})
defer eventSub.Unsubscribe()
var m, n *big.Int
var ok bool
eventCh := eventSub.Chan()
for {
select {
case event, ok := <-eventCh:
if !ok {
// Event subscription closed, set the channel to nil to stop spinning
eventCh = nil
// A real event arrived, process if new head block assignment
if event, ok := event.Data.(core.ChainHeadEvent); ok {
m = event.Block.Number()
if n != nil && n.Cmp(m) < 0 {
wait <- n
n = nil
statedb, err := state.New(event.Block.Root(), self.backend.ChainDb())
if err != nil {
glog.V(logger.Error).Infoln("Could not create new state: %v", err)
self.state = NewState(self, statedb)
case n, ok = <-wait:
if !ok {
func (self *XEth) Whisper() *Whisper { return self.whisper }
func (self *XEth) getBlockByHeight(height int64) *types.Block {
var num uint64
switch height {
case -2:
return self.backend.Miner().PendingBlock()
case -1:
return self.CurrentBlock()
if height < 0 {
return nil
num = uint64(height)
return self.backend.BlockChain().GetBlockByNumber(num)
func (self *XEth) BlockByHash(strHash string) *Block {
hash := common.HexToHash(strHash)
block := self.backend.BlockChain().GetBlock(hash)
return NewBlock(block)
func (self *XEth) EthBlockByHash(strHash string) *types.Block {
hash := common.HexToHash(strHash)
block := self.backend.BlockChain().GetBlock(hash)
return block
func (self *XEth) EthTransactionByHash(hash string) (tx *types.Transaction, blhash common.Hash, blnum *big.Int, txi uint64) {
// Due to increasing return params and need to determine if this is from transaction pool or
// some chain, this probably needs to be refactored for more expressiveness
data, _ := self.backend.ChainDb().Get(common.FromHex(hash))
if len(data) != 0 {
dtx := new(types.Transaction)
if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(data, dtx); err != nil {
tx = dtx
} else { // check pending transactions
tx = self.backend.TxPool().GetTransaction(common.HexToHash(hash))
// meta
var txExtra struct {
BlockHash common.Hash
BlockIndex uint64
Index uint64
v, dberr := self.backend.ChainDb().Get(append(common.FromHex(hash), 0x0001))
// TODO check specifically for ErrNotFound
if dberr != nil {
r := bytes.NewReader(v)
err := rlp.Decode(r, &txExtra)
if err == nil {
blhash = txExtra.BlockHash
blnum = big.NewInt(int64(txExtra.BlockIndex))
txi = txExtra.Index
} else {
func (self *XEth) BlockByNumber(num int64) *Block {
return NewBlock(self.getBlockByHeight(num))
func (self *XEth) EthBlockByNumber(num int64) *types.Block {
return self.getBlockByHeight(num)
func (self *XEth) Td(hash common.Hash) *big.Int {
return self.backend.BlockChain().GetTd(hash)
func (self *XEth) CurrentBlock() *types.Block {
return self.backend.BlockChain().CurrentBlock()
func (self *XEth) GetBlockReceipts(bhash common.Hash) types.Receipts {
return self.backend.BlockProcessor().GetBlockReceipts(bhash)
func (self *XEth) GetTxReceipt(txhash common.Hash) *types.Receipt {
return core.GetReceipt(self.backend.ChainDb(), txhash)
func (self *XEth) GasLimit() *big.Int {
return self.backend.BlockChain().GasLimit()
func (self *XEth) Block(v interface{}) *Block {
if n, ok := v.(int32); ok {
return self.BlockByNumber(int64(n))
} else if str, ok := v.(string); ok {
return self.BlockByHash(str)
} else if f, ok := v.(float64); ok { // JSON numbers are represented as float64
return self.BlockByNumber(int64(f))
return nil
func (self *XEth) Accounts() []string {
// TODO: check err?
accounts, _ := self.backend.AccountManager().Accounts()
accountAddresses := make([]string, len(accounts))
for i, ac := range accounts {
accountAddresses[i] = ac.Address.Hex()
return accountAddresses
// accessor for solidity compiler.
// memoized if available, retried on-demand if not
func (self *XEth) Solc() (*compiler.Solidity, error) {
return self.backend.Solc()
// set in js console via admin interface or wrapper from cli flags
func (self *XEth) SetSolc(solcPath string) (*compiler.Solidity, error) {
return self.Solc()
// store DApp value in extra database
func (self *XEth) DbPut(key, val []byte) bool {
self.backend.DappDb().Put(append(dappStorePre, key...), val)
return true
// retrieve DApp value from extra database
func (self *XEth) DbGet(key []byte) ([]byte, error) {
val, err := self.backend.DappDb().Get(append(dappStorePre, key...))
return val, err
func (self *XEth) PeerCount() int {
return self.backend.PeerCount()
func (self *XEth) IsMining() bool {
return self.backend.IsMining()
func (self *XEth) HashRate() int64 {
return self.backend.Miner().HashRate()
func (self *XEth) EthVersion() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d", self.backend.EthVersion())
func (self *XEth) NetworkVersion() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d", self.backend.NetVersion())
func (self *XEth) WhisperVersion() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d", self.backend.ShhVersion())
func (self *XEth) ClientVersion() string {
return self.backend.ClientVersion()
func (self *XEth) SetMining(shouldmine bool, threads int) bool {
ismining := self.backend.IsMining()
if shouldmine && !ismining {
err := self.backend.StartMining(threads, "")
return err == nil
if ismining && !shouldmine {
return self.backend.IsMining()
func (self *XEth) IsListening() bool {
return self.backend.IsListening()
func (self *XEth) Coinbase() string {
eb, err := self.backend.Etherbase()
if err != nil {
return "0x0"
return eb.Hex()
func (self *XEth) NumberToHuman(balance string) string {
b := common.Big(balance)
return common.CurrencyToString(b)
func (self *XEth) StorageAt(addr, storageAddr string) string {
return self.State().state.GetState(common.HexToAddress(addr), common.HexToHash(storageAddr)).Hex()
func (self *XEth) BalanceAt(addr string) string {
return common.ToHex(self.State().state.GetBalance(common.HexToAddress(addr)).Bytes())
func (self *XEth) TxCountAt(address string) int {
return int(self.State().state.GetNonce(common.HexToAddress(address)))
func (self *XEth) CodeAt(address string) string {
return common.ToHex(self.State().state.GetCode(common.HexToAddress(address)))
func (self *XEth) CodeAtBytes(address string) []byte {
return self.State().SafeGet(address).Code()
func (self *XEth) IsContract(address string) bool {
return len(self.State().SafeGet(address).Code()) > 0
func (self *XEth) UninstallFilter(id int) bool {
defer self.filterManager.Remove(id)
if _, ok := self.logQueue[id]; ok {
defer self.logMu.Unlock()
delete(self.logQueue, id)
return true
if _, ok := self.blockQueue[id]; ok {
defer self.blockMu.Unlock()
delete(self.blockQueue, id)
return true
if _, ok := self.transactionQueue[id]; ok {
defer self.transactionMu.Unlock()
delete(self.transactionQueue, id)
return true
return false
func (self *XEth) NewLogFilter(earliest, latest int64, skip, max int, address []string, topics [][]string) int {
defer self.logMu.Unlock()
filter := filters.New(self.backend.ChainDb())
id := self.filterManager.Add(filter)
self.logQueue[id] = &logQueue{timeout: time.Now()}
filter.LogsCallback = func(logs vm.Logs) {
defer self.logMu.Unlock()
if queue := self.logQueue[id]; queue != nil {
return id
func (self *XEth) NewTransactionFilter() int {
defer self.transactionMu.Unlock()
filter := filters.New(self.backend.ChainDb())
id := self.filterManager.Add(filter)
self.transactionQueue[id] = &hashQueue{timeout: time.Now()}
filter.TransactionCallback = func(tx *types.Transaction) {
defer self.transactionMu.Unlock()
if queue := self.transactionQueue[id]; queue != nil {
return id
func (self *XEth) NewBlockFilter() int {
defer self.blockMu.Unlock()
filter := filters.New(self.backend.ChainDb())
id := self.filterManager.Add(filter)
self.blockQueue[id] = &hashQueue{timeout: time.Now()}
filter.BlockCallback = func(block *types.Block, logs vm.Logs) {
defer self.blockMu.Unlock()
if queue := self.blockQueue[id]; queue != nil {
return id
func (self *XEth) GetFilterType(id int) byte {
if _, ok := self.blockQueue[id]; ok {
return BlockFilterTy
} else if _, ok := self.transactionQueue[id]; ok {
return TransactionFilterTy
} else if _, ok := self.logQueue[id]; ok {
return LogFilterTy
return UnknownFilterTy
func (self *XEth) LogFilterChanged(id int) vm.Logs {
defer self.logMu.Unlock()
if self.logQueue[id] != nil {
return self.logQueue[id].get()
return nil
func (self *XEth) BlockFilterChanged(id int) []common.Hash {
defer self.blockMu.Unlock()
if self.blockQueue[id] != nil {
return self.blockQueue[id].get()
return nil
func (self *XEth) TransactionFilterChanged(id int) []common.Hash {
defer self.blockMu.Unlock()
if self.transactionQueue[id] != nil {
return self.transactionQueue[id].get()
return nil
func (self *XEth) Logs(id int) vm.Logs {
filter := self.filterManager.Get(id)
if filter != nil {
return filter.Find()
return nil
func (self *XEth) AllLogs(earliest, latest int64, skip, max int, address []string, topics [][]string) vm.Logs {
filter := filters.New(self.backend.ChainDb())
return filter.Find()
// NewWhisperFilter creates and registers a new message filter to watch for
// inbound whisper messages. All parameters at this point are assumed to be
// HEX encoded.
func (p *XEth) NewWhisperFilter(to, from string, topics [][]string) int {
// Pre-define the id to be filled later
var id int
// Callback to delegate core whisper messages to this xeth filter
callback := func(msg WhisperMessage) {
p.messagesMu.RLock() // Only read lock to the filter pool
defer p.messagesMu.RUnlock()
// Initialize the core whisper filter and wrap into xeth
id = p.Whisper().Watch(to, from, topics, callback)
p.messages[id] = newWhisperFilter(id, p.Whisper())
return id
// UninstallWhisperFilter disables and removes an existing filter.
func (p *XEth) UninstallWhisperFilter(id int) bool {
defer p.messagesMu.Unlock()
if _, ok := p.messages[id]; ok {
delete(p.messages, id)
return true
return false
// WhisperMessages retrieves all the known messages that match a specific filter.
func (self *XEth) WhisperMessages(id int) []WhisperMessage {
defer self.messagesMu.RUnlock()
if self.messages[id] != nil {
return self.messages[id].messages()
return nil
// WhisperMessagesChanged retrieves all the new messages matched by a filter
// since the last retrieval
func (self *XEth) WhisperMessagesChanged(id int) []WhisperMessage {
defer self.messagesMu.RUnlock()
if self.messages[id] != nil {
return self.messages[id].retrieve()
return nil
// func (self *XEth) Register(args string) bool {
// self.regmut.Lock()
// defer self.regmut.Unlock()
// if _, ok := self.register[args]; ok {
// self.register[args] = nil // register with empty
// }
// return true
// }
// func (self *XEth) Unregister(args string) bool {
// self.regmut.Lock()
// defer self.regmut.Unlock()
// if _, ok := self.register[args]; ok {
// delete(self.register, args)
// return true
// }
// return false
// }
// // TODO improve return type
// func (self *XEth) PullWatchTx(args string) []*interface{} {
// self.regmut.Lock()
// defer self.regmut.Unlock()
// txs := self.register[args]
// self.register[args] = nil
// return txs
// }
type KeyVal struct {
Key string `json:"key"`
Value string `json:"value"`
func (self *XEth) EachStorage(addr string) string {
var values []KeyVal
object := self.State().SafeGet(addr)
it := object.Trie().Iterator()
for it.Next() {
values = append(values, KeyVal{common.ToHex(object.Trie().GetKey(it.Key)), common.ToHex(it.Value)})
valuesJson, err := json.Marshal(values)
if err != nil {
return ""
return string(valuesJson)
func (self *XEth) ToAscii(str string) string {
padded := common.RightPadBytes([]byte(str), 32)
return "0x" + common.ToHex(padded)
func (self *XEth) FromAscii(str string) string {
if common.IsHex(str) {
str = str[2:]
return string(bytes.Trim(common.FromHex(str), "\x00"))
func (self *XEth) FromNumber(str string) string {
if common.IsHex(str) {
str = str[2:]
return common.BigD(common.FromHex(str)).String()
func (self *XEth) PushTx(encodedTx string) (string, error) {
tx := new(types.Transaction)
err := rlp.DecodeBytes(common.FromHex(encodedTx), tx)
if err != nil {
return "", err
err = self.backend.TxPool().Add(tx)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if tx.To() == nil {
from, err := tx.From()
if err != nil {
return "", err
addr := crypto.CreateAddress(from, tx.Nonce())
glog.V(logger.Info).Infof("Tx(%x) created: %x\n", tx.Hash(), addr)
} else {
glog.V(logger.Info).Infof("Tx(%x) to: %x\n", tx.Hash(), tx.To())
return tx.Hash().Hex(), nil
func (self *XEth) Call(fromStr, toStr, valueStr, gasStr, gasPriceStr, dataStr string) (string, string, error) {
statedb := self.State().State().Copy()
var from *state.StateObject
if len(fromStr) == 0 {
accounts, err := self.backend.AccountManager().Accounts()
if err != nil || len(accounts) == 0 {
from = statedb.GetOrNewStateObject(common.Address{})
} else {
from = statedb.GetOrNewStateObject(accounts[0].Address)
} else {
from = statedb.GetOrNewStateObject(common.HexToAddress(fromStr))
msg := callmsg{
from: from,
gas: common.Big(gasStr),
gasPrice: common.Big(gasPriceStr),
value: common.Big(valueStr),
data: common.FromHex(dataStr),
if len(toStr) > 0 {
addr := common.HexToAddress(toStr)
| = &addr
if msg.gas.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) == 0 {
msg.gas = big.NewInt(50000000)
if msg.gasPrice.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) == 0 {
msg.gasPrice = self.DefaultGasPrice()
header := self.CurrentBlock().Header()
vmenv := core.NewEnv(statedb, self.backend.BlockChain(), msg, header)
gp := new(core.GasPool).AddGas(common.MaxBig)
res, gas, err := core.ApplyMessage(vmenv, msg, gp)
return common.ToHex(res), gas.String(), err
func (self *XEth) ConfirmTransaction(tx string) bool {
return self.frontend.ConfirmTransaction(tx)
func (self *XEth) doSign(from common.Address, hash common.Hash, didUnlock bool) ([]byte, error) {
sig, err := self.backend.AccountManager().Sign(accounts.Account{Address: from}, hash.Bytes())
if err == accounts.ErrLocked {
if didUnlock {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("signer account still locked after successful unlock")
if !self.frontend.UnlockAccount(from.Bytes()) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not unlock signer account")
// retry signing, the account should now be unlocked.
return self.doSign(from, hash, true)
} else if err != nil {
return nil, err
return sig, nil
func (self *XEth) Sign(fromStr, hashStr string, didUnlock bool) (string, error) {
var (
from = common.HexToAddress(fromStr)
hash = common.HexToHash(hashStr)
sig, err := self.doSign(from, hash, didUnlock)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return common.ToHex(sig), nil
func isAddress(addr string) bool {
return addrReg.MatchString(addr)
func (self *XEth) Frontend() Frontend {
return self.frontend
func (self *XEth) Transact(fromStr, toStr, nonceStr, valueStr, gasStr, gasPriceStr, codeStr string) (string, error) {
// this minimalistic recoding is enough (works for natspec.js)
var jsontx = fmt.Sprintf(`{"params":[{"to":"%s","data": "%s"}]}`, toStr, codeStr)
if !self.ConfirmTransaction(jsontx) {
err := fmt.Errorf("Transaction not confirmed")
return "", err
if len(toStr) > 0 && toStr != "0x" && !isAddress(toStr) {
return "", errors.New("Invalid address")
var (
from = common.HexToAddress(fromStr)
to = common.HexToAddress(toStr)
value = common.Big(valueStr)
gas *big.Int
price *big.Int
data []byte
contractCreation bool
if len(gasStr) == 0 {
gas = DefaultGas()
} else {
gas = common.Big(gasStr)
if len(gasPriceStr) == 0 {
price = self.DefaultGasPrice()
} else {
price = common.Big(gasPriceStr)
data = common.FromHex(codeStr)
if len(toStr) == 0 {
contractCreation = true
// 2015-05-18 Is this still needed?
// TODO if no_private_key then
//if _, exists := p.register[args.From]; exists {
// p.register[args.From] = append(p.register[args.From], args)
//} else {
account := accounts.Get(common.FromHex(args.From))
if account != nil {
if account.Unlocked() {
if !unlockAccount(account) {
result, _ := account.Transact(common.FromHex(args.To), common.FromHex(args.Value), common.FromHex(args.Gas), common.FromHex(args.GasPrice), common.FromHex(args.Data))
if len(result) > 0 {
*reply = common.ToHex(result)
} else if _, exists := p.register[args.From]; exists {
p.register[ags.From] = append(p.register[args.From], args)
defer self.transactMu.Unlock()
var nonce uint64
if len(nonceStr) != 0 {
nonce = common.Big(nonceStr).Uint64()
} else {
state := self.backend.TxPool().State()
nonce = state.GetNonce(from)
var tx *types.Transaction
if contractCreation {
tx = types.NewContractCreation(nonce, value, gas, price, data)
} else {
tx = types.NewTransaction(nonce, to, value, gas, price, data)
signed, err := self.sign(tx, from, false)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if err = self.backend.TxPool().Add(signed); err != nil {
return "", err
if contractCreation {
addr := crypto.CreateAddress(from, nonce)
glog.V(logger.Info).Infof("Tx(%s) created: %s\n", signed.Hash().Hex(), addr.Hex())
} else {
glog.V(logger.Info).Infof("Tx(%s) to: %s\n", signed.Hash().Hex(), tx.To().Hex())
return signed.Hash().Hex(), nil
func (self *XEth) sign(tx *types.Transaction, from common.Address, didUnlock bool) (*types.Transaction, error) {
hash := tx.SigHash()
sig, err := self.doSign(from, hash, didUnlock)
if err != nil {
return tx, err
return tx.WithSignature(sig)
// callmsg is the message type used for call transations.
type callmsg struct {
from *state.StateObject
to *common.Address
gas, gasPrice *big.Int
value *big.Int
data []byte
// accessor boilerplate to implement core.Message
func (m callmsg) From() (common.Address, error) { return m.from.Address(), nil }
func (m callmsg) Nonce() uint64 { return m.from.Nonce() }
func (m callmsg) To() *common.Address { return }
func (m callmsg) GasPrice() *big.Int { return m.gasPrice }
func (m callmsg) Gas() *big.Int { return m.gas }
func (m callmsg) Value() *big.Int { return m.value }
func (m callmsg) Data() []byte { return }
type logQueue struct {
mu sync.Mutex
logs vm.Logs
timeout time.Time
id int
func (l *logQueue) add(logs ...*vm.Log) {
l.logs = append(l.logs, logs...)
func (l *logQueue) get() vm.Logs {
l.timeout = time.Now()
tmp := l.logs
l.logs = nil
return tmp
type hashQueue struct {
mu sync.Mutex
hashes []common.Hash
timeout time.Time
id int
func (l *hashQueue) add(hashes ...common.Hash) {
l.hashes = append(l.hashes, hashes...)
func (l *hashQueue) get() []common.Hash {
l.timeout = time.Now()
tmp := l.hashes
l.hashes = nil
return tmp