forked from cerc-io/plugeth
This PR adds support for using Twitter API to query the tweet and author details. There are two reasons behind this change: - Twitter will be deprecating the legacy website on 15th December. The current method is expected to stop working then. - More importantly, the current system uses Twitter handle for spam protection but the Twitter handle can be changed via automated calls. This allows bots to use the same tweet to withdraw funds infinite times as long as they keep changing their handle between every request. The Rinkeby as well as the Goerli faucet are being actively drained via this method. This PR changes the spam protection to be based on Twitter IDs instead of usernames. A user can not change their Twitter ID.
255 lines
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255 lines
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// Copyright 2017 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of go-ethereum.
// go-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// go-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with go-ethereum. If not, see <>.
package main
import (
// faucetDockerfile is the Dockerfile required to build a faucet container to
// grant crypto tokens based on GitHub authentications.
var faucetDockerfile = `
FROM ethereum/client-go:alltools-latest
ADD genesis.json /genesis.json
ADD account.json /account.json
ADD account.pass /account.pass
EXPOSE 8080 30303 30303/udp
"faucet", "--genesis", "/genesis.json", "--network", "{{.NetworkID}}", "--bootnodes", "{{.Bootnodes}}", "--ethstats", "{{.Ethstats}}", "--ethport", "{{.EthPort}}", \
"", "{{.FaucetName}}", "--faucet.amount", "{{.FaucetAmount}}", "--faucet.minutes", "{{.FaucetMinutes}}", "--faucet.tiers", "{{.FaucetTiers}}", \
"--account.json", "/account.json", "--account.pass", "/account.pass" \
{{if .CaptchaToken}}, "--captcha.token", "{{.CaptchaToken}}", "--captcha.secret", "{{.CaptchaSecret}}"{{end}}{{if .NoAuth}}, "--noauth"{{end}} \
{{if .TwitterToken}}, "--twitter.token", "{{.TwitterToken}}",
// faucetComposefile is the docker-compose.yml file required to deploy and maintain
// a crypto faucet.
var faucetComposefile = `
version: '2'
build: .
image: {{.Network}}/faucet
container_name: {{.Network}}_faucet_1
- "{{.EthPort}}:{{.EthPort}}"
- "{{.EthPort}}:{{.EthPort}}/udp"{{if not .VHost}}
- "{{.ApiPort}}:8080"{{end}}
- {{.Datadir}}:/root/.faucet
- ETH_PORT={{.EthPort}}
- ETH_NAME={{.EthName}}
- FAUCET_AMOUNT={{.FaucetAmount}}
- FAUCET_MINUTES={{.FaucetMinutes}}
- FAUCET_TIERS={{.FaucetTiers}}
- CAPTCHA_TOKEN={{.CaptchaToken}}
- CAPTCHA_SECRET={{.CaptchaSecret}}
- TWITTER_TOKEN={{.TwitterToken}}
- NO_AUTH={{.NoAuth}}{{if .VHost}}
- VIRTUAL_PORT=8080{{end}}
driver: "json-file"
max-size: "1m"
max-file: "10"
restart: always
// deployFaucet deploys a new faucet container to a remote machine via SSH,
// docker and docker-compose. If an instance with the specified network name
// already exists there, it will be overwritten!
func deployFaucet(client *sshClient, network string, bootnodes []string, config *faucetInfos, nocache bool) ([]byte, error) {
// Generate the content to upload to the server
workdir := fmt.Sprintf("%d", rand.Int63())
files := make(map[string][]byte)
dockerfile := new(bytes.Buffer)
template.Must(template.New("").Parse(faucetDockerfile)).Execute(dockerfile, map[string]interface{}{
"Bootnodes": strings.Join(bootnodes, ","),
"Ethstats": config.node.ethstats,
"EthPort": config.node.port,
"CaptchaToken": config.captchaToken,
"CaptchaSecret": config.captchaSecret,
"FaucetName": strings.Title(network),
"FaucetAmount": config.amount,
"FaucetMinutes": config.minutes,
"FaucetTiers": config.tiers,
"NoAuth": config.noauth,
"TwitterToken": config.twitterToken,
files[filepath.Join(workdir, "Dockerfile")] = dockerfile.Bytes()
composefile := new(bytes.Buffer)
template.Must(template.New("").Parse(faucetComposefile)).Execute(composefile, map[string]interface{}{
"Network": network,
"Datadir": config.node.datadir,
"ApiPort": config.port,
"EthPort": config.node.port,
"EthName": config.node.ethstats[:strings.Index(config.node.ethstats, ":")],
"CaptchaToken": config.captchaToken,
"CaptchaSecret": config.captchaSecret,
"FaucetAmount": config.amount,
"FaucetMinutes": config.minutes,
"FaucetTiers": config.tiers,
"NoAuth": config.noauth,
"TwitterToken": config.twitterToken,
files[filepath.Join(workdir, "docker-compose.yaml")] = composefile.Bytes()
files[filepath.Join(workdir, "genesis.json")] = config.node.genesis
files[filepath.Join(workdir, "account.json")] = []byte(config.node.keyJSON)
files[filepath.Join(workdir, "account.pass")] = []byte(config.node.keyPass)
// Upload the deployment files to the remote server (and clean up afterwards)
if out, err := client.Upload(files); err != nil {
return out, err
defer client.Run("rm -rf " + workdir)
// Build and deploy the faucet service
if nocache {
return nil, client.Stream(fmt.Sprintf("cd %s && docker-compose -p %s build --pull --no-cache && docker-compose -p %s up -d --force-recreate --timeout 60", workdir, network, network))
return nil, client.Stream(fmt.Sprintf("cd %s && docker-compose -p %s up -d --build --force-recreate --timeout 60", workdir, network))
// faucetInfos is returned from a faucet status check to allow reporting various
// configuration parameters.
type faucetInfos struct {
node *nodeInfos
host string
port int
amount int
minutes int
tiers int
noauth bool
captchaToken string
captchaSecret string
twitterToken string
// Report converts the typed struct into a plain string->string map, containing
// most - but not all - fields for reporting to the user.
func (info *faucetInfos) Report() map[string]string {
report := map[string]string{
"Website address":,
"Website listener port": strconv.Itoa(info.port),
"Ethereum listener port": strconv.Itoa(info.node.port),
"Funding amount (base tier)": fmt.Sprintf("%d Ethers", info.amount),
"Funding cooldown (base tier)": fmt.Sprintf("%d mins", info.minutes),
"Funding tiers": strconv.Itoa(info.tiers),
"Captha protection": fmt.Sprintf("%v", info.captchaToken != ""),
"Using Twitter API": fmt.Sprintf("%v", info.twitterToken != ""),
"Ethstats username": info.node.ethstats,
if info.noauth {
report["Debug mode (no auth)"] = "enabled"
if info.node.keyJSON != "" {
var key struct {
Address string `json:"address"`
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(info.node.keyJSON), &key); err == nil {
report["Funding account"] = common.HexToAddress(key.Address).Hex()
} else {
log.Error("Failed to retrieve signer address", "err", err)
return report
// checkFaucet does a health-check against a faucet server to verify whether
// it's running, and if yes, gathering a collection of useful infos about it.
func checkFaucet(client *sshClient, network string) (*faucetInfos, error) {
// Inspect a possible faucet container on the host
infos, err := inspectContainer(client, fmt.Sprintf("%s_faucet_1", network))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !infos.running {
return nil, ErrServiceOffline
// Resolve the port from the host, or the reverse proxy
port := infos.portmap["8080/tcp"]
if port == 0 {
if proxy, _ := checkNginx(client, network); proxy != nil {
port = proxy.port
if port == 0 {
return nil, ErrNotExposed
// Resolve the host from the reverse-proxy and the config values
host := infos.envvars["VIRTUAL_HOST"]
if host == "" {
host = client.server
amount, _ := strconv.Atoi(infos.envvars["FAUCET_AMOUNT"])
minutes, _ := strconv.Atoi(infos.envvars["FAUCET_MINUTES"])
tiers, _ := strconv.Atoi(infos.envvars["FAUCET_TIERS"])
// Retrieve the funding account information
var out []byte
keyJSON, keyPass := "", ""
if out, err = client.Run(fmt.Sprintf("docker exec %s_faucet_1 cat /account.json", network)); err == nil {
keyJSON = string(bytes.TrimSpace(out))
if out, err = client.Run(fmt.Sprintf("docker exec %s_faucet_1 cat /account.pass", network)); err == nil {
keyPass = string(bytes.TrimSpace(out))
// Run a sanity check to see if the port is reachable
if err = checkPort(host, port); err != nil {
log.Warn("Faucet service seems unreachable", "server", host, "port", port, "err", err)
// Container available, assemble and return the useful infos
return &faucetInfos{
node: &nodeInfos{
datadir: infos.volumes["/root/.faucet"],
port: infos.portmap[infos.envvars["ETH_PORT"]+"/tcp"],
ethstats: infos.envvars["ETH_NAME"],
keyJSON: keyJSON,
keyPass: keyPass,
host: host,
port: port,
amount: amount,
minutes: minutes,
tiers: tiers,
captchaToken: infos.envvars["CAPTCHA_TOKEN"],
captchaSecret: infos.envvars["CAPTCHA_SECRET"],
noauth: infos.envvars["NO_AUTH"] == "true",
twitterToken: infos.envvars["TWITTER_TOKEN"],
}, nil