forked from cerc-io/plugeth
This PR allows users to pass in a config object directly to the tracers. Previously only the struct logger was configurable. It also adds an option to the call tracer which if enabled makes it ignore any subcall and collect only information about the top-level call. See #25419 for discussion. The tracers will silently ignore if they are passed a config they don't care about.
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// Copyright 2022 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <>.
package js
import (
jsassets ""
var assetTracers = make(map[string]string)
// init retrieves the JavaScript transaction tracers included in go-ethereum.
func init() {
var err error
assetTracers, err = jsassets.Load()
if err != nil {
tracers.RegisterLookup(true, newJsTracer)
// bigIntProgram is compiled once and the exported function mostly invoked to convert
// hex strings into big ints.
var bigIntProgram = goja.MustCompile("bigInt", bigIntegerJS, false)
type toBigFn = func(vm *goja.Runtime, val string) (goja.Value, error)
type toBufFn = func(vm *goja.Runtime, val []byte) (goja.Value, error)
type fromBufFn = func(vm *goja.Runtime, buf goja.Value, allowString bool) ([]byte, error)
func toBuf(vm *goja.Runtime, bufType goja.Value, val []byte) (goja.Value, error) {
// bufType is usually Uint8Array. This is equivalent to `new Uint8Array(val)` in JS.
return vm.New(bufType, vm.ToValue(vm.NewArrayBuffer(val)))
func fromBuf(vm *goja.Runtime, bufType goja.Value, buf goja.Value, allowString bool) ([]byte, error) {
obj := buf.ToObject(vm)
switch obj.ClassName() {
case "String":
if !allowString {
return common.FromHex(obj.String()), nil
case "Array":
var b []byte
if err := vm.ExportTo(buf, &b); err != nil {
return nil, err
return b, nil
case "Object":
if !obj.Get("constructor").SameAs(bufType) {
b := obj.Get("buffer").Export().(goja.ArrayBuffer).Bytes()
return b, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid buffer type")
// jsTracer is an implementation of the Tracer interface which evaluates
// JS functions on the relevant EVM hooks. It uses Goja as its JS engine.
type jsTracer struct {
vm *goja.Runtime
env *vm.EVM
toBig toBigFn // Converts a hex string into a JS bigint
toBuf toBufFn // Converts a []byte into a JS buffer
fromBuf fromBufFn // Converts an array, hex string or Uint8Array to a []byte
ctx map[string]goja.Value // KV-bag passed to JS in `result`
activePrecompiles []common.Address // List of active precompiles at current block
traceStep bool // True if tracer object exposes a `step()` method
traceFrame bool // True if tracer object exposes the `enter()` and `exit()` methods
gasLimit uint64 // Amount of gas bought for the whole tx
err error // Any error that should stop tracing
obj *goja.Object // Trace object
// Methods exposed by tracer
result goja.Callable
fault goja.Callable
step goja.Callable
enter goja.Callable
exit goja.Callable
// Underlying structs being passed into JS
log *steplog
frame *callframe
frameResult *callframeResult
// Goja-wrapping of types prepared for JS consumption
logValue goja.Value
dbValue goja.Value
frameValue goja.Value
frameResultValue goja.Value
// newJsTracer instantiates a new JS tracer instance. code is either
// the name of a built-in JS tracer or a Javascript snippet which
// evaluates to an expression returning an object with certain methods.
// The methods `result` and `fault` are required to be present.
// The methods `step`, `enter`, and `exit` are optional, but note that
// `enter` and `exit` always go together.
func newJsTracer(code string, ctx *tracers.Context, cfg json.RawMessage) (tracers.Tracer, error) {
if c, ok := assetTracers[code]; ok {
code = c
vm := goja.New()
// By default field names are exported to JS as is, i.e. capitalized.
t := &jsTracer{
vm: vm,
ctx: make(map[string]goja.Value),
if ctx == nil {
ctx = new(tracers.Context)
if ctx.BlockHash != (common.Hash{}) {
t.ctx["blockHash"] = vm.ToValue(ctx.BlockHash.Bytes())
if ctx.TxHash != (common.Hash{}) {
t.ctx["txIndex"] = vm.ToValue(ctx.TxIndex)
t.ctx["txHash"] = vm.ToValue(ctx.TxHash.Bytes())
ret, err := vm.RunString("(" + code + ")")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Check tracer's interface for required and optional methods.
obj := ret.ToObject(vm)
result, ok := goja.AssertFunction(obj.Get("result"))
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("trace object must expose a function result()")
fault, ok := goja.AssertFunction(obj.Get("fault"))
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("trace object must expose a function fault()")
step, ok := goja.AssertFunction(obj.Get("step"))
t.traceStep = ok
enter, hasEnter := goja.AssertFunction(obj.Get("enter"))
exit, hasExit := goja.AssertFunction(obj.Get("exit"))
if hasEnter != hasExit {
return nil, errors.New("trace object must expose either both or none of enter() and exit()")
t.traceFrame = hasEnter
t.obj = obj
t.step = step
t.enter = enter
t.exit = exit
t.result = result
t.fault = fault
// Pass in config
if setup, ok := goja.AssertFunction(obj.Get("setup")); ok {
cfgStr := "{}"
if cfg != nil {
cfgStr = string(cfg)
if _, err := setup(obj, vm.ToValue(cfgStr)); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Setup objects carrying data to JS. These are created once and re-used.
t.log = &steplog{
vm: vm,
op: &opObj{vm: vm},
memory: &memoryObj{vm: vm, toBig: t.toBig, toBuf: t.toBuf},
stack: &stackObj{vm: vm, toBig: t.toBig},
contract: &contractObj{vm: vm, toBig: t.toBig, toBuf: t.toBuf},
t.frame = &callframe{vm: vm, toBig: t.toBig, toBuf: t.toBuf}
t.frameResult = &callframeResult{vm: vm, toBuf: t.toBuf}
t.frameValue = t.frame.setupObject()
t.frameResultValue = t.frameResult.setupObject()
t.logValue = t.log.setupObject()
return t, nil
// CaptureTxStart implements the Tracer interface and is invoked at the beginning of
// transaction processing.
func (t *jsTracer) CaptureTxStart(gasLimit uint64) {
t.gasLimit = gasLimit
// CaptureTxStart implements the Tracer interface and is invoked at the end of
// transaction processing.
func (t *jsTracer) CaptureTxEnd(restGas uint64) {}
// CaptureStart implements the Tracer interface to initialize the tracing operation.
func (t *jsTracer) CaptureStart(env *vm.EVM, from common.Address, to common.Address, create bool, input []byte, gas uint64, value *big.Int) {
t.env = env
db := &dbObj{db: env.StateDB, vm: t.vm, toBig: t.toBig, toBuf: t.toBuf, fromBuf: t.fromBuf}
t.dbValue = db.setupObject()
if create {
t.ctx["type"] = t.vm.ToValue("CREATE")
} else {
t.ctx["type"] = t.vm.ToValue("CALL")
t.ctx["from"] = t.vm.ToValue(from.Bytes())
t.ctx["to"] = t.vm.ToValue(to.Bytes())
t.ctx["input"] = t.vm.ToValue(input)
t.ctx["gas"] = t.vm.ToValue(gas)
t.ctx["gasPrice"] = t.vm.ToValue(env.TxContext.GasPrice)
valueBig, err := t.toBig(t.vm, value.String())
if err != nil {
t.err = err
t.ctx["value"] = valueBig
t.ctx["block"] = t.vm.ToValue(env.Context.BlockNumber.Uint64())
// Update list of precompiles based on current block
rules := env.ChainConfig().Rules(env.Context.BlockNumber, env.Context.Random != nil)
t.activePrecompiles = vm.ActivePrecompiles(rules)
t.ctx["intrinsicGas"] = t.vm.ToValue(t.gasLimit - gas)
// CaptureState implements the Tracer interface to trace a single step of VM execution.
func (t *jsTracer) CaptureState(pc uint64, op vm.OpCode, gas, cost uint64, scope *vm.ScopeContext, rData []byte, depth int, err error) {
if !t.traceStep {
if t.err != nil {
log := t.log
log.op.op = op
log.memory.memory = scope.Memory
log.stack.stack = scope.Stack
log.contract.contract = scope.Contract
log.pc = uint(pc)
log.gas = uint(gas)
log.cost = uint(cost)
log.depth = uint(depth)
log.err = err
if _, err := t.step(t.obj, t.logValue, t.dbValue); err != nil {
t.onError("step", err)
// CaptureFault implements the Tracer interface to trace an execution fault
func (t *jsTracer) CaptureFault(pc uint64, op vm.OpCode, gas, cost uint64, scope *vm.ScopeContext, depth int, err error) {
if t.err != nil {
// Other log fields have been already set as part of the last CaptureState.
t.log.err = err
if _, err := t.fault(t.obj, t.logValue, t.dbValue); err != nil {
t.onError("fault", err)
// CaptureEnd is called after the call finishes to finalize the tracing.
func (t *jsTracer) CaptureEnd(output []byte, gasUsed uint64, duration time.Duration, err error) {
t.ctx["output"] = t.vm.ToValue(output)
t.ctx["time"] = t.vm.ToValue(duration.String())
t.ctx["gasUsed"] = t.vm.ToValue(gasUsed)
if err != nil {
t.ctx["error"] = t.vm.ToValue(err.Error())
// CaptureEnter is called when EVM enters a new scope (via call, create or selfdestruct).
func (t *jsTracer) CaptureEnter(typ vm.OpCode, from common.Address, to common.Address, input []byte, gas uint64, value *big.Int) {
if !t.traceFrame {
if t.err != nil {
t.frame.typ = typ.String()
t.frame.from = from
| = to
t.frame.input = common.CopyBytes(input)
t.frame.gas = uint(gas)
t.frame.value = nil
if value != nil {
t.frame.value = new(big.Int).SetBytes(value.Bytes())
if _, err := t.enter(t.obj, t.frameValue); err != nil {
t.onError("enter", err)
// CaptureExit is called when EVM exits a scope, even if the scope didn't
// execute any code.
func (t *jsTracer) CaptureExit(output []byte, gasUsed uint64, err error) {
if !t.traceFrame {
t.frameResult.gasUsed = uint(gasUsed)
t.frameResult.output = common.CopyBytes(output)
t.frameResult.err = err
if _, err := t.exit(t.obj, t.frameResultValue); err != nil {
t.onError("exit", err)
// GetResult calls the Javascript 'result' function and returns its value, or any accumulated error
func (t *jsTracer) GetResult() (json.RawMessage, error) {
ctx := t.vm.ToValue(t.ctx)
res, err := t.result(t.obj, ctx, t.dbValue)
if err != nil {
return nil, wrapError("result", err)
encoded, err := json.Marshal(res)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return json.RawMessage(encoded), t.err
// Stop terminates execution of the tracer at the first opportune moment.
func (t *jsTracer) Stop(err error) {
// onError is called anytime the running JS code is interrupted
// and returns an error. It in turn pings the EVM to cancel its
// execution.
func (t *jsTracer) onError(context string, err error) {
t.err = wrapError(context, err)
// `env` is set on CaptureStart which comes before any JS execution.
// So it should be non-nil.
func wrapError(context string, err error) error {
return fmt.Errorf("%v in server-side tracer function '%v'", err, context)
// setBuiltinFunctions injects Go functions which are available to tracers into the environment.
// It depends on type converters having been set up.
func (t *jsTracer) setBuiltinFunctions() {
vm := t.vm
// TODO: load console from goja-nodejs
vm.Set("toHex", func(v goja.Value) string {
b, err := t.fromBuf(vm, v, false)
if err != nil {
return ""
return hexutil.Encode(b)
vm.Set("toWord", func(v goja.Value) goja.Value {
// TODO: add test with []byte len < 32 or > 32
b, err := t.fromBuf(vm, v, true)
if err != nil {
return nil
b = common.BytesToHash(b).Bytes()
res, err := t.toBuf(vm, b)
if err != nil {
return nil
return res
vm.Set("toAddress", func(v goja.Value) goja.Value {
a, err := t.fromBuf(vm, v, true)
if err != nil {
return nil
a = common.BytesToAddress(a).Bytes()
res, err := t.toBuf(vm, a)
if err != nil {
return nil
return res
vm.Set("toContract", func(from goja.Value, nonce uint) goja.Value {
a, err := t.fromBuf(vm, from, true)
if err != nil {
return nil
addr := common.BytesToAddress(a)
b := crypto.CreateAddress(addr, uint64(nonce)).Bytes()
res, err := t.toBuf(vm, b)
if err != nil {
return nil
return res
vm.Set("toContract2", func(from goja.Value, salt string, initcode goja.Value) goja.Value {
a, err := t.fromBuf(vm, from, true)
if err != nil {
return nil
addr := common.BytesToAddress(a)
code, err := t.fromBuf(vm, initcode, true)
if err != nil {
return nil
code = common.CopyBytes(code)
codeHash := crypto.Keccak256(code)
b := crypto.CreateAddress2(addr, common.HexToHash(salt), codeHash).Bytes()
res, err := t.toBuf(vm, b)
if err != nil {
return nil
return res
vm.Set("isPrecompiled", func(v goja.Value) bool {
a, err := t.fromBuf(vm, v, true)
if err != nil {
return false
addr := common.BytesToAddress(a)
for _, p := range t.activePrecompiles {
if p == addr {
return true
return false
vm.Set("slice", func(slice goja.Value, start, end int) goja.Value {
b, err := t.fromBuf(vm, slice, false)
if err != nil {
return nil
if start < 0 || start > end || end > len(b) {
vm.Interrupt(fmt.Sprintf("Tracer accessed out of bound memory: available %d, offset %d, size %d", len(b), start, end-start))
return nil
res, err := t.toBuf(vm, b[start:end])
if err != nil {
return nil
return res
// setTypeConverters sets up utilities for converting Go types into those
// suitable for JS consumption.
func (t *jsTracer) setTypeConverters() error {
// Inject bigint logic.
// TODO: To be replaced after goja adds support for native JS bigint.
toBigCode, err := t.vm.RunProgram(bigIntProgram)
if err != nil {
return err
// Used to create JS bigint objects from go.
toBigFn, ok := goja.AssertFunction(toBigCode)
if !ok {
return errors.New("failed to bind bigInt func")
toBigWrapper := func(vm *goja.Runtime, val string) (goja.Value, error) {
return toBigFn(goja.Undefined(), vm.ToValue(val))
t.toBig = toBigWrapper
// NOTE: We need this workaround to create JS buffers because
// goja doesn't at the moment expose constructors for typed arrays.
// Cache uint8ArrayType once to be used every time for less overhead.
uint8ArrayType := t.vm.Get("Uint8Array")
toBufWrapper := func(vm *goja.Runtime, val []byte) (goja.Value, error) {
return toBuf(vm, uint8ArrayType, val)
t.toBuf = toBufWrapper
fromBufWrapper := func(vm *goja.Runtime, buf goja.Value, allowString bool) ([]byte, error) {
return fromBuf(vm, uint8ArrayType, buf, allowString)
t.fromBuf = fromBufWrapper
return nil
type opObj struct {
vm *goja.Runtime
op vm.OpCode
func (o *opObj) ToNumber() int {
return int(o.op)
func (o *opObj) ToString() string {
return o.op.String()
func (o *opObj) IsPush() bool {
return o.op.IsPush()
func (o *opObj) setupObject() *goja.Object {
obj := o.vm.NewObject()
obj.Set("toNumber", o.vm.ToValue(o.ToNumber))
obj.Set("toString", o.vm.ToValue(o.ToString))
obj.Set("isPush", o.vm.ToValue(o.IsPush))
return obj
type memoryObj struct {
memory *vm.Memory
vm *goja.Runtime
toBig toBigFn
toBuf toBufFn
func (mo *memoryObj) Slice(begin, end int64) goja.Value {
b, err := mo.slice(begin, end)
if err != nil {
return nil
res, err := mo.toBuf(mo.vm, b)
if err != nil {
return nil
return res
// slice returns the requested range of memory as a byte slice.
func (mo *memoryObj) slice(begin, end int64) ([]byte, error) {
if end == begin {
return []byte{}, nil
if end < begin || begin < 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("tracer accessed out of bound memory: offset %d, end %d", begin, end)
if mo.memory.Len() < int(end) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("tracer accessed out of bound memory: available %d, offset %d, size %d", mo.memory.Len(), begin, end-begin)
return mo.memory.GetCopy(begin, end-begin), nil
func (mo *memoryObj) GetUint(addr int64) goja.Value {
value, err := mo.getUint(addr)
if err != nil {
return nil
res, err := mo.toBig(mo.vm, value.String())
if err != nil {
return nil
return res
// getUint returns the 32 bytes at the specified address interpreted as a uint.
func (mo *memoryObj) getUint(addr int64) (*big.Int, error) {
if mo.memory.Len() < int(addr)+32 || addr < 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("tracer accessed out of bound memory: available %d, offset %d, size %d", mo.memory.Len(), addr, 32)
return new(big.Int).SetBytes(mo.memory.GetPtr(addr, 32)), nil
func (mo *memoryObj) Length() int {
return mo.memory.Len()
func (m *memoryObj) setupObject() *goja.Object {
o := m.vm.NewObject()
o.Set("slice", m.vm.ToValue(m.Slice))
o.Set("getUint", m.vm.ToValue(m.GetUint))
o.Set("length", m.vm.ToValue(m.Length))
return o
type stackObj struct {
stack *vm.Stack
vm *goja.Runtime
toBig toBigFn
func (s *stackObj) Peek(idx int) goja.Value {
value, err := s.peek(idx)
if err != nil {
return nil
res, err := s.toBig(s.vm, value.String())
if err != nil {
return nil
return res
// peek returns the nth-from-the-top element of the stack.
func (s *stackObj) peek(idx int) (*big.Int, error) {
if len(s.stack.Data()) <= idx || idx < 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("tracer accessed out of bound stack: size %d, index %d", len(s.stack.Data()), idx)
return s.stack.Back(idx).ToBig(), nil
func (s *stackObj) Length() int {
return len(s.stack.Data())
func (s *stackObj) setupObject() *goja.Object {
o := s.vm.NewObject()
o.Set("peek", s.vm.ToValue(s.Peek))
o.Set("length", s.vm.ToValue(s.Length))
return o
type dbObj struct {
db vm.StateDB
vm *goja.Runtime
toBig toBigFn
toBuf toBufFn
fromBuf fromBufFn
func (do *dbObj) GetBalance(addrSlice goja.Value) goja.Value {
a, err := do.fromBuf(do.vm, addrSlice, false)
if err != nil {
return nil
addr := common.BytesToAddress(a)
value := do.db.GetBalance(addr)
res, err := do.toBig(do.vm, value.String())
if err != nil {
return nil
return res
func (do *dbObj) GetNonce(addrSlice goja.Value) uint64 {
a, err := do.fromBuf(do.vm, addrSlice, false)
if err != nil {
return 0
addr := common.BytesToAddress(a)
return do.db.GetNonce(addr)
func (do *dbObj) GetCode(addrSlice goja.Value) goja.Value {
a, err := do.fromBuf(do.vm, addrSlice, false)
if err != nil {
return nil
addr := common.BytesToAddress(a)
code := do.db.GetCode(addr)
res, err := do.toBuf(do.vm, code)
if err != nil {
return nil
return res
func (do *dbObj) GetState(addrSlice goja.Value, hashSlice goja.Value) goja.Value {
a, err := do.fromBuf(do.vm, addrSlice, false)
if err != nil {
return nil
addr := common.BytesToAddress(a)
h, err := do.fromBuf(do.vm, hashSlice, false)
if err != nil {
return nil
hash := common.BytesToHash(h)
state := do.db.GetState(addr, hash).Bytes()
res, err := do.toBuf(do.vm, state)
if err != nil {
return nil
return res
func (do *dbObj) Exists(addrSlice goja.Value) bool {
a, err := do.fromBuf(do.vm, addrSlice, false)
if err != nil {
return false
addr := common.BytesToAddress(a)
return do.db.Exist(addr)
func (do *dbObj) setupObject() *goja.Object {
o := do.vm.NewObject()
o.Set("getBalance", do.vm.ToValue(do.GetBalance))
o.Set("getNonce", do.vm.ToValue(do.GetNonce))
o.Set("getCode", do.vm.ToValue(do.GetCode))
o.Set("getState", do.vm.ToValue(do.GetState))
o.Set("exists", do.vm.ToValue(do.Exists))
return o
type contractObj struct {
contract *vm.Contract
vm *goja.Runtime
toBig toBigFn
toBuf toBufFn
func (co *contractObj) GetCaller() goja.Value {
caller := co.contract.Caller().Bytes()
res, err := co.toBuf(co.vm, caller)
if err != nil {
return nil
return res
func (co *contractObj) GetAddress() goja.Value {
addr := co.contract.Address().Bytes()
res, err := co.toBuf(co.vm, addr)
if err != nil {
return nil
return res
func (co *contractObj) GetValue() goja.Value {
value := co.contract.Value()
res, err := co.toBig(co.vm, value.String())
if err != nil {
return nil
return res
func (co *contractObj) GetInput() goja.Value {
input := common.CopyBytes(co.contract.Input)
res, err := co.toBuf(co.vm, input)
if err != nil {
return nil
return res
func (c *contractObj) setupObject() *goja.Object {
o := c.vm.NewObject()
o.Set("getCaller", c.vm.ToValue(c.GetCaller))
o.Set("getAddress", c.vm.ToValue(c.GetAddress))
o.Set("getValue", c.vm.ToValue(c.GetValue))
o.Set("getInput", c.vm.ToValue(c.GetInput))
return o
type callframe struct {
vm *goja.Runtime
toBig toBigFn
toBuf toBufFn
typ string
from common.Address
to common.Address
input []byte
gas uint
value *big.Int
func (f *callframe) GetType() string {
return f.typ
func (f *callframe) GetFrom() goja.Value {
from := f.from.Bytes()
res, err := f.toBuf(f.vm, from)
if err != nil {
return nil
return res
func (f *callframe) GetTo() goja.Value {
to :=
res, err := f.toBuf(f.vm, to)
if err != nil {
return nil
return res
func (f *callframe) GetInput() goja.Value {
input := f.input
res, err := f.toBuf(f.vm, input)
if err != nil {
return nil
return res
func (f *callframe) GetGas() uint {
return f.gas
func (f *callframe) GetValue() goja.Value {
if f.value == nil {
return goja.Undefined()
res, err := f.toBig(f.vm, f.value.String())
if err != nil {
return nil
return res
func (f *callframe) setupObject() *goja.Object {
o := f.vm.NewObject()
o.Set("getType", f.vm.ToValue(f.GetType))
o.Set("getFrom", f.vm.ToValue(f.GetFrom))
o.Set("getTo", f.vm.ToValue(f.GetTo))
o.Set("getInput", f.vm.ToValue(f.GetInput))
o.Set("getGas", f.vm.ToValue(f.GetGas))
o.Set("getValue", f.vm.ToValue(f.GetValue))
return o
type callframeResult struct {
vm *goja.Runtime
toBuf toBufFn
gasUsed uint
output []byte
err error
func (r *callframeResult) GetGasUsed() uint {
return r.gasUsed
func (r *callframeResult) GetOutput() goja.Value {
res, err := r.toBuf(r.vm, r.output)
if err != nil {
return nil
return res
func (r *callframeResult) GetError() goja.Value {
if r.err != nil {
return r.vm.ToValue(r.err.Error())
return goja.Undefined()
func (r *callframeResult) setupObject() *goja.Object {
o := r.vm.NewObject()
o.Set("getGasUsed", r.vm.ToValue(r.GetGasUsed))
o.Set("getOutput", r.vm.ToValue(r.GetOutput))
o.Set("getError", r.vm.ToValue(r.GetError))
return o
type steplog struct {
vm *goja.Runtime
op *opObj
memory *memoryObj
stack *stackObj
contract *contractObj
pc uint
gas uint
cost uint
depth uint
refund uint
err error
func (l *steplog) GetPC() uint {
return l.pc
func (l *steplog) GetGas() uint {
return l.gas
func (l *steplog) GetCost() uint {
return l.cost
func (l *steplog) GetDepth() uint {
return l.depth
func (l *steplog) GetRefund() uint {
return l.refund
func (l *steplog) GetError() goja.Value {
if l.err != nil {
return l.vm.ToValue(l.err.Error())
return goja.Undefined()
func (l *steplog) setupObject() *goja.Object {
o := l.vm.NewObject()
// Setup basic fields.
o.Set("getPC", l.vm.ToValue(l.GetPC))
o.Set("getGas", l.vm.ToValue(l.GetGas))
o.Set("getCost", l.vm.ToValue(l.GetCost))
o.Set("getDepth", l.vm.ToValue(l.GetDepth))
o.Set("getRefund", l.vm.ToValue(l.GetRefund))
o.Set("getError", l.vm.ToValue(l.GetError))
// Setup nested objects.
o.Set("op", l.op.setupObject())
o.Set("stack", l.stack.setupObject())
o.Set("memory", l.memory.setupObject())
o.Set("contract", l.contract.setupObject())
return o