jwasinger 28e7371701
all: replace log15 with slog (#28187)
This PR replaces Geth's logger package (a fork of [log15]( with an implementation using slog, a logging library included as part of the Go standard library as of Go1.21.

Main changes are as follows:
* removes any log handlers that were unused in the Geth codebase.
* Json, logfmt, and terminal formatters are now slog handlers.
* Verbosity level constants are changed to match slog constant values.  Internal translation is done to make this opaque to the user and backwards compatible with existing `--verbosity` and `--vmodule` options.
* `--log.backtraceat` and `--log.debug` are removed.

The external-facing API is largely the same as the existing Geth logger.  Logger method signatures remain unchanged.

A small semantic difference is that a `Handler` can only be set once per `Logger` and not changed dynamically.  This just means that a new logger must be instantiated every time the handler of the root logger is changed.

For users of the `go-ethereum/log` module. If you were using this module for your own project, you will need to change the initialization. If you previously did 
log.Root().SetHandler(log.LvlFilterHandler(log.LvlInfo, log.StreamHandler(os.Stderr, log.TerminalFormat(true))))
You now instead need to do 
log.SetDefault(log.NewLogger(log.NewTerminalHandlerWithLevel(os.Stderr, log.LevelInfo, true)))
See more about reasoning here:
2023-11-29 08:33:50 +01:00

53 lines
4.8 KiB

INFO [xx-xx|] big.Int 111,222,333,444,555,678,999=111,222,333,444,555,678,999
INFO [xx-xx|] -big.Int -111,222,333,444,555,678,999=-111,222,333,444,555,678,999
INFO [xx-xx|] big.Int 11,122,233,344,455,567,899,900=11,122,233,344,455,567,899,900
INFO [xx-xx|] -big.Int -11,122,233,344,455,567,899,900=-11,122,233,344,455,567,899,900
INFO [xx-xx|] uint256 111,222,333,444,555,678,999=111,222,333,444,555,678,999
INFO [xx-xx|] uint256 11,122,233,344,455,567,899,900=11,122,233,344,455,567,899,900
INFO [xx-xx|] int64 1,000,000=1,000,000
INFO [xx-xx|] int64 -1,000,000=-1,000,000
INFO [xx-xx|] int64 9,223,372,036,854,775,807=9,223,372,036,854,775,807
INFO [xx-xx|] int64 -9,223,372,036,854,775,808=-9,223,372,036,854,775,808
INFO [xx-xx|] uint64 1,000,000=1,000,000
INFO [xx-xx|] uint64 18,446,744,073,709,551,615=18,446,744,073,709,551,615
INFO [xx-xx|] Special chars in value key="special \r\n\t chars"
INFO [xx-xx|] Special chars in key "special \n\t chars"=value
INFO [xx-xx|] nospace nospace=nospace
INFO [xx-xx|] with space "with nospace"="with nospace"
INFO [xx-xx|] Bash escapes in value key="\x1b[1G\x1b[K\x1b[1A"
INFO [xx-xx|] Bash escapes in key "\x1b[1G\x1b[K\x1b[1A"=value
INFO [xx-xx|] "Bash escapes in message \x1b[1G\x1b[K\x1b[1A end" key=value
INFO [xx-xx|] "\x1b[35mColored\x1b[0m[" "\x1b[35mColored\x1b[0m["="\x1b[35mColored\x1b[0m["
INFO [xx-xx|] an error message with quotes error="this is an 'error'"
INFO [xx-xx|] Custom Stringer value 2562047h47m16.854s=2562047h47m16.854s
INFO [xx-xx|] a custom stringer that emits quoted text output="output with 'quotes'"
INFO [xx-xx|] Lazy evaluation of value key="lazy value"
INFO [xx-xx|] "A message with wonky 💩 characters"
INFO [xx-xx|] "A multiline message \nINFO [10-18|14:11:31.106] with wonky characters 💩"
INFO [xx-xx|] A multiline message
LALA [ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ] Actually part of message above
INFO [xx-xx|] boolean true=true false=false
INFO [xx-xx|] repeated-key 1 foo=alpha foo=beta
INFO [xx-xx|] repeated-key 2 xx=short xx=longer
INFO [xx-xx|] log at level info
WARN [xx-xx|] log at level warn
ERROR[xx-xx|] log at level error
INFO [xx-xx|] test bar=short a="aligned left"
INFO [xx-xx|] test bar="a long message" a=1
INFO [xx-xx|] test bar=short a="aligned right"
INFO [xx-xx|] The following logs should align so that the key-fields make 5 columns
INFO [xx-xx|] Inserted known block number=1012 hash=000000..001234 txs=200 gas=1,123,123 other=first
INFO [xx-xx|] Inserted new block number=1 hash=000000..001235 txs=2 gas=1123 other=second
INFO [xx-xx|] Inserted known block number=99 hash=000000..012322 txs=10 gas=1 other=third
WARN [xx-xx|] Inserted known block number=1012 hash=000000..001234 txs=200 gas=99 other=fourth
INFO [xx-xx|] (*big.Int)(nil) <nil>=<nil>
INFO [xx-xx|] (*uint256.Int)(nil) <nil>=<nil>
INFO [xx-xx|] (fmt.Stringer)(nil) res=<nil>
INFO [xx-xx|] nil-concrete-stringer res=<nil>
INFO [xx-xx|] error(nil) res=<nil>
INFO [xx-xx|] nil-concrete-error res=
INFO [xx-xx|] nil-custom-struct res=<nil>
INFO [xx-xx|] raw nil res=<nil>
INFO [xx-xx|] (*uint64)(nil) res=<nil>
INFO [xx-xx|] Using keys 't', 'lvl', 'time', 'level' and 'msg' t=t time=time lvl=lvl level=level msg=msg