// Copyright 2018 The go-ethereum Authors // This file is part of the go-ethereum library. // // The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see . package network import ( "fmt" "os" "testing" "time" "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/common" "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/log" "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/p2p" "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/p2p/enode" "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/p2p/protocols" "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/swarm/pot" ) func init() { h := log.LvlFilterHandler(log.LvlWarn, log.StreamHandler(os.Stderr, log.TerminalFormat(true))) log.Root().SetHandler(h) } func testKadPeerAddr(s string) *BzzAddr { a := pot.NewAddressFromString(s) return &BzzAddr{OAddr: a, UAddr: a} } func newTestKademliaParams() *KadParams { params := NewKadParams() params.MinBinSize = 2 params.NeighbourhoodSize = 2 return params } type testKademlia struct { *Kademlia t *testing.T } func newTestKademlia(t *testing.T, b string) *testKademlia { base := pot.NewAddressFromString(b) return &testKademlia{ Kademlia: NewKademlia(base, newTestKademliaParams()), t: t, } } func (tk *testKademlia) newTestKadPeer(s string, lightNode bool) *Peer { return NewPeer(&BzzPeer{BzzAddr: testKadPeerAddr(s), LightNode: lightNode}, tk.Kademlia) } func (tk *testKademlia) On(ons ...string) { for _, s := range ons { tk.Kademlia.On(tk.newTestKadPeer(s, false)) } } func (tk *testKademlia) Off(offs ...string) { for _, s := range offs { tk.Kademlia.Off(tk.newTestKadPeer(s, false)) } } func (tk *testKademlia) Register(regs ...string) { var as []*BzzAddr for _, s := range regs { as = append(as, testKadPeerAddr(s)) } err := tk.Kademlia.Register(as...) if err != nil { panic(err.Error()) } } // tests the validity of neighborhood depth calculations // // in particular, it tests that if there are one or more consecutive // empty bins above the farthest "nearest neighbor-peer" then // the depth should be set at the farthest of those empty bins // // TODO: Make test adapt to change in NeighbourhoodSize func TestNeighbourhoodDepth(t *testing.T) { baseAddressBytes := RandomAddr().OAddr kad := NewKademlia(baseAddressBytes, NewKadParams()) baseAddress := pot.NewAddressFromBytes(baseAddressBytes) // generate the peers var peers []*Peer for i := 0; i < 7; i++ { addr := pot.RandomAddressAt(baseAddress, i) peers = append(peers, newTestDiscoveryPeer(addr, kad)) } var sevenPeers []*Peer for i := 0; i < 2; i++ { addr := pot.RandomAddressAt(baseAddress, 7) sevenPeers = append(sevenPeers, newTestDiscoveryPeer(addr, kad)) } testNum := 0 // first try with empty kademlia depth := kad.NeighbourhoodDepth() if depth != 0 { t.Fatalf("%d expected depth 0, was %d", testNum, depth) } testNum++ // add one peer on 7 kad.On(sevenPeers[0]) depth = kad.NeighbourhoodDepth() if depth != 0 { t.Fatalf("%d expected depth 0, was %d", testNum, depth) } testNum++ // add a second on 7 kad.On(sevenPeers[1]) depth = kad.NeighbourhoodDepth() if depth != 0 { t.Fatalf("%d expected depth 0, was %d", testNum, depth) } testNum++ // add from 0 to 6 for i, p := range peers { kad.On(p) depth = kad.NeighbourhoodDepth() if depth != i+1 { t.Fatalf("%d.%d expected depth %d, was %d", i+1, testNum, i, depth) } } testNum++ kad.Off(sevenPeers[1]) depth = kad.NeighbourhoodDepth() if depth != 6 { t.Fatalf("%d expected depth 6, was %d", testNum, depth) } testNum++ kad.Off(peers[4]) depth = kad.NeighbourhoodDepth() if depth != 4 { t.Fatalf("%d expected depth 4, was %d", testNum, depth) } testNum++ kad.Off(peers[3]) depth = kad.NeighbourhoodDepth() if depth != 3 { t.Fatalf("%d expected depth 3, was %d", testNum, depth) } testNum++ } // TestHealthStrict tests the simplest definition of health // Which means whether we are connected to all neighbors we know of func TestHealthStrict(t *testing.T) { // base address is all zeros // no peers // unhealthy (and lonely) tk := newTestKademlia(t, "11111111") tk.checkHealth(false, false) // know one peer but not connected // unhealthy tk.Register("11100000") tk.checkHealth(false, false) // know one peer and connected // healthy tk.On("11100000") tk.checkHealth(true, false) // know two peers, only one connected // unhealthy tk.Register("11111100") tk.checkHealth(false, false) // know two peers and connected to both // healthy tk.On("11111100") tk.checkHealth(true, false) // know three peers, connected to the two deepest // healthy tk.Register("00000000") tk.checkHealth(true, false) // know three peers, connected to all three // healthy tk.On("00000000") tk.checkHealth(true, false) // add fourth peer deeper than current depth // unhealthy tk.Register("11110000") tk.checkHealth(false, false) // connected to three deepest peers // healthy tk.On("11110000") tk.checkHealth(true, false) // add additional peer in same bin as deepest peer // unhealthy tk.Register("11111101") tk.checkHealth(false, false) // four deepest of five peers connected // healthy tk.On("11111101") tk.checkHealth(true, false) } func (tk *testKademlia) checkHealth(expectHealthy bool, expectSaturation bool) { tk.t.Helper() kid := common.Bytes2Hex(tk.BaseAddr()) addrs := [][]byte{tk.BaseAddr()} tk.EachAddr(nil, 255, func(addr *BzzAddr, po int) bool { addrs = append(addrs, addr.Address()) return true }) pp := NewPeerPotMap(tk.NeighbourhoodSize, addrs) healthParams := tk.Healthy(pp[kid]) // definition of health, all conditions but be true: // - we at least know one peer // - we know all neighbors // - we are connected to all known neighbors health := healthParams.KnowNN && healthParams.ConnectNN && healthParams.CountKnowNN > 0 if expectHealthy != health { tk.t.Fatalf("expected kademlia health %v, is %v\n%v", expectHealthy, health, tk.String()) } } func (tk *testKademlia) checkSuggestPeer(expAddr string, expDepth int, expChanged bool) { tk.t.Helper() addr, depth, changed := tk.SuggestPeer() log.Trace("suggestPeer return", "addr", addr, "depth", depth, "changed", changed) if binStr(addr) != expAddr { tk.t.Fatalf("incorrect peer address suggested. expected %v, got %v", expAddr, binStr(addr)) } if depth != expDepth { tk.t.Fatalf("incorrect saturation depth suggested. expected %v, got %v", expDepth, depth) } if changed != expChanged { tk.t.Fatalf("expected depth change = %v, got %v", expChanged, changed) } } func binStr(a *BzzAddr) string { if a == nil { return "" } return pot.ToBin(a.Address())[:8] } func TestSuggestPeerFindPeers(t *testing.T) { tk := newTestKademlia(t, "00000000") tk.On("00100000") tk.checkSuggestPeer("", 0, false) tk.On("00010000") tk.checkSuggestPeer("", 0, false) tk.On("10000000", "10000001") tk.checkSuggestPeer("", 0, false) tk.On("01000000") tk.Off("10000001") tk.checkSuggestPeer("10000001", 0, true) tk.On("00100001") tk.Off("01000000") tk.checkSuggestPeer("01000000", 0, false) // second time disconnected peer not callable // with reasonably set Interval tk.checkSuggestPeer("", 0, false) // on and off again, peer callable again tk.On("01000000") tk.Off("01000000") tk.checkSuggestPeer("01000000", 0, false) tk.On("01000000", "10000001") tk.checkSuggestPeer("", 0, false) tk.Register("00010001") tk.checkSuggestPeer("00010001", 0, false) tk.On("00010001") tk.Off("01000000") tk.checkSuggestPeer("01000000", 0, false) tk.On("01000000") tk.checkSuggestPeer("", 0, false) tk.Register("01000001") tk.checkSuggestPeer("01000001", 0, false) tk.On("01000001") tk.checkSuggestPeer("", 0, false) tk.Register("10000010", "01000010", "00100010") tk.checkSuggestPeer("", 0, false) tk.Register("00010010") tk.checkSuggestPeer("00010010", 0, false) tk.Off("00100001") tk.checkSuggestPeer("00100010", 2, true) tk.Off("01000001") tk.checkSuggestPeer("01000010", 1, true) tk.checkSuggestPeer("01000001", 0, false) tk.checkSuggestPeer("00100001", 0, false) tk.checkSuggestPeer("", 0, false) tk.On("01000001", "00100001") tk.Register("10000100", "01000100", "00100100") tk.Register("00000100", "00000101", "00000110") tk.Register("00000010", "00000011", "00000001") tk.checkSuggestPeer("00000110", 0, false) tk.checkSuggestPeer("00000101", 0, false) tk.checkSuggestPeer("00000100", 0, false) tk.checkSuggestPeer("00000011", 0, false) tk.checkSuggestPeer("00000010", 0, false) tk.checkSuggestPeer("00000001", 0, false) tk.checkSuggestPeer("", 0, false) } // a node should stay in the address book if it's removed from the kademlia func TestOffEffectingAddressBookNormalNode(t *testing.T) { tk := newTestKademlia(t, "00000000") // peer added to kademlia tk.On("01000000") // peer should be in the address book if tk.addrs.Size() != 1 { t.Fatal("known peer addresses should contain 1 entry") } // peer should be among live connections if tk.conns.Size() != 1 { t.Fatal("live peers should contain 1 entry") } // remove peer from kademlia tk.Off("01000000") // peer should be in the address book if tk.addrs.Size() != 1 { t.Fatal("known peer addresses should contain 1 entry") } // peer should not be among live connections if tk.conns.Size() != 0 { t.Fatal("live peers should contain 0 entry") } } // a light node should not be in the address book func TestOffEffectingAddressBookLightNode(t *testing.T) { tk := newTestKademlia(t, "00000000") // light node peer added to kademlia tk.Kademlia.On(tk.newTestKadPeer("01000000", true)) // peer should not be in the address book if tk.addrs.Size() != 0 { t.Fatal("known peer addresses should contain 0 entry") } // peer should be among live connections if tk.conns.Size() != 1 { t.Fatal("live peers should contain 1 entry") } // remove peer from kademlia tk.Kademlia.Off(tk.newTestKadPeer("01000000", true)) // peer should not be in the address book if tk.addrs.Size() != 0 { t.Fatal("known peer addresses should contain 0 entry") } // peer should not be among live connections if tk.conns.Size() != 0 { t.Fatal("live peers should contain 0 entry") } } func TestSuggestPeerRetries(t *testing.T) { tk := newTestKademlia(t, "00000000") tk.RetryInterval = int64(300 * time.Millisecond) // cycle tk.MaxRetries = 50 tk.RetryExponent = 2 sleep := func(n int) { ts := tk.RetryInterval for i := 1; i < n; i++ { ts *= int64(tk.RetryExponent) } time.Sleep(time.Duration(ts)) } tk.Register("01000000") tk.On("00000001", "00000010") tk.checkSuggestPeer("01000000", 0, false) tk.checkSuggestPeer("", 0, false) sleep(1) tk.checkSuggestPeer("01000000", 0, false) tk.checkSuggestPeer("", 0, false) sleep(1) tk.checkSuggestPeer("01000000", 0, false) tk.checkSuggestPeer("", 0, false) sleep(2) tk.checkSuggestPeer("01000000", 0, false) tk.checkSuggestPeer("", 0, false) sleep(2) tk.checkSuggestPeer("", 0, false) } func TestKademliaHiveString(t *testing.T) { tk := newTestKademlia(t, "00000000") tk.On("01000000", "00100000") tk.Register("10000000", "10000001") tk.MaxProxDisplay = 8 h := tk.String() expH := "\n=========================================================================\nMon Feb 27 12:10:28 UTC 2017 KΛÐΞMLIΛ hive: queen's address: 000000\npopulation: 2 (4), NeighbourhoodSize: 2, MinBinSize: 2, MaxBinSize: 4\n============ DEPTH: 0 ==========================================\n000 0 | 2 8100 (0) 8000 (0)\n001 1 4000 | 1 4000 (0)\n002 1 2000 | 1 2000 (0)\n003 0 | 0\n004 0 | 0\n005 0 | 0\n006 0 | 0\n007 0 | 0\n=========================================================================" if expH[104:] != h[104:] { t.Fatalf("incorrect hive output. expected %v, got %v", expH, h) } } func newTestDiscoveryPeer(addr pot.Address, kad *Kademlia) *Peer { rw := &p2p.MsgPipeRW{} p := p2p.NewPeer(enode.ID{}, "foo", []p2p.Cap{}) pp := protocols.NewPeer(p, rw, &protocols.Spec{}) bp := &BzzPeer{ Peer: pp, BzzAddr: &BzzAddr{ OAddr: addr.Bytes(), UAddr: []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%x", addr[:])), }, } return NewPeer(bp, kad) }