// Copyright 2016 The go-ethereum Authors // This file is part of the go-ethereum library. // // The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see . //go:build none // +build none /* The ci command is called from Continuous Integration scripts. Usage: go run build/ci.go Available commands are: install [ -arch architecture ] [ -cc compiler ] [ packages... ] -- builds packages and executables test [ -coverage ] [ packages... ] -- runs the tests lint -- runs certain pre-selected linters archive [ -arch architecture ] [ -type zip|tar ] [ -signer key-envvar ] [ -signify key-envvar ] [ -upload dest ] -- archives build artifacts importkeys -- imports signing keys from env debsrc [ -signer key-id ] [ -upload dest ] -- creates a debian source package nsis -- creates a Windows NSIS installer purge [ -store blobstore ] [ -days threshold ] -- purges old archives from the blobstore For all commands, -n prevents execution of external programs (dry run mode). */ package main import ( "bytes" "encoding/base64" "flag" "fmt" "log" "os" "os/exec" "path" "path/filepath" "runtime" "strconv" "strings" "time" "github.com/cespare/cp" "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/common" "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/crypto/signify" "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/internal/build" "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/params" ) var ( // Files that end up in the geth*.zip archive. gethArchiveFiles = []string{ "COPYING", executablePath("geth"), } // Files that end up in the geth-alltools*.zip archive. allToolsArchiveFiles = []string{ "COPYING", executablePath("abigen"), executablePath("bootnode"), executablePath("evm"), executablePath("geth"), executablePath("rlpdump"), executablePath("clef"), } // A debian package is created for all executables listed here. debExecutables = []debExecutable{ { BinaryName: "abigen", Description: "Source code generator to convert Ethereum contract definitions into easy to use, compile-time type-safe Go packages.", }, { BinaryName: "bootnode", Description: "Ethereum bootnode.", }, { BinaryName: "evm", Description: "Developer utility version of the EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) that is capable of running bytecode snippets within a configurable environment and execution mode.", }, { BinaryName: "geth", Description: "Ethereum CLI client.", }, { BinaryName: "rlpdump", Description: "Developer utility tool that prints RLP structures.", }, { BinaryName: "clef", Description: "Ethereum account management tool.", }, } // A debian package is created for all executables listed here. debEthereum = debPackage{ Name: "ethereum", Version: params.Version, Executables: debExecutables, } // Debian meta packages to build and push to Ubuntu PPA debPackages = []debPackage{ debEthereum, } // Distros for which packages are created. // Note: vivid is unsupported because there is no golang-1.6 package for it. // Note: the following Ubuntu releases have been officially deprecated on Launchpad: // wily, yakkety, zesty, artful, cosmic, disco, eoan, groovy, hirsuite, impish, // kinetic debDistroGoBoots = map[string]string{ "trusty": "golang-1.11", // EOL: 04/2024 "xenial": "golang-go", // EOL: 04/2026 "bionic": "golang-go", // EOL: 04/2028 "focal": "golang-go", // EOL: 04/2030 "jammy": "golang-go", // EOL: 04/2032 "lunar": "golang-go", // EOL: 01/2024 } debGoBootPaths = map[string]string{ "golang-1.11": "/usr/lib/go-1.11", "golang-go": "/usr/lib/go", } // This is where the tests should be unpacked. executionSpecTestsDir = "tests/spec-tests" ) var GOBIN, _ = filepath.Abs(filepath.Join("build", "bin")) func executablePath(name string) string { if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { name += ".exe" } return filepath.Join(GOBIN, name) } func main() { log.SetFlags(log.Lshortfile) if !common.FileExist(filepath.Join("build", "ci.go")) { log.Fatal("this script must be run from the root of the repository") } if len(os.Args) < 2 { log.Fatal("need subcommand as first argument") } switch os.Args[1] { case "install": doInstall(os.Args[2:]) case "test": doTest(os.Args[2:]) case "lint": doLint(os.Args[2:]) case "archive": doArchive(os.Args[2:]) case "docker": doDocker(os.Args[2:]) case "debsrc": doDebianSource(os.Args[2:]) case "nsis": doWindowsInstaller(os.Args[2:]) case "purge": doPurge(os.Args[2:]) case "sanitycheck": doSanityCheck() default: log.Fatal("unknown command ", os.Args[1]) } } // Compiling func doInstall(cmdline []string) { var ( dlgo = flag.Bool("dlgo", false, "Download Go and build with it") arch = flag.String("arch", "", "Architecture to cross build for") cc = flag.String("cc", "", "C compiler to cross build with") staticlink = flag.Bool("static", false, "Create statically-linked executable") ) flag.CommandLine.Parse(cmdline) env := build.Env() // Configure the toolchain. tc := build.GoToolchain{GOARCH: *arch, CC: *cc} if *dlgo { csdb := build.MustLoadChecksums("build/checksums.txt") tc.Root = build.DownloadGo(csdb) } // Disable CLI markdown doc generation in release builds. buildTags := []string{"urfave_cli_no_docs"} // Enable linking the CKZG library since we can make it work with additional flags. if env.UbuntuVersion != "trusty" { buildTags = append(buildTags, "ckzg") } // Configure the build. gobuild := tc.Go("build", buildFlags(env, *staticlink, buildTags)...) // arm64 CI builders are memory-constrained and can't handle concurrent builds, // better disable it. This check isn't the best, it should probably // check for something in env instead. if env.CI && runtime.GOARCH == "arm64" { gobuild.Args = append(gobuild.Args, "-p", "1") } // We use -trimpath to avoid leaking local paths into the built executables. gobuild.Args = append(gobuild.Args, "-trimpath") // Show packages during build. gobuild.Args = append(gobuild.Args, "-v") // Now we choose what we're even building. // Default: collect all 'main' packages in cmd/ and build those. packages := flag.Args() if len(packages) == 0 { packages = build.FindMainPackages("./cmd") } // Do the build! for _, pkg := range packages { args := make([]string, len(gobuild.Args)) copy(args, gobuild.Args) args = append(args, "-o", executablePath(path.Base(pkg))) args = append(args, pkg) build.MustRun(&exec.Cmd{Path: gobuild.Path, Args: args, Env: gobuild.Env}) } } // buildFlags returns the go tool flags for building. func buildFlags(env build.Environment, staticLinking bool, buildTags []string) (flags []string) { var ld []string if env.Commit != "" { ld = append(ld, "-X", "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/internal/version.gitCommit="+env.Commit) ld = append(ld, "-X", "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/internal/version.gitDate="+env.Date) } // Strip DWARF on darwin. This used to be required for certain things, // and there is no downside to this, so we just keep doing it. if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" { ld = append(ld, "-s") } if runtime.GOOS == "linux" { // Enforce the stacksize to 8M, which is the case on most platforms apart from // alpine Linux. extld := []string{"-Wl,-z,stack-size=0x800000"} if staticLinking { extld = append(extld, "-static") // Under static linking, use of certain glibc features must be // disabled to avoid shared library dependencies. buildTags = append(buildTags, "osusergo", "netgo") } ld = append(ld, "-extldflags", "'"+strings.Join(extld, " ")+"'") } if len(ld) > 0 { flags = append(flags, "-ldflags", strings.Join(ld, " ")) } if len(buildTags) > 0 { flags = append(flags, "-tags", strings.Join(buildTags, ",")) } return flags } // Running The Tests // // "tests" also includes static analysis tools such as vet. func doTest(cmdline []string) { var ( dlgo = flag.Bool("dlgo", false, "Download Go and build with it") arch = flag.String("arch", "", "Run tests for given architecture") cc = flag.String("cc", "", "Sets C compiler binary") coverage = flag.Bool("coverage", false, "Whether to record code coverage") verbose = flag.Bool("v", false, "Whether to log verbosely") race = flag.Bool("race", false, "Execute the race detector") short = flag.Bool("short", false, "Pass the 'short'-flag to go test") cachedir = flag.String("cachedir", "./build/cache", "directory for caching downloads") ) flag.CommandLine.Parse(cmdline) // Get test fixtures. csdb := build.MustLoadChecksums("build/checksums.txt") downloadSpecTestFixtures(csdb, *cachedir) // Configure the toolchain. tc := build.GoToolchain{GOARCH: *arch, CC: *cc} if *dlgo { tc.Root = build.DownloadGo(csdb) } gotest := tc.Go("test") // CI needs a bit more time for the statetests (default 10m). gotest.Args = append(gotest.Args, "-timeout=20m") // Enable CKZG backend in CI. gotest.Args = append(gotest.Args, "-tags=ckzg") // Test a single package at a time. CI builders are slow // and some tests run into timeouts under load. gotest.Args = append(gotest.Args, "-p", "1") if *coverage { gotest.Args = append(gotest.Args, "-covermode=atomic", "-cover") } if *verbose { gotest.Args = append(gotest.Args, "-v") } if *race { gotest.Args = append(gotest.Args, "-race") } if *short { gotest.Args = append(gotest.Args, "-short") } packages := []string{"./..."} if len(flag.CommandLine.Args()) > 0 { packages = flag.CommandLine.Args() } gotest.Args = append(gotest.Args, packages...) build.MustRun(gotest) } // downloadSpecTestFixtures downloads and extracts the execution-spec-tests fixtures. func downloadSpecTestFixtures(csdb *build.ChecksumDB, cachedir string) string { executionSpecTestsVersion, err := build.Version(csdb, "spec-tests") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } ext := ".tar.gz" base := "fixtures_develop" // TODO(MariusVanDerWijden) rename once the version becomes part of the filename url := fmt.Sprintf("https://github.com/ethereum/execution-spec-tests/releases/download/v%s/%s%s", executionSpecTestsVersion, base, ext) archivePath := filepath.Join(cachedir, base+ext) if err := csdb.DownloadFile(url, archivePath); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } if err := build.ExtractArchive(archivePath, executionSpecTestsDir); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } return filepath.Join(cachedir, base) } // doLint runs golangci-lint on requested packages. func doLint(cmdline []string) { var ( cachedir = flag.String("cachedir", "./build/cache", "directory for caching golangci-lint binary.") ) flag.CommandLine.Parse(cmdline) packages := []string{"./..."} if len(flag.CommandLine.Args()) > 0 { packages = flag.CommandLine.Args() } linter := downloadLinter(*cachedir) lflags := []string{"run", "--config", ".golangci.yml"} build.MustRunCommand(linter, append(lflags, packages...)...) fmt.Println("You have achieved perfection.") } // downloadLinter downloads and unpacks golangci-lint. func downloadLinter(cachedir string) string { csdb := build.MustLoadChecksums("build/checksums.txt") version, err := build.Version(csdb, "golangci") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } arch := runtime.GOARCH ext := ".tar.gz" if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { ext = ".zip" } if arch == "arm" { arch += "v" + os.Getenv("GOARM") } base := fmt.Sprintf("golangci-lint-%s-%s-%s", version, runtime.GOOS, arch) url := fmt.Sprintf("https://github.com/golangci/golangci-lint/releases/download/v%s/%s%s", version, base, ext) archivePath := filepath.Join(cachedir, base+ext) if err := csdb.DownloadFile(url, archivePath); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } if err := build.ExtractArchive(archivePath, cachedir); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } return filepath.Join(cachedir, base, "golangci-lint") } // Release Packaging func doArchive(cmdline []string) { var ( arch = flag.String("arch", runtime.GOARCH, "Architecture cross packaging") atype = flag.String("type", "zip", "Type of archive to write (zip|tar)") signer = flag.String("signer", "", `Environment variable holding the signing key (e.g. LINUX_SIGNING_KEY)`) signify = flag.String("signify", "", `Environment variable holding the signify key (e.g. LINUX_SIGNIFY_KEY)`) upload = flag.String("upload", "", `Destination to upload the archives (usually "gethstore/builds")`) ext string ) flag.CommandLine.Parse(cmdline) switch *atype { case "zip": ext = ".zip" case "tar": ext = ".tar.gz" default: log.Fatal("unknown archive type: ", atype) } var ( env = build.Env() basegeth = archiveBasename(*arch, params.ArchiveVersion(env.Commit)) geth = "geth-" + basegeth + ext alltools = "geth-alltools-" + basegeth + ext ) maybeSkipArchive(env) if err := build.WriteArchive(geth, gethArchiveFiles); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } if err := build.WriteArchive(alltools, allToolsArchiveFiles); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } for _, archive := range []string{geth, alltools} { if err := archiveUpload(archive, *upload, *signer, *signify); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } } } func archiveBasename(arch string, archiveVersion string) string { platform := runtime.GOOS + "-" + arch if arch == "arm" { platform += os.Getenv("GOARM") } if arch == "android" { platform = "android-all" } if arch == "ios" { platform = "ios-all" } return platform + "-" + archiveVersion } func archiveUpload(archive string, blobstore string, signer string, signifyVar string) error { // If signing was requested, generate the signature files if signer != "" { key := getenvBase64(signer) if err := build.PGPSignFile(archive, archive+".asc", string(key)); err != nil { return err } } if signifyVar != "" { key := os.Getenv(signifyVar) untrustedComment := "verify with geth-release.pub" trustedComment := fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", archive, time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC1123)) if err := signify.SignFile(archive, archive+".sig", key, untrustedComment, trustedComment); err != nil { return err } } // If uploading to Azure was requested, push the archive possibly with its signature if blobstore != "" { auth := build.AzureBlobstoreConfig{ Account: strings.Split(blobstore, "/")[0], Token: os.Getenv("AZURE_BLOBSTORE_TOKEN"), Container: strings.SplitN(blobstore, "/", 2)[1], } if err := build.AzureBlobstoreUpload(archive, filepath.Base(archive), auth); err != nil { return err } if signer != "" { if err := build.AzureBlobstoreUpload(archive+".asc", filepath.Base(archive+".asc"), auth); err != nil { return err } } if signifyVar != "" { if err := build.AzureBlobstoreUpload(archive+".sig", filepath.Base(archive+".sig"), auth); err != nil { return err } } } return nil } // skips archiving for some build configurations. func maybeSkipArchive(env build.Environment) { if env.IsPullRequest { log.Printf("skipping archive creation because this is a PR build") os.Exit(0) } if env.Branch != "master" && !strings.HasPrefix(env.Tag, "v1.") { log.Printf("skipping archive creation because branch %q, tag %q is not on the inclusion list", env.Branch, env.Tag) os.Exit(0) } } // Builds the docker images and optionally uploads them to Docker Hub. func doDocker(cmdline []string) { var ( image = flag.Bool("image", false, `Whether to build and push an arch specific docker image`) manifest = flag.String("manifest", "", `Push a multi-arch docker image for the specified architectures (usually "amd64,arm64")`) upload = flag.String("upload", "", `Where to upload the docker image (usually "ethereum/client-go")`) ) flag.CommandLine.Parse(cmdline) // Skip building and pushing docker images for PR builds env := build.Env() maybeSkipArchive(env) // Retrieve the upload credentials and authenticate user := getenvBase64("DOCKER_HUB_USERNAME") pass := getenvBase64("DOCKER_HUB_PASSWORD") if len(user) > 0 && len(pass) > 0 { auther := exec.Command("docker", "login", "-u", string(user), "--password-stdin") auther.Stdin = bytes.NewReader(pass) build.MustRun(auther) } // Retrieve the version infos to build and push to the following paths: // - ethereum/client-go:latest - Pushes to the master branch, Geth only // - ethereum/client-go:stable - Version tag publish on GitHub, Geth only // - ethereum/client-go:alltools-latest - Pushes to the master branch, Geth & tools // - ethereum/client-go:alltools-stable - Version tag publish on GitHub, Geth & tools // - ethereum/client-go:release-. - Version tag publish on GitHub, Geth only // - ethereum/client-go:alltools-release-. - Version tag publish on GitHub, Geth & tools // - ethereum/client-go:v.. - Version tag publish on GitHub, Geth only // - ethereum/client-go:alltools-v.. - Version tag publish on GitHub, Geth & tools var tags []string switch { case env.Branch == "master": tags = []string{"latest"} case strings.HasPrefix(env.Tag, "v1."): tags = []string{"stable", fmt.Sprintf("release-1.%d", params.VersionMinor), "v" + params.Version} } // If architecture specific image builds are requested, build and push them if *image { build.MustRunCommand("docker", "build", "--build-arg", "COMMIT="+env.Commit, "--build-arg", "VERSION="+params.VersionWithMeta, "--build-arg", "BUILDNUM="+env.Buildnum, "--tag", fmt.Sprintf("%s:TAG", *upload), ".") build.MustRunCommand("docker", "build", "--build-arg", "COMMIT="+env.Commit, "--build-arg", "VERSION="+params.VersionWithMeta, "--build-arg", "BUILDNUM="+env.Buildnum, "--tag", fmt.Sprintf("%s:alltools-TAG", *upload), "-f", "Dockerfile.alltools", ".") // Tag and upload the images to Docker Hub for _, tag := range tags { gethImage := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s-%s", *upload, tag, runtime.GOARCH) toolImage := fmt.Sprintf("%s:alltools-%s-%s", *upload, tag, runtime.GOARCH) // If the image already exists (non version tag), check the build // number to prevent overwriting a newer commit if concurrent builds // are running. This is still a tiny bit racey if two published are // done at the same time, but that's extremely unlikely even on the // master branch. for _, img := range []string{gethImage, toolImage} { if exec.Command("docker", "pull", img).Run() != nil { continue // Generally the only failure is a missing image, which is good } buildnum, err := exec.Command("docker", "inspect", "--format", "{{index .Config.Labels \"buildnum\"}}", img).CombinedOutput() if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Failed to inspect container: %v\nOutput: %s", err, string(buildnum)) } buildnum = bytes.TrimSpace(buildnum) if len(buildnum) > 0 && len(env.Buildnum) > 0 { oldnum, err := strconv.Atoi(string(buildnum)) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Failed to parse old image build number: %v", err) } newnum, err := strconv.Atoi(env.Buildnum) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Failed to parse current build number: %v", err) } if oldnum > newnum { log.Fatalf("Current build number %d not newer than existing %d", newnum, oldnum) } else { log.Printf("Updating %s from build %d to %d", img, oldnum, newnum) } } } build.MustRunCommand("docker", "image", "tag", fmt.Sprintf("%s:TAG", *upload), gethImage) build.MustRunCommand("docker", "image", "tag", fmt.Sprintf("%s:alltools-TAG", *upload), toolImage) build.MustRunCommand("docker", "push", gethImage) build.MustRunCommand("docker", "push", toolImage) } } // If multi-arch image manifest push is requested, assemble it if len(*manifest) != 0 { // Since different architectures are pushed by different builders, wait // until all required images are updated. var mismatch bool for i := 0; i < 2; i++ { // 2 attempts, second is race check mismatch = false // hope there's no mismatch now for _, tag := range tags { for _, arch := range strings.Split(*manifest, ",") { gethImage := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s-%s", *upload, tag, arch) toolImage := fmt.Sprintf("%s:alltools-%s-%s", *upload, tag, arch) for _, img := range []string{gethImage, toolImage} { if out, err := exec.Command("docker", "pull", img).CombinedOutput(); err != nil { log.Printf("Required image %s unavailable: %v\nOutput: %s", img, err, out) mismatch = true break } buildnum, err := exec.Command("docker", "inspect", "--format", "{{index .Config.Labels \"buildnum\"}}", img).CombinedOutput() if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Failed to inspect container: %v\nOutput: %s", err, string(buildnum)) } buildnum = bytes.TrimSpace(buildnum) if string(buildnum) != env.Buildnum { log.Printf("Build number mismatch on %s: want %s, have %s", img, env.Buildnum, buildnum) mismatch = true break } } if mismatch { break } } if mismatch { break } } if mismatch { // Build numbers mismatching, retry in a short time to // avoid concurrent fails in both publisher images. If // however the retry failed too, it means the concurrent // builder is still crunching, let that do the publish. if i == 0 { time.Sleep(30 * time.Second) } continue } break } if mismatch { log.Println("Relinquishing publish to other builder") return } // Assemble and push the Geth manifest image for _, tag := range tags { gethImage := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", *upload, tag) var gethSubImages []string for _, arch := range strings.Split(*manifest, ",") { gethSubImages = append(gethSubImages, gethImage+"-"+arch) } build.MustRunCommand("docker", append([]string{"manifest", "create", gethImage}, gethSubImages...)...) build.MustRunCommand("docker", "manifest", "push", gethImage) } // Assemble and push the alltools manifest image for _, tag := range tags { toolImage := fmt.Sprintf("%s:alltools-%s", *upload, tag) var toolSubImages []string for _, arch := range strings.Split(*manifest, ",") { toolSubImages = append(toolSubImages, toolImage+"-"+arch) } build.MustRunCommand("docker", append([]string{"manifest", "create", toolImage}, toolSubImages...)...) build.MustRunCommand("docker", "manifest", "push", toolImage) } } } // Debian Packaging func doDebianSource(cmdline []string) { var ( cachedir = flag.String("cachedir", "./build/cache", `Filesystem path to cache the downloaded Go bundles at`) signer = flag.String("signer", "", `Signing key name, also used as package author`) upload = flag.String("upload", "", `Where to upload the source package (usually "ethereum/ethereum")`) sshUser = flag.String("sftp-user", "", `Username for SFTP upload (usually "geth-ci")`) workdir = flag.String("workdir", "", `Output directory for packages (uses temp dir if unset)`) now = time.Now() ) flag.CommandLine.Parse(cmdline) *workdir = makeWorkdir(*workdir) env := build.Env() tc := new(build.GoToolchain) maybeSkipArchive(env) // Import the signing key. if key := getenvBase64("PPA_SIGNING_KEY"); len(key) > 0 { gpg := exec.Command("gpg", "--import") gpg.Stdin = bytes.NewReader(key) build.MustRun(gpg) } // Download and verify the Go source packages. var ( gobootbundle = downloadGoBootstrapSources(*cachedir) gobundle = downloadGoSources(*cachedir) ) // Download all the dependencies needed to build the sources and run the ci script srcdepfetch := tc.Go("mod", "download") srcdepfetch.Env = append(srcdepfetch.Env, "GOPATH="+filepath.Join(*workdir, "modgopath")) build.MustRun(srcdepfetch) cidepfetch := tc.Go("run", "./build/ci.go") cidepfetch.Env = append(cidepfetch.Env, "GOPATH="+filepath.Join(*workdir, "modgopath")) cidepfetch.Run() // Command fails, don't care, we only need the deps to start it // Create Debian packages and upload them. for _, pkg := range debPackages { for distro, goboot := range debDistroGoBoots { // Prepare the debian package with the go-ethereum sources. meta := newDebMetadata(distro, goboot, *signer, env, now, pkg.Name, pkg.Version, pkg.Executables) pkgdir := stageDebianSource(*workdir, meta) // Add bootstrapper Go source code if err := build.ExtractArchive(gobootbundle, pkgdir); err != nil { log.Fatalf("Failed to extract bootstrapper Go sources: %v", err) } if err := os.Rename(filepath.Join(pkgdir, "go"), filepath.Join(pkgdir, ".goboot")); err != nil { log.Fatalf("Failed to rename bootstrapper Go source folder: %v", err) } // Add builder Go source code if err := build.ExtractArchive(gobundle, pkgdir); err != nil { log.Fatalf("Failed to extract builder Go sources: %v", err) } if err := os.Rename(filepath.Join(pkgdir, "go"), filepath.Join(pkgdir, ".go")); err != nil { log.Fatalf("Failed to rename builder Go source folder: %v", err) } // Add all dependency modules in compressed form os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(pkgdir, ".mod", "cache"), 0755) if err := cp.CopyAll(filepath.Join(pkgdir, ".mod", "cache", "download"), filepath.Join(*workdir, "modgopath", "pkg", "mod", "cache", "download")); err != nil { log.Fatalf("Failed to copy Go module dependencies: %v", err) } // Run the packaging and upload to the PPA debuild := exec.Command("debuild", "-S", "-sa", "-us", "-uc", "-d", "-Zxz", "-nc") debuild.Dir = pkgdir build.MustRun(debuild) var ( basename = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", meta.Name(), meta.VersionString()) source = filepath.Join(*workdir, basename+".tar.xz") dsc = filepath.Join(*workdir, basename+".dsc") changes = filepath.Join(*workdir, basename+"_source.changes") buildinfo = filepath.Join(*workdir, basename+"_source.buildinfo") ) if *signer != "" { build.MustRunCommand("debsign", changes) } if *upload != "" { ppaUpload(*workdir, *upload, *sshUser, []string{source, dsc, changes, buildinfo}) } } } } // downloadGoBootstrapSources downloads the Go source tarball that will be used // to bootstrap the builder Go. func downloadGoBootstrapSources(cachedir string) string { csdb := build.MustLoadChecksums("build/checksums.txt") gobootVersion, err := build.Version(csdb, "ppa-builder") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } file := fmt.Sprintf("go%s.src.tar.gz", gobootVersion) url := "https://dl.google.com/go/" + file dst := filepath.Join(cachedir, file) if err := csdb.DownloadFile(url, dst); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } return dst } // downloadGoSources downloads the Go source tarball. func downloadGoSources(cachedir string) string { csdb := build.MustLoadChecksums("build/checksums.txt") dlgoVersion, err := build.Version(csdb, "golang") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } file := fmt.Sprintf("go%s.src.tar.gz", dlgoVersion) url := "https://dl.google.com/go/" + file dst := filepath.Join(cachedir, file) if err := csdb.DownloadFile(url, dst); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } return dst } func ppaUpload(workdir, ppa, sshUser string, files []string) { p := strings.Split(ppa, "/") if len(p) != 2 { log.Fatal("-upload PPA name must contain single /") } if sshUser == "" { sshUser = p[0] } incomingDir := fmt.Sprintf("~%s/ubuntu/%s", p[0], p[1]) // Create the SSH identity file if it doesn't exist. var idfile string if sshkey := getenvBase64("PPA_SSH_KEY"); len(sshkey) > 0 { idfile = filepath.Join(workdir, "sshkey") if !common.FileExist(idfile) { os.WriteFile(idfile, sshkey, 0600) } } // Upload dest := sshUser + "@ppa.launchpad.net" if err := build.UploadSFTP(idfile, dest, incomingDir, files); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } } func getenvBase64(variable string) []byte { dec, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(os.Getenv(variable)) if err != nil { log.Fatal("invalid base64 " + variable) } return []byte(dec) } func makeWorkdir(wdflag string) string { var err error if wdflag != "" { err = os.MkdirAll(wdflag, 0744) } else { wdflag, err = os.MkdirTemp("", "geth-build-") } if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } return wdflag } func isUnstableBuild(env build.Environment) bool { if env.Tag != "" { return false } return true } type debPackage struct { Name string // the name of the Debian package to produce, e.g. "ethereum" Version string // the clean version of the debPackage, e.g. 1.8.12, without any metadata Executables []debExecutable // executables to be included in the package } type debMetadata struct { Env build.Environment GoBootPackage string GoBootPath string PackageName string // go-ethereum version being built. Note that this // is not the debian package version. The package version // is constructed by VersionString. Version string Author string // "name ", also selects signing key Distro, Time string Executables []debExecutable } type debExecutable struct { PackageName string BinaryName string Description string } // Package returns the name of the package if present, or // fallbacks to BinaryName func (d debExecutable) Package() string { if d.PackageName != "" { return d.PackageName } return d.BinaryName } func newDebMetadata(distro, goboot, author string, env build.Environment, t time.Time, name string, version string, exes []debExecutable) debMetadata { if author == "" { // No signing key, use default author. author = "Ethereum Builds " } return debMetadata{ GoBootPackage: goboot, GoBootPath: debGoBootPaths[goboot], PackageName: name, Env: env, Author: author, Distro: distro, Version: version, Time: t.Format(time.RFC1123Z), Executables: exes, } } // Name returns the name of the metapackage that depends // on all executable packages. func (meta debMetadata) Name() string { if isUnstableBuild(meta.Env) { return meta.PackageName + "-unstable" } return meta.PackageName } // VersionString returns the debian version of the packages. func (meta debMetadata) VersionString() string { vsn := meta.Version if meta.Env.Buildnum != "" { vsn += "+build" + meta.Env.Buildnum } if meta.Distro != "" { vsn += "+" + meta.Distro } return vsn } // ExeList returns the list of all executable packages. func (meta debMetadata) ExeList() string { names := make([]string, len(meta.Executables)) for i, e := range meta.Executables { names[i] = meta.ExeName(e) } return strings.Join(names, ", ") } // ExeName returns the package name of an executable package. func (meta debMetadata) ExeName(exe debExecutable) string { if isUnstableBuild(meta.Env) { return exe.Package() + "-unstable" } return exe.Package() } // ExeConflicts returns the content of the Conflicts field // for executable packages. func (meta debMetadata) ExeConflicts(exe debExecutable) string { if isUnstableBuild(meta.Env) { // Set up the conflicts list so that the *-unstable packages // cannot be installed alongside the regular version. // // https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html // is very explicit about Conflicts: and says that Breaks: should // be preferred and the conflicting files should be handled via // alternates. We might do this eventually but using a conflict is // easier now. return "ethereum, " + exe.Package() } return "" } func stageDebianSource(tmpdir string, meta debMetadata) (pkgdir string) { pkg := meta.Name() + "-" + meta.VersionString() pkgdir = filepath.Join(tmpdir, pkg) if err := os.Mkdir(pkgdir, 0755); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } // Copy the source code. build.MustRunCommand("git", "checkout-index", "-a", "--prefix", pkgdir+string(filepath.Separator)) // Put the debian build files in place. debian := filepath.Join(pkgdir, "debian") build.Render("build/deb/"+meta.PackageName+"/deb.rules", filepath.Join(debian, "rules"), 0755, meta) build.Render("build/deb/"+meta.PackageName+"/deb.changelog", filepath.Join(debian, "changelog"), 0644, meta) build.Render("build/deb/"+meta.PackageName+"/deb.control", filepath.Join(debian, "control"), 0644, meta) build.Render("build/deb/"+meta.PackageName+"/deb.copyright", filepath.Join(debian, "copyright"), 0644, meta) build.RenderString("8\n", filepath.Join(debian, "compat"), 0644, meta) build.RenderString("3.0 (native)\n", filepath.Join(debian, "source/format"), 0644, meta) for _, exe := range meta.Executables { install := filepath.Join(debian, meta.ExeName(exe)+".install") docs := filepath.Join(debian, meta.ExeName(exe)+".docs") build.Render("build/deb/"+meta.PackageName+"/deb.install", install, 0644, exe) build.Render("build/deb/"+meta.PackageName+"/deb.docs", docs, 0644, exe) } return pkgdir } // Windows installer func doWindowsInstaller(cmdline []string) { // Parse the flags and make skip installer generation on PRs var ( arch = flag.String("arch", runtime.GOARCH, "Architecture for cross build packaging") signer = flag.String("signer", "", `Environment variable holding the signing key (e.g. WINDOWS_SIGNING_KEY)`) signify = flag.String("signify key", "", `Environment variable holding the signify signing key (e.g. WINDOWS_SIGNIFY_KEY)`) upload = flag.String("upload", "", `Destination to upload the archives (usually "gethstore/builds")`) workdir = flag.String("workdir", "", `Output directory for packages (uses temp dir if unset)`) ) flag.CommandLine.Parse(cmdline) *workdir = makeWorkdir(*workdir) env := build.Env() maybeSkipArchive(env) // Aggregate binaries that are included in the installer var ( devTools []string allTools []string gethTool string ) for _, file := range allToolsArchiveFiles { if file == "COPYING" { // license, copied later continue } allTools = append(allTools, filepath.Base(file)) if filepath.Base(file) == "geth.exe" { gethTool = file } else { devTools = append(devTools, file) } } // Render NSIS scripts: Installer NSIS contains two installer sections, // first section contains the geth binary, second section holds the dev tools. templateData := map[string]interface{}{ "License": "COPYING", "Geth": gethTool, "DevTools": devTools, } build.Render("build/nsis.geth.nsi", filepath.Join(*workdir, "geth.nsi"), 0644, nil) build.Render("build/nsis.install.nsh", filepath.Join(*workdir, "install.nsh"), 0644, templateData) build.Render("build/nsis.uninstall.nsh", filepath.Join(*workdir, "uninstall.nsh"), 0644, allTools) build.Render("build/nsis.pathupdate.nsh", filepath.Join(*workdir, "PathUpdate.nsh"), 0644, nil) build.Render("build/nsis.envvarupdate.nsh", filepath.Join(*workdir, "EnvVarUpdate.nsh"), 0644, nil) if err := cp.CopyFile(filepath.Join(*workdir, "SimpleFC.dll"), "build/nsis.simplefc.dll"); err != nil { log.Fatalf("Failed to copy SimpleFC.dll: %v", err) } if err := cp.CopyFile(filepath.Join(*workdir, "COPYING"), "COPYING"); err != nil { log.Fatalf("Failed to copy copyright note: %v", err) } // Build the installer. This assumes that all the needed files have been previously // built (don't mix building and packaging to keep cross compilation complexity to a // minimum). version := strings.Split(params.Version, ".") if env.Commit != "" { version[2] += "-" + env.Commit[:8] } installer, err := filepath.Abs("geth-" + archiveBasename(*arch, params.ArchiveVersion(env.Commit)) + ".exe") if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Failed to convert installer file path: %v", err) } build.MustRunCommand("makensis.exe", "/DOUTPUTFILE="+installer, "/DMAJORVERSION="+version[0], "/DMINORVERSION="+version[1], "/DBUILDVERSION="+version[2], "/DARCH="+*arch, filepath.Join(*workdir, "geth.nsi"), ) // Sign and publish installer. if err := archiveUpload(installer, *upload, *signer, *signify); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } } // Binary distribution cleanups func doPurge(cmdline []string) { var ( store = flag.String("store", "", `Destination from where to purge archives (usually "gethstore/builds")`) limit = flag.Int("days", 30, `Age threshold above which to delete unstable archives`) ) flag.CommandLine.Parse(cmdline) if env := build.Env(); !env.IsCronJob { log.Printf("skipping because not a cron job") os.Exit(0) } // Create the azure authentication and list the current archives auth := build.AzureBlobstoreConfig{ Account: strings.Split(*store, "/")[0], Token: os.Getenv("AZURE_BLOBSTORE_TOKEN"), Container: strings.SplitN(*store, "/", 2)[1], } blobs, err := build.AzureBlobstoreList(auth) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } fmt.Printf("Found %d blobs\n", len(blobs)) // Iterate over the blobs, collect and sort all unstable builds for i := 0; i < len(blobs); i++ { if !strings.Contains(*blobs[i].Name, "unstable") { blobs = append(blobs[:i], blobs[i+1:]...) i-- } } for i := 0; i < len(blobs); i++ { for j := i + 1; j < len(blobs); j++ { if blobs[i].Properties.LastModified.After(*blobs[j].Properties.LastModified) { blobs[i], blobs[j] = blobs[j], blobs[i] } } } // Filter out all archives more recent that the given threshold for i, blob := range blobs { if time.Since(*blob.Properties.LastModified) < time.Duration(*limit)*24*time.Hour { blobs = blobs[:i] break } } fmt.Printf("Deleting %d blobs\n", len(blobs)) // Delete all marked as such and return if err := build.AzureBlobstoreDelete(auth, blobs); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } } func doSanityCheck() { build.DownloadAndVerifyChecksums(build.MustLoadChecksums("build/checksums.txt")) }