// Copyright 2020 The go-ethereum Authors // This file is part of the go-ethereum library. // // The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see . // Package catalyst implements the temporary eth1/eth2 RPC integration. package catalyst import ( "crypto/sha256" "encoding/binary" "errors" "fmt" "math/big" "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/common" "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/consensus" "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/core/types" "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/eth" "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/les" "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/log" "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/node" "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/rpc" "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/trie" ) var ( VALID = GenericStringResponse{"VALID"} SUCCESS = GenericStringResponse{"SUCCESS"} INVALID = ForkChoiceResponse{Status: "INVALID", PayloadID: nil} SYNCING = ForkChoiceResponse{Status: "SYNCING", PayloadID: nil} GenericServerError = rpc.CustomError{Code: -32000, ValidationError: "Server error"} UnknownPayload = rpc.CustomError{Code: -32001, ValidationError: "Unknown payload"} InvalidTB = rpc.CustomError{Code: -32002, ValidationError: "Invalid terminal block"} ) // Register adds catalyst APIs to the full node. func Register(stack *node.Node, backend *eth.Ethereum) error { log.Warn("Catalyst mode enabled", "protocol", "eth") stack.RegisterAPIs([]rpc.API{ { Namespace: "engine", Version: "1.0", Service: NewConsensusAPI(backend, nil), Public: true, }, }) return nil } // RegisterLight adds catalyst APIs to the light client. func RegisterLight(stack *node.Node, backend *les.LightEthereum) error { log.Warn("Catalyst mode enabled", "protocol", "les") stack.RegisterAPIs([]rpc.API{ { Namespace: "engine", Version: "1.0", Service: NewConsensusAPI(nil, backend), Public: true, }, }) return nil } type ConsensusAPI struct { light bool eth *eth.Ethereum les *les.LightEthereum preparedBlocks *payloadQueue // preparedBlocks caches payloads (*ExecutableDataV1) by payload ID (PayloadID) } func NewConsensusAPI(eth *eth.Ethereum, les *les.LightEthereum) *ConsensusAPI { if eth == nil { if les.BlockChain().Config().TerminalTotalDifficulty == nil { panic("Catalyst started without valid total difficulty") } } else { if eth.BlockChain().Config().TerminalTotalDifficulty == nil { panic("Catalyst started without valid total difficulty") } } return &ConsensusAPI{ light: eth == nil, eth: eth, les: les, preparedBlocks: newPayloadQueue(), } } func (api *ConsensusAPI) GetPayloadV1(payloadID PayloadID) (*ExecutableDataV1, error) { log.Trace("Engine API request received", "method", "GetPayload", "id", payloadID) data := api.preparedBlocks.get(payloadID) if data == nil { return nil, &UnknownPayload } return data, nil } func (api *ConsensusAPI) ForkchoiceUpdatedV1(heads ForkchoiceStateV1, payloadAttributes *PayloadAttributesV1) (ForkChoiceResponse, error) { log.Trace("Engine API request received", "method", "ForkChoiceUpdated", "head", heads.HeadBlockHash, "finalized", heads.FinalizedBlockHash, "safe", heads.SafeBlockHash) if heads.HeadBlockHash == (common.Hash{}) { return ForkChoiceResponse{Status: SUCCESS.Status, PayloadID: nil}, nil } if err := api.checkTerminalTotalDifficulty(heads.HeadBlockHash); err != nil { if api.light { if header := api.les.BlockChain().GetHeaderByHash(heads.HeadBlockHash); header == nil { // TODO (MariusVanDerWijden) trigger sync return SYNCING, nil } return INVALID, err } else { if block := api.eth.BlockChain().GetBlockByHash(heads.HeadBlockHash); block == nil { // TODO (MariusVanDerWijden) trigger sync return SYNCING, nil } return INVALID, err } } // If the finalized block is set, check if it is in our blockchain if heads.FinalizedBlockHash != (common.Hash{}) { if api.light { if header := api.les.BlockChain().GetHeaderByHash(heads.FinalizedBlockHash); header == nil { // TODO (MariusVanDerWijden) trigger sync return SYNCING, nil } } else { if block := api.eth.BlockChain().GetBlockByHash(heads.FinalizedBlockHash); block == nil { // TODO (MariusVanDerWijden) trigger sync return SYNCING, nil } } } // SetHead if err := api.setHead(heads.HeadBlockHash); err != nil { return INVALID, err } // Assemble block (if needed). It only works for full node. if !api.light && payloadAttributes != nil { data, err := api.assembleBlock(heads.HeadBlockHash, payloadAttributes) if err != nil { return INVALID, err } id := computePayloadId(heads.HeadBlockHash, payloadAttributes) api.preparedBlocks.put(id, data) log.Info("Created payload", "payloadID", id) return ForkChoiceResponse{Status: SUCCESS.Status, PayloadID: &id}, nil } return ForkChoiceResponse{Status: SUCCESS.Status, PayloadID: nil}, nil } func computePayloadId(headBlockHash common.Hash, params *PayloadAttributesV1) PayloadID { // Hash hasher := sha256.New() hasher.Write(headBlockHash[:]) binary.Write(hasher, binary.BigEndian, params.Timestamp) hasher.Write(params.Random[:]) hasher.Write(params.SuggestedFeeRecipient[:]) var out PayloadID copy(out[:], hasher.Sum(nil)[:8]) return out } func (api *ConsensusAPI) invalid() ExecutePayloadResponse { if api.light { return ExecutePayloadResponse{Status: INVALID.Status, LatestValidHash: api.les.BlockChain().CurrentHeader().Hash()} } return ExecutePayloadResponse{Status: INVALID.Status, LatestValidHash: api.eth.BlockChain().CurrentHeader().Hash()} } // ExecutePayloadV1 creates an Eth1 block, inserts it in the chain, and returns the status of the chain. func (api *ConsensusAPI) ExecutePayloadV1(params ExecutableDataV1) (ExecutePayloadResponse, error) { log.Trace("Engine API request received", "method", "ExecutePayload", params.BlockHash, "number", params.Number) block, err := ExecutableDataToBlock(params) if err != nil { return api.invalid(), err } if api.light { if !api.les.BlockChain().HasHeader(block.ParentHash(), block.NumberU64()-1) { /* TODO (MariusVanDerWijden) reenable once sync is merged if err := api.eth.Downloader().BeaconSync(api.eth.SyncMode(), block.Header()); err != nil { return SYNCING, err } */ // TODO (MariusVanDerWijden) we should return nil here not empty hash return ExecutePayloadResponse{Status: SYNCING.Status, LatestValidHash: common.Hash{}}, nil } parent := api.les.BlockChain().GetHeaderByHash(params.ParentHash) td := api.les.BlockChain().GetTd(parent.Hash(), block.NumberU64()-1) ttd := api.les.BlockChain().Config().TerminalTotalDifficulty if td.Cmp(ttd) < 0 { return api.invalid(), fmt.Errorf("can not execute payload on top of block with low td got: %v threshold %v", td, ttd) } if err = api.les.BlockChain().InsertHeader(block.Header()); err != nil { return api.invalid(), err } if merger := api.merger(); !merger.TDDReached() { merger.ReachTTD() } return ExecutePayloadResponse{Status: VALID.Status, LatestValidHash: block.Hash()}, nil } if !api.eth.BlockChain().HasBlock(block.ParentHash(), block.NumberU64()-1) { /* TODO (MariusVanDerWijden) reenable once sync is merged if err := api.eth.Downloader().BeaconSync(api.eth.SyncMode(), block.Header()); err != nil { return SYNCING, err } */ // TODO (MariusVanDerWijden) we should return nil here not empty hash return ExecutePayloadResponse{Status: SYNCING.Status, LatestValidHash: common.Hash{}}, nil } parent := api.eth.BlockChain().GetBlockByHash(params.ParentHash) td := api.eth.BlockChain().GetTd(parent.Hash(), block.NumberU64()-1) ttd := api.eth.BlockChain().Config().TerminalTotalDifficulty if td.Cmp(ttd) < 0 { return api.invalid(), fmt.Errorf("can not execute payload on top of block with low td got: %v threshold %v", td, ttd) } log.Trace("Inserting block without head", "hash", block.Hash(), "number", block.Number) if err := api.eth.BlockChain().InsertBlockWithoutSetHead(block); err != nil { return api.invalid(), err } if merger := api.merger(); !merger.TDDReached() { merger.ReachTTD() } return ExecutePayloadResponse{Status: VALID.Status, LatestValidHash: block.Hash()}, nil } // AssembleBlock creates a new block, inserts it into the chain, and returns the "execution // data" required for eth2 clients to process the new block. func (api *ConsensusAPI) assembleBlock(parentHash common.Hash, params *PayloadAttributesV1) (*ExecutableDataV1, error) { if api.light { return nil, errors.New("not supported") } log.Info("Producing block", "parentHash", parentHash) block, err := api.eth.Miner().GetSealingBlock(parentHash, params.Timestamp, params.SuggestedFeeRecipient, params.Random) if err != nil { return nil, err } return BlockToExecutableData(block), nil } func encodeTransactions(txs []*types.Transaction) [][]byte { var enc = make([][]byte, len(txs)) for i, tx := range txs { enc[i], _ = tx.MarshalBinary() } return enc } func decodeTransactions(enc [][]byte) ([]*types.Transaction, error) { var txs = make([]*types.Transaction, len(enc)) for i, encTx := range enc { var tx types.Transaction if err := tx.UnmarshalBinary(encTx); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid transaction %d: %v", i, err) } txs[i] = &tx } return txs, nil } func ExecutableDataToBlock(params ExecutableDataV1) (*types.Block, error) { txs, err := decodeTransactions(params.Transactions) if err != nil { return nil, err } if len(params.ExtraData) > 32 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid extradata length: %v", len(params.ExtraData)) } header := &types.Header{ ParentHash: params.ParentHash, UncleHash: types.EmptyUncleHash, Coinbase: params.FeeRecipient, Root: params.StateRoot, TxHash: types.DeriveSha(types.Transactions(txs), trie.NewStackTrie(nil)), ReceiptHash: params.ReceiptsRoot, Bloom: types.BytesToBloom(params.LogsBloom), Difficulty: common.Big0, Number: new(big.Int).SetUint64(params.Number), GasLimit: params.GasLimit, GasUsed: params.GasUsed, Time: params.Timestamp, BaseFee: params.BaseFeePerGas, Extra: params.ExtraData, MixDigest: params.Random, } block := types.NewBlockWithHeader(header).WithBody(txs, nil /* uncles */) if block.Hash() != params.BlockHash { return nil, fmt.Errorf("blockhash mismatch, want %x, got %x", params.BlockHash, block.Hash()) } return block, nil } // BlockToExecutableData constructs the executableDataV1 structure by filling the // fields from the given block. It assumes the given block is post-merge block. func BlockToExecutableData(block *types.Block) *ExecutableDataV1 { return &ExecutableDataV1{ BlockHash: block.Hash(), ParentHash: block.ParentHash(), FeeRecipient: block.Coinbase(), StateRoot: block.Root(), Number: block.NumberU64(), GasLimit: block.GasLimit(), GasUsed: block.GasUsed(), BaseFeePerGas: block.BaseFee(), Timestamp: block.Time(), ReceiptsRoot: block.ReceiptHash(), LogsBloom: block.Bloom().Bytes(), Transactions: encodeTransactions(block.Transactions()), Random: block.MixDigest(), ExtraData: block.Extra(), } } // Used in tests to add a the list of transactions from a block to the tx pool. func (api *ConsensusAPI) insertTransactions(txs types.Transactions) error { for _, tx := range txs { api.eth.TxPool().AddLocal(tx) } return nil } func (api *ConsensusAPI) checkTerminalTotalDifficulty(head common.Hash) error { // shortcut if we entered PoS already if api.merger().PoSFinalized() { return nil } if api.light { // make sure the parent has enough terminal total difficulty header := api.les.BlockChain().GetHeaderByHash(head) if header == nil { return &GenericServerError } td := api.les.BlockChain().GetTd(header.Hash(), header.Number.Uint64()) if td != nil && td.Cmp(api.les.BlockChain().Config().TerminalTotalDifficulty) < 0 { return &InvalidTB } return nil } // make sure the parent has enough terminal total difficulty newHeadBlock := api.eth.BlockChain().GetBlockByHash(head) if newHeadBlock == nil { return &GenericServerError } td := api.eth.BlockChain().GetTd(newHeadBlock.Hash(), newHeadBlock.NumberU64()) if td != nil && td.Cmp(api.eth.BlockChain().Config().TerminalTotalDifficulty) < 0 { return &InvalidTB } return nil } // setHead is called to perform a force choice. func (api *ConsensusAPI) setHead(newHead common.Hash) error { log.Info("Setting head", "head", newHead) if api.light { headHeader := api.les.BlockChain().CurrentHeader() if headHeader.Hash() == newHead { return nil } newHeadHeader := api.les.BlockChain().GetHeaderByHash(newHead) if newHeadHeader == nil { return &GenericServerError } if err := api.les.BlockChain().SetChainHead(newHeadHeader); err != nil { return err } // Trigger the transition if it's the first `NewHead` event. if merger := api.merger(); !merger.PoSFinalized() { merger.FinalizePoS() } return nil } headBlock := api.eth.BlockChain().CurrentBlock() if headBlock.Hash() == newHead { return nil } newHeadBlock := api.eth.BlockChain().GetBlockByHash(newHead) if newHeadBlock == nil { return &GenericServerError } if err := api.eth.BlockChain().SetChainHead(newHeadBlock); err != nil { return err } // Trigger the transition if it's the first `NewHead` event. if merger := api.merger(); !merger.PoSFinalized() { merger.FinalizePoS() } // TODO (MariusVanDerWijden) are we really synced now? api.eth.SetSynced() return nil } // Helper function, return the merger instance. func (api *ConsensusAPI) merger() *consensus.Merger { if api.light { return api.les.Merger() } return api.eth.Merger() }