// Copyright 2016 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

package les

import (


const (
	blockDelayTimeout    = 10 * time.Second       // Timeout for retrieving the headers from the peer
	gatherSlack          = 100 * time.Millisecond // Interval used to collate almost-expired requests
	cachedAnnosThreshold = 64                     // The maximum queued announcements

// announce represents an new block announcement from the les server.
type announce struct {
	data   *announceData
	trust  bool
	peerid enode.ID

// request represents a record when the header request is sent.
type request struct {
	reqid  uint64
	peerid enode.ID
	sendAt time.Time
	hash   common.Hash

// response represents a response packet from network as well as a channel
// to return all un-requested data.
type response struct {
	reqid   uint64
	headers []*types.Header
	peerid  enode.ID
	remain  chan []*types.Header

// fetcherPeer holds the fetcher-specific information for each active peer
type fetcherPeer struct {
	latest *announceData // The latest announcement sent from the peer

	// These following two fields can track the latest announces
	// from the peer with limited size for caching. We hold the
	// assumption that all enqueued announces are td-monotonic.
	announces map[common.Hash]*announce // Announcement map
	fifo      []common.Hash             // FIFO announces list

// addAnno enqueues an new trusted announcement. If the queued announces overflow,
// evict from the oldest.
func (fp *fetcherPeer) addAnno(anno *announce) {
	// Short circuit if the anno already exists. In normal case it should
	// never happen since only monotonic anno is accepted. But the adversary
	// may feed us fake announces with higher td but same hash. In this case,
	// ignore the anno anyway.
	hash := anno.data.Hash
	if _, exist := fp.announces[hash]; exist {
	fp.announces[hash] = anno
	fp.fifo = append(fp.fifo, hash)

	// Evict oldest if the announces are oversized.
	if len(fp.fifo)-cachedAnnosThreshold > 0 {
		for i := 0; i < len(fp.fifo)-cachedAnnosThreshold; i++ {
			delete(fp.announces, fp.fifo[i])
		copy(fp.fifo, fp.fifo[len(fp.fifo)-cachedAnnosThreshold:])
		fp.fifo = fp.fifo[:cachedAnnosThreshold]

// forwardAnno removes all announces from the map with a number lower than
// the provided threshold.
func (fp *fetcherPeer) forwardAnno(td *big.Int) []*announce {
	var (
		cutset  int
		evicted []*announce
	for ; cutset < len(fp.fifo); cutset++ {
		anno := fp.announces[fp.fifo[cutset]]
		if anno == nil {
			continue // In theory it should never ever happen
		if anno.data.Td.Cmp(td) > 0 {
		evicted = append(evicted, anno)
		delete(fp.announces, anno.data.Hash)
	if cutset > 0 {
		copy(fp.fifo, fp.fifo[cutset:])
		fp.fifo = fp.fifo[:len(fp.fifo)-cutset]
	return evicted

// lightFetcher implements retrieval of newly announced headers. It reuses
// the eth.BlockFetcher as the underlying fetcher but adding more additional
// rules: e.g. evict "timeout" peers.
type lightFetcher struct {
	// Various handlers
	ulc     *ulc
	chaindb ethdb.Database
	reqDist *requestDistributor
	peerset *serverPeerSet        // The global peerset of light client which shared by all components
	chain   *light.LightChain     // The local light chain which maintains the canonical header chain.
	fetcher *fetcher.BlockFetcher // The underlying fetcher which takes care block header retrieval.

	// Peerset maintained by fetcher
	plock sync.RWMutex
	peers map[enode.ID]*fetcherPeer

	// Various channels
	announceCh chan *announce
	requestCh  chan *request
	deliverCh  chan *response
	syncDone   chan *types.Header

	closeCh chan struct{}
	wg      sync.WaitGroup

	// Callback
	synchronise func(peer *serverPeer)

	// Test fields or hooks
	newHeadHook func(*types.Header)

// newLightFetcher creates a light fetcher instance.
func newLightFetcher(chain *light.LightChain, engine consensus.Engine, peers *serverPeerSet, ulc *ulc, chaindb ethdb.Database, reqDist *requestDistributor, syncFn func(p *serverPeer)) *lightFetcher {
	// Construct the fetcher by offering all necessary APIs
	validator := func(header *types.Header) error {
		// Disable seal verification explicitly if we are running in ulc mode.
		return engine.VerifyHeader(chain, header, ulc == nil)
	heighter := func() uint64 { return chain.CurrentHeader().Number.Uint64() }
	dropper := func(id string) { peers.unregister(id) }
	inserter := func(headers []*types.Header) (int, error) {
		// Disable PoW checking explicitly if we are running in ulc mode.
		checkFreq := 1
		if ulc != nil {
			checkFreq = 0
		return chain.InsertHeaderChain(headers, checkFreq)
	f := &lightFetcher{
		ulc:         ulc,
		peerset:     peers,
		chaindb:     chaindb,
		chain:       chain,
		reqDist:     reqDist,
		fetcher:     fetcher.NewBlockFetcher(true, chain.GetHeaderByHash, nil, validator, nil, heighter, inserter, nil, dropper),
		peers:       make(map[enode.ID]*fetcherPeer),
		synchronise: syncFn,
		announceCh:  make(chan *announce),
		requestCh:   make(chan *request),
		deliverCh:   make(chan *response),
		syncDone:    make(chan *types.Header),
		closeCh:     make(chan struct{}),
	return f

func (f *lightFetcher) start() {
	go f.mainloop()

func (f *lightFetcher) stop() {

// registerPeer adds an new peer to the fetcher's peer set
func (f *lightFetcher) registerPeer(p *serverPeer) {
	defer f.plock.Unlock()

	f.peers[p.ID()] = &fetcherPeer{announces: make(map[common.Hash]*announce)}

// unregisterPeer removes the specified peer from the fetcher's peer set
func (f *lightFetcher) unregisterPeer(p *serverPeer) {
	defer f.plock.Unlock()

	delete(f.peers, p.ID())

// peer returns the peer from the fetcher peerset.
func (f *lightFetcher) peer(id enode.ID) *fetcherPeer {
	defer f.plock.RUnlock()

	return f.peers[id]

// forEachPeer iterates the fetcher peerset, abort the iteration if the
// callback returns false.
func (f *lightFetcher) forEachPeer(check func(id enode.ID, p *fetcherPeer) bool) {
	defer f.plock.RUnlock()

	for id, peer := range f.peers {
		if !check(id, peer) {

// mainloop is the main event loop of the light fetcher, which is responsible for
//   - announcement maintenance(ulc)
//     If we are running in ultra light client mode, then all announcements from
//     the trusted servers are maintained. If the same announcements from trusted
//     servers reach the threshold, then the relevant header is requested for retrieval.
//   - block header retrieval
//     Whenever we receive announce with higher td compared with local chain, the
//     request will be made for header retrieval.
//   - re-sync trigger
//     If the local chain lags too much, then the fetcher will enter "synchronise"
//     mode to retrieve missing headers in batch.
func (f *lightFetcher) mainloop() {
	defer f.wg.Done()

	var (
		syncInterval = uint64(1) // Interval used to trigger a light resync.
		syncing      bool        // Indicator whether the client is syncing

		ulc          = f.ulc != nil
		headCh       = make(chan core.ChainHeadEvent, 100)
		fetching     = make(map[uint64]*request)
		requestTimer = time.NewTimer(0)

		// Local status
		localHead = f.chain.CurrentHeader()
		localTd   = f.chain.GetTd(localHead.Hash(), localHead.Number.Uint64())
	defer requestTimer.Stop()
	sub := f.chain.SubscribeChainHeadEvent(headCh)
	defer sub.Unsubscribe()

	// reset updates the local status with given header.
	reset := func(header *types.Header) {
		localHead = header
		localTd = f.chain.GetTd(header.Hash(), header.Number.Uint64())
	// trustedHeader returns an indicator whether the header is regarded as
	// trusted. If we are running in the ulc mode, only when we receive enough
	// same announcement from trusted server, the header will be trusted.
	trustedHeader := func(hash common.Hash, number uint64) (bool, []enode.ID) {
		var (
			agreed  []enode.ID
			trusted bool
		f.forEachPeer(func(id enode.ID, p *fetcherPeer) bool {
			if anno := p.announces[hash]; anno != nil && anno.trust && anno.data.Number == number {
				agreed = append(agreed, id)
				if 100*len(agreed)/len(f.ulc.keys) >= f.ulc.fraction {
					trusted = true
					return false // abort iteration
			return true
		return trusted, agreed
	for {
		select {
		case anno := <-f.announceCh:
			peerid, data := anno.peerid, anno.data
			log.Debug("Received new announce", "peer", peerid, "number", data.Number, "hash", data.Hash, "reorg", data.ReorgDepth)

			peer := f.peer(peerid)
			if peer == nil {
				log.Debug("Receive announce from unknown peer", "peer", peerid)
			// Announced tds should be strictly monotonic, drop the peer if
			// the announce is out-of-order.
			if peer.latest != nil && data.Td.Cmp(peer.latest.Td) <= 0 {
				log.Debug("Non-monotonic td", "peer", peerid, "current", data.Td, "previous", peer.latest.Td)
			peer.latest = data

			// Filter out any stale announce, the local chain is ahead of announce
			if localTd != nil && data.Td.Cmp(localTd) <= 0 {

			// If we are not syncing, try to trigger a single retrieval or re-sync
			if !ulc && !syncing {
				// Two scenarios lead to re-sync:
				// - reorg happens
				// - local chain lags
				// We can't retrieve the parent of the announce by single retrieval
				// in both cases, so resync is necessary.
				if data.Number > localHead.Number.Uint64()+syncInterval || data.ReorgDepth > 0 {
					syncing = true
					go f.startSync(peerid)
					log.Debug("Trigger light sync", "peer", peerid, "local", localHead.Number, "localhash", localHead.Hash(), "remote", data.Number, "remotehash", data.Hash)
				f.fetcher.Notify(peerid.String(), data.Hash, data.Number, time.Now(), f.requestHeaderByHash(peerid), nil)
				log.Debug("Trigger header retrieval", "peer", peerid, "number", data.Number, "hash", data.Hash)
			// Keep collecting announces from trusted server even we are syncing.
			if ulc && anno.trust {
				// Notify underlying fetcher to retrieve header or trigger a resync if
				// we have receive enough announcements from trusted server.
				trusted, agreed := trustedHeader(data.Hash, data.Number)
				if trusted && !syncing {
					if data.Number > localHead.Number.Uint64()+syncInterval || data.ReorgDepth > 0 {
						syncing = true
						go f.startSync(peerid)
						log.Debug("Trigger trusted light sync", "local", localHead.Number, "localhash", localHead.Hash(), "remote", data.Number, "remotehash", data.Hash)
					p := agreed[rand.Intn(len(agreed))]
					f.fetcher.Notify(p.String(), data.Hash, data.Number, time.Now(), f.requestHeaderByHash(p), nil)
					log.Debug("Trigger trusted header retrieval", "number", data.Number, "hash", data.Hash)

		case req := <-f.requestCh:
			fetching[req.reqid] = req // Tracking all in-flight requests for response latency statistic.
			if len(fetching) == 1 {
				f.rescheduleTimer(fetching, requestTimer)

		case <-requestTimer.C:
			for reqid, request := range fetching {
				if time.Since(request.sendAt) > blockDelayTimeout-gatherSlack {
					delete(fetching, reqid)
					log.Debug("Request timeout", "peer", request.peerid, "reqid", reqid)
			f.rescheduleTimer(fetching, requestTimer)

		case resp := <-f.deliverCh:
			if req := fetching[resp.reqid]; req != nil {
				delete(fetching, resp.reqid)
				f.rescheduleTimer(fetching, requestTimer)

				// The underlying fetcher does not check the consistency of request and response.
				// The adversary can send the fake announces with invalid hash and number but always
				// delivery some mismatched header. So it can't be punished by the underlying fetcher.
				// We have to add two more rules here to detect.
				if len(resp.headers) != 1 {
					log.Debug("Deliver more than requested", "peer", req.peerid, "reqid", req.reqid)
				if resp.headers[0].Hash() != req.hash {
					log.Debug("Deliver invalid header", "peer", req.peerid, "reqid", req.reqid)
				resp.remain <- f.fetcher.FilterHeaders(resp.peerid.String(), resp.headers, time.Now())
			} else {
				// Discard the entire packet no matter it's a timeout response or unexpected one.
				resp.remain <- resp.headers

		case ev := <-headCh:
			// Short circuit if we are still syncing.
			if syncing {

			// Clean stale announcements from les-servers.
			var droplist []enode.ID
			f.forEachPeer(func(id enode.ID, p *fetcherPeer) bool {
				removed := p.forwardAnno(localTd)
				for _, anno := range removed {
					if header := f.chain.GetHeaderByHash(anno.data.Hash); header != nil {
						if header.Number.Uint64() != anno.data.Number {
							droplist = append(droplist, id)
						// In theory td should exists.
						td := f.chain.GetTd(anno.data.Hash, anno.data.Number)
						if td != nil && td.Cmp(anno.data.Td) != 0 {
							droplist = append(droplist, id)
				return true
			for _, id := range droplist {
				log.Debug("Kicked out peer for invalid announcement")
			if f.newHeadHook != nil {

		case origin := <-f.syncDone:
			syncing = false // Reset the status

			// Rewind all untrusted headers for ulc mode.
			if ulc {
				head := f.chain.CurrentHeader()
				ancestor := rawdb.FindCommonAncestor(f.chaindb, origin, head)

				// Recap the ancestor with genesis header in case the ancestor
				// is not found. It can happen the original head is before the
				// checkpoint while the synced headers are after it. In this
				// case there is no ancestor between them.
				if ancestor == nil {
					ancestor = f.chain.Genesis().Header()
				var untrusted []common.Hash
				for head.Number.Cmp(ancestor.Number) > 0 {
					hash, number := head.Hash(), head.Number.Uint64()
					if trusted, _ := trustedHeader(hash, number); trusted {
					untrusted = append(untrusted, hash)
					head = f.chain.GetHeader(head.ParentHash, number-1)
					if head == nil {
						break // all the synced headers will be dropped
				if len(untrusted) > 0 {
					for i, j := 0, len(untrusted)-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 {
						untrusted[i], untrusted[j] = untrusted[j], untrusted[i]
			// Reset local status.
			if f.newHeadHook != nil {
			log.Debug("light sync finished", "number", localHead.Number, "hash", localHead.Hash())

		case <-f.closeCh:

// announce processes a new announcement message received from a peer.
func (f *lightFetcher) announce(p *serverPeer, head *announceData) {
	select {
	case f.announceCh <- &announce{peerid: p.ID(), trust: p.trusted, data: head}:
	case <-f.closeCh:

// trackRequest sends a reqID to main loop for in-flight request tracking.
func (f *lightFetcher) trackRequest(peerid enode.ID, reqid uint64, hash common.Hash) {
	select {
	case f.requestCh <- &request{reqid: reqid, peerid: peerid, sendAt: time.Now(), hash: hash}:
	case <-f.closeCh:

// requestHeaderByHash constructs a header retrieval request and sends it to
// local request distributor.
// Note, we rely on the underlying eth/fetcher to retrieve and validate the
// response, so that we have to obey the rule of eth/fetcher which only accepts
// the response from given peer.
func (f *lightFetcher) requestHeaderByHash(peerid enode.ID) func(common.Hash) error {
	return func(hash common.Hash) error {
		req := &distReq{
			getCost: func(dp distPeer) uint64 { return dp.(*serverPeer).getRequestCost(GetBlockHeadersMsg, 1) },
			canSend: func(dp distPeer) bool { return dp.(*serverPeer).ID() == peerid },
			request: func(dp distPeer) func() {
				peer, id := dp.(*serverPeer), rand.Uint64()
				cost := peer.getRequestCost(GetBlockHeadersMsg, 1)
				peer.fcServer.QueuedRequest(id, cost)

				return func() {
					f.trackRequest(peer.ID(), id, hash)
					peer.requestHeadersByHash(id, hash, 1, 0, false)
		return nil

// startSync invokes synchronisation callback to start syncing.
func (f *lightFetcher) startSync(id enode.ID) {
	defer func(header *types.Header) {
		f.syncDone <- header

	peer := f.peerset.peer(id.String())
	if peer == nil || peer.onlyAnnounce {

// deliverHeaders delivers header download request responses for processing
func (f *lightFetcher) deliverHeaders(peer *serverPeer, reqid uint64, headers []*types.Header) []*types.Header {
	remain := make(chan []*types.Header, 1)
	select {
	case f.deliverCh <- &response{reqid: reqid, headers: headers, peerid: peer.ID(), remain: remain}:
	case <-f.closeCh:
		return nil
	return <-remain

// rescheduleTimer resets the specified timeout timer to the next request timeout.
func (f *lightFetcher) rescheduleTimer(requests map[uint64]*request, timer *time.Timer) {
	// Short circuit if no inflight requests
	if len(requests) == 0 {
	// Otherwise find the earliest expiring request
	earliest := time.Now()
	for _, req := range requests {
		if earliest.After(req.sendAt) {
			earliest = req.sendAt
	timer.Reset(blockDelayTimeout - time.Since(earliest))