// Copyright 2021 The go-ethereum Authors // This file is part of the go-ethereum library. // // The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see . package gasprice import ( "context" "errors" "math/big" "sort" "sync/atomic" "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/consensus/misc" "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/core/types" "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/log" "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/rpc" ) var ( errInvalidPercentiles = errors.New("Invalid reward percentiles") errRequestBeyondHead = errors.New("Request beyond head block") ) const maxBlockCount = 1024 // number of blocks retrievable with a single query // blockFees represents a single block for processing type blockFees struct { // set by the caller blockNumber rpc.BlockNumber header *types.Header block *types.Block // only set if reward percentiles are requested receipts types.Receipts // filled by processBlock reward []*big.Int baseFee, nextBaseFee *big.Int gasUsedRatio float64 err error } // txGasAndReward is sorted in ascending order based on reward type ( txGasAndReward struct { gasUsed uint64 reward *big.Int } sortGasAndReward []txGasAndReward ) func (s sortGasAndReward) Len() int { return len(s) } func (s sortGasAndReward) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] } func (s sortGasAndReward) Less(i, j int) bool { return s[i].reward.Cmp(s[j].reward) < 0 } // processBlock takes a blockFees structure with the blockNumber, the header and optionally // the block field filled in, retrieves the block from the backend if not present yet and // fills in the rest of the fields. func (oracle *Oracle) processBlock(bf *blockFees, percentiles []float64) { chainconfig := oracle.backend.ChainConfig() if bf.baseFee = bf.header.BaseFee; bf.baseFee == nil { bf.baseFee = new(big.Int) } if chainconfig.IsLondon(big.NewInt(int64(bf.blockNumber + 1))) { bf.nextBaseFee = misc.CalcBaseFee(chainconfig, bf.header) } else { bf.nextBaseFee = new(big.Int) } bf.gasUsedRatio = float64(bf.header.GasUsed) / float64(bf.header.GasLimit) if len(percentiles) == 0 { // rewards were not requested, return null return } if bf.block == nil || (bf.receipts == nil && len(bf.block.Transactions()) != 0) { log.Error("Block or receipts are missing while reward percentiles are requested") return } bf.reward = make([]*big.Int, len(percentiles)) if len(bf.block.Transactions()) == 0 { // return an all zero row if there are no transactions to gather data from for i := range bf.reward { bf.reward[i] = new(big.Int) } return } sorter := make(sortGasAndReward, len(bf.block.Transactions())) for i, tx := range bf.block.Transactions() { reward, _ := tx.EffectiveGasTip(bf.block.BaseFee()) sorter[i] = txGasAndReward{gasUsed: bf.receipts[i].GasUsed, reward: reward} } sort.Sort(sorter) var txIndex int sumGasUsed := sorter[0].gasUsed for i, p := range percentiles { thresholdGasUsed := uint64(float64(bf.block.GasUsed()) * p / 100) for sumGasUsed < thresholdGasUsed && txIndex < len(bf.block.Transactions())-1 { txIndex++ sumGasUsed += sorter[txIndex].gasUsed } bf.reward[i] = sorter[txIndex].reward } } // resolveBlockRange resolves the specified block range to absolute block numbers while also // enforcing backend specific limitations. The pending block and corresponding receipts are // also returned if requested and available. // Note: an error is only returned if retrieving the head header has failed. If there are no // retrievable blocks in the specified range then zero block count is returned with no error. func (oracle *Oracle) resolveBlockRange(ctx context.Context, lastBlockNumber rpc.BlockNumber, blockCount, maxHistory int) (*types.Block, types.Receipts, rpc.BlockNumber, int, error) { var ( headBlockNumber rpc.BlockNumber pendingBlock *types.Block pendingReceipts types.Receipts ) // query either pending block or head header and set headBlockNumber if lastBlockNumber == rpc.PendingBlockNumber { if pendingBlock, pendingReceipts = oracle.backend.PendingBlockAndReceipts(); pendingBlock != nil { lastBlockNumber = rpc.BlockNumber(pendingBlock.NumberU64()) headBlockNumber = lastBlockNumber - 1 } else { // pending block not supported by backend, process until latest block lastBlockNumber = rpc.LatestBlockNumber blockCount-- if blockCount == 0 { return nil, nil, 0, 0, nil } } } if pendingBlock == nil { // if pending block is not fetched then we retrieve the head header to get the head block number if latestHeader, err := oracle.backend.HeaderByNumber(ctx, rpc.LatestBlockNumber); err == nil { headBlockNumber = rpc.BlockNumber(latestHeader.Number.Uint64()) } else { return nil, nil, 0, 0, err } } if lastBlockNumber == rpc.LatestBlockNumber { lastBlockNumber = headBlockNumber } else if pendingBlock == nil && lastBlockNumber > headBlockNumber { return nil, nil, 0, 0, errRequestBeyondHead } if maxHistory != 0 { // limit retrieval to the given number of latest blocks if tooOldCount := int64(headBlockNumber) - int64(maxHistory) - int64(lastBlockNumber) + int64(blockCount); tooOldCount > 0 { // tooOldCount is the number of requested blocks that are too old to be served if int64(blockCount) > tooOldCount { blockCount -= int(tooOldCount) } else { return nil, nil, 0, 0, nil } } } // ensure not trying to retrieve before genesis if rpc.BlockNumber(blockCount) > lastBlockNumber+1 { blockCount = int(lastBlockNumber + 1) } return pendingBlock, pendingReceipts, lastBlockNumber, blockCount, nil } // FeeHistory returns data relevant for fee estimation based on the specified range of blocks. // The range can be specified either with absolute block numbers or ending with the latest // or pending block. Backends may or may not support gathering data from the pending block // or blocks older than a certain age (specified in maxHistory). The first block of the // actually processed range is returned to avoid ambiguity when parts of the requested range // are not available or when the head has changed during processing this request. // Three arrays are returned based on the processed blocks: // - reward: the requested percentiles of effective priority fees per gas of transactions in each // block, sorted in ascending order and weighted by gas used. // - baseFee: base fee per gas in the given block // - gasUsedRatio: gasUsed/gasLimit in the given block // Note: baseFee includes the next block after the newest of the returned range, because this // value can be derived from the newest block. func (oracle *Oracle) FeeHistory(ctx context.Context, blockCount int, lastBlockNumber rpc.BlockNumber, rewardPercentiles []float64) (firstBlockNumber rpc.BlockNumber, reward [][]*big.Int, baseFee []*big.Int, gasUsedRatio []float64, err error) { if blockCount < 1 { // returning with no data and no error means there are no retrievable blocks return } if blockCount > maxBlockCount { blockCount = maxBlockCount } for i, p := range rewardPercentiles { if p < 0 || p > 100 || (i > 0 && p < rewardPercentiles[i-1]) { return 0, nil, nil, nil, errInvalidPercentiles } } processBlocks := len(rewardPercentiles) != 0 // limit retrieval to maxHistory if set var maxHistory int if processBlocks { maxHistory = oracle.maxBlockHistory } else { maxHistory = oracle.maxHeaderHistory } var ( pendingBlock *types.Block pendingReceipts types.Receipts ) if pendingBlock, pendingReceipts, lastBlockNumber, blockCount, err = oracle.resolveBlockRange(ctx, lastBlockNumber, blockCount, maxHistory); err != nil || blockCount == 0 { return } firstBlockNumber = lastBlockNumber + 1 - rpc.BlockNumber(blockCount) processNext := int64(firstBlockNumber) resultCh := make(chan *blockFees, blockCount) threadCount := 4 if blockCount < threadCount { threadCount = blockCount } for i := 0; i < threadCount; i++ { go func() { for { blockNumber := rpc.BlockNumber(atomic.AddInt64(&processNext, 1) - 1) if blockNumber > lastBlockNumber { return } bf := &blockFees{blockNumber: blockNumber} if pendingBlock != nil && blockNumber >= rpc.BlockNumber(pendingBlock.NumberU64()) { bf.block, bf.receipts = pendingBlock, pendingReceipts } else { if processBlocks { bf.block, bf.err = oracle.backend.BlockByNumber(ctx, blockNumber) if bf.block != nil { bf.receipts, bf.err = oracle.backend.GetReceipts(ctx, bf.block.Hash()) } } else { bf.header, bf.err = oracle.backend.HeaderByNumber(ctx, blockNumber) } } if bf.block != nil { bf.header = bf.block.Header() } if bf.header != nil { oracle.processBlock(bf, rewardPercentiles) } // send to resultCh even if empty to guarantee that blockCount items are sent in total resultCh <- bf } }() } reward = make([][]*big.Int, blockCount) baseFee = make([]*big.Int, blockCount+1) gasUsedRatio = make([]float64, blockCount) firstMissing := blockCount for ; blockCount > 0; blockCount-- { bf := <-resultCh if bf.err != nil { return 0, nil, nil, nil, bf.err } i := int(bf.blockNumber - firstBlockNumber) if bf.header != nil { reward[i], baseFee[i], baseFee[i+1], gasUsedRatio[i] = bf.reward, bf.baseFee, bf.nextBaseFee, bf.gasUsedRatio } else { // getting no block and no error means we are requesting into the future (might happen because of a reorg) if i < firstMissing { firstMissing = i } } } if firstMissing == 0 { return 0, nil, nil, nil, nil } if processBlocks { reward = reward[:firstMissing] } else { reward = nil } baseFee, gasUsedRatio = baseFee[:firstMissing+1], gasUsedRatio[:firstMissing] return }