forked from cerc-io/plugeth
Merge branch 'develop'
This commit is contained in:
@ -27,20 +27,22 @@ General command line options
Shared between ethereum and ethereal
-m Start mining blocks
-genaddr Generates a new address and private key (destructive action)
-p Port on which the server will accept incomming connections
-id Set the custom identifier of the client (shows up on other clients)
-port Port on which the server will accept incomming connections
-upnp Enable UPnP
-x Desired amount of peers
-r Start JSON RPC
-maxpeer Desired amount of peers
-rpc Start JSON RPC
-dir Data directory used to store configs and databases
-import Import a private key
-genaddr Generates a new address and private key (destructive action)
-h This
Ethereum only
ethereum [options] [filename]
-js Start the JavaScript REPL
filename Load the given file and interpret as JavaScript
-m Start mining blocks
Etheral only
-asset_path absolute path to GUI assets directory
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import Ethereum 1.0
ApplicationWindow {
visible: false
title: "IceCream"
title: "IceCREAM"
minimumWidth: 1280
minimumHeight: 900
width: 1290
@ -224,8 +224,8 @@ ApplicationWindow {
function setInstruction(num) {
function setMem(mem) {
@ -255,6 +255,10 @@ ApplicationWindow {
function setLog(msg) {
logModel.append({message: msg})
logModel.insert(0, {message: msg})
function clearLog() {
@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ import Ethereum 1.0
ApplicationWindow {
id: root
property alias miningButtonText: miningButton.text
width: 900
height: 600
minimumHeight: 300
@ -27,13 +29,6 @@ ApplicationWindow {
Menu {
title: "Tools"
MenuItem {
text: "Muted"
shortcut: "Ctrl+e"
onTriggered: ui.muted("")
MenuItem {
text: "Debugger"
shortcut: "Ctrl+d"
@ -50,11 +45,6 @@ ApplicationWindow {
addPeerWin.visible = true
MenuItem {
text: "Start"
onTriggered: ui.connect()
Menu {
@ -180,6 +170,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
visible: false
anchors.fill: parent
color: "#00000000"
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.rightMargin: 5
@ -192,6 +183,10 @@ ApplicationWindow {
addTab("Contracts", newContract)
Component.onCompleted: {
Rectangle {
@ -204,7 +199,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
id: blockTable
width: parent.width
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
TableViewColumn{ role: "number" ; title: "#" ; width: 100 }
TableViewColumn{ role: "hash" ; title: "Hash" ; width: 560 }
TableViewColumn{ role: "txAmount" ; title: "Tx amount" ; width: 100 }
@ -217,19 +212,6 @@ ApplicationWindow {
property var logModel: ListModel {
id: logModel
TableView {
id: logView
width: parent.width
height: 150
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
TableViewColumn{ role: "description" ; title: "log" }
model: logModel
Rectangle {
@ -257,6 +239,35 @@ ApplicationWindow {
text: pub.getKey().address
width: 500
property var addressModel: ListModel {
id: addressModel
TableView {
id: addressView
width: parent.width
height: 200
TableViewColumn{ role: "name"; title: "name" }
TableViewColumn{ role: "address"; title: "address"; width: 300}
model: addressModel
property var logModel: ListModel {
id: logModel
TableView {
id: logView
width: parent.width
height: 200
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
TableViewColumn{ role: "description" ; title: "log" }
model: logModel
@ -294,8 +305,15 @@ ApplicationWindow {
statusBar: StatusBar {
height: 30
RowLayout {
anchors.fill: parent
Button {
id: miningButton
onClicked: {
text: "Start Mining"
Button {
property var enabled: true
@ -319,8 +337,10 @@ ApplicationWindow {
anchors.leftMargin: 5
id: walletValueLabel
Label {
y: 7
anchors.right: peerImage.left
anchors.rightMargin: 5
id: peerLabel
@ -328,26 +348,26 @@ ApplicationWindow {
text: "0 / 0"
Image {
y: 7
id: peerImage
anchors.right: parent.right
width: 10; height: 10
source: ui.assetPath("network.png")
Window {
id: popup
visible: false
property var block
width: root.width
height: 240
height: 300
id: blockDetailsDelegate
Rectangle {
color: "#252525"
width: popup.width
height: 200
height: 150
Column {
anchors.leftMargin: 10
anchors.topMargin: 5
@ -356,6 +376,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
Text { text: '<h3>Block details</h3>'; color: "#F2F2F2"}
Text { text: '<b>Block number:</b> ' + number; color: "#F2F2F2"}
Text { text: '<b>Hash:</b> ' + hash; color: "#F2F2F2"}
Text { text: '<b>Coinbase:</b> ' + coinbase; color: "#F2F2F2"}
Text { text: '<b>Block found at:</b> ' + prettyTime; color: "#F2F2F2"}
@ -364,7 +385,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
model: singleBlock
delegate: blockDetailsDelegate
height: 70
height: 100
anchors.leftMargin: 20
id: listViewThing
Layout.maximumHeight: 40
@ -389,7 +410,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
if( {
popup.height = 230
popup.height = 440
@ -403,7 +424,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
contractLabel.text = "<h4> Transaction ran contract " + tx.address + "</h4>"
contractData.text = tx.rawData
popup.height = 400
popup.height = 540
Rectangle {
@ -455,7 +476,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
function setDetails(block){
popup.height = 230
popup.height = 300
if(block.txs != undefined){
for(var i = 0; i < block.txs.count; ++i) {
@ -529,126 +550,17 @@ ApplicationWindow {
font.pointSize: 12
text: "<h2>Ethereal</h2><br><h3>Development</h3>Jeffrey Wilcke<br>Maran Hidskes<br>"
ApplicationWindow {
id: debugWindow
visible: false
title: "Debugger"
minimumWidth: 600
minimumHeight: 600
width: 800
height: 600
Item {
id: keyHandler
focus: true
Keys.onPressed: {
if (event.key == Qt.Key_Space) {
SplitView {
anchors.fill: parent
property var asmModel: ListModel {
id: asmModel
TableView {
id: asmTableView
width: 200
TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "" ; width: 100 }
model: asmModel
Rectangle {
anchors.left: asmTableView.right
anchors.right: parent.right
SplitView {
orientation: Qt.Vertical
anchors.fill: parent
TableView {
property var memModel: ListModel {
id: memModel
height: parent.height/2
width: parent.width
TableViewColumn{ id:mnumColmn ; role: "num" ; title: "#" ; width: 50}
TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "Memory" ; width: 750}
model: memModel
SplitView {
orientation: Qt.Horizontal
id: debugSplitView
TableView {
property var debuggerLog: ListModel {
id: debuggerLog
TableViewColumn{ role: "value"; title: "Debug messages" }
model: debuggerLog
TableView {
property var stackModel: ListModel {
id: stackModel
height: parent.height/2
width: parent.width
TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "Stack" ; width: debugSplitView.width }
model: stackModel
statusBar: StatusBar {
RowLayout {
anchors.fill: parent
Button {
property var enabled: true
id: debugNextButton
onClicked: {
text: "Next"
function setAsm(asm) {
asmModel.append({asm: asm})
function setInstruction(num) {
function clearAsm() {
function setMem(mem) {
memModel.append({num: mem.num, value: mem.value})
function clearMem(){
function setStack(stack) {
stackModel.append({value: stack})
function addDebugMessage(message){
debuggerLog.append({value: message})
function clearStack() {
function addAddress(address) {
addressModel.append({name:, address: address.address})
function clearAddress() {
function loadPlugin(name) {
@ -667,7 +579,14 @@ ApplicationWindow {
isContract = "No"
txModel.insert(0, {inout: inout, hash: tx.hash, address: tx.address, value: tx.value, contract: isContract})
var address;
if(inout == "recv") {
address = tx.sender;
} else {
address = tx.address;
txModel.insert(0, {inout: inout, hash: tx.hash, address: address, value: tx.value, contract: isContract})
function addBlock(block, initial) {
@ -682,15 +601,15 @@ ApplicationWindow {
blockModel.append({number: block.number, hash: block.hash, txs: txs, txAmount: amount, time: block.time, prettyTime: convertToPretty(block.time)})
blockModel.append({number: block.number, coinbase: block.coinbase, hash: block.hash, txs: txs, txAmount: amount, time: block.time, prettyTime: convertToPretty(block.time)})
blockModel.insert(0, {number: block.number, hash: block.hash, txs: txs, txAmount: amount, time: block.time, prettyTime: convertToPretty(block.time)})
blockModel.insert(0, {number: block.number, coinbase: block.coinbase, hash: block.hash, txs: txs, txAmount: amount, time: block.time, prettyTime: convertToPretty(block.time)})
function addLog(str) {
if(str.len != 0) {
logModel.append({description: str})
logModel.insert(0, {description: str})
@ -718,6 +637,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
id: newContract
Column {
id: mainContractColumn
anchors.fill: parent
function contractFormReady(){
if(codeView.text.length > 0 && txValue.text.length > 0 && txGas.text.length > 0 && txGasPrice.length > 0) {
txButton.state = "READY"
@ -739,6 +659,8 @@ ApplicationWindow {
PropertyChanges { target: codeView; visible:false}
PropertyChanges { target: txButton; visible:false}
PropertyChanges { target: txDataLabel; visible:false}
PropertyChanges { target: atLabel; visible:false}
PropertyChanges { target: txFuelRecipient; visible:false}
PropertyChanges { target: txResult; visible:true}
PropertyChanges { target: txOutput; visible:true}
@ -765,82 +687,70 @@ ApplicationWindow {
anchors.leftMargin: 5
anchors.topMargin: 5
TextField {
id: txFuelRecipient
placeholderText: "Address / Name or empty for contract"
//validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /[a-f0-9]{40}/ }
width: 400
TextField {
id: txValue
width: 200
width: 222
placeholderText: "Amount"
validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /\d*/ }
onTextChanged: {
RowLayout {
TextField {
id: txGas
width: 200
width: 50
validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /\d*/ }
placeholderText: "Gas"
text: "500"
onTextChanged: {
Label {
id: atLabel
text: "@"
TextField {
id: txGasPrice
width: 200
placeholderText: "Gas price"
text: "1000000"
validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /\d*/ }
onTextChanged: {
Row {
id: rowContract
ExclusiveGroup { id: contractTypeGroup }
RadioButton {
id: createContractRadio
text: "Create contract"
checked: true
exclusiveGroup: contractTypeGroup
onClicked: {
txFuelRecipient.visible = false
txDataLabel.text = "Contract code"
RadioButton {
id: runContractRadio
text: "Run contract"
exclusiveGroup: contractTypeGroup
onClicked: {
txFuelRecipient.visible = true
txDataLabel.text = "Contract arguments"
Label {
id: txDataLabel
text: "Contract code"
text: "Data"
TextArea {
id: codeView
height: 300
anchors.topMargin: 5
Layout.fillWidth: true
width: parent.width /2
width: 400
onTextChanged: {
TextField {
id: txFuelRecipient
placeholderText: "Contract address"
validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /[a-f0-9]{40}/ }
visible: false
width: 530
Button {
id: txButton
@ -883,7 +793,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
Button {
id: newTxButton
visible: false
text: "Create an other contract"
text: "Create a new transaction"
onClicked: {
this.visible = false
txResult.text = ""
@ -891,15 +801,6 @@ ApplicationWindow {
mainContractColumn.state = "SETUP"
Button {
id: debugButton
text: "Debug"
onClicked: {
var res = ui.debugTx("", txValue.text, txGas.text, txGasPrice.text, codeView.text)
debugWindow.visible = true
@ -948,7 +849,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
id: txSimpleRecipient
placeholderText: "Recipient address"
Layout.fillWidth: true
validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /[a-f0-9]{40}/ }
//validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /[a-f0-9]{40}/ }
width: 530
onTextChanged: { checkFormState() }
@ -976,7 +877,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
text: "Send"
onClicked: {
//this.enabled = false
var res = eth.transact(txSimpleRecipient.text, txSimpleValue.text,"","","")
var res = eth.transact(txSimpleRecipient.text, txSimpleValue.text, "500", "1000000", "")
if(res[1]) {
txSimpleResult.text = "There has been an error broadcasting your transaction:" + res[1].error()
} else {
@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ import (
var Identifier string
var StartConsole bool
var StartMining bool
//var StartMining bool
var StartRpc bool
var RpcPort int
var UseUPnP bool
@ -18,25 +18,22 @@ var GenAddr bool
var UseSeed bool
var ImportKey string
var ExportKey bool
var DataDir string
var AssetPath string
func Init() {
flag.StringVar(&Identifier, "i", "", "Custom client identifier")
flag.BoolVar(&StartConsole, "c", false, "debug and testing console")
flag.BoolVar(&StartMining, "m", false, "start dagger mining")
flag.BoolVar(&StartRpc, "r", false, "start rpc server")
flag.BoolVar(&ShowGenesis, "g", false, "prints genesis header and exits")
flag.StringVar(&Identifier, "id", "", "Custom client identifier")
flag.StringVar(&OutboundPort, "port", "30303", "listening port")
flag.BoolVar(&UseUPnP, "upnp", false, "enable UPnP support")
flag.IntVar(&MaxPeer, "maxpeer", 10, "maximum desired peers")
flag.IntVar(&RpcPort, "rpcport", 8080, "port to start json-rpc server on")
flag.BoolVar(&StartRpc, "rpc", false, "start rpc server")
flag.StringVar(&AssetPath, "asset_path", "", "absolute path to GUI assets directory")
flag.BoolVar(&ShowGenesis, "genesis", false, "prints genesis header and exits")
flag.BoolVar(&UseSeed, "seed", true, "seed peers")
flag.BoolVar(&GenAddr, "genaddr", false, "create a new priv/pub key")
flag.BoolVar(&ExportKey, "export", false, "export private key")
flag.IntVar(&RpcPort, "rpcport", 8080, "port to start json-rpc server on")
flag.StringVar(&OutboundPort, "p", "30303", "listening port")
flag.StringVar(&DataDir, "dir", ".ethereal", "ethereum data directory")
flag.StringVar(&ImportKey, "import", "", "imports the given private key (hex)")
flag.IntVar(&MaxPeer, "x", 10, "maximum desired peers")
flag.StringVar(&AssetPath, "asset_path", "", "absolute path to GUI assets directory")
@ -8,9 +8,11 @@ import (
@ -39,7 +41,16 @@ func main() {
ethutil.ReadConfig(DataDir, ethutil.LogFile|ethutil.LogStd, Identifier)
g, err := globalconf.NewWithOptions(&globalconf.Options{
Filename: path.Join(ethutil.ApplicationFolder(".ethereal"), "conf.ini"),
if err != nil {
} else {
ethutil.ReadConfig(".ethereal", ethutil.LogFile|ethutil.LogStd, Identifier)
// Instantiated a eth stack
ethereum, err := eth.New(eth.CapDefault, UseUPnP)
@ -108,9 +119,11 @@ save these words so you can restore your account later: %s
if StartMining {
if StartRpc {
utils.DoRpc(ethereum, RpcPort)
@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ func (self *DebuggerWindow) Debug(valueStr, gasStr, gasPriceStr, scriptStr, data
var err error
script := ethutil.StringToByteFunc(scriptStr, func(s string) (ret []byte) {
ret, err = ethutil.Compile(s)
fmt.Printf("%x\n", ret)
@ -82,6 +83,7 @@ func (self *DebuggerWindow) Debug(valueStr, gasStr, gasPriceStr, scriptStr, data
dis := ethchain.Disassemble(script)
for _, str := range dis {
||||"setAsm", str)
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import (
@ -66,7 +67,6 @@ func (gui *Gui) Start(assetPath string) {
ethutil.Config.SetClientString(fmt.Sprintf("/Ethereal v%s", version))
ethutil.Config.Log.Infoln("[GUI] Starting GUI")
// Create a new QML engine
gui.engine = qml.NewEngine()
context := gui.engine.Context()
@ -93,12 +93,28 @@ func (gui *Gui) Start(assetPath string) {
ethutil.Config.Log.Infoln("[GUI] Starting GUI")
func (gui *Gui) ToggleMining() {
var txt string
if gui.eth.Mining {
txt = "Start mining"
} else {
txt = "Stop mining"
||||"miningButtonText", txt)
func (gui *Gui) showWallet(context *qml.Context) (*qml.Window, error) {
component, err := gui.engine.LoadFile(gui.uiLib.AssetPath("qml/wallet.qml"))
if err != nil {
@ -107,8 +123,11 @@ func (gui *Gui) showWallet(context *qml.Context) (*qml.Window, error) {
win := gui.createWindow(component)
go gui.setInitialBlockChain()
go gui.readPreviousTransactions()
go gui.update()
return win, nil
@ -145,6 +164,19 @@ func (gui *Gui) setInitialBlockChain() {
type address struct {
Name, Address string
var namereg = ethutil.FromHex("bb5f186604d057c1c5240ca2ae0f6430138ac010")
func (gui *Gui) loadAddressBook() {
gui.eth.StateManager().CurrentState().GetStateObject(namereg).State().EachStorage(func(name string, value *ethutil.Value) {
||||"addAddress", struct{ Name, Address string }{name, ethutil.Hex(value.Bytes())})
func (gui *Gui) readPreviousTransactions() {
it := gui.txDb.Db().NewIterator(nil, nil)
for it.Next() {
@ -189,10 +221,14 @@ func (gui *Gui) update() {
blockChan := make(chan ethutil.React, 1)
txChan := make(chan ethutil.React, 1)
objectChan := make(chan ethutil.React, 1)
peerChan := make(chan ethutil.React, 1)
reactor.Subscribe("newBlock", blockChan)
reactor.Subscribe("newTx:pre", txChan)
reactor.Subscribe("newTx:post", txChan)
reactor.Subscribe("object:"+string(namereg), objectChan)
reactor.Subscribe("peerList", peerChan)
state := gui.eth.StateManager().TransState()
@ -239,10 +275,18 @@ func (gui *Gui) update() {
case <-objectChan:
case <-peerChan:
func (gui *Gui) setPeerInfo() {
||||"setPeers", fmt.Sprintf("%d / %d", gui.eth.PeerCount(), gui.eth.MaxPeers))
// Logging functions that log directly to the GUI interface
func (gui *Gui) Println(v ...interface{}) {
str := strings.TrimRight(fmt.Sprintln(v...), "\n")
@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ var UseSeed bool
var ImportKey string
var ExportKey bool
var LogFile string
var DataDir string
var NonInteractive bool
var StartJsConsole bool
var InputFile string
@ -31,22 +30,21 @@ func Init() {
flag.StringVar(&Identifier, "i", "", "custom client identifier")
flag.BoolVar(&StartMining, "m", false, "start dagger mining")
flag.BoolVar(&ShowGenesis, "g", false, "prints genesis header and exits")
flag.BoolVar(&StartRpc, "r", false, "start rpc server")
flag.IntVar(&RpcPort, "rpcport", 8080, "port to start json-rpc server on")
flag.BoolVar(&NonInteractive, "y", false, "non-interactive mode (say yes to confirmations)")
flag.StringVar(&Identifier, "id", "", "Custom client identifier")
flag.StringVar(&OutboundPort, "port", "30303", "listening port")
flag.BoolVar(&UseUPnP, "upnp", false, "enable UPnP support")
flag.IntVar(&MaxPeer, "maxpeer", 10, "maximum desired peers")
flag.IntVar(&RpcPort, "rpcport", 8080, "port to start json-rpc server on")
flag.BoolVar(&StartRpc, "rpc", false, "start rpc server")
flag.BoolVar(&StartJsConsole, "js", false, "exp")
flag.BoolVar(&StartMining, "mine", false, "start dagger mining")
flag.BoolVar(&NonInteractive, "y", false, "non-interactive mode (say yes to confirmations)")
flag.BoolVar(&UseSeed, "seed", true, "seed peers")
flag.BoolVar(&GenAddr, "genaddr", false, "create a new priv/pub key")
flag.BoolVar(&ExportKey, "export", false, "export private key")
flag.StringVar(&OutboundPort, "p", "30303", "listening port")
flag.StringVar(&LogFile, "logfile", "", "log file (defaults to standard output)")
flag.StringVar(&DataDir, "dir", ".ethereum", "ethereum data directory")
flag.StringVar(&ImportKey, "import", "", "imports the given private key (hex)")
flag.IntVar(&MaxPeer, "x", 10, "maximum desired peers")
flag.BoolVar(&StartJsConsole, "js", false, "exp")
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ func main() {
lt = ethutil.LogFile | ethutil.LogStd
ethutil.ReadConfig(DataDir, lt, Identifier)
ethutil.ReadConfig(".ethereum", lt, Identifier)
logger := ethutil.Config.Log
@ -33,8 +33,6 @@ func DoMining(ethereum *eth.Ethereum) {
addr := keyPair.Address()
go func() {
ethutil.Config.Log.Infoln("Miner started")
miner = ethminer.NewDefaultMiner(addr, ethereum)
// Give it some time to connect with peers
Reference in New Issue
Block a user