#!/bin/bash source .env echo "Using REGISTRY_BOND_ID: $REGISTRY_BOND_ID" echo "Using DEPLOYER_LRN: $DEPLOYER_LRN" echo "Using AUTHORITY: $AUTHORITY" # Repository URL REPO_URL="https://git.vdb.to/mito-systems/ranger-app" # Get the latest commit hash from the repository LATEST_HASH=$(git ls-remote $REPO_URL HEAD | awk '{print $1}') PACKAGE_VERSION=0.0.15 # Current date and time for note CURRENT_DATE_TIME=$(date -u) ## TODO make this CONFIG_FILE=priv-config.yml # Reference: https://git.vdb.to/cerc-io/test-progressive-web-app/src/branch/main/scripts # Get latest version from registry and increment application-record version NEW_APPLICATION_VERSION=$(laconic -c $CONFIG_FILE registry record list --type ApplicationRecord --all --name "wild" 2>/dev/null | jq -r -s ".[] | sort_by(.createTime) | reverse | [ .[] | select(.bondId == \"$REGISTRY_BOND_ID\") ] | .[0].attributes.version" | awk -F. -v OFS=. '{$NF += 1 ; print}') if [ -z "$NEW_APPLICATION_VERSION" ] || [ "1" == "$NEW_APPLICATION_VERSION" ]; then # Set application-record version if no previous records were found NEW_APPLICATION_VERSION=0.0.6 fi # Generate application-record.yml with incremented version cat >./records/application-record.yml <./records/application-deployment-request.yml <