import * as React from "react"; import styled from "styled-components"; import Client, { CLIENT_EVENTS } from "@walletconnect/client"; import QRCodeModal from "@walletconnect/legacy-modal"; import { PairingTypes, SessionTypes } from "@walletconnect/types"; import { ERROR, getAppMetadata } from "@walletconnect/utils"; import * as encoding from "@walletconnect/encoding"; import { apiGetChainNamespace, ChainsMap } from "caip-api"; import { formatDirectSignDoc, stringifySignDocValues } from "cosmos-wallet"; import { BigNumber } from "ethers"; import Banner from "./components/Banner"; import Blockchain from "./components/Blockchain"; import Button from "./components/Button"; import Column from "./components/Column"; import Header from "./components/Header"; import Modal from "./components/Modal"; import Wrapper from "./components/Wrapper"; import { DEFAULT_APP_METADATA, DEFAULT_MAIN_CHAINS, DEFAULT_LOGGER, DEFAULT_EIP155_METHODS, DEFAULT_COSMOS_METHODS, DEFAULT_PROJECT_ID, DEFAULT_RELAY_URL, DEFAULT_TEST_CHAINS, DEFAULT_CHAINS, } from "./constants"; import { apiGetAccountAssets, AccountAction, eip712, hashPersonalMessage, hashTypedDataMessage, verifySignature, AccountBalances, formatTestTransaction, ChainNamespaces, setInitialStateTestnet, getInitialStateTestnet, } from "./helpers"; import { fonts } from "./styles"; import Toggle from "./components/Toggle"; import RequestModal from "./modals/RequestModal"; import PairingModal from "./modals/PairingModal"; import PingModal from "./modals/PingModal"; const SLayout = styled.div` position: relative; width: 100%; min-height: 100vh; text-align: center; `; const SContent = styled(Wrapper as any)` width: 100%; height: 100%; padding: 0 16px; `; const SLanding = styled(Column as any)` /* height: 600px; */ `; const SButtonContainer = styled(Column as any)` width: 250px; margin: 50px 0; `; const SConnectButton = styled(Button as any)` border-radius: 8px; font-size: ${fonts.size.medium}; height: 44px; width: 100%; margin: 12px 0; `; const SAccountsContainer = styled(SLanding as any)` height: 100%; padding-bottom: 30px; & h3 { padding-top: 30px; } `; const SToggleContainer = styled.div` width: 100%; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; margin: 10px auto; & > p { margin-right: 10px; } `; const SFullWidthContainer = styled.div` width: 100%; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; flex-wrap: wrap; `; const SAccounts = styled(SFullWidthContainer)` justify-content: space-between; & > div { margin: 12px 0; flex: 1 0 100%; @media (min-width: 648px) { flex: 0 1 48%; } } `; interface AppState { client: Client | undefined; session: SessionTypes.Created | undefined; testnet: boolean; loading: boolean; fetching: boolean; chains: string[]; pairings: string[]; modal: string; pending: boolean; uri: string; accounts: string[]; result: any | undefined; balances: AccountBalances; chainData: ChainNamespaces; } const INITIAL_STATE: AppState = { client: undefined, session: undefined, testnet: true, loading: false, fetching: false, chains: [], pairings: [], modal: "", pending: false, uri: "", accounts: [], result: undefined, balances: {}, chainData: {}, }; class App extends React.Component { public state: AppState = { ...INITIAL_STATE, testnet: getInitialStateTestnet(), }; public componentDidMount() { this.init(); } public init = async () => { this.setState({ loading: true }); try { await this.loadChainData(); const client = await Client.init({ logger: DEFAULT_LOGGER, relayUrl: DEFAULT_RELAY_URL, projectId: DEFAULT_PROJECT_ID, }); this.setState({ loading: false, client }); this.subscribeToEvents(); await this.checkPersistedState(); } catch (e) { this.setState({ loading: false }); throw e; } }; public getAllNamespaces() { const namespaces: string[] = []; DEFAULT_CHAINS.forEach(chainId => { const [namespace] = chainId.split(":"); if (!namespaces.includes(namespace)) { namespaces.push(namespace); } }); return namespaces; } public async loadChainData(): Promise { const namespaces = this.getAllNamespaces(); const chainData: ChainNamespaces = {}; await Promise.all( namespace => { let chains: ChainsMap | undefined; try { chains = await apiGetChainNamespace(namespace); } catch (e) { // ignore error } if (typeof chains !== "undefined") { chainData[namespace] = chains; } }), ); this.setState({ chainData }); } public subscribeToEvents = () => { if (typeof this.state.client === "undefined") { return; } this.state.client.on( CLIENT_EVENTS.pairing.proposal, async (proposal: PairingTypes.Proposal) => { const { uri } = proposal.signal.params; this.setState({ uri }); console.log("EVENT", "QR Code Modal open");, () => { console.log("EVENT", "QR Code Modal closed"); }); }, ); this.state.client.on(CLIENT_EVENTS.pairing.created, async (proposal: PairingTypes.Settled) => { if (typeof this.state.client === "undefined") return; this.setState({ pairings: this.state.client.pairing.topics }); }); this.state.client.on(CLIENT_EVENTS.session.deleted, (session: SessionTypes.Settled) => { if (session.topic !== this.state.session?.topic) return; console.log("EVENT", "session_deleted"); this.resetApp(); }); }; public checkPersistedState = async () => { if (typeof this.state.client === "undefined") { throw new Error("WalletConnect is not initialized"); } // populates existing pairings to state this.setState({ pairings: this.state.client.pairing.topics }); if (typeof this.state.session !== "undefined") return; // populates existing session to state (assume only the top one) if (this.state.client.session.topics.length) { const session = await this.state.client.session.get(this.state.client.session.topics[0]); const chains = => account.split(":").slice(0, -1).join(":"), ); this.setState({ accounts: session.state.accounts, chains }); this.onSessionConnected(session); } }; public connect = async (pairing?: { topic: string }) => { if (typeof this.state.client === "undefined") { throw new Error("WalletConnect is not initialized"); } console.log("connect", pairing); if (this.state.modal === "pairing") { this.closeModal(); } try { const chains = this.state.chains; const supportedNamespaces: string[] = []; chains.forEach(chainId => { const [namespace] = chainId.split(":"); if (!supportedNamespaces.includes(namespace)) { supportedNamespaces.push(namespace); } }); const methods: string[] = supportedNamespaces .map(namespace => { switch (namespace) { case "eip155": return DEFAULT_EIP155_METHODS; case "cosmos": return DEFAULT_COSMOS_METHODS; default: throw new Error(`No default methods for namespace: ${namespace}`); } }) .flat(); const session = await this.state.client.connect({ metadata: getAppMetadata() || DEFAULT_APP_METADATA, pairing, permissions: { blockchain: { chains, }, jsonrpc: { methods, }, }, }); this.onSessionConnected(session); } catch (e) { // ignore rejection } // close modal in case it was open QRCodeModal.close(); }; public disconnect = async () => { if (typeof this.state.client === "undefined") { throw new Error("WalletConnect is not initialized"); } if (typeof this.state.session === "undefined") { throw new Error("Session is not connected"); } await this.state.client.disconnect({ topic: this.state.session.topic, reason: ERROR.USER_DISCONNECTED.format(), }); }; public resetApp = async () => { const { client, chainData } = this.state; this.setState({ ...INITIAL_STATE, client, chainData }); }; public toggleTestnets = () => { const testnet = !this.state.testnet; this.setState({ testnet }); setInitialStateTestnet(testnet); }; public onSessionConnected = async (session: SessionTypes.Settled) => { this.setState({ session }); this.onSessionUpdate(session.state.accounts, session.permissions.blockchain.chains); }; public onSessionUpdate = async (accounts: string[], chains: string[]) => { this.setState({ chains, accounts }); await this.getAccountBalances(); }; public getAccountBalances = async () => { this.setState({ fetching: true }); try { const arr = await Promise.all( account => { const [namespace, reference, address] = account.split(":"); const chainId = `${namespace}:${reference}`; const assets = await apiGetAccountAssets(address, chainId); return { account, assets }; }), ); const balances: AccountBalances = {}; arr.forEach(({ account, assets }) => { balances[account] = assets; }); this.setState({ fetching: false, balances }); } catch (e) { console.error(e); this.setState({ fetching: false }); } }; public openPairingModal = () => this.setState({ modal: "pairing" }); public openRequestModal = () => this.setState({ pending: true, modal: "request" }); public openPingModal = () => this.setState({ pending: true, modal: "ping" }); public openModal = (modal: string) => this.setState({ modal }); public closeModal = () => this.setState({ modal: "" }); public onConnect = () => { if (typeof this.state.client === "undefined") { throw new Error("WalletConnect is not initialized"); } if (this.state.client.pairing.topics.length) { return this.openPairingModal(); } this.connect(); }; public testSendTransaction = async (chainId: string) => { if (typeof this.state.client === "undefined") { throw new Error("WalletConnect is not initialized"); } if (typeof this.state.session === "undefined") { throw new Error("Session is not connected"); } try { // get ethereum address const account = this.state.accounts.find(account => account.startsWith(chainId)); if (account === undefined) throw new Error("Account is not found"); const address = account.split(":").pop(); if (address === undefined) throw new Error("Address is invalid"); // open modal this.openRequestModal(); const tx = await formatTestTransaction(account); const balance = BigNumber.from(this.state.balances[account][0].balance || "0"); if ( { const formattedResult = { method: "eth_sendTransaction", address, valid: false, result: "Insufficient funds for intrinsic transaction cost", }; this.setState({ pending: false, result: formattedResult || null }); return; } const result = await this.state.client.request({ topic: this.state.session.topic, chainId, request: { method: "eth_sendTransaction", params: [tx], }, }); // format displayed result const formattedResult = { method: "eth_sendTransaction", address, valid: true, result, }; // display result this.setState({ pending: false, result: formattedResult || null }); } catch (e) { console.error(e); this.setState({ pending: false, result: null }); } }; public testSignPersonalMessage = async (chainId: string) => { if (typeof this.state.client === "undefined") { throw new Error("WalletConnect is not initialized"); } if (typeof this.state.session === "undefined") { throw new Error("Session is not connected"); } try { // test message const message = `My email is - ${}`; // encode message (hex) const hexMsg = encoding.utf8ToHex(message, true); // get ethereum address const account = this.state.accounts.find(account => account.startsWith(chainId)); if (account === undefined) throw new Error("Account is not found"); const address = account.split(":").pop(); if (address === undefined) throw new Error("Address is invalid"); // personal_sign params const params = [hexMsg, address]; // open modal this.openRequestModal(); // send message const result = await this.state.client.request({ topic: this.state.session.topic, chainId, request: { method: "personal_sign", params, }, }); // split chainId const [namespace, reference] = chainId.split(":"); const chainData = this.state.chainData[namespace][reference]; if (typeof chainData === "undefined") { throw new Error(`Missing chain data for chainId: ${chainId}`); } const rpcUrl = chainData.rpc[0]; // verify signature const hash = hashPersonalMessage(message); const valid = await verifySignature(address, result, hash, rpcUrl); // format displayed result const formattedResult = { method: "personal_sign", address, valid, result, }; // display result this.setState({ pending: false, result: formattedResult || null }); } catch (e) { console.error(e); this.setState({ pending: false, result: null }); } }; public testSignTypedData = async (chainId: string) => { if (typeof this.state.client === "undefined") { throw new Error("WalletConnect is not initialized"); } if (typeof this.state.session === "undefined") { throw new Error("Session is not connected"); } try { // test message const message = JSON.stringify(eip712.example); // get ethereum address const account = this.state.accounts.find(account => account.startsWith(chainId)); if (account === undefined) throw new Error("Account is not found"); const address = account.split(":").pop(); if (address === undefined) throw new Error("Address is invalid"); // eth_signTypedData params const params = [address, message]; // open modal this.openRequestModal(); // send message const result = await this.state.client.request({ topic: this.state.session.topic, chainId, request: { method: "eth_signTypedData", params, }, }); // split chainId const [namespace, reference] = chainId.split(":"); const chainData = this.state.chainData[namespace][reference]; if (typeof chainData === "undefined") { throw new Error(`Missing chain data for chainId: ${chainId}`); } const rpcUrl = chainData.rpc[0]; // verify signature const hash = hashTypedDataMessage(message); const valid = await verifySignature(address, result, hash, rpcUrl); // format displayed result const formattedResult = { method: "eth_signTypedData", address, valid, result, }; // display result this.setState({ pending: false, result: formattedResult || null }); } catch (e) { console.error(e); this.setState({ pending: false, result: null }); } }; public testSignDirect = async (chainId: string) => { if (typeof this.state.client === "undefined") { throw new Error("WalletConnect is not initialized"); } if (typeof this.state.session === "undefined") { throw new Error("Session is not connected"); } try { // test direct sign doc inputs const inputs = { fee: [{ amount: "2000", denom: "ucosm" }], pubkey: "AgSEjOuOr991QlHCORRmdE5ahVKeyBrmtgoYepCpQGOW", gasLimit: 200000, accountNumber: 1, sequence: 1, bodyBytes: "0a90010a1c2f636f736d6f732e62616e6b2e763162657461312e4d736753656e6412700a2d636f736d6f7331706b707472653766646b6c366766727a6c65736a6a766878686c63337234676d6d6b38727336122d636f736d6f7331717970717870713971637273737a673270767871367273307a716733797963356c7a763778751a100a0575636f736d120731323334353637", authInfoBytes: "0a500a460a1f2f636f736d6f732e63727970746f2e736563703235366b312e5075624b657912230a21034f04181eeba35391b858633a765c4a0c189697b40d216354d50890d350c7029012040a020801180112130a0d0a0575636f736d12043230303010c09a0c", }; // split chainId const [namespace, reference] = chainId.split(":"); // format sign doc const signDoc = formatDirectSignDoc( inputs.fee, inputs.pubkey, inputs.gasLimit, inputs.accountNumber, inputs.sequence, inputs.bodyBytes, reference, ); // get cosmos address const account = this.state.accounts.find(account => account.startsWith(chainId)); if (account === undefined) throw new Error("Account is not found"); const address = account.split(":").pop(); if (address === undefined) throw new Error("Address is invalid"); // cosmos_signDirect params const params = { signerAddress: address, signDoc: stringifySignDocValues(signDoc), }; // open modal this.openRequestModal(); // send message const result = await this.state.client.request({ topic: this.state.session.topic, chainId, request: { method: "cosmos_signDirect", params, }, }); const chainData = this.state.chainData[namespace][reference]; if (typeof chainData === "undefined") { throw new Error(`Missing chain data for chainId: ${chainId}`); } // TODO: check if valid const valid = true; // format displayed result const formattedResult = { method: "cosmos_signDirect", address, valid, result: result.signature.signature, }; // display result this.setState({ pending: false, result: formattedResult || null }); } catch (e) { console.error(e); this.setState({ pending: false, result: null }); } }; public testSignAmino = async (chainId: string) => { if (typeof this.state.client === "undefined") { throw new Error("WalletConnect is not initialized"); } if (typeof this.state.session === "undefined") { throw new Error("Session is not connected"); } try { // split chainId const [namespace, reference] = chainId.split(":"); // test amino sign doc const signDoc = { msgs: [], fee: { amount: [], gas: "23" }, chain_id: "foochain", memo: "hello, world", account_number: "7", sequence: "54", }; // get cosmos address const account = this.state.accounts.find(account => account.startsWith(chainId)); if (account === undefined) throw new Error("Account is not found"); const address = account.split(":").pop(); if (address === undefined) throw new Error("Address is invalid"); // cosmos_signAmino params const params = { signerAddress: address, signDoc }; // open modal this.openRequestModal(); // send message const result = await this.state.client.request({ topic: this.state.session.topic, chainId, request: { method: "cosmos_signAmino", params, }, }); const chainData = this.state.chainData[namespace][reference]; if (typeof chainData === "undefined") { throw new Error(`Missing chain data for chainId: ${chainId}`); } // TODO: check if valid const valid = true; // format displayed result const formattedResult = { method: "cosmos_signAmino", address, valid, result: result.signature.signature, }; // display result this.setState({ pending: false, result: formattedResult || null }); } catch (e) { console.error(e); this.setState({ pending: false, result: null }); } }; public ping = async () => { if (typeof this.state.client === "undefined") { throw new Error("WalletConnect is not initialized"); } if (typeof this.state.session === "undefined") { throw new Error("Session is not connected"); } try { // open modal this.openPingModal(); let valid = false; try { await; valid = true; } catch (e) { valid = false; } // format displayed result const formattedResult = { method: "ping", valid, }; // display result this.setState({ pending: false, result: formattedResult || null }); } catch (e) { console.error(e); this.setState({ pending: false, result: null }); } }; public handleChainSelectionClick = (chainId: string) => { const { chains } = this.state; if (chains.includes(chainId)) { this.setState({ chains: chains.filter(x => x !== chainId) }); } else { this.setState({ chains: [...chains, chainId] }); } }; public getBlockchainActions = (chainId: string) => { const [namespace] = chainId.split(":"); switch (namespace) { case "eip155": return this.getEthereumActions(); case "cosmos": return this.getCosmosActions(); default: break; } }; public getEthereumActions = (): AccountAction[] => { return [ { method: "eth_sendTransaction", callback: this.testSendTransaction }, { method: "personal_sign", callback: this.testSignPersonalMessage }, { method: "eth_signTypedData", callback: this.testSignTypedData }, ]; }; public getCosmosActions = (): AccountAction[] => { return [ { method: "cosmos_signDirect", callback: this.testSignDirect }, { method: "cosmos_signAmino", callback: this.testSignAmino }, ]; }; public renderModal = () => { switch (this.state.modal) { case "pairing": if (typeof this.state.client === "undefined") { throw new Error("WalletConnect is not initialized"); } return ; case "request": return ; case "ping": return ; default: return null; } }; public renderContent = () => { const { balances, accounts, chains, chainData, testnet, fetching } = this.state; const chainOptions = testnet ? DEFAULT_TEST_CHAINS : DEFAULT_MAIN_CHAINS; return !accounts.length && !Object.keys(balances).length ? (
{`Using v${process.env.REACT_APP_VERSION || "2.0.0-beta"}`}
Select chains:

Testnets Only?

{ => ( ))} {"Connect"}
) : (


{ => { const [namespace, reference, address] = account.split(":"); const chainId = `${namespace}:${reference}`; return ( ); })}
); }; public render = () => { const { loading, session, modal } = this.state; return (
{loading ? "Loading..." : this.renderContent()} {this.renderModal()} ); }; } export default App;