# Vue Auth dApp ### Stack - 💚 Vue 3 - ⛰️ Nuxt 3 - 🍍 Pinia - 🟦 TypeScript - 💨 TailwindCSS - 🔗 ethers.js ## Overview This example aims to demonstrate dapp-facing use cases enabled by WalletConnect Auth Client. ...And show that you can easily use WalletConnect with any framework. ## Running locally Install the app's dependencies: ```bash yarn ``` Set up your local environment variables by copying the example into your own `.env` file: ```bash cp .env.example .env ``` Your `.env` now contains the following environment variables: - `WALLETCONNECT_PROJECT_ID` (placeholder) - You can generate your own ProjectId at https://cloud.walletconnect.com Also, the default relay server `WALLETCONNECT_RELAY_URL` is set. You can change it to use your own instance. ## Development Server Start the development server on http://localhost:3000 ```bash yarn dev ``` ## Production Build the application for production: ```bash yarn build ``` Locally preview production build: ```bash yarn preview ``` Checkout the [deployment documentation](https://v3.nuxtjs.org/guide/deploy/presets) for more information.