# Nitro Token Ops ## Setup * Go to the directory where `nitro-contracts-deployment` is present: ```bash cd /srv/bridge ``` ## Deploy new token * To deploy another token: ```bash # These values can be changed to deploy another token with different name and symbol export TOKEN_NAME="TestToken2" export TOKEN_SYMBOL="TST2" # Note: Token supply denotes actual number of tokens and not the supply in Wei export INITIAL_TOKEN_SUPPLY="129600" laconic-so deployment --dir nitro-contracts-deployment exec nitro-contracts "TOKEN_NAME=$TOKEN_NAME TOKEN_SYMBOL=$TOKEN_SYMBOL INITIAL_TOKEN_SUPPLY=$INITIAL_TOKEN_SUPPLY /app/deploy-l1-tokens.sh" ``` * Recreate `assets.json` to include newly deployed token address: ```bash export GETH_CHAIN_ID="1212" laconic-so deployment --dir nitro-contracts-deployment exec nitro-contracts "jq --arg chainId \"$GETH_CHAIN_ID\" '{ (\$chainId): [ { \"name\": .[\$chainId][0].name, \"chainId\": .[\$chainId][0].chainId, \"contracts\": ( .[\$chainId][0].contracts | to_entries | map(select(.key | in({\"ConsensusApp\":1, \"NitroAdjudicator\":1, \"VirtualPaymentApp\":1}) | not)) | from_entries ) } ] }' /app/deployment/nitro-addresses.json" > assets.json ``` * The required config file should be generated at `/srv/bridge/assets.json` * Check in the generated file at location `ops/stage2/assets.json` within this repository ## Transfer deployed tokens to given address * To transfer a token to an account: ```bash export GETH_CHAIN_ID=1212 export TOKEN_NAME="" export ASSET_ADDRESS=$(laconic-so deployment --dir nitro-contracts-deployment exec nitro-contracts "jq -r '.\"$GETH_CHAIN_ID\"[0].contracts.$TOKEN_NAME.address' /app/deployment/nitro-addresses.json") export ACCOUNT="" export AMOUNT="" laconic-so deployment --dir nitro-contracts-deployment exec nitro-contracts "cd packages/nitro-protocol && yarn hardhat transfer --contract $ASSET_ADDRESS --to $ACCOUNT --amount 1000 --network geth" ```