#!/bin/sh set -e if [ -n "$CERC_SCRIPT_DEBUG" ]; then set -x fi # Use config from mounted volume if available (when running web-app along with watcher stack) if [ -f /server/config.json ]; then echo "Merging config for deployed contract from mounted volume" # Merging config files to get deployed contract address jq -s '.[0] * .[1]' /app/src/mobymask-app-config.json /server/config.json > /app/src/config.json else echo "Setting deployed contract details from env" # Set config values from environment variables jq --arg address "$DEPLOYED_CONTRACT" \ --argjson chainId $CHAIN_ID \ --argjson relayNodes "$RELAY_NODES" \ '.address = $address | .chainId = $chainId | .relayNodes = $relayNodes' \ /app/src/mobymask-app-config.json > /app/src/config.json fi REACT_APP_WATCHER_URI="$APP_WATCHER_URL/graphql" npm run build serve -s build