#!/bin/bash # Usage: yarn-local-registry-fixup.sh # Assumes package.json and yarn.lock are in the cwd # The purpose of this script is to take a project cloned from git # and "fixup" its yarn.lock file such that specified dependency # will be fetched from a registry other than the one used when # yarn.lock was generated. It updates all checksums using data # from the "new" registry (because due to embedded timestamps etc # the same source code re-built later will not have the same checksum). if [ -n "$CERC_SCRIPT_DEBUG" ]; then set -x fi if [[ $# -ne 2 ]]; then echo "Illegal number of parameters" >&2 exit 1 fi target_package=$1 local_npm_registry_url=$2 # TODO: use jq rather than sed here: versioned_target_package=$(grep ${target_package} package.json | sed -e 's#[[:space:]]\{1,\}\"\('${target_package}'\)\":[[:space:]]\{1,\}\"\(.*\)\",#\1@\2#' ) # Use yarn info to get URL checksums etc from the new registry yarn_info_output=$(yarn info --json $versioned_target_package 2>/dev/null) # Code below parses out the values we need package_tarball=$(echo $yarn_info_output | jq -r .data.dist.tarball) # When running inside a container, the registry can return a URL with the wrong host name due to proxying # so we need to check if that has happened and fix the URL if so. if ! [[ "${package_tarball}" =~ ^${local_npm_registry_url}.* ]]; then # HACK: I've hard-wired the host names below. Replace with proper implementation package_tarball=$( echo ${package_tarball} | sed -e 's/localhost/host.docker.internal/g' ) fi package_integrity=$(echo $yarn_info_output | jq -r .data.dist.integrity) package_shasum=$(echo $yarn_info_output | jq -r .data.dist.shasum) package_resolved=${package_tarball}#${package_shasum} # Some strings need to be escaped so they work when passed to sed later escaped_package_resolved=$(printf '%s\n' "$package_resolved" | sed -e 's/[\/&]/\\&/g') escaped_target_package=$(printf '%s\n' "$target_package" | sed -e 's/[\/&]/\\&/g') if [ -n "$CERC_SCRIPT_VERBOSE" ]; then echo "Tarball: ${package_tarball}" echo "Integrity: ${package_integrity}" echo "Shasum: ${package_shasum}" echo "Resolved: ${package_resolved}" fi # Use magic sed regex to replace the values in yarn.lock # Note: yarn.lock is not json so we can not use jq for this sed -i -e '/^\"'${escaped_target_package}'.*\":$/ , /^\".*$/ s/^\([[:space:]]\{1,\}resolved \).*$/\1'\"${escaped_package_resolved}\"'/' yarn.lock sed -i -e '/^\"'${escaped_target_package}'.*\":$/ , /^\".*$/ s/^\([[:space:]]\{1,\}integrity \).*$/\1'${package_integrity}'/' yarn.lock