#!/bin/sh set -e if [ -n "$CERC_SCRIPT_DEBUG" ]; then set -x fi if [ -f /geth-accounts/accounts.csv ]; then echo "Using L1 private key from the mounted volume" # Read the private key of L1 account to deploy contract PRIVATE_KEY_DEPLOYER=$(head -n 1 /geth-accounts/accounts.csv | cut -d ',' -f 3) else echo "Using PRIVATE_KEY_DEPLOYER from env" fi # Set the private key jq --arg privateKey "$PRIVATE_KEY_DEPLOYER" '.privateKey = $privateKey' secrets-template.json > secrets.json # Set the RPC URL export L2_GETH_URL="http://${L2_GETH_HOST}:${L2_GETH_PORT}" jq --arg rpcUrl "$L2_GETH_URL" '.rpcUrl = $rpcUrl' secrets.json > secrets_updated.json && mv secrets_updated.json secrets.json export RPC_URL="${L2_GETH_URL}" # Check and exit if a deployment already exists (on restarts) if [ -f ./config.json ]; then echo "config.json already exists, checking the contract deployment" # Read JSON file DEPLOYMENT_DETAILS=$(cat config.json) CONTRACT_ADDRESS=$(echo "$DEPLOYMENT_DETAILS" | jq -r '.address') cd ../hardhat if yarn verifyDeployment --network optimism --contract "${CONTRACT_ADDRESS}"; then echo "Deployment verfication successful" cd ../server else echo "Deployment verfication failed, please clear MobyMask deployment volume before starting" exit 1 fi fi # Wait until balance for deployer account is reflected cd ../hardhat while true; do ACCOUNT_BALANCE=$(yarn balance --network optimism $PRIVATE_KEY_DEPLOYER | grep ETH) if [ "$ACCOUNT_BALANCE" != "0.0 ETH" ]; then echo "Account balance updated: $ACCOUNT_BALANCE" break # exit the loop fi echo "Account balance not updated: $ACCOUNT_BALANCE" echo "Checking after 2 seconds" sleep 2 done cd ../server npm run deployAndGenerateInvite