# Copyright © 2022, 2023 Vulcanize # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # Deploys the system components using a deployer (either docker-compose or k8s) import hashlib import copy import os import sys from dataclasses import dataclass from importlib import resources import subprocess import click from pathlib import Path from stack_orchestrator.util import include_exclude_check, get_parsed_stack_config, global_options2, get_dev_root_path from stack_orchestrator.deploy.deployer import Deployer, DeployerException from stack_orchestrator.deploy.deployer_factory import getDeployer from stack_orchestrator.deploy.deploy_types import ClusterContext, DeployCommandContext from stack_orchestrator.deploy.deployment_context import DeploymentContext from stack_orchestrator.deploy.deployment_create import create as deployment_create from stack_orchestrator.deploy.deployment_create import init as deployment_init from stack_orchestrator.deploy.deployment_create import setup as deployment_setup @click.group() @click.option("--include", help="only start these components") @click.option("--exclude", help="don\'t start these components") @click.option("--env-file", help="env file to be used") @click.option("--cluster", help="specify a non-default cluster name") @click.option("--deploy-to", help="cluster system to deploy to (compose or k8s)") @click.pass_context def command(ctx, include, exclude, env_file, cluster, deploy_to): '''deploy a stack''' # Although in theory for some subcommands (e.g. deploy create) the stack can be inferred, # Click doesn't allow us to know that here, so we make providing the stack mandatory stack = global_options2(ctx).stack if not stack: print("Error: --stack option is required") sys.exit(1) if ctx.parent.obj.debug: print(f"ctx.parent.obj: {ctx.parent.obj}") if deploy_to is None: deploy_to = "compose" ctx.obj = create_deploy_context(global_options2(ctx), None, stack, include, exclude, cluster, env_file, deploy_to) # Subcommand is executed now, by the magic of click def create_deploy_context( global_context, deployment_context: DeploymentContext, stack, include, exclude, cluster, env_file, deployer): cluster_context = _make_cluster_context(global_context, stack, include, exclude, cluster, env_file) deployment_dir = deployment_context.deployment_dir if deployment_context else None # See: https://gabrieldemarmiesse.github.io/python-on-whales/sub-commands/compose/ deployer = getDeployer(deployer, deployment_dir, compose_files=cluster_context.compose_files, compose_project_name=cluster_context.cluster, compose_env_file=cluster_context.env_file) return DeployCommandContext(stack, cluster_context, deployer) def up_operation(ctx, services_list, stay_attached=False): global_context = ctx.parent.parent.obj deploy_context = ctx.obj if not global_context.dry_run: cluster_context = deploy_context.cluster_context container_exec_env = _make_runtime_env(global_context) for attr, value in container_exec_env.items(): os.environ[attr] = value if global_context.verbose: print(f"Running compose up with container_exec_env: {container_exec_env}, extra_args: {services_list}") for pre_start_command in cluster_context.pre_start_commands: _run_command(global_context, cluster_context.cluster, pre_start_command) deploy_context.deployer.up(detach=not stay_attached, services=services_list) for post_start_command in cluster_context.post_start_commands: _run_command(global_context, cluster_context.cluster, post_start_command) _orchestrate_cluster_config(global_context, cluster_context.config, deploy_context.deployer, container_exec_env) def down_operation(ctx, delete_volumes, extra_args_list): global_context = ctx.parent.parent.obj if not global_context.dry_run: if global_context.verbose: print("Running compose down") timeout_arg = None if extra_args_list: timeout_arg = extra_args_list[0] # Specify shutdown timeout (default 10s) to give services enough time to shutdown gracefully ctx.obj.deployer.down(timeout=timeout_arg, volumes=delete_volumes) def ps_operation(ctx): global_context = ctx.parent.parent.obj if not global_context.dry_run: if global_context.verbose: print("Running compose ps") container_list = ctx.obj.deployer.ps() if len(container_list) > 0: print("Running containers:") for container in container_list: print(f"id: {container.id}, name: {container.name}, ports: ", end="") ports = container.network_settings.ports comma = "" for port_mapping in ports.keys(): mapping = ports[port_mapping] print(comma, end="") if mapping is None: print(f"{port_mapping}", end="") else: print(f"{mapping[0]['HostIp']}:{mapping[0]['HostPort']}->{port_mapping}", end="") comma = ", " print() else: print("No containers running") def port_operation(ctx, extra_args): global_context = ctx.parent.parent.obj extra_args_list = list(extra_args) or None if not global_context.dry_run: if extra_args_list is None or len(extra_args_list) < 2: print("Usage: port ") sys.exit(1) service_name = extra_args_list[0] exposed_port = extra_args_list[1] if global_context.verbose: print(f"Running compose port {service_name} {exposed_port}") mapped_port_data = ctx.obj.deployer.port(service_name, exposed_port) print(f"{mapped_port_data[0]}:{mapped_port_data[1]}") def exec_operation(ctx, extra_args): global_context = ctx.parent.parent.obj extra_args_list = list(extra_args) or None if not global_context.dry_run: if extra_args_list is None or len(extra_args_list) < 2: print("Usage: exec ") sys.exit(1) service_name = extra_args_list[0] command_to_exec = ["sh", "-c"] + extra_args_list[1:] container_exec_env = _make_runtime_env(global_context) if global_context.verbose: print(f"Running compose exec {service_name} {command_to_exec}") try: ctx.obj.deployer.execute(service_name, command_to_exec, envs=container_exec_env, tty=True) except DeployerException: print("container command returned error exit status") def logs_operation(ctx, tail: int, follow: bool, extra_args: str): global_context = ctx.parent.parent.obj extra_args_list = list(extra_args) or None if not global_context.dry_run: if global_context.verbose: print("Running compose logs") services_list = extra_args_list if extra_args_list is not None else [] logs_stream = ctx.obj.deployer.logs(services=services_list, tail=tail, follow=follow, stream=True) for stream_type, stream_content in logs_stream: print(stream_content.decode("utf-8"), end="") @command.command() @click.argument('extra_args', nargs=-1) # help: command: up @click.pass_context def up(ctx, extra_args): extra_args_list = list(extra_args) or None up_operation(ctx, extra_args_list) @command.command() @click.option("--delete-volumes/--preserve-volumes", default=False, help="delete data volumes") @click.argument('extra_args', nargs=-1) # help: command: down @click.pass_context def down(ctx, delete_volumes, extra_args): extra_args_list = list(extra_args) or None down_operation(ctx, delete_volumes, extra_args_list) @command.command() @click.pass_context def ps(ctx): ps_operation(ctx) @command.command() @click.argument('extra_args', nargs=-1) # help: command: port @click.pass_context def port(ctx, extra_args): port_operation(ctx, extra_args) @command.command() @click.argument('extra_args', nargs=-1) # help: command: exec @click.pass_context def exec(ctx, extra_args): exec_operation(ctx, extra_args) @command.command() @click.option("--tail", "-n", default=None, help="number of lines to display") @click.option("--follow", "-f", is_flag=True, default=False, help="follow log output") @click.argument('extra_args', nargs=-1) # help: command: logs @click.pass_context def logs(ctx, tail, follow, extra_args): logs_operation(ctx, tail, follow, extra_args) def get_stack_status(ctx, stack): ctx_copy = copy.copy(ctx) ctx_copy.stack = stack cluster_context = _make_cluster_context(ctx_copy, stack, None, None, None, None) deployer = Deployer(compose_files=cluster_context.compose_files, compose_project_name=cluster_context.cluster) # TODO: refactor to avoid duplicating this code above if ctx.verbose: print("Running compose ps") container_list = deployer.ps() if len(container_list) > 0: if ctx.debug: print(f"Container list from compose ps: {container_list}") return True else: if ctx.debug: print("No containers found from compose ps") False def _make_runtime_env(ctx): container_exec_env = { "CERC_HOST_UID": f"{os.getuid()}", "CERC_HOST_GID": f"{os.getgid()}" } container_exec_env.update({"CERC_SCRIPT_DEBUG": "true"} if ctx.debug else {}) return container_exec_env # stack has to be either PathLike pointing to a stack yml file, or a string with the name of a known stack def _make_cluster_context(ctx, stack, include, exclude, cluster, env_file): dev_root_path = get_dev_root_path(ctx) # TODO: huge hack, fix this # If the caller passed a path for the stack file, then we know that we can get the compose files # from the same directory deployment = False if isinstance(stack, os.PathLike): compose_dir = stack.parent.joinpath("compose") deployment = True else: # See: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25389095/python-get-path-of-root-project-structure compose_dir = Path(__file__).absolute().parent.parent.joinpath("data", "compose") if cluster is None: # Create default unique, stable cluster name from confile file path and stack name if provided # TODO: change this to the config file path path = os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]) unique_cluster_descriptor = f"{path},{stack},{include},{exclude}" if ctx.debug: print(f"pre-hash descriptor: {unique_cluster_descriptor}") hash = hashlib.md5(unique_cluster_descriptor.encode()).hexdigest() cluster = f"laconic-{hash}" if ctx.verbose: print(f"Using cluster name: {cluster}") # See: https://stackoverflow.com/a/20885799/1701505 from stack_orchestrator import data with resources.open_text(data, "pod-list.txt") as pod_list_file: all_pods = pod_list_file.read().splitlines() pods_in_scope = [] if stack: stack_config = get_parsed_stack_config(stack) # TODO: syntax check the input here pods_in_scope = stack_config['pods'] cluster_config = stack_config['config'] if 'config' in stack_config else None else: pods_in_scope = all_pods cluster_config = None # Convert all pod definitions to v1.1 format pods_in_scope = _convert_to_new_format(pods_in_scope) if ctx.verbose: print(f"Pods: {pods_in_scope}") # Construct a docker compose command suitable for our purpose compose_files = [] pre_start_commands = [] post_start_commands = [] for pod in pods_in_scope: pod_name = pod["name"] pod_repository = pod["repository"] pod_path = pod["path"] if include_exclude_check(pod_name, include, exclude): if pod_repository is None or pod_repository == "internal": compose_file_name = os.path.join(compose_dir, f"docker-compose-{pod_path}.yml") else: if deployment: compose_file_name = os.path.join(compose_dir, f"docker-compose-{pod_name}.yml") pod_pre_start_command = pod["pre_start_command"] pod_post_start_command = pod["post_start_command"] script_dir = compose_dir.parent.joinpath("pods", pod_name, "scripts") if pod_pre_start_command is not None: pre_start_commands.append(os.path.join(script_dir, pod_pre_start_command)) if pod_post_start_command is not None: post_start_commands.append(os.path.join(script_dir, pod_post_start_command)) else: pod_root_dir = os.path.join(dev_root_path, pod_repository.split("/")[-1], pod["path"]) compose_file_name = os.path.join(pod_root_dir, f"docker-compose-{pod_name}.yml") pod_pre_start_command = pod["pre_start_command"] pod_post_start_command = pod["post_start_command"] if pod_pre_start_command is not None: pre_start_commands.append(os.path.join(pod_root_dir, pod_pre_start_command)) if pod_post_start_command is not None: post_start_commands.append(os.path.join(pod_root_dir, pod_post_start_command)) compose_files.append(compose_file_name) else: if ctx.verbose: print(f"Excluding: {pod_name}") if ctx.verbose: print(f"files: {compose_files}") return ClusterContext(ctx, cluster, compose_files, pre_start_commands, post_start_commands, cluster_config, env_file) def _convert_to_new_format(old_pod_array): new_pod_array = [] for old_pod in old_pod_array: if isinstance(old_pod, dict): new_pod_array.append(old_pod) else: new_pod = { "name": old_pod, "repository": "internal", "path": old_pod } new_pod_array.append(new_pod) return new_pod_array def _run_command(ctx, cluster_name, command): if ctx.verbose: print(f"Running command: {command}") command_dir = os.path.dirname(command) command_file = os.path.join(".", os.path.basename(command)) command_env = os.environ.copy() command_env["CERC_SO_COMPOSE_PROJECT"] = cluster_name if ctx.debug: command_env["CERC_SCRIPT_DEBUG"] = "true" command_result = subprocess.run(command_file, shell=True, env=command_env, cwd=command_dir) if command_result.returncode != 0: print(f"FATAL Error running command: {command}") sys.exit(1) def _orchestrate_cluster_config(ctx, cluster_config, deployer, container_exec_env): @dataclass class ConfigDirective: source_container: str source_variable: str destination_container: str destination_variable: str if cluster_config is not None: for container in cluster_config: container_config = cluster_config[container] if ctx.verbose: print(f"{container} config: {container_config}") for directive in container_config: pd = ConfigDirective( container_config[directive].split(".")[0], container_config[directive].split(".")[1], container, directive ) if ctx.verbose: print(f"Setting {pd.destination_container}.{pd.destination_variable}" f" = {pd.source_container}.{pd.source_variable}") # TODO: add a timeout waiting_for_data = True destination_output = "*** no output received yet ***" while waiting_for_data: # TODO: fix the script paths so they're consistent between containers source_value = None try: source_value = deployer.execute(pd.source_container, ["sh", "-c", "sh /docker-entrypoint-scripts.d/export-" f"{pd.source_variable}.sh"], tty=False, envs=container_exec_env) except DeployerException as error: if ctx.debug: print(f"Docker exception reading config source: {error}") # If the script executed failed for some reason, we get: # "It returned with code 1" if "It returned with code 1" in str(error): if ctx.verbose: print("Config export script returned an error, re-trying") # If the script failed to execute (e.g. the file is not there) then we get: # "It returned with code 2" if "It returned with code 2" in str(error): print(f"Fatal error reading config source: {error}") if source_value: if ctx.debug: print(f"fetched source value: {source_value}") destination_output = deployer.execute(pd.destination_container, ["sh", "-c", f"sh /scripts/import-{pd.destination_variable}.sh" f" {source_value}"], tty=False, envs=container_exec_env) waiting_for_data = False if ctx.debug: print(f"destination output: {destination_output}") command.add_command(deployment_init) command.add_command(deployment_create) command.add_command(deployment_setup)