[server] host = "" port = 3001 kind = "lazy" # Checkpointing state. checkpointing = true # Checkpoint interval in number of blocks. checkpointInterval = 2000 # Enable state creation enableState = true # Boolean to filter logs by contract. filterLogs = true # Max block range for which to return events in eventsInRange GQL query. # Use -1 for skipping check on block range. maxEventsBlockRange = -1 [server.p2p] enableRelay = true enablePeer = true [server.p2p.relay] host = "" port = 9090 relayPeers = REPLACE_WITH_CERC_RELAY_PEERS denyMultiaddrs = REPLACE_WITH_CERC_DENY_MULTIADDRS peerIdFile = './peers/relay-id.json' announce = 'REPLACE_WITH_CERC_RELAY_ANNOUNCE_DOMAIN' pubsub = 'REPLACE_WITH_CERC_PUBSUB' enableDebugInfo = true [server.p2p.peer] relayMultiaddr = 'REPLACE_WITH_CERC_RELAY_MULTIADDR' pubSubTopic = 'mobymask' denyMultiaddrs = REPLACE_WITH_CERC_DENY_MULTIADDRS peerIdFile = './peers/peer-id.json' pubsub = 'REPLACE_WITH_CERC_PUBSUB' enableDebugInfo = true enableL2Txs = REPLACE_WITH_CERC_ENABLE_PEER_L2_TXS [server.p2p.peer.l2TxsConfig] privateKey = 'REPLACE_WITH_CERC_PRIVATE_KEY_PEER' contractAddress = 'REPLACE_WITH_CONTRACT_ADDRESS' [metrics] host = "" port = 9000 [metrics.gql] port = 9001 [database] type = "postgres" host = "mobymask-watcher-db" port = 5432 database = "mobymask-watcher" username = "vdbm" password = "password" synchronize = true logging = false [upstream] [upstream.ethServer] gqlApiEndpoint = "http://ipld-eth-server:8083/graphql" rpcProviderEndpoint = "REPLACE_WITH_CERC_L2_GETH_RPC_ENDPOINT" blockDelayInMilliSecs = 60000 [upstream.cache] name = "requests" enabled = false deleteOnStart = false [jobQueue] dbConnectionString = "postgres://vdbm:password@mobymask-watcher-db/mobymask-watcher-job-queue" maxCompletionLagInSecs = 300 jobDelayInMilliSecs = 100 eventsInBatch = 50