* Separate ponder indexer and ponder watcher and add second ponder indexer
* Handle review changes
* Update config to point ponder watcher to indexer 2 to indexer 1
* Update Ponder demo
* Use deployed ERC20 contract in second Ponder indexer
* Add order by timestamp in Ponder watcher app entities query
* Upgrade go-nitro version to v0.1.2-ts-port-0.1.9
* Decrease Ponder start block to process contract transfer event at deployment
Co-authored-by: Shreerang Kale <shreerangkale@gmail.com>
* Use durable store for in-process Nitro node
* Update setup for external go-nitro node
* Add a separate service for ipld-eth-server with remote Nitro node
* Update repo branches / versions
* Wait for external Nitro node endpoint and update instructions
* Update repo branches
* Remove reverse payment proxy service from payment stack
* Remove run-reverse-payment-proxy.sh
* Remove reverse payment proxy port from readme
Co-authored-by: Shreerang Kale <shreerangkale@gmail.com>
* Use ponder in watcher mode and indexer mode separately in payments stack
* Refactor config file and configure env variables for watcher mode
* Update demo.md for payments stack
* Handle review changes
* Setup config to pay for watcher to indexer GQL queries
* Fix config in stack for making payments in watcher ponder app
* Update demo for payment from watcher to indexer mode Ponder apps
* Use laconic-esm brannch for ponder
Co-authored-by: Shreerang Kale <shreerangkale@gmail.com>
* First part of deployments for external repos
* Generate deployment dir
* Create empty config file
* Copy script files into deployment
* Run scripts in deployment
* Refactor
* Integrate external plugins
* Remove debug output
* Add a fixturenet-payments stack
* Export the WebSocket port in fixturenet-eth-geth service
* Add container to run a go-nitro node
* Add container to deploy Nitro contracts
* Read contract addresses from a volume when running the Nitro node
* Add a service for Nitro reverse payment proxy
* Expose payment proxy endpoint to be accessible from host
* Map nitro node messaging and payment proxy ports to host
* Use container to deploy Nitro contracts in mobymask-v3 stack
* Use a common contract deployment script from mobymask-v3 stack
* Add MobyMask contract deployment and watcher services
* Fixes for contract deployment and watcher scripts
* Add a container and service for mobymask-snap
* Add MobyMask app service
* Add container and service for a ponder app
* Fix ponder setup and update instructions
* Handle review comments
* Use enablepaidrpcmethods flag in reverse payment proxy server
* Update go-nitro branch
* Fixes for mobymask-v3 stack
Co-authored-by: Nabarun <nabarun@deepstacksoft.com>
* Add a mobymask-v3 stack
* Fix Nitro deployment script and add watcher container
* Setup Nitro config
* Run build after setting Nitro addresses
* Setup consensus config
* Add a container for web-app
* Use node 18 for the web-app
* Persist Nitro node data to a volume
* Add clean up steps
* Update query rates
* Add steps to force rebuild and persist peers_ids volume
* Update mobymask-v2 stack with pubsub option
* Update watcher-ts version
Co-authored-by: Nabarun <nabarun@deepstacksoft.com>
* Update mobymask v1 watcher with new contract
* Update mobymask v1 stack with deployment commands
* Use release tag for mobymask-watcher-ts repo
* Upgrade MobyMask version in v2 stack to use latest contract
* Update sushiswap-subgraph stack to point to filecoin endpoint
* Deploy blocks subgraph in sushiswap-subgraph stack
* Update subgraph config
* Remove duplicate nativePricePool
* Enable debug logs in graph-node and update instructions
* Two additional miner nodes in fixturenet-lotus
* Revert experimental change for additional miner nodes
* Set ETHEREUM_REORG_THRESHOLD env for graph-node to catch up to head
* Take ETH RPC endpoint for graph-node from env
* Set default values for RPC endpoint in graph-node
* Rename fixturenet-graph-node pod to graph-node
* Clean up sushiswap-subgraph stack
* Use deployment command in sushiswap-subgraph stack
* Add a separate fixturenet-sushiswap-subgraph stack
* Fix pods in fixturenet-sushiswap-subgraph
* Fix fixturenet subgraph deployment commands and instructions
Co-authored-by: Nabarun <nabarun@deepstacksoft.com>
* Use ip utility to get the required miner node multiaddr
* Persist lotus node data to support restarts
* Add clean up steps to instructions
* Fix lotus-seed sector-dir arg
* Add a sushiswap stack with contract deployments
* Add watcher services
* Add a service for the info app
* Add instructions to run smoke tests
* Use sushi-info-watcher in demo mode
* Turn off block prefetching
* Fix sushiswap demo instructions
* Use release version and add healthcheck in Lotus stack
* Wait for Lotus node to start before sushiswap watchers
Co-authored-by: Nabarun <nabarun@deepstacksoft.com>