import assert from 'assert'; import debug from 'debug'; import { DeepPartial, FindOptionsWhere } from 'typeorm'; import { Octokit, RequestError } from 'octokit'; import { OAuthApp } from '@octokit/oauth-app'; import { Database } from './database'; import { Deployment, DeploymentStatus, Environment } from './entity/Deployment'; import { Domain } from './entity/Domain'; import { EnvironmentVariable } from './entity/EnvironmentVariable'; import { Organization } from './entity/Organization'; import { Project } from './entity/Project'; import { Permission, ProjectMember } from './entity/ProjectMember'; import { User } from './entity/User'; import { Registry } from './registry'; import { GitHubConfig, RegistryConfig } from './config'; import { AppDeploymentRecord, AppDeploymentRemovalRecord, GitPushEventPayload, PackageJSON } from './types'; import { Role } from './entity/UserOrganization'; const log = debug('snowball:service'); const GITHUB_UNIQUE_WEBHOOK_ERROR = 'Hook already exists on this repository'; // Define a constant for an hour in milliseconds const HOUR = 1000 * 60 * 60; interface Config { gitHubConfig: GitHubConfig; registryConfig: RegistryConfig; } export class Service { private db: Database; private oauthApp: OAuthApp; private registry: Registry; private config: Config; private deployRecordCheckTimeout?: NodeJS.Timeout; constructor (config: Config, db: Database, app: OAuthApp, registry: Registry) { this.db = db; this.oauthApp = app; this.registry = registry; this.config = config; this.init(); } /** * Initialize services */ init (): void { // Start check for ApplicationDeploymentRecords asynchronously this.checkDeployRecordsAndUpdate(); // Start check for ApplicationDeploymentRemovalRecords asynchronously this.checkDeploymentRemovalRecordsAndUpdate(); } /** * Destroy services */ destroy (): void { clearTimeout(this.deployRecordCheckTimeout); } /** * Checks for ApplicationDeploymentRecord and update corresponding deployments * Continues check in loop after a delay of registryConfig.fetchDeploymentRecordDelay */ async checkDeployRecordsAndUpdate (): Promise { // Fetch deployments in building state const deployments = await this.db.getDeployments({ where: { status: DeploymentStatus.Building } }); if (deployments.length) { log( `Found ${deployments.length} deployments in ${DeploymentStatus.Building} state` ); // Calculate a timestamp for one hour ago const anHourAgo = - HOUR; // Filter out deployments started more than an hour ago and mark them as Error const oldDeploymentsToUpdate = deployments.filter( deployment => (Number(deployment.updatedAt) < anHourAgo) ) .map((deployment) => { return this.db.updateDeploymentById(, { status: DeploymentStatus.Error, isCurrent: false }); }); // If there are old deployments to update, log and perform the updates if (oldDeploymentsToUpdate.length > 0) { log( `Cleaning up ${oldDeploymentsToUpdate.length} deployments stuck in ${DeploymentStatus.Building} state for over an hour` ); await Promise.all(oldDeploymentsToUpdate); } // Fetch ApplicationDeploymentRecord for deployments const records = await this.registry.getDeploymentRecords(deployments); log(`Found ${records.length} ApplicationDeploymentRecords`); // Update deployments for which ApplicationDeploymentRecords were returned if (records.length) { await this.updateDeploymentsWithRecordData(records); } } this.deployRecordCheckTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this.checkDeployRecordsAndUpdate(); }, this.config.registryConfig.fetchDeploymentRecordDelay); } /** * Checks for ApplicationDeploymentRemovalRecord and remove corresponding deployments * Continues check in loop after a delay of registryConfig.fetchDeploymentRecordDelay */ async checkDeploymentRemovalRecordsAndUpdate (): Promise { // Fetch deployments in deleting state const deployments = await this.db.getDeployments({ where: { status: DeploymentStatus.Deleting } }); if (deployments.length) { log( `Found ${deployments.length} deployments in ${DeploymentStatus.Deleting} state` ); // Fetch ApplicationDeploymentRemovalRecords for deployments const records = await this.registry.getDeploymentRemovalRecords(deployments); log(`Found ${records.length} ApplicationDeploymentRemovalRecords`); // Update deployments for which ApplicationDeploymentRemovalRecords were returned if (records.length) { await this.deleteDeploymentsWithRecordData(records, deployments); } } this.deployRecordCheckTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this.checkDeploymentRemovalRecordsAndUpdate(); }, this.config.registryConfig.fetchDeploymentRecordDelay); } /** * Update deployments with ApplicationDeploymentRecord data */ async updateDeploymentsWithRecordData ( records: AppDeploymentRecord[] ): Promise { // Get deployments for ApplicationDeploymentRecords const deployments = await this.db.getDeployments({ where: => ({ applicationRecordId: record.attributes.application })), order: { createdAt: 'DESC' } }); // Get project IDs of deployments that are in production environment const productionDeploymentProjectIds = deployments.reduce( (acc, deployment): Set => { if (deployment.environment === Environment.Production) { acc.add(deployment.projectId); } return acc; }, new Set() ); // Set old deployments isCurrent to false await this.db.updateDeploymentsByProjectIds( Array.from(productionDeploymentProjectIds), { isCurrent: false } ); const recordToDeploymentsMap = deployments.reduce( (acc: { [key: string]: Deployment }, deployment) => { acc[deployment.applicationRecordId] = deployment; return acc; }, {} ); // Update deployment data for ApplicationDeploymentRecords const deploymentUpdatePromises = (record) => { const deployment = recordToDeploymentsMap[record.attributes.application]; await this.db.updateDeploymentById(, { applicationDeploymentRecordId:, applicationDeploymentRecordData: record.attributes, url: record.attributes.url, status: DeploymentStatus.Ready, isCurrent: deployment.environment === Environment.Production }); log( `Updated deployment ${} with URL ${record.attributes.url}` ); }); await Promise.all(deploymentUpdatePromises); } /** * Delete deployments with ApplicationDeploymentRemovalRecord data */ async deleteDeploymentsWithRecordData ( records: AppDeploymentRemovalRecord[], deployments: Deployment[], ): Promise { const removedApplicationDeploymentRecordIds = => record.attributes.deployment); // Get removed deployments for ApplicationDeploymentRecords const removedDeployments = deployments.filter(deployment => removedApplicationDeploymentRecordIds.includes(deployment.applicationDeploymentRecordId!)) const recordToDeploymentsMap = removedDeployments.reduce( (acc: { [key: string]: Deployment }, deployment) => { acc[deployment.applicationDeploymentRecordId!] = deployment; return acc; }, {} ); // Update deployment data for ApplicationDeploymentRecords and delete const deploymentUpdatePromises = (record) => { const deployment = recordToDeploymentsMap[record.attributes.deployment]; await this.db.updateDeploymentById(, { applicationDeploymentRemovalRecordId:, applicationDeploymentRemovalRecordData: record.attributes, }); log( `Updated deployment ${} with ApplicationDeploymentRemovalRecord ${}` ); await this.db.deleteDeploymentById( }); await Promise.all(deploymentUpdatePromises); } async getUser (userId: string): Promise { return this.db.getUser({ where: { id: userId } }); } async loadOrCreateUser (ethAddress: string): Promise { // Get user by ETH address let user = await this.db.getUser({ where: { ethAddress } }); if (!user) { const [org] = await this.db.getOrganizations({}); assert(org, 'No organizations exists in database'); // Create user with new address user = await this.db.addUser({ email: `${ethAddress}`, name: ethAddress, isVerified: true, ethAddress }); await this.db.addUserOrganization({ member: user, organization: org, role: Role.Owner }); } return user; } async getOctokit (userId: string): Promise { const user = await this.db.getUser({ where: { id: userId } }); assert( user && user.gitHubToken, 'User needs to be authenticated with GitHub token' ); return new Octokit({ auth: user.gitHubToken }); } async getOrganizationsByUserId (user: User): Promise { const dbOrganizations = await this.db.getOrganizationsByUserId(; return dbOrganizations; } async getProjectById (projectId: string): Promise { const dbProject = await this.db.getProjectById(projectId); return dbProject; } async getProjectsInOrganization (user: User, organizationSlug: string): Promise { const dbProjects = await this.db.getProjectsInOrganization(, organizationSlug); return dbProjects; } async getDeploymentsByProjectId (projectId: string): Promise { const dbDeployments = await this.db.getDeploymentsByProjectId(projectId); return dbDeployments; } async getEnvironmentVariablesByProjectId ( projectId: string ): Promise { const dbEnvironmentVariables = await this.db.getEnvironmentVariablesByProjectId(projectId); return dbEnvironmentVariables; } async getProjectMembersByProjectId ( projectId: string ): Promise { const dbProjectMembers = await this.db.getProjectMembersByProjectId(projectId); return dbProjectMembers; } async searchProjects (user: User, searchText: string): Promise { const dbProjects = await this.db.getProjectsBySearchText(, searchText); return dbProjects; } async getDomainsByProjectId ( projectId: string, filter?: FindOptionsWhere ): Promise { const dbDomains = await this.db.getDomainsByProjectId(projectId, filter); return dbDomains; } async updateProjectMember ( projectMemberId: string, data: { permissions: Permission[] } ): Promise { return this.db.updateProjectMemberById(projectMemberId, data); } async addProjectMember ( projectId: string, data: { email: string; permissions: Permission[]; } ): Promise { // TODO: Send invitation let user = await this.db.getUser({ where: { email: } }); if (!user) { user = await this.db.addUser({ email: }); } const newProjectMember = await this.db.addProjectMember({ project: { id: projectId }, permissions: data.permissions, isPending: true, member: { id: } }); return newProjectMember; } async removeProjectMember (user: User, projectMemberId: string): Promise { const member = await this.db.getProjectMemberById(projectMemberId); if (String( === { throw new Error('Invalid operation: cannot remove self'); } const memberProject = member.project; assert(memberProject); if (String( === String( { return this.db.removeProjectMemberById(projectMemberId); } else { throw new Error('Invalid operation: not authorized'); } } async addEnvironmentVariables ( projectId: string, data: { environments: string[]; key: string; value: string }[] ): Promise { const formattedEnvironmentVariables = data .map((environmentVariable) => { return => { return { key: environmentVariable.key, value: environmentVariable.value, environment: environment as Environment, project: Object.assign(new Project(), { id: projectId }) }; }); }) .flat(); const savedEnvironmentVariables = await this.db.addEnvironmentVariables( formattedEnvironmentVariables ); return savedEnvironmentVariables; } async updateEnvironmentVariable ( environmentVariableId: string, data: DeepPartial ): Promise { return this.db.updateEnvironmentVariable(environmentVariableId, data); } async removeEnvironmentVariable ( environmentVariableId: string ): Promise { return this.db.deleteEnvironmentVariable(environmentVariableId); } async updateDeploymentToProd (user: User, deploymentId: string): Promise { const oldDeployment = await this.db.getDeployment({ where: { id: deploymentId }, relations: { project: true } }); if (!oldDeployment) { throw new Error('Deployment does not exist'); } const prodBranchDomains = await this.db.getDomainsByProjectId(, { branch: oldDeployment.project.prodBranch } ); const octokit = await this.getOctokit(; const newDeployment = await this.createDeployment(, octokit, { project: oldDeployment.project, branch: oldDeployment.branch, environment: Environment.Production, domain: prodBranchDomains[0], commitHash: oldDeployment.commitHash, commitMessage: oldDeployment.commitMessage }); return newDeployment; } async createDeployment ( userId: string, octokit: Octokit, data: DeepPartial ): Promise { assert(data.project?.repository, 'Project repository not found'); log( `Creating deployment in project ${} from branch ${data.branch}` ); const [owner, repo] = data.project.repository.split('/'); const { data: packageJSONData } = await{ owner, repo, path: 'package.json', ref: data.commitHash }); if (!packageJSONData) { throw new Error('Package.json file not found'); } assert(!Array.isArray(packageJSONData) && packageJSONData.type === 'file'); const packageJSON: PackageJSON = JSON.parse(atob(packageJSONData.content)); assert(, "name field doesn't exist in package.json"); const repoUrl = (await{ owner, repo })).data.html_url; // TODO: Set environment variables for each deployment (environment variables can`t be set in application record) const { applicationRecordId, applicationRecordData } = await this.registry.createApplicationRecord({ appName: repo, packageJSON, appType: data.project!.template!, commitHash: data.commitHash!, repoUrl }); // Update previous deployment with prod branch domain // TODO: Fix unique constraint error for domain if (data.domain) { await this.db.updateDeployment({ domainId: }, { domain: null }); } const newDeployment = await this.db.addDeployment({ project: data.project, branch: data.branch, commitHash: data.commitHash, commitMessage: data.commitMessage, environment: data.environment, status: DeploymentStatus.Building, applicationRecordId, applicationRecordData, domain: data.domain, createdBy: Object.assign(new User(), { id: userId }) }); log(`Created deployment ${} and published application record ${applicationRecordId}`); const environmentVariables = await this.db.getEnvironmentVariablesByProjectId(!, { environment: Environment.Production }); const environmentVariablesObj = environmentVariables.reduce((acc, env) => { acc[env.key] = env.value; return acc; }, {} as { [key: string]: string }); // To set project DNS if (data.environment === Environment.Production) { // On deleting deployment later, project DNS deployment is also deleted // So publish project DNS deployment first so that ApplicationDeploymentRecord for the same is available when deleting deployment later await this.registry.createApplicationDeploymentRequest( { deployment: newDeployment, appName: repo, repository: repoUrl, environmentVariables: environmentVariablesObj, dns: `${}` }); } const { applicationDeploymentRequestId, applicationDeploymentRequestData } = await this.registry.createApplicationDeploymentRequest( { deployment: newDeployment, appName: repo, repository: repoUrl, environmentVariables: environmentVariablesObj, dns: `${}-${}` }); await this.db.updateDeploymentById(, { applicationDeploymentRequestId, applicationDeploymentRequestData }); return newDeployment; } async addProject (user: User, organizationSlug: string, data: DeepPartial): Promise { const organization = await this.db.getOrganization({ where: { slug: organizationSlug } }); if (!organization) { throw new Error('Organization does not exist'); } const project = await this.db.addProject(user,, data); const octokit = await this.getOctokit(; const [owner, repo] = project.repository.split('/'); const { data: [latestCommit] } = await{ owner, repo, sha: project.prodBranch, per_page: 1 }); // Create deployment with prod branch and latest commit await this.createDeployment(, octokit, { project, branch: project.prodBranch, environment: Environment.Production, domain: null, commitHash: latestCommit.sha, commitMessage: latestCommit.commit.message } ); await this.createRepoHook(octokit, project); return project; } async createRepoHook (octokit: Octokit, project: Project): Promise { try { const [owner, repo] = project.repository.split('/'); await{ owner, repo, config: { url: new URL( 'api/github/webhook', this.config.gitHubConfig.webhookUrl ).href, content_type: 'json' }, events: ['push'] }); } catch (err) { // if ( !( err instanceof RequestError && err.status === 422 && (err.response?.data as any).errors.some( (err: any) => err.message === GITHUB_UNIQUE_WEBHOOK_ERROR ) ) ) { throw err; } log(GITHUB_UNIQUE_WEBHOOK_ERROR); } } async handleGitHubPush (data: GitPushEventPayload): Promise { const { repository, ref, head_commit: headCommit, deleted } = data; if (deleted) { log(`Branch ${ref} deleted for project ${repository.full_name}`); return; } log(`Handling GitHub push event from repository: ${repository.full_name}, branch: ${ref}`); const projects = await this.db.getProjects({ where: { repository: repository.full_name } }); if (!projects.length) { log(`No projects found for repository ${repository.full_name}`); } // The `ref` property contains the full reference, including the branch name // For example, "refs/heads/main" or "refs/heads/feature-branch" const branch = ref.split('/').pop(); for await (const project of projects) { const octokit = await this.getOctokit(project.ownerId); const [domain] = await this.db.getDomainsByProjectId(, { branch }); // Create deployment with branch and latest commit in GitHub data await this.createDeployment(project.ownerId, octokit, { project, branch, environment: project.prodBranch === branch ? Environment.Production : Environment.Preview, domain, commitHash:, commitMessage: headCommit.message }); } } async updateProject ( projectId: string, data: DeepPartial ): Promise { return this.db.updateProjectById(projectId, data); } async deleteProject (projectId: string): Promise { // TODO: Remove GitHub repo hook return this.db.deleteProjectById(projectId); } async deleteDomain (domainId: string): Promise { const domainsRedirectedFrom = await this.db.getDomains({ where: { redirectToId: domainId } }); if (domainsRedirectedFrom.length > 0) { throw new Error( 'Cannot delete domain since it has redirects from other domains' ); } return this.db.deleteDomainById(domainId); } async redeployToProd (user: User, deploymentId: string): Promise { const oldDeployment = await this.db.getDeployment({ relations: { project: true, domain: true, createdBy: true }, where: { id: deploymentId } }); if (oldDeployment === null) { throw new Error('Deployment not found'); } const octokit = await this.getOctokit(; const newDeployment = await this.createDeployment(, octokit, { project: oldDeployment.project, // TODO: Put isCurrent field in project branch: oldDeployment.branch, environment: Environment.Production, domain: oldDeployment.domain, commitHash: oldDeployment.commitHash, commitMessage: oldDeployment.commitMessage }); return newDeployment; } async rollbackDeployment ( projectId: string, deploymentId: string ): Promise { // TODO: Implement transactions const oldCurrentDeployment = await this.db.getDeployment({ relations: { domain: true }, where: { project: { id: projectId }, isCurrent: true } }); if (!oldCurrentDeployment) { throw new Error('Current deployment doesnot exist'); } const oldCurrentDeploymentUpdate = await this.db.updateDeploymentById(, { isCurrent: false, domain: null } ); const newCurrentDeploymentUpdate = await this.db.updateDeploymentById( deploymentId, { isCurrent: true, domain: oldCurrentDeployment?.domain } ); return newCurrentDeploymentUpdate && oldCurrentDeploymentUpdate; } async deleteDeployment (deploymentId: string): Promise { const deployment = await this.db.getDeployment({ where: { id: deploymentId }, relations: { project: true } }); if (deployment && deployment.applicationDeploymentRecordId) { // If deployment is current, remove deployment for project subdomain as well if (deployment.isCurrent) { const currentDeploymentURL = `https://${deployment.project.subDomain}`; const deploymentRecords = await this.registry.getDeploymentRecordsByFilter({ application: deployment.applicationRecordId, url: currentDeploymentURL }) if (!deploymentRecords.length) { log(`No ApplicationDeploymentRecord found for URL ${currentDeploymentURL} and ApplicationDeploymentRecord id ${deployment.applicationDeploymentRecordId}`); return false; } await this.registry.createApplicationDeploymentRemovalRequest({ deploymentId: deploymentRecords[0].id }); } const result = await this.registry.createApplicationDeploymentRemovalRequest({ deploymentId: deployment.applicationDeploymentRecordId }); await this.db.updateDeploymentById(, { status: DeploymentStatus.Deleting, applicationDeploymentRemovalRequestId: result.applicationDeploymentRemovalRequestId, applicationDeploymentRemovalRequestData: result.applicationDeploymentRemovalRequestData } ); return (result !== undefined || result !== null); } return false; } async addDomain ( projectId: string, data: { name: string } ): Promise<{ primaryDomain: Domain; redirectedDomain: Domain; }> { const currentProject = await this.db.getProjectById(projectId); if (currentProject === null) { throw new Error(`Project with ${projectId} not found`); } const primaryDomainDetails = {, branch: currentProject.prodBranch, project: currentProject }; const savedPrimaryDomain = await this.db.addDomain(primaryDomainDetails); const domainArr ='www.'); const redirectedDomainDetails = { name: domainArr.length > 1 ? domainArr[1] : `www.${domainArr[0]}`, branch: currentProject.prodBranch, project: currentProject, redirectTo: savedPrimaryDomain }; const savedRedirectedDomain = await this.db.addDomain( redirectedDomainDetails ); return { primaryDomain: savedPrimaryDomain, redirectedDomain: savedRedirectedDomain }; } async updateDomain ( domainId: string, data: DeepPartial ): Promise { const domain = await this.db.getDomain({ where: { id: domainId } }); if (domain === null) { throw new Error(`Error finding domain with id ${domainId}`); } const newDomain = { }; const domainsRedirectedFrom = await this.db.getDomains({ where: { project: { id: domain.projectId }, redirectToId: } }); // If there are domains redirecting to current domain, only branch of current domain can be updated if (domainsRedirectedFrom.length > 0 && data.branch === domain.branch) { throw new Error('Remove all redirects to this domain before updating'); } if (data.redirectToId) { const redirectedDomain = await this.db.getDomain({ where: { id: data.redirectToId } }); if (redirectedDomain === null) { throw new Error('Could not find Domain to redirect to'); } if (redirectedDomain.redirectToId) { throw new Error( 'Unable to redirect to the domain because it is already redirecting elsewhere. Redirects cannot be chained.' ); } newDomain.redirectTo = redirectedDomain; } const updateResult = await this.db.updateDomainById(domainId, newDomain); return updateResult; } async authenticateGitHub (code:string, user: User): Promise<{token: string}> { const { authentication: { token } } = await this.oauthApp.createToken({ code }); await this.db.updateUser(user, { gitHubToken: token }); return { token }; } async unauthenticateGitHub (user: User, data: DeepPartial): Promise { return this.db.updateUser(user, data); } }