
45 lines
1.6 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
package cosmos.base.reflection.v1beta1;
import "google/api/annotations.proto";
option go_package = "";
// ReflectionService defines a service for interface reflection.
service ReflectionService {
// ListAllInterfaces lists all the interfaces registered in the interface
// registry.
rpc ListAllInterfaces(ListAllInterfacesRequest) returns (ListAllInterfacesResponse) {
option (google.api.http).get = "/cosmos/base/reflection/v1beta1/interfaces";
// ListImplementations list all the concrete types that implement a given
// interface.
rpc ListImplementations(ListImplementationsRequest) returns (ListImplementationsResponse) {
option (google.api.http).get = "/cosmos/base/reflection/v1beta1/interfaces/"
// ListAllInterfacesRequest is the request type of the ListAllInterfaces RPC.
message ListAllInterfacesRequest {}
// ListAllInterfacesResponse is the response type of the ListAllInterfaces RPC.
message ListAllInterfacesResponse {
// interface_names is an array of all the registered interfaces.
repeated string interface_names = 1;
// ListImplementationsRequest is the request type of the ListImplementations
// RPC.
message ListImplementationsRequest {
// interface_name defines the interface to query the implementations for.
string interface_name = 1;
// ListImplementationsResponse is the response type of the ListImplementations
// RPC.
message ListImplementationsResponse {
repeated string implementation_message_names = 1;