import assert from 'assert'; import path from 'path'; import { DirectSecp256k1Wallet, AccountData as CosmosAccount } from '@cosmjs/proto-signing'; import { Account } from './account'; import { Registry } from './index'; import { ensureUpdatedConfig, getConfig } from './testing/helper'; import { DENOM } from './constants'; const WATCHER_YML_PATH = path.join(__dirname, './testing/data/watcher.yml'); jest.setTimeout(5 * 60 * 1000); const { chainId, rpcEndpoint, gqlEndpoint, privateKey, fee } = getConfig(); const namingTests = () => { let registry: Registry; let bondId: string; let watcher: any; let watcherId: string; let otherAccount1: Account; let reservedAuthorities: { name: string; entry: { ownerAddress: string; status: string; }; }[] = []; let account: CosmosAccount; beforeAll(async () => { registry = new Registry(gqlEndpoint, rpcEndpoint, chainId); // Create bond. bondId = await registry.getNextBondId(privateKey); await registry.createBond({ denom: DENOM, amount: '2000000' }, privateKey, fee); // Create watcher. watcher = await ensureUpdatedConfig(WATCHER_YML_PATH); const result = await registry.setRecord( { privateKey, bondId, record: watcher.record }, privateKey, fee ); watcherId =; const accountWallet = await DirectSecp256k1Wallet.fromKey(Buffer.from(privateKey, 'hex'), 'laconic'); [account] = await accountWallet.getAccounts(); const mnenonic1 = Account.generateMnemonic(); otherAccount1 = await Account.generateFromMnemonic(mnenonic1); await otherAccount1.init(); }); describe('Authority tests', () => { test('Reserve authority.', async () => { const authorityName = `laconic-${}`; await registry.reserveAuthority({ name: authorityName }, privateKey, fee); reservedAuthorities.push({ name: authorityName, entry: { ownerAddress: account.address, status: 'active' } }); }); describe('With authority reserved', () => { let authorityName: string; let lrn: string; beforeAll(async () => { authorityName = `laconic-${}`; lrn = `lrn://${authorityName}/app/test`; await registry.reserveAuthority({ name: authorityName }, privateKey, fee); reservedAuthorities.push({ name: authorityName, entry: { ownerAddress: account.address, status: 'active' } }); }); test('Lookup authority.', async () => { const [record] = await registry.lookupAuthorities([authorityName]); expect(record).toBeDefined(); expect(record.ownerAddress).not.toBe(''); expect(record.ownerPublicKey).not.toBe(''); expect(Number(record.height)).toBeGreaterThan(0); }); test('Lookup non existing authority', async () => { const [record] = await registry.lookupAuthorities(['does-not-exist']); expect(record).toBe(null); }); test('Reserve already reserved authority', async () => { await expect(registry.reserveAuthority({ name: authorityName }, privateKey, fee)) .rejects.toThrow('Name already reserved.'); }); test('Reserve sub-authority.', async () => { const subAuthority = `echo.${authorityName}`; await registry.reserveAuthority({ name: subAuthority }, privateKey, fee); reservedAuthorities.push({ name: subAuthority, entry: { ownerAddress: account.address, status: 'active' } }); const [record] = await registry.lookupAuthorities([subAuthority]); expect(record).toBeDefined(); expect(record.ownerAddress).not.toBe(''); expect(record.ownerPublicKey).not.toBe(''); expect(Number(record.height)).toBeGreaterThan(0); }); test('Reserve sub-authority with different owner.', async () => { // Create another account, send tx to set public key on the account. const mnenonic2 = Account.generateMnemonic(); const otherAccount2 = await Account.generateFromMnemonic(mnenonic2); await otherAccount2.init(); await registry.sendCoins({ denom: DENOM, amount: '1000000000', destinationAddress: otherAccount1.address }, privateKey, fee); await registry.sendCoins({ denom: DENOM, amount: '1000', destinationAddress: otherAccount2.address }, otherAccount1.getPrivateKey(), fee); const subAuthority = `halo.${authorityName}`; await registry.reserveAuthority({ name: subAuthority, owner: otherAccount1.address }, privateKey, fee); reservedAuthorities.push({ name: subAuthority, entry: { ownerAddress: otherAccount1.address, status: 'active' } }); const [record] = await registry.lookupAuthorities([subAuthority]); expect(record).toBeDefined(); expect(record.ownerAddress).toBeDefined(); expect(record.ownerAddress).toBe(otherAccount1.address); expect(record.ownerPublicKey).toBeDefined(); expect(Number(record.height)).toBeGreaterThan(0); }); test('Set name for unbonded authority', async () => { assert(watcherId); await expect(registry.setName({ lrn, cid: watcherId }, privateKey, fee)) .rejects.toThrow('Authority bond not found.'); }); test('Set authority bond', async () => { await registry.setAuthorityBond({ name: authorityName, bondId }, privateKey, fee); }); test('List authorities.', async () => { const authorities = await registry.getAuthorities(undefined, true); reservedAuthorities.sort((a, b) =>; const expectedEntryKeys = [ 'ownerAddress', 'ownerPublicKey', 'height', 'status', 'bondId', 'expiryTime', 'auction' ]; expect(authorities.length).toEqual(4); expectedEntryKeys.forEach(key => { authorities.forEach((authority: any) => { expect(authority).toHaveProperty('name'); expect(authority.entry).toHaveProperty(key); }); }); authorities.forEach((authority: any, index: number) => { expect(authority).toMatchObject(reservedAuthorities[index]); }); }); test('List authorities by owner.', async () => { const authorities = await registry.getAuthorities(otherAccount1.address); expect(authorities.length).toEqual(1); expect(authorities[0].entry.ownerAddress).toBe(otherAccount1.address); expect(authorities[0].entry.ownerPublicKey).toBe(otherAccount1.encodedPubkey); }); }); }); describe('Naming tests', () => { let authorityName: string; let otherAuthorityName: string; let otherPrivateKey: string; let otherAccount: Account; beforeAll(async () => { authorityName = `laconic-${}`; await registry.reserveAuthority({ name: authorityName }, privateKey, fee); await registry.setAuthorityBond({ name: authorityName, bondId }, privateKey, fee); // Create another account. const mnenonic = Account.generateMnemonic(); otherAccount = await Account.generateFromMnemonic(mnenonic); await otherAccount.init(); await registry.sendCoins({ denom: DENOM, amount: '1000000000', destinationAddress: otherAccount.address }, privateKey, fee); otherAuthorityName = `other-${}`; otherPrivateKey = otherAccount.privateKey.toString('hex'); }); test('Set name', async () => { const lrn = `lrn://${authorityName}/app/test1`; await registry.setName({ lrn, cid: watcherId }, privateKey, fee); // Query records should return it (some lrn points to it). const [record] = await registry.queryRecords({ type: 'WebsiteRegistrationRecord', version: watcher.record.version }); expect(record).toBeDefined(); expect(record.names).toHaveLength(1); await registry.deleteName({ lrn }, privateKey, fee); }); describe('With name set', () => { let lrn: string; beforeAll(async () => { lrn = `lrn://${authorityName}/app/test2`; await registry.setName({ lrn, cid: watcherId }, privateKey, fee); }); afterAll(async () => { await registry.deleteName({ lrn }, privateKey, fee); }); test('Lookup name', async () => { const records = await registry.lookupNames([lrn]); expect(records).toBeDefined(); expect(records).toHaveLength(1); const [{ latest, history }] = records; expect(latest).toBeDefined(); expect(; expect(; expect(latest.height).toBeDefined(); expect(history).toBeUndefined(); }); test('Resolve name', async () => { const records = await registry.resolveNames([lrn]); expect(records).toBeDefined(); expect(records).toHaveLength(1); const [{ attributes }] = records; expect(attributes).toEqual(watcher.record); }); test('Lookup name with history', async () => { const updatedWatcher = await ensureUpdatedConfig(WATCHER_YML_PATH); const result = await registry.setRecord( { privateKey, bondId, record: updatedWatcher.record }, privateKey, fee ); const updatedWatcherId =; await registry.setName({ lrn, cid: updatedWatcherId }, privateKey, fee); const records = await registry.lookupNames([lrn], true); expect(records).toHaveLength(1); const [{ latest, history }] = records; expect(latest).toBeDefined(); expect(; expect(; expect(latest.height).toBeDefined(); expect(history).toBeDefined(); expect(history).toHaveLength(1); const [oldRecord] = history; expect(oldRecord).toBeDefined(); expect(; expect(; expect(oldRecord.height).toBeDefined(); }); test('Delete name', async () => { await registry.deleteName({ lrn }, privateKey, fee); let records = await registry.lookupNames([lrn], true); expect(records).toBeDefined(); expect(records).toHaveLength(1); const [{ latest }] = records; expect(latest).toBeDefined(); expect(; expect(''); expect(latest.height).toBeDefined(); // Query records should NOT return it (no LRN points to it). records = await registry.queryRecords({ type: 'WebsiteRegistrationRecord', version: watcher.record.version }); expect(records).toBeDefined(); expect(records).toHaveLength(0); // Query all records should return it (all: true). records = await registry.queryRecords({ type: 'WebsiteRegistrationRecord', version: watcher.record.version }, true); expect(records).toBeDefined(); expect(records).toHaveLength(1); }); test('Delete already deleted name', async () => { await registry.deleteName({ lrn }, privateKey, fee); await registry.deleteName({ lrn }, privateKey, fee); const records = await registry.lookupNames([lrn], true); expect(records).toBeDefined(); expect(records).toHaveLength(1); const [{ latest }] = records; expect(latest).toBeDefined(); expect(; expect(''); expect(latest.height).toBeDefined(); }); }); test('Set name without reserving authority', async () => { await expect(registry.setName({ lrn: 'lrn://not-reserved/app/test', cid: watcherId }, privateKey, fee)) .rejects.toThrow('Name authority not found.'); }); test('Set name for non-owned authority', async () => { await registry.sendCoins({ denom: DENOM, amount: '1000000000', destinationAddress: otherAccount.address }, privateKey, fee); // Other account reserves an authority. await registry.reserveAuthority({ name: otherAuthorityName }, otherPrivateKey, fee); // Try setting name under other authority. await expect(registry.setName({ lrn: `lrn://${otherAuthorityName}/app/test`, cid: watcherId }, privateKey, fee)).rejects.toThrow('Access denied.'); }); test('Delete name for non-owned authority.', async () => { const otherBondId = await registry.getNextBondId(otherPrivateKey); await registry.createBond({ denom: DENOM, amount: '1000000' }, otherPrivateKey, fee); await registry.setAuthorityBond({ name: otherAuthorityName, bondId: otherBondId }, otherPrivateKey, fee); await registry.setName({ lrn: `lrn://${otherAuthorityName}/app/test`, cid: watcherId }, otherPrivateKey, fee); // Try deleting name under other authority. await expect(registry.deleteName({ lrn: `lrn://${otherAuthorityName}/app/test` }, privateKey, fee)).rejects.toThrow('Access denied.'); }); test('Lookup non existing name', async () => { const records = await registry.lookupNames(['lrn://not-reserved/app/test']); expect(records).toBeDefined(); expect(records).toHaveLength(1); const [record] = records; expect(record).toBeNull(); }); test('Resolve non existing name', async () => { const records = await registry.resolveNames(['lrn://not-reserved/app/test']); expect(records).toBeDefined(); expect(records).toHaveLength(1); const [record] = records; expect(record).toBeNull(); }); }); }; if (process.env.TEST_AUCTIONS_ENABLED) { // Required as jest complains if file has no tests. test('skipping naming tests', () => {}); } else { describe('Naming', namingTests); }