import { sha256 } from 'js-sha256'; import { generatePostBodyBroadcast, BroadcastMode } from '@tharsis/provider'; import { Chain, Sender, Fee, createMessageSend, MessageSendParams } from '@tharsis/transactions'; import { DeliverTxResponse, GasPrice, StdFee } from '@cosmjs/stargate'; import { RegistryClient } from './registry-client'; import { Account } from './account'; import { createTransaction } from './txbuilder'; import { Payload, Record } from './types'; import { Util } from './util'; import { createTxMsgAssociateBond, createTxMsgCancelBond, createTxMsgCreateBond, createTxMsgDissociateBond, createTxMsgDissociateRecords, createTxMsgReAssociateRecords, createTxMsgRefillBond, createTxMsgWithdrawBond, MessageMsgAssociateBond, MessageMsgCancelBond, MessageMsgCreateBond, MessageMsgDissociateBond, MessageMsgDissociateRecords, MessageMsgReAssociateRecords, MessageMsgRefillBond, MessageMsgWithdrawBond } from './messages/bond'; import { createTxMsgDeleteName, createTxMsgReserveAuthority, createTxMsgSetAuthorityBond, createTxMsgSetName, createTxMsgSetRecord, MessageMsgDeleteName, MessageMsgReserveAuthority, MessageMsgSetAuthorityBond, MessageMsgSetName, MessageMsgSetRecord, NAMESERVICE_ERRORS, parseMsgSetRecordResponse } from './messages/registry'; import { createTxMsgCommitBid, createTxMsgRevealBid, MessageMsgCommitBid, MessageMsgRevealBid } from './messages/auction'; import { LaconicClient } from './laconic-client'; import { MsgCancelBondResponse, MsgCreateBondResponse, MsgRefillBondResponse, MsgWithdrawBondResponse } from './proto2/cerc/bond/v1/tx'; import { Coin } from './proto2/cosmos/base/v1beta1/coin'; export const DEFAULT_CHAIN_ID = 'laconic_9000-1'; const DEFAULT_WRITE_ERROR = 'Unable to write to laconicd.'; // Parse Tx response from cosmos-sdk. export const parseTxResponse = (result: any, parseResponse?: (data: string) => any) => { const { txhash: hash, height, ...txResponse } = result; if (parseResponse) { = parseResponse(; } => { event.attributes ={ key, value }: { key: string, value: string }) => ({ key: Buffer.from(key, 'base64').toString('utf8'), value: Buffer.from(value, 'base64').toString('utf8') })); }); return { hash, height, ...txResponse }; }; /** * Create an auction bid. */ export const createBid = async (chainId: string, auctionId: string, bidderAddress: string, bidAmount: string, noise?: string) => { if (!noise) { noise = Account.generateMnemonic(); } const reveal = { chainId, auctionId, bidderAddress, bidAmount, noise }; const commitHash = await Util.getContentId(reveal); const revealString = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(reveal)).toString('hex'); return { commitHash, reveal, revealString }; }; export const isKeyValid = (key: string) => key && key.match(/^[0-9a-fA-F]{64}$/); export class Registry { _endpoints: {[key: string]: string}; _chainID: string; _chain: Chain; _client: RegistryClient; static processWriteError (error: string) { // error string a stacktrace containing the message. // const errorMessage = NAMESERVICE_ERRORS.find(message => error.includes(message)); if (!errorMessage) { console.error(error); } return errorMessage || DEFAULT_WRITE_ERROR; } constructor (gqlUrl: string, restUrl = '', chainId: string = DEFAULT_CHAIN_ID) { this._endpoints = { rest: restUrl, gql: gqlUrl }; this._client = new RegistryClient(gqlUrl, restUrl); this._chainID = chainId; this._chain = { cosmosChainId: chainId, chainId: this._parseEthChainId(chainId) }; } /** * Get accounts by addresses. */ async getAccounts (addresses: string[]) { return this._client.getAccounts(addresses); } get endpoints () { return this._endpoints; } get chainID () { return this._chainID; } /** * Get server status. */ async getStatus () { return this._client.getStatus(); } /** * Get records by ids. */ async getRecordsByIds (ids: string[], refs = false) { return this._client.getRecordsByIds(ids, refs); } /** * Get records by attributes. */ async queryRecords (attributes: {[key: string]: any}, all = false, refs = false) { return this._client.queryRecords(attributes, all, refs); } /** * Resolve names to records. */ async resolveNames (names: string[], refs = false) { return this._client.resolveNames(names, refs); } /** * Publish record. * @param transactionPrivateKey - private key in HEX to sign transaction. */ async setRecord ( params: { privateKey: string, record: any, bondId: string }, transactionPrivateKey: string, fee: Fee ) { let result; result = await this._submitRecordTx(params, transactionPrivateKey, fee); return parseTxResponse(result, parseMsgSetRecordResponse); } /** * Send coins. */ async sendCoins ({ amount, denom, destinationAddress }: MessageSendParams, privateKey: string, fee: StdFee) { const account = new Account(Buffer.from(privateKey, 'hex')); await account.init(); const laconicClient = await this.getLaconicClient(account); const response: DeliverTxResponse = await laconicClient.sendTokens( account.address, destinationAddress, [ Coin.fromPartial({ denom, amount }) ], fee); return laconicClient.registry.decode(response.msgResponses[0]); } /** * Computes the next bondId for the given account private key. */ async getNextBondId (privateKey: string) { let result; const account = new Account(Buffer.from(privateKey, 'hex')); await account.init(); const accounts = await this.getAccounts([account.address]); if (!accounts.length) { throw new Error('Account does not exist.'); } const [accountObj] = accounts; const nextSeq = parseInt(accountObj.sequence, 10) + 1; result = sha256(`${accountObj.address}:${accountObj.number}:${nextSeq}`); return result; } /** * Get bonds by ids. */ async getBondsByIds (ids: string[]) { return this._client.getBondsByIds(ids); } /** * Query bonds by attributes. */ async queryBonds (attributes = {}) { return this._client.queryBonds(attributes); } /** * Create bond. */ async createBond ({ denom, amount }: MessageMsgCreateBond, privateKey: string, fee: StdFee): Promise { const account = new Account(Buffer.from(privateKey, 'hex')); await account.init(); const laconicClient = await this.getLaconicClient(account); const response: DeliverTxResponse = await laconicClient.createBond( account.address, denom, amount, fee ); return laconicClient.registry.decode(response.msgResponses[0]); } /** * Refill bond. */ async refillBond ({ denom, amount, id }: MessageMsgRefillBond, privateKey: string, fee: StdFee): Promise { const account = new Account(Buffer.from(privateKey, 'hex')); await account.init(); const laconicClient = await this.getLaconicClient(account); const response: DeliverTxResponse = await laconicClient.refillBond( account.address, denom, amount, id, fee ); return laconicClient.registry.decode(response.msgResponses[0]); } /** * Withdraw (from) bond. */ async withdrawBond ({ denom, amount, id }: MessageMsgWithdrawBond, privateKey: string, fee: StdFee): Promise { const account = new Account(Buffer.from(privateKey, 'hex')); await account.init(); const laconicClient = await this.getLaconicClient(account); const response: DeliverTxResponse = await laconicClient.withdrawBond( account.address, denom, amount, id, fee ); return laconicClient.registry.decode(response.msgResponses[0]); } /** * Cancel bond. */ async cancelBond ({ id }: MessageMsgCancelBond, privateKey: string, fee: StdFee): Promise { const account = new Account(Buffer.from(privateKey, 'hex')); await account.init(); const laconicClient = await this.getLaconicClient(account); const response: DeliverTxResponse = await laconicClient.cancelBond( account.address, id, fee ); return laconicClient.registry.decode(response.msgResponses[0]); } /** * Associate record with bond. */ async associateBond (params: MessageMsgAssociateBond, privateKey: string, fee: Fee) { let result; const account = new Account(Buffer.from(privateKey, 'hex')); const sender = await this._getSender(account); const msg = createTxMsgAssociateBond(this._chain, sender, fee, '', params); result = await this._submitTx(msg, privateKey, sender); return parseTxResponse(result); } /** * Dissociate record from bond. */ async dissociateBond (params: MessageMsgDissociateBond, privateKey: string, fee: Fee) { let result; const account = new Account(Buffer.from(privateKey, 'hex')); const sender = await this._getSender(account); const msg = createTxMsgDissociateBond(this._chain, sender, fee, '', params); result = await this._submitTx(msg, privateKey, sender); return parseTxResponse(result); } /** * Dissociate all records from bond. */ async dissociateRecords (params: MessageMsgDissociateRecords, privateKey: string, fee: Fee) { let result; const account = new Account(Buffer.from(privateKey, 'hex')); const sender = await this._getSender(account); const msg = createTxMsgDissociateRecords(this._chain, sender, fee, '', params); result = await this._submitTx(msg, privateKey, sender); return parseTxResponse(result); } /** * Reassociate records (switch bond). */ async reassociateRecords (params: MessageMsgReAssociateRecords, privateKey: string, fee: Fee) { let result; const account = new Account(Buffer.from(privateKey, 'hex')); const sender = await this._getSender(account); const msg = createTxMsgReAssociateRecords(this._chain, sender, fee, '', params); result = await this._submitTx(msg, privateKey, sender); return parseTxResponse(result); } /** * Reserve authority. */ async reserveAuthority ({ name, owner }: { name: string, owner?: string }, privateKey: string, fee: StdFee) { const account = new Account(Buffer.from(privateKey, 'hex')); await account.init(); const laconicClient = await this.getLaconicClient(account); const response: DeliverTxResponse = await laconicClient.reserveAuthority( account.address, name, owner || account.address, fee ); // TODO: Parse error response return laconicClient.registry.decode(response.msgResponses[0]); } /** * Set authority bond. */ async setAuthorityBond ({ bondId, name }: MessageMsgSetAuthorityBond, privateKey: string, fee: StdFee) { const account = new Account(Buffer.from(privateKey, 'hex')); await account.init(); const laconicClient = await this.getLaconicClient(account); const response: DeliverTxResponse = await laconicClient.setAuthorityBond( account.address, bondId, name, fee ); return laconicClient.registry.decode(response.msgResponses[0]); } /** * Commit auction bid. */ async commitBid (params: MessageMsgCommitBid, privateKey: string, fee: Fee) { let result; const account = new Account(Buffer.from(privateKey, 'hex')); const sender = await this._getSender(account); const msg = createTxMsgCommitBid(this._chain, sender, fee, '', params); result = await this._submitTx(msg, privateKey, sender); return parseTxResponse(result); } /** * Reveal auction bid. */ async revealBid (params: MessageMsgRevealBid, privateKey: string, fee: Fee) { let result; const account = new Account(Buffer.from(privateKey, 'hex')); const sender = await this._getSender(account); const msg = createTxMsgRevealBid(this._chain, sender, fee, '', params); result = await this._submitTx(msg, privateKey, sender); return parseTxResponse(result); } /** * Get records by ids. */ async getAuctionsByIds (ids: string[]) { return this._client.getAuctionsByIds(ids); } /** * Lookup authorities by names. */ async lookupAuthorities (names: string[], auction = false) { return this._client.lookupAuthorities(names, auction); } /** * Set name (CRN) to record ID (CID). */ async setName (params: MessageMsgSetName, privateKey: string, fee: Fee) { let result; const account = new Account(Buffer.from(privateKey, 'hex')); const sender = await this._getSender(account); const msg = createTxMsgSetName(this._chain, sender, fee, '', params); result = await this._submitTx(msg, privateKey, sender); return parseTxResponse(result); } /** * Lookup naming information. */ async lookupNames (names: string[], history = false) { return this._client.lookupNames(names, history); } /** * Delete name (CRN) mapping. */ async deleteName (params: MessageMsgDeleteName, privateKey: string, fee: Fee) { let result; const account = new Account(Buffer.from(privateKey, 'hex')); const sender = await this._getSender(account); const msg = createTxMsgDeleteName(this._chain, sender, fee, '', params); result = await this._submitTx(msg, privateKey, sender); return parseTxResponse(result); } /** * Submit record transaction. * @param privateKey - private key in HEX to sign message. * @param txPrivateKey - private key in HEX to sign transaction. */ async _submitRecordTx ( { privateKey, record, bondId }: { privateKey: string, record: any, bondId: string }, txPrivateKey: string, fee: Fee ) { if (!isKeyValid(privateKey)) { throw new Error('Registry privateKey should be a hex string.'); } if (!isKeyValid(bondId)) { throw new Error(`Invalid bondId: ${bondId}.`); } // Sign record. const recordSignerAccount = new Account(Buffer.from(privateKey, 'hex')); const registryRecord = new Record(record); const payload = new Payload(registryRecord); await recordSignerAccount.signPayload(payload); // Send record payload Tx. txPrivateKey = txPrivateKey || recordSignerAccount.getPrivateKey(); return this._submitRecordPayloadTx({ payload, bondId }, txPrivateKey, fee); } async _submitRecordPayloadTx (params: MessageMsgSetRecord, privateKey: string, fee: Fee) { if (!isKeyValid(privateKey)) { throw new Error('Registry privateKey should be a hex string.'); } if (!isKeyValid(params.bondId)) { throw new Error(`Invalid bondId: ${params.bondId}.`); } const account = new Account(Buffer.from(privateKey, 'hex')); const sender = await this._getSender(account); const msg = createTxMsgSetRecord(this._chain, sender, fee, '', params); return this._submitTx(msg, privateKey, sender); } /** * Submit a generic Tx to the chain. */ async _submitTx (message: any, privateKey: string, sender: Sender) { // Check private key. if (!isKeyValid(privateKey)) { throw new Error('Registry privateKey should be a hex string.'); } // Check that the account exists on-chain. const account = new Account(Buffer.from(privateKey, 'hex')); // Generate signed Tx. const transaction = createTransaction(message, account, sender, this._chain); const tx = generatePostBodyBroadcast(transaction, BroadcastMode.Block); // Submit Tx to chain. const { tx_response: response } = await this._client.submit(tx); if (response.code !== 0) { // Throw error when transaction is not successful. // throw new Error(Registry.processWriteError(response.raw_log)); } return response; } /** * */ _parseEthChainId (chainId: string) { const [idWithChainNumber] = chainId.split('-'); const [_, ethChainId] = idWithChainNumber.split('_'); return Number(ethChainId); } /** * Get sender used for creating message. */ async _getSender (account: Account) { const accounts = await this.getAccounts([account.formattedCosmosAddress]); if (!accounts.length) { throw new Error('Account does not exist.'); } const [{ number, sequence }] = accounts; return { accountAddress: account.formattedCosmosAddress, sequence: sequence, accountNumber: number, pubkey: account.encodedPubkey }; } async getLaconicClient (account: Account) { return LaconicClient.connectWithSigner(, account.wallet); } } export { Account };