forked from cerc-io/laconicd-deprecated
1. add bond,auction, nameserivce module 2. update to v0.12.2 ethermint version 3. fix the test cases 4. add gql server
168 lines
4.2 KiB
Protocol Buffer
168 lines
4.2 KiB
Protocol Buffer
syntax = "proto3";
package vulcanize.nameservice.v1beta1;
import "gogoproto/gogo.proto";
import "vulcanize/nameservice/v1beta1/nameservice.proto";
option go_package = "";
// Msg
service Msg {
// SetRecord will records a new record with given payload and bond id
rpc SetRecord(MsgSetRecord) returns(MsgSetRecordResponse){}
// Renew Record will renew the expire record
rpc RenewRecord(MsgRenewRecord) returns (MsgRenewRecordResponse){}
// AssociateBond
rpc AssociateBond(MsgAssociateBond) returns (MsgAssociateBondResponse){}
// DissociateBond
rpc DissociateBond(MsgDissociateBond) returns (MsgDissociateBondResponse){}
// DissociateRecords
rpc DissociateRecords(MsgDissociateRecords) returns (MsgDissociateRecordsResponse){}
// ReAssociateRecords
rpc ReAssociateRecords(MsgReAssociateRecords) returns (MsgReAssociateRecordsResponse){}
// SetName will store the name with given wrn and name
rpc SetName(MsgSetName) returns (MsgSetNameResponse){}
// Reserve name
rpc ReserveName(MsgReserveAuthority) returns (MsgReserveAuthorityResponse){}
// Delete Name method will remove authority name
rpc DeleteName(MsgDeleteNameAuthority) returns (MsgDeleteNameAuthorityResponse){}
// SetAuthorityBond
rpc SetAuthorityBond(MsgSetAuthorityBond) returns (MsgSetAuthorityBondResponse){}
// MsgSetRecord
message MsgSetRecord{
string bond_id = 1 [
(gogoproto.moretags) = "json:\"bondId\" yaml:\"bondId\""
string signer = 2;
Payload payload = 3 [
(gogoproto.nullable) = false
// MsgSetRecordResponse
message MsgSetRecordResponse{
// Payload
message Payload {
Record record = 1;
repeated Signature signatures = 2 [
(gogoproto.nullable) = false,
(gogoproto.moretags) = "json:\"signatures\" yaml:\"signatures\""
// MsgSetName
message MsgSetName{
string wrn = 1;
string cid = 2;
string signer = 3;
// MsgSetNameResponse
message MsgSetNameResponse{
// MsgReserveName
message MsgReserveAuthority{
string name = 1;
string signer = 2;
// if creating a sub-authority.
string owner = 3;
// MsgReserveNameResponse
message MsgReserveAuthorityResponse{
// MsgSetAuthorityBond is SDK message for SetAuthorityBond
message MsgSetAuthorityBond{
string name = 1;
string bond_id = 2 [
(gogoproto.moretags) = "json:\"bondId\" yaml:\"bondId\""
string signer = 3;
// MsgSetAuthorityBondResponse
message MsgSetAuthorityBondResponse{
// MsgDeleteNameAuthority is SDK message for DeleteNameAuthority
message MsgDeleteNameAuthority{
string wrn = 1;
string signer = 2;
// MsgDeleteNameAuthorityResponse
message MsgDeleteNameAuthorityResponse{
//MsgRenewRecord is SDK message for Renew a record
message MsgRenewRecord{
string record_id = 1 [
(gogoproto.moretags) = "json:\"recordId\" yaml:\"recordId\""
string signer = 2;
// MsgRenewRecordResponse
message MsgRenewRecordResponse{
// MsgAssociateBond
message MsgAssociateBond{
string record_id = 1 [
(gogoproto.moretags) = "json:\"recordId\" yaml:\"recordId\""
string bond_id = 2 [
(gogoproto.moretags) = "json:\"bondId\" yaml:\"bondId\""
string signer = 3;
// MsgAssociateBondResponse
message MsgAssociateBondResponse{
// MsgDissociateBond is SDK message for Msg/DissociateBond
message MsgDissociateBond{
string record_id = 1 [
(gogoproto.moretags) = "json:\"recordId\" yaml:\"recordId\""
string signer = 2;
// MsgDissociateBondResponse is response type for MsgDissociateBond
message MsgDissociateBondResponse{
// MsgDissociateRecords is SDK message for Msg/DissociateRecords
message MsgDissociateRecords{
string bond_id = 1 [
(gogoproto.moretags) = "json:\"bondId\" yaml:\"bondId\""
string signer = 2;
// MsgDissociateRecordsResponse is response type for MsgDissociateRecords
message MsgDissociateRecordsResponse{
// MsgReAssociateRecords is SDK message for Msg/ReAssociateRecords
message MsgReAssociateRecords{
string new_bond_id = 1 [
(gogoproto.moretags) = "json:\"newBondId\" yaml:\"newBondId\""
string old_bond_id = 2 [
(gogoproto.moretags) = "json:\"oldBondId\" yaml:\"oldBondId\""
string signer = 3;
// MsgReAssociateRecordsResponse is response type for MsgReAssociateRecords
message MsgReAssociateRecordsResponse{