forked from cerc-io/laconicd-deprecated
* Update test scripts and CI * Update timeout * Update test-helper * fix issue for staking test * fix bug in test helper * reduce block time * Update test cases * use truffle 5.4.14 as global * remove two checks * reduce block time to 150ms * fix patches paths * Update test scripts Co-authored-by: Federico Kunze Küllmer <>
396 lines
19 KiB
396 lines
19 KiB
const { assertRevert } = require('@aragon/contract-helpers-test/assertThrow')
const { bn, bigExp, assertBn, MAX_UINT64 } = require('@aragon/contract-helpers-test/numbers')
const { deploy } = require('../helpers/deploy')(artifacts)
const { approveAndStake, approveStakeAndLock } = require('../helpers/helpers')(artifacts)
const { DEFAULT_STAKE_AMOUNT, DEFAULT_LOCK_AMOUNT, EMPTY_DATA, ZERO_ADDRESS } = require('../helpers/constants')
const { STAKING_ERRORS } = require('../helpers/errors')
contract('Staking app, Locking', ([owner, user1, user2]) => {
let staking, lockManager
beforeEach(async () => {
const deployment = await deploy(owner)
staking = deployment.staking
lockManager = deployment.lockManager
// it('allows new manager and locks amount', async () => {
// await approveStakeAndLock({ staking, manager: user1, from: owner })
// // check lock values
// const { _amount, _allowance } = await staking.getLock(owner, user1)
// assertBn(_amount, DEFAULT_LOCK_AMOUNT, "locked amount should match")
// assertBn(_allowance, DEFAULT_LOCK_AMOUNT, "locked allowance should match")
// assertBn(await staking.unlockedBalanceOf(owner), DEFAULT_STAKE_AMOUNT.sub(DEFAULT_LOCK_AMOUNT), "Unlocked balance should match")
// const { staked, locked } = await staking.getBalancesOf(owner)
// assertBn(staked, DEFAULT_STAKE_AMOUNT, "Staked balance should match")
// assertBn(locked, DEFAULT_LOCK_AMOUNT, "Locked balance should match")
// })
it('fails locking 0 tokens', async () => {
await approveAndStake({ staking, from: owner })
await assertRevert(staking.allowManagerAndLock(0, user1, 1, EMPTY_DATA), STAKING_ERRORS.ERROR_AMOUNT_ZERO)
// it('fails locking without enough allowance', async () => {
// await approveAndStake({ staking, from: owner })
// await assertRevert(staking.allowManagerAndLock(2, user1, 1, EMPTY_DATA), STAKING_ERRORS.ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_ALLOWANCE)
// })
// it('fails locking more tokens than staked', async () => {
// await approveAndStake({ staking, from: owner })
// await assertRevert(staking.allowManagerAndLock(DEFAULT_STAKE_AMOUNT.add(bn(1)), user1, DEFAULT_STAKE_AMOUNT.add(bn(1)), EMPTY_DATA), STAKING_ERRORS.ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_BALANCE)
// })
// it('fails locking if already locked', async () => {
// await approveStakeAndLock({ staking, manager: user1, from: owner })
// await approveAndStake({ staking, from: owner })
// await assertRevert(staking.allowManagerAndLock(DEFAULT_STAKE_AMOUNT, user1, DEFAULT_STAKE_AMOUNT, "0x02"), STAKING_ERRORS.ERROR_LOCK_ALREADY_EXISTS)
// })
// it('fails unstaking locked tokens', async () => {
// await approveStakeAndLock({ staking, manager: user1, from: owner })
// })
// it('creates a new allowance', async () => {
// await staking.allowManager(user1, DEFAULT_LOCK_AMOUNT, EMPTY_DATA)
// const { _allowance } = await staking.getLock(owner, user1)
// assertBn(_allowance, DEFAULT_LOCK_AMOUNT, "allowed amount should match")
// })
// it('creates a new allowance and then lock manager locks', async () => {
// await approveAndStake({ staking, from: owner })
// await staking.allowManager(user1, DEFAULT_LOCK_AMOUNT, EMPTY_DATA)
// await staking.lock(owner, user1, DEFAULT_LOCK_AMOUNT, { from: user1 })
// // check lock values
// const { _amount, _allowance } = await staking.getLock(owner, user1)
// assertBn(_amount, DEFAULT_LOCK_AMOUNT, "locked amount should match")
// assertBn(_allowance, DEFAULT_LOCK_AMOUNT, "locked allowance should match")
// assertBn(await staking.unlockedBalanceOf(owner), DEFAULT_STAKE_AMOUNT.sub(DEFAULT_LOCK_AMOUNT), "Unlocked balance should match")
// })
// it('fails creating allowance of 0 tokens', async () => {
// await assertRevert(staking.allowManager(user1, 0, EMPTY_DATA), STAKING_ERRORS.ERROR_AMOUNT_ZERO)
// })
// it('fails creating allowance if lock exists', async () => {
// await approveStakeAndLock({ staking, manager: user1, from: owner })
// await assertRevert(staking.allowManager(user1, 1, EMPTY_DATA), STAKING_ERRORS.ERROR_LOCK_ALREADY_EXISTS)
// })
// it('increases allowance of existing lock', async () => {
// await approveStakeAndLock({ staking, manager: user1, from: owner })
// await staking.increaseLockAllowance(user1, DEFAULT_LOCK_AMOUNT)
// const { _allowance } = await staking.getLock(owner, user1)
// assertBn(_allowance, DEFAULT_LOCK_AMOUNT.mul(bn(2)), "allowed amount should match")
// })
// it('fails increasing allowance of non-existing', async () => {
// await assertRevert(staking.increaseLockAllowance(user1, 1), STAKING_ERRORS.ERROR_LOCK_DOES_NOT_EXIST)
// })
// it('fails increasing allowance of existing lock by 0', async () => {
// await approveStakeAndLock({ staking, manager: user1, from: owner })
// await assertRevert(staking.increaseLockAllowance(user1, 0), STAKING_ERRORS.ERROR_AMOUNT_ZERO)
// })
// it('fails increasing allowance of existing lock if not owner or manager', async () => {
// await approveStakeAndLock({ staking, manager: user1, from: owner })
// await assertRevert(staking.increaseLockAllowance(user1, 1, { from: user2 }), STAKING_ERRORS.ERROR_LOCK_DOES_NOT_EXIST)
// })
// it('decreases allowance of existing lock by the owner', async () => {
// await approveAndStake({ staking, from: owner })
// await staking.allowManagerAndLock(DEFAULT_LOCK_AMOUNT, user1, DEFAULT_LOCK_AMOUNT.add(bn(1)), EMPTY_DATA)
// await staking.decreaseLockAllowance(owner, user1, 1, { from: owner })
// const { _allowance } = await staking.getLock(owner, user1)
// assertBn(_allowance, DEFAULT_LOCK_AMOUNT, "allowed amount should match")
// })
// it('decreases allowance of existing lock by manager', async () => {
// await approveAndStake({ staking, from: owner })
// await staking.allowManagerAndLock(DEFAULT_LOCK_AMOUNT, user1, DEFAULT_LOCK_AMOUNT.add(bn(1)), EMPTY_DATA)
// await staking.decreaseLockAllowance(owner, user1, 1, { from: user1 })
// const { _allowance } = await staking.getLock(owner, user1)
// assertBn(_allowance, DEFAULT_LOCK_AMOUNT, "allowed amount should match")
// })
// it('fails decreasing allowance of existing lock by 0', async () => {
// await approveStakeAndLock({ staking, manager: user1, from: owner })
// await assertRevert(staking.decreaseLockAllowance(owner, user1, 0), STAKING_ERRORS.ERROR_AMOUNT_ZERO)
// })
// it('fails decreasing allowance of existing lock to 0', async () => {
// await approveStakeAndLock({ staking, manager: user1, from: owner })
// await staking.unlock(owner, user1, DEFAULT_LOCK_AMOUNT, { from: user1 })
// await assertRevert(staking.decreaseLockAllowance(owner, user1, DEFAULT_LOCK_AMOUNT), STAKING_ERRORS.ERROR_ALLOWANCE_ZERO)
// })
// it('fails decreasing allowance to less than lock', async () => {
// await approveAndStake({ staking, from: owner })
// await staking.allowManagerAndLock(DEFAULT_LOCK_AMOUNT, user1, DEFAULT_LOCK_AMOUNT.add(bn(1)), EMPTY_DATA)
// await assertRevert(staking.decreaseLockAllowance(owner, user1, 2), STAKING_ERRORS.ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_ALLOWANCE)
// })
// it('fails decreasing allowance by 3rd party', async () => {
// await approveAndStake({ staking, from: owner })
// await staking.allowManagerAndLock(DEFAULT_LOCK_AMOUNT, user1, DEFAULT_LOCK_AMOUNT.add(bn(1)), EMPTY_DATA)
// await assertRevert(staking.decreaseLockAllowance(owner, user1, 1, { from: user2 }), STAKING_ERRORS.ERROR_CANNOT_CHANGE_ALLOWANCE)
// })
// it('increases amount of existing lock', async () => {
// await approveStakeAndLock({ staking, manager: user1, from: owner })
// await approveAndStake({ staking, from: owner })
// await staking.increaseLockAllowance(user1, DEFAULT_LOCK_AMOUNT)
// await staking.lock(owner, user1, DEFAULT_LOCK_AMOUNT)
// const { _amount } = await staking.getLock(owner, user1)
// assertBn(_amount, DEFAULT_LOCK_AMOUNT.mul(bn(2)), "locked amount should match")
// })
// it('fails increasing lock with 0 tokens', async () => {
// await approveStakeAndLock({ staking, manager: user1, from: owner })
// await approveAndStake({ staking, from: owner })
// await assertRevert(staking.lock(owner, user1, 0), STAKING_ERRORS.ERROR_AMOUNT_ZERO)
// })
// it('fails increasing lock with more tokens than staked', async () => {
// await approveStakeAndLock({ staking, manager: user1, from: owner })
// await approveAndStake({ staking, from: owner })
// await assertRevert(staking.lock(owner, user1, DEFAULT_STAKE_AMOUNT.mul(bn(2)).add(bn(1))), STAKING_ERRORS.ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_BALANCE)
// })
// it('fails increasing lock if not owner or manager', async () => {
// await approveStakeAndLock({ staking, manager: user1, from: owner })
// await approveAndStake({ staking, from: owner })
// await assertRevert(staking.lock(owner, user1, 1, { from: user2 }), STAKING_ERRORS.ERROR_SENDER_NOT_ALLOWED)
// })
// it('unlocks with only 1 lock, EOA manager', async () => {
// await approveStakeAndLock({ staking, manager: user1, lockAmount: DEFAULT_LOCK_AMOUNT, from: owner })
// // unlock
// await staking.unlockAndRemoveManager(owner, user1, { from: user1 })
// assertBn(await staking.unlockedBalanceOf(owner), DEFAULT_STAKE_AMOUNT, "Unlocked balance should match")
// assertBn(await staking.lockedBalanceOf(owner), bn(0), "total locked doesn’t match")
// })
// it('unlocks with more than 1 lock, EOA manager', async () => {
// await approveStakeAndLock({ staking, manager: user1, from: owner })
// // lock again
// await staking.allowManagerAndLock(DEFAULT_LOCK_AMOUNT, user2, DEFAULT_LOCK_AMOUNT, EMPTY_DATA)
// const previousTotalLocked = await staking.lockedBalanceOf(owner)
// // unlock
// await staking.unlockAndRemoveManager(owner, user1, { from: user1 })
// assertBn(await staking.unlockedBalanceOf(owner), DEFAULT_STAKE_AMOUNT.sub(DEFAULT_LOCK_AMOUNT), "Unlocked balance should match")
// assertBn(await staking.lockedBalanceOf(owner), previousTotalLocked.sub(bn(DEFAULT_LOCK_AMOUNT)), "total locked doesn’t match")
// })
// it('unlocks completely, contract manager, called by owner', async () => {
// await lockManager.setResult(true)
// await approveStakeAndLock({ staking, manager: lockManager.address, from: owner })
// // unlock
// await staking.unlockAndRemoveManager(owner, lockManager.address, { from: owner })
// assertBn(await staking.unlockedBalanceOf(owner), DEFAULT_STAKE_AMOUNT, "Unlocked balance should match")
// assertBn(await staking.lockedBalanceOf(owner), bn(0), "total locked doesn’t match")
// })
// it('unlocks completely, contract manager, called by manager', async () => {
// await lockManager.setResult(true)
// await approveStakeAndLock({ staking, manager: lockManager.address, from: owner })
// // unlock
// await lockManager.unlockAndRemoveManager(staking.address, owner, lockManager.address)
// assertBn(await staking.unlockedBalanceOf(owner), DEFAULT_STAKE_AMOUNT, "Unlocked balance should match")
// assertBn(await staking.lockedBalanceOf(owner), bn(0), "total locked doesn’t match")
// })
// it('unlocks completely, contract manager, called by manager, even if condition is not satisfied', async () => {
// // not needed, is false by default
// //await lockManager.setResult(false)
// await approveStakeAndLock({ staking, manager: lockManager.address, from: owner })
// // unlock
// await lockManager.unlockAndRemoveManager(staking.address, owner, lockManager.address)
// assertBn(await staking.unlockedBalanceOf(owner), DEFAULT_STAKE_AMOUNT, "Unlocked balance should match")
// assertBn(await staking.lockedBalanceOf(owner), bn(0), "total locked doesn’t match")
// })
// it('fails calling canUnlock, EOA manager', async () => {
// await approveStakeAndLock({ staking, manager: user1, from: owner })
// // call canUnlock
// await assertRevert(staking.canUnlock(owner, owner, user1, 0)) // no reason: it’s trying to call an EOA
// })
// it('can unlock if amount is zero', async () => {
// await staking.allowManager(user1, DEFAULT_LOCK_AMOUNT, EMPTY_DATA, { from: owner })
// assert.isTrue(await staking.canUnlock(owner, owner, user1, 0))
// })
// it('fails to unlock if it cannot unlock, EOA manager', async () => {
// await approveStakeAndLock({ staking, manager: user1, from: owner })
// // tries to unlock
// await assertRevert(staking.unlockAndRemoveManager(owner, user1)) // no reason: it’s trying to call an EOA
// })
// it('fails to unlock if can not unlock, contract manager, called by owner', async () => {
// // not needed, is false by default
// // await lockManager.setResult(false)
// await approveStakeAndLock({ staking, manager: lockManager.address, from: owner })
// // tries to unlock
// await assertRevert(staking.unlockAndRemoveManager(owner, lockManager.address, { from: owner }), STAKING_ERRORS.ERROR_CANNOT_UNLOCK)
// })
// it('fails to unlock if, contract manager, called by 3rd party (even if condition is true)', async () => {
// await lockManager.setResult(true)
// await approveStakeAndLock({ staking, manager: lockManager.address, from: owner })
// // tries to unlock
// await assertRevert(staking.unlockAndRemoveManager(owner, lockManager.address, { from: user1 }), STAKING_ERRORS.ERROR_CANNOT_UNLOCK)
// })
// it('transfers (slash) and unlocks (everything else) in one transaction', async () => {
// const totalLock = bigExp(120, 18)
// const transferAmount = bigExp(40, 18)
// await approveStakeAndLock({ staking, manager: user1, allowanceAmount: totalLock, lockAmount: totalLock, stakeAmount: totalLock, from: owner })
// // unlock and transfer
// await staking.slashAndUnlock(owner, user2, totalLock.sub(transferAmount), transferAmount, { from: user1 })
// assertBn(await staking.unlockedBalanceOf(owner), totalLock.sub(transferAmount), "Unlocked balance should match")
// assertBn(await staking.lockedBalanceOf(owner), bn(0), "total locked doesn’t match")
// // lock manager
// assertBn(await staking.unlockedBalanceOf(user1), bn(0), "Unlocked balance should match")
// assertBn(await staking.lockedBalanceOf(user1), bn(0), "total locked doesn’t match")
// // recipient
// assertBn(await staking.unlockedBalanceOf(user2), transferAmount, "Unlocked balance should match")
// assertBn(await staking.lockedBalanceOf(user2), bn(0), "total locked doesn’t match")
// })
// it('transfers (slash) and unlocks in one transaction', async () => {
// const totalLock = bigExp(120, 18)
// const transferAmount = bigExp(40, 18)
// const decreaseAmount = bigExp(60, 18)
// await approveStakeAndLock({ staking, manager: user1, allowanceAmount: totalLock, lockAmount: totalLock, stakeAmount: totalLock, from: owner })
// // unlock and transfer
// await staking.slashAndUnlock(owner, user2, decreaseAmount, transferAmount, { from: user1 })
// assertBn(await staking.unlockedBalanceOf(owner), decreaseAmount, "Unlocked balance should match")
// assertBn(await staking.lockedBalanceOf(owner), totalLock.sub(decreaseAmount).sub(transferAmount), "total locked doesn’t match")
// // lock manager
// assertBn(await staking.unlockedBalanceOf(user1), bn(0), "Unlocked balance should match")
// assertBn(await staking.lockedBalanceOf(user1), bn(0), "total locked doesn’t match")
// // recipient
// assertBn(await staking.unlockedBalanceOf(user2), transferAmount, "Unlocked balance should match")
// assertBn(await staking.lockedBalanceOf(user2), bn(0), "total locked doesn’t match")
// })
// it('fails to transfer (slash) and unlocks in one transaction if unlock amount is zero', async () => {
// const totalLock = bigExp(120, 18)
// const transferAmount = bigExp(40, 18)
// const decreaseAmount = bigExp(0, 18)
// await approveStakeAndLock({ staking, manager: user1, allowanceAmount: totalLock, lockAmount: totalLock, stakeAmount: totalLock, from: owner })
// // unlock and transfer
// await assertRevert(staking.slashAndUnlock(owner, user2, decreaseAmount, transferAmount, { from: user1 }), STAKING_ERRORS.ERROR_AMOUNT_ZERO)
// })
// it('fails to transfer (slash) and unlock in one transaction if not owner nor manager', async () => {
// const totalLock = bigExp(120, 18)
// const transferAmount = bigExp(40, 18)
// const decreaseAmount = bigExp(60, 18)
// await approveStakeAndLock({ staking, manager: user1, allowanceAmount: totalLock, lockAmount: totalLock, stakeAmount: totalLock, from: owner })
// // unlock and transfer
// await assertRevert(staking.slashAndUnlock(owner, user2, decreaseAmount, transferAmount, { from: user2 }), STAKING_ERRORS.ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_LOCK)
// })
// it('change lock amount', async () => {
// await approveStakeAndLock({ staking, manager: lockManager.address, from: owner })
// const { _amount: amount1 } = await staking.getLock(owner, lockManager.address)
// assertBn(amount1, bn(DEFAULT_LOCK_AMOUNT), "Amount should match")
// assertBn(await staking.unlockedBalanceOf(owner), DEFAULT_STAKE_AMOUNT.sub(DEFAULT_LOCK_AMOUNT), "Unlocked balance should match")
// // change amount
// const unlockAmount = DEFAULT_LOCK_AMOUNT.div(bn(2))
// await lockManager.unlock(staking.address, owner, unlockAmount)
// const { _amount: amount2 } = await staking.getLock(owner, lockManager.address)
// assertBn(amount2, unlockAmount, "Amount should match")
// assertBn(await staking.unlockedBalanceOf(owner), DEFAULT_STAKE_AMOUNT.sub(unlockAmount), "Unlocked balance should match")
// })
// it('fails to change lock amount to zero', async () => {
// await approveStakeAndLock({ staking, manager: lockManager.address, from: owner })
// // try to change amount
// await assertRevert(lockManager.unlock(staking.address, owner, 0), STAKING_ERRORS.ERROR_AMOUNT_ZERO)
// })
// it('fails to change lock amount to greater than before', async () => {
// await approveStakeAndLock({ staking, manager: lockManager.address, from: owner })
// // try to change amount
// await assertRevert(lockManager.unlock(staking.address, owner, DEFAULT_LOCK_AMOUNT.add(bn(1))), STAKING_ERRORS.ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_LOCK)
// })
// it('change lock manager', async () => {
// await approveStakeAndLock({ staking, manager: user1, from: owner })
// assert.equal(await staking.canUnlock(user1, owner, user1, 0), true, "User 1 can unlock")
// assert.equal(await staking.canUnlock(user2, owner, user1, 0), false, "User 2 can not unlock")
// await assertRevert(staking.canUnlock(user2, owner, user2, 0), STAKING_ERRORS.ERROR_LOCK_DOES_NOT_EXIST) // it doesn’t exist
// // change manager
// await staking.setLockManager(owner, user2, { from: user1 })
// await assertRevert(staking.canUnlock(user1, owner, user1, 0), STAKING_ERRORS.ERROR_LOCK_DOES_NOT_EXIST) // it doesn’t exist
// assert.equal(await staking.canUnlock(user1, owner, user2, 0), false, "User 1 can not unlock")
// assert.equal(await staking.canUnlock(user2, owner, user2, 0), true, "User 2 can unlock")
// })
// it('fails to change lock manager if it doesn’t exist', async () => {
// await assertRevert(staking.setLockManager(owner, user2, { from: user1 }), STAKING_ERRORS.ERROR_LOCK_DOES_NOT_EXIST)
// })