forked from cerc-io/laconicd-deprecated
* Reuse cosmos-sdk client library to create keyring Extracted from Cleanup cmd code for easier to migration to cosmos-sdk 0.46 * Update cosmos-sdk v0.46 prepare for implementing cosmos-sdk feemarket and tx prioritization changelog refactor cmd use sdkmath fix lint fix unit tests fix unit test genesis fix unit tests fix unit test env setup fix unit tests fix unit tests register PrivKey impl fix extension options fix lint fix unit tests make HandlerOption.Validate private gofumpt fix msg response decoding fix sim test bump cosmos-sdk version fix sim test sdk 46 fix unit test fix unit tests update ibc-go
268 lines
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268 lines
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package app
import (
codectypes ""
cryptocodec ""
authtypes ""
banktypes ""
stakingtypes ""
ethermint ""
evmtypes ""
sdk ""
simtypes ""
abci ""
tmproto ""
tmtypes ""
dbm ""
// DefaultConsensusParams defines the default Tendermint consensus params used in
// EthermintApp testing.
var DefaultConsensusParams = &abci.ConsensusParams{
Block: &abci.BlockParams{
MaxBytes: 200000,
MaxGas: -1, // no limit
Evidence: &tmproto.EvidenceParams{
MaxAgeNumBlocks: 302400,
MaxAgeDuration: 504 * time.Hour, // 3 weeks is the max duration
MaxBytes: 10000,
Validator: &tmproto.ValidatorParams{
PubKeyTypes: []string{
// Setup initializes a new EthermintApp. A Nop logger is set in EthermintApp.
func Setup(isCheckTx bool, patchGenesis func(*EthermintApp, simapp.GenesisState) simapp.GenesisState) *EthermintApp {
return SetupWithDB(isCheckTx, patchGenesis, dbm.NewMemDB())
// SetupWithDB initializes a new EthermintApp. A Nop logger is set in EthermintApp.
func SetupWithDB(isCheckTx bool, patchGenesis func(*EthermintApp, simapp.GenesisState) simapp.GenesisState, db dbm.DB) *EthermintApp {
app := NewEthermintApp(log.NewNopLogger(), db, nil, true, map[int64]bool{}, DefaultNodeHome, 5, encoding.MakeConfig(ModuleBasics), simapp.EmptyAppOptions{})
if !isCheckTx {
// init chain must be called to stop deliverState from being nil
genesisState := NewTestGenesisState(app.AppCodec())
if patchGenesis != nil {
genesisState = patchGenesis(app, genesisState)
stateBytes, err := json.MarshalIndent(genesisState, "", " ")
if err != nil {
// Initialize the chain
ChainId: "ethermint_9000-1",
Validators: []abci.ValidatorUpdate{},
ConsensusParams: DefaultConsensusParams,
AppStateBytes: stateBytes,
return app
// RandomGenesisAccounts is used by the auth module to create random genesis accounts in simulation when a genesis.json is not specified.
// In contrast, the default auth module's RandomGenesisAccounts implementation creates only base accounts and vestings accounts.
func RandomGenesisAccounts(simState *module.SimulationState) authtypes.GenesisAccounts {
emptyCodeHash := crypto.Keccak256(nil)
genesisAccs := make(authtypes.GenesisAccounts, len(simState.Accounts))
for i, acc := range simState.Accounts {
bacc := authtypes.NewBaseAccountWithAddress(acc.Address)
ethacc := ðermint.EthAccount{
BaseAccount: bacc,
CodeHash: common.BytesToHash(emptyCodeHash).String(),
genesisAccs[i] = ethacc
return genesisAccs
// RandomAccounts creates random accounts with an ethsecp256k1 private key
// TODO: replace secp256k1.GenPrivKeyFromSecret() with similar function in go-ethereum
func RandomAccounts(r *rand.Rand, n int) []simtypes.Account {
accs := make([]simtypes.Account, n)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
// don't need that much entropy for simulation
privkeySeed := make([]byte, 15)
_, _ = r.Read(privkeySeed)
prv := secp256k1.GenPrivKeyFromSecret(privkeySeed)
ethPrv := ðsecp256k1.PrivKey{}
_ = ethPrv.UnmarshalAmino(prv.Bytes()) // UnmarshalAmino simply copies the bytes and assigns them to ethPrv.Key
accs[i].PrivKey = ethPrv
accs[i].PubKey = accs[i].PrivKey.PubKey()
accs[i].Address = sdk.AccAddress(accs[i].PubKey.Address())
accs[i].ConsKey = ed25519.GenPrivKeyFromSecret(privkeySeed)
return accs
// StateFn returns the initial application state using a genesis or the simulation parameters.
// It is a wrapper of simapp.AppStateFn to replace evm param EvmDenom with staking param BondDenom.
func StateFn(cdc codec.JSONCodec, simManager *module.SimulationManager) simtypes.AppStateFn {
return func(r *rand.Rand, accs []simtypes.Account, config simtypes.Config,
) (appState json.RawMessage, simAccs []simtypes.Account, chainID string, genesisTimestamp time.Time) {
appStateFn := simapp.AppStateFn(cdc, simManager)
appState, simAccs, chainID, genesisTimestamp = appStateFn(r, accs, config)
rawState := make(map[string]json.RawMessage)
err := json.Unmarshal(appState, &rawState)
if err != nil {
stakingStateBz, ok := rawState[stakingtypes.ModuleName]
if !ok {
panic("staking genesis state is missing")
stakingState := new(stakingtypes.GenesisState)
cdc.MustUnmarshalJSON(stakingStateBz, stakingState)
// we should get the BondDenom and make it the evmdenom.
// thus simulation accounts could have positive amount of gas token.
bondDenom := stakingState.Params.BondDenom
evmStateBz, ok := rawState[evmtypes.ModuleName]
if !ok {
panic("evm genesis state is missing")
evmState := new(evmtypes.GenesisState)
cdc.MustUnmarshalJSON(evmStateBz, evmState)
// we should replace the EvmDenom with BondDenom
evmState.Params.EvmDenom = bondDenom
// change appState back
rawState[evmtypes.ModuleName] = cdc.MustMarshalJSON(evmState)
// replace appstate
appState, err = json.Marshal(rawState)
if err != nil {
return appState, simAccs, chainID, genesisTimestamp
// NewTestGenesisState generate genesis state with single validator
func NewTestGenesisState(codec codec.Codec) simapp.GenesisState {
privVal := mock.NewPV()
pubKey, err := privVal.GetPubKey()
if err != nil {
// create validator set with single validator
validator := tmtypes.NewValidator(pubKey, 1)
valSet := tmtypes.NewValidatorSet([]*tmtypes.Validator{validator})
// generate genesis account
senderPrivKey := secp256k1.GenPrivKey()
acc := authtypes.NewBaseAccount(senderPrivKey.PubKey().Address().Bytes(), senderPrivKey.PubKey(), 0, 0)
balance := banktypes.Balance{
Address: acc.GetAddress().String(),
Coins: sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewCoin(sdk.DefaultBondDenom, sdk.NewInt(100000000000000))),
genesisState := NewDefaultGenesisState()
return genesisStateWithValSet(codec, genesisState, valSet, []authtypes.GenesisAccount{acc}, balance)
func genesisStateWithValSet(codec codec.Codec, genesisState simapp.GenesisState,
valSet *tmtypes.ValidatorSet, genAccs []authtypes.GenesisAccount,
balances ...banktypes.Balance,
) simapp.GenesisState {
// set genesis accounts
authGenesis := authtypes.NewGenesisState(authtypes.DefaultParams(), genAccs)
genesisState[authtypes.ModuleName] = codec.MustMarshalJSON(authGenesis)
validators := make([]stakingtypes.Validator, 0, len(valSet.Validators))
delegations := make([]stakingtypes.Delegation, 0, len(valSet.Validators))
bondAmt := sdk.DefaultPowerReduction
for _, val := range valSet.Validators {
pk, err := cryptocodec.FromTmPubKeyInterface(val.PubKey)
if err != nil {
pkAny, err := codectypes.NewAnyWithValue(pk)
if err != nil {
validator := stakingtypes.Validator{
OperatorAddress: sdk.ValAddress(val.Address).String(),
ConsensusPubkey: pkAny,
Jailed: false,
Status: stakingtypes.Bonded,
Tokens: bondAmt,
DelegatorShares: sdk.OneDec(),
Description: stakingtypes.Description{},
UnbondingHeight: int64(0),
UnbondingTime: time.Unix(0, 0).UTC(),
Commission: stakingtypes.NewCommission(sdk.ZeroDec(), sdk.ZeroDec(), sdk.ZeroDec()),
MinSelfDelegation: sdk.ZeroInt(),
validators = append(validators, validator)
delegations = append(delegations, stakingtypes.NewDelegation(genAccs[0].GetAddress(), val.Address.Bytes(), sdk.OneDec()))
// set validators and delegations
stakingGenesis := stakingtypes.NewGenesisState(stakingtypes.DefaultParams(), validators, delegations)
genesisState[stakingtypes.ModuleName] = codec.MustMarshalJSON(stakingGenesis)
totalSupply := sdk.NewCoins()
for _, b := range balances {
// add genesis acc tokens to total supply
totalSupply = totalSupply.Add(b.Coins...)
for range delegations {
// add delegated tokens to total supply
totalSupply = totalSupply.Add(sdk.NewCoin(sdk.DefaultBondDenom, bondAmt))
// add bonded amount to bonded pool module account
balances = append(balances, banktypes.Balance{
Address: authtypes.NewModuleAddress(stakingtypes.BondedPoolName).String(),
Coins: sdk.Coins{sdk.NewCoin(sdk.DefaultBondDenom, bondAmt)},
// update total supply
bankGenesis := banktypes.NewGenesisState(banktypes.DefaultGenesisState().Params, balances, totalSupply, []banktypes.Metadata{})
genesisState[banktypes.ModuleName] = codec.MustMarshalJSON(bankGenesis)
return genesisState