forked from cerc-io/laconicd-deprecated
585 lines
20 KiB
585 lines
20 KiB
// Copyright 2021 Evmos Foundation
// This file is part of Evmos' Ethermint library.
// The Ethermint library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The Ethermint library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the Ethermint library. If not, see
package client
import (
tmconfig ""
tmrand ""
tmtime ""
cryptotypes ""
sdkserver ""
srvconfig ""
sdk ""
authtypes ""
banktypes ""
crisistypes ""
genutiltypes ""
govtypes ""
govv1 ""
mintypes ""
stakingtypes ""
srvflags ""
ethermint ""
evmtypes ""
var (
flagNodeDirPrefix = "node-dir-prefix"
flagNumValidators = "v"
flagOutputDir = "output-dir"
flagNodeDaemonHome = "node-daemon-home"
flagStartingIPAddress = "starting-ip-address"
flagEnableLogging = "enable-logging"
flagRPCAddress = "rpc.address"
flagAPIAddress = "api.address"
flagPrintMnemonic = "print-mnemonic"
type initArgs struct {
algo string
chainID string
keyringBackend string
minGasPrices string
nodeDaemonHome string
nodeDirPrefix string
numValidators int
outputDir string
startingIPAddress string
type startArgs struct {
algo string
apiAddress string
chainID string
grpcAddress string
minGasPrices string
outputDir string
rpcAddress string
jsonrpcAddress string
numValidators int
enableLogging bool
printMnemonic bool
func addTestnetFlagsToCmd(cmd *cobra.Command) {
cmd.Flags().Int(flagNumValidators, 4, "Number of validators to initialize the testnet with")
cmd.Flags().StringP(flagOutputDir, "o", "./.testnets", "Directory to store initialization data for the testnet")
cmd.Flags().String(flags.FlagChainID, "", "genesis file chain-id, if left blank will be randomly created")
"Minimum gas prices to accept for transactions; All fees in a tx must meet this minimum (e.g. 0.01photino,0.001stake)")
cmd.Flags().String(flags.FlagKeyAlgorithm, string(hd.EthSecp256k1Type), "Key signing algorithm to generate keys for")
// NewTestnetCmd creates a root testnet command with subcommands to run an in-process testnet or initialize
// validator configuration files for running a multi-validator testnet in a separate process
func NewTestnetCmd(mbm module.BasicManager, genBalIterator banktypes.GenesisBalancesIterator) *cobra.Command {
testnetCmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "testnet",
Short: "subcommands for starting or configuring local testnets",
DisableFlagParsing: true,
SuggestionsMinimumDistance: 2,
RunE: client.ValidateCmd,
testnetCmd.AddCommand(testnetInitFilesCmd(mbm, genBalIterator))
return testnetCmd
// get cmd to initialize all files for tendermint testnet and application
func testnetInitFilesCmd(mbm module.BasicManager, genBalIterator banktypes.GenesisBalancesIterator) *cobra.Command {
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "init-files",
Short: "Initialize config directories & files for a multi-validator testnet running locally via separate processes (e.g. Docker Compose or similar)", //nolint:lll
Long: `init-files will setup "v" number of directories and populate each with
necessary files (private validator, genesis, config, etc.) for running "v" validator nodes.
Booting up a network with these validator folders is intended to be used with Docker Compose,
or a similar setup where each node has a manually configurable IP address.
Note, strict routability for addresses is turned off in the config file.
evmosd testnet init-files --v 4 --output-dir ./.testnets --starting-ip-address
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, _ []string) error {
clientCtx, err := client.GetClientQueryContext(cmd)
if err != nil {
return err
serverCtx := sdkserver.GetServerContextFromCmd(cmd)
args := initArgs{}
args.outputDir, _ = cmd.Flags().GetString(flagOutputDir)
args.keyringBackend, _ = cmd.Flags().GetString(flags.FlagKeyringBackend)
args.chainID, _ = cmd.Flags().GetString(flags.FlagChainID)
args.minGasPrices, _ = cmd.Flags().GetString(sdkserver.FlagMinGasPrices)
args.nodeDirPrefix, _ = cmd.Flags().GetString(flagNodeDirPrefix)
args.nodeDaemonHome, _ = cmd.Flags().GetString(flagNodeDaemonHome)
args.startingIPAddress, _ = cmd.Flags().GetString(flagStartingIPAddress)
args.numValidators, _ = cmd.Flags().GetInt(flagNumValidators)
args.algo, _ = cmd.Flags().GetString(flags.FlagKeyAlgorithm)
return initTestnetFiles(clientCtx, cmd, serverCtx.Config, mbm, genBalIterator, args)
cmd.Flags().String(flagNodeDirPrefix, "node", "Prefix the directory name for each node with (node results in node0, node1, ...)")
cmd.Flags().String(flagNodeDaemonHome, "evmosd", "Home directory of the node's daemon configuration")
"Starting IP address ( results in persistent peers list ID0@, ID1@, ...)")
cmd.Flags().String(flags.FlagKeyringBackend, flags.DefaultKeyringBackend, "Select keyring's backend (os|file|test)")
return cmd
// get cmd to start multi validator in-process testnet
func testnetStartCmd() *cobra.Command {
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "start",
Short: "Launch an in-process multi-validator testnet",
Long: `testnet will launch an in-process multi-validator testnet,
and generate "v" directories, populated with necessary validator configuration files
(private validator, genesis, config, etc.).
evmosd testnet --v 4 --output-dir ./.testnets
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, _ []string) error {
args := startArgs{}
args.outputDir, _ = cmd.Flags().GetString(flagOutputDir)
args.chainID, _ = cmd.Flags().GetString(flags.FlagChainID)
args.minGasPrices, _ = cmd.Flags().GetString(sdkserver.FlagMinGasPrices)
args.numValidators, _ = cmd.Flags().GetInt(flagNumValidators)
args.algo, _ = cmd.Flags().GetString(flags.FlagKeyAlgorithm)
args.enableLogging, _ = cmd.Flags().GetBool(flagEnableLogging)
args.rpcAddress, _ = cmd.Flags().GetString(flagRPCAddress)
args.apiAddress, _ = cmd.Flags().GetString(flagAPIAddress)
args.grpcAddress, _ = cmd.Flags().GetString(srvflags.GRPCAddress)
args.jsonrpcAddress, _ = cmd.Flags().GetString(srvflags.JSONRPCAddress)
args.printMnemonic, _ = cmd.Flags().GetBool(flagPrintMnemonic)
return startTestnet(cmd, args)
cmd.Flags().Bool(flagEnableLogging, false, "Enable INFO logging of tendermint validator nodes")
cmd.Flags().String(flagRPCAddress, "tcp://", "the RPC address to listen on")
cmd.Flags().String(flagAPIAddress, "tcp://", "the address to listen on for REST API")
cmd.Flags().String(srvflags.GRPCAddress, config.DefaultGRPCAddress, "the gRPC server address to listen on")
cmd.Flags().String(srvflags.JSONRPCAddress, config.DefaultJSONRPCAddress, "the JSON-RPC server address to listen on")
cmd.Flags().Bool(flagPrintMnemonic, true, "print mnemonic of first validator to stdout for manual testing")
return cmd
const nodeDirPerm = 0o755
// initTestnetFiles initializes testnet files for a testnet to be run in a separate process
func initTestnetFiles(
clientCtx client.Context,
cmd *cobra.Command,
nodeConfig *tmconfig.Config,
mbm module.BasicManager,
genBalIterator banktypes.GenesisBalancesIterator,
args initArgs,
) error {
if args.chainID == "" {
args.chainID = fmt.Sprintf("ethermint_%d-1", tmrand.Int63n(9999999999999)+1)
nodeIDs := make([]string, args.numValidators)
valPubKeys := make([]cryptotypes.PubKey, args.numValidators)
appConfig := config.DefaultConfig()
appConfig.MinGasPrices = args.minGasPrices
appConfig.API.Enable = true
appConfig.Telemetry.Enabled = true
appConfig.Telemetry.PrometheusRetentionTime = 60
appConfig.Telemetry.EnableHostnameLabel = false
appConfig.Telemetry.GlobalLabels = [][]string{{"chain_id", args.chainID}}
var (
genAccounts []authtypes.GenesisAccount
genBalances []banktypes.Balance
genFiles []string
inBuf := bufio.NewReader(cmd.InOrStdin())
// generate private keys, node IDs, and initial transactions
for i := 0; i < args.numValidators; i++ {
nodeDirName := fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", args.nodeDirPrefix, i)
nodeDir := filepath.Join(args.outputDir, nodeDirName, args.nodeDaemonHome)
gentxsDir := filepath.Join(args.outputDir, "gentxs")
nodeConfig.RPC.ListenAddress = "tcp://"
if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(nodeDir, "config"), nodeDirPerm); err != nil {
_ = os.RemoveAll(args.outputDir)
return err
nodeConfig.Moniker = nodeDirName
ip, err := getIP(i, args.startingIPAddress)
if err != nil {
_ = os.RemoveAll(args.outputDir)
return err
nodeIDs[i], valPubKeys[i], err = genutil.InitializeNodeValidatorFiles(nodeConfig)
if err != nil {
_ = os.RemoveAll(args.outputDir)
return err
memo := fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s:26656", nodeIDs[i], ip)
genFiles = append(genFiles, nodeConfig.GenesisFile())
kb, err := keyring.New(sdk.KeyringServiceName(), args.keyringBackend, nodeDir, inBuf, clientCtx.Codec, hd.EthSecp256k1Option())
if err != nil {
return err
keyringAlgos, _ := kb.SupportedAlgorithms()
algo, err := keyring.NewSigningAlgoFromString(args.algo, keyringAlgos)
if err != nil {
return err
addr, secret, err := testutil.GenerateSaveCoinKey(kb, nodeDirName, "", true, algo)
if err != nil {
_ = os.RemoveAll(args.outputDir)
return err
info := map[string]string{"secret": secret}
cliPrint, err := json.Marshal(info)
if err != nil {
return err
// save private key seed words
if err := network.WriteFile(fmt.Sprintf("%v.json", "key_seed"), nodeDir, cliPrint); err != nil {
return err
accStakingTokens := sdk.TokensFromConsensusPower(5000, ethermint.PowerReduction)
coins := sdk.Coins{
sdk.NewCoin(ethermint.AttoPhoton, accStakingTokens),
genBalances = append(genBalances, banktypes.Balance{Address: addr.String(), Coins: coins.Sort()})
genAccounts = append(genAccounts, ðermint.EthAccount{
BaseAccount: authtypes.NewBaseAccount(addr, nil, 0, 0),
CodeHash: common.BytesToHash(evmtypes.EmptyCodeHash).Hex(),
valTokens := sdk.TokensFromConsensusPower(100, ethermint.PowerReduction)
createValMsg, err := stakingtypes.NewMsgCreateValidator(
sdk.NewCoin(ethermint.AttoPhoton, valTokens),
stakingtypes.NewDescription(nodeDirName, "", "", "", ""),
stakingtypes.NewCommissionRates(sdk.OneDec(), sdk.OneDec(), sdk.OneDec()),
if err != nil {
return err
txBuilder := clientCtx.TxConfig.NewTxBuilder()
if err := txBuilder.SetMsgs(createValMsg); err != nil {
return err
txFactory := tx.Factory{}
txFactory = txFactory.
if err := tx.Sign(txFactory, nodeDirName, txBuilder, true); err != nil {
return err
txBz, err := clientCtx.TxConfig.TxJSONEncoder()(txBuilder.GetTx())
if err != nil {
return err
if err := network.WriteFile(fmt.Sprintf("%v.json", nodeDirName), gentxsDir, txBz); err != nil {
return err
customAppTemplate, customAppConfig := config.AppConfig(ethermint.AttoPhoton)
if err := sdkserver.InterceptConfigsPreRunHandler(cmd, customAppTemplate, customAppConfig, tmconfig.DefaultConfig()); err != nil {
return err
srvconfig.WriteConfigFile(filepath.Join(nodeDir, "config/app.toml"), appConfig)
if err := initGenFiles(clientCtx, mbm, args.chainID, ethermint.AttoPhoton, genAccounts, genBalances, genFiles, args.numValidators); err != nil {
return err
err := collectGenFiles(
clientCtx, nodeConfig, args.chainID, nodeIDs, valPubKeys, args.numValidators,
args.outputDir, args.nodeDirPrefix, args.nodeDaemonHome, genBalIterator,
if err != nil {
return err
cmd.PrintErrf("Successfully initialized %d node directories\n", args.numValidators)
return nil
func initGenFiles(
clientCtx client.Context,
mbm module.BasicManager,
coinDenom string,
genAccounts []authtypes.GenesisAccount,
genBalances []banktypes.Balance,
genFiles []string,
numValidators int,
) error {
appGenState := mbm.DefaultGenesis(clientCtx.Codec)
// set the accounts in the genesis state
var authGenState authtypes.GenesisState
clientCtx.Codec.MustUnmarshalJSON(appGenState[authtypes.ModuleName], &authGenState)
accounts, err := authtypes.PackAccounts(genAccounts)
if err != nil {
return err
authGenState.Accounts = accounts
appGenState[authtypes.ModuleName] = clientCtx.Codec.MustMarshalJSON(&authGenState)
// set the balances in the genesis state
var bankGenState banktypes.GenesisState
clientCtx.Codec.MustUnmarshalJSON(appGenState[banktypes.ModuleName], &bankGenState)
bankGenState.Balances = genBalances
appGenState[banktypes.ModuleName] = clientCtx.Codec.MustMarshalJSON(&bankGenState)
var stakingGenState stakingtypes.GenesisState
clientCtx.Codec.MustUnmarshalJSON(appGenState[stakingtypes.ModuleName], &stakingGenState)
stakingGenState.Params.BondDenom = coinDenom
appGenState[stakingtypes.ModuleName] = clientCtx.Codec.MustMarshalJSON(&stakingGenState)
var govGenState govv1.GenesisState
clientCtx.Codec.MustUnmarshalJSON(appGenState[govtypes.ModuleName], &govGenState)
govGenState.DepositParams.MinDeposit[0].Denom = coinDenom
appGenState[govtypes.ModuleName] = clientCtx.Codec.MustMarshalJSON(&govGenState)
var mintGenState mintypes.GenesisState
clientCtx.Codec.MustUnmarshalJSON(appGenState[mintypes.ModuleName], &mintGenState)
mintGenState.Params.MintDenom = coinDenom
appGenState[mintypes.ModuleName] = clientCtx.Codec.MustMarshalJSON(&mintGenState)
var crisisGenState crisistypes.GenesisState
clientCtx.Codec.MustUnmarshalJSON(appGenState[crisistypes.ModuleName], &crisisGenState)
crisisGenState.ConstantFee.Denom = coinDenom
appGenState[crisistypes.ModuleName] = clientCtx.Codec.MustMarshalJSON(&crisisGenState)
var evmGenState evmtypes.GenesisState
clientCtx.Codec.MustUnmarshalJSON(appGenState[evmtypes.ModuleName], &evmGenState)
evmGenState.Params.EvmDenom = coinDenom
appGenState[evmtypes.ModuleName] = clientCtx.Codec.MustMarshalJSON(&evmGenState)
appGenStateJSON, err := json.MarshalIndent(appGenState, "", " ")
if err != nil {
return err
genDoc := types.GenesisDoc{
ChainID: chainID,
AppState: appGenStateJSON,
Validators: nil,
// generate empty genesis files for each validator and save
for i := 0; i < numValidators; i++ {
if err := genDoc.SaveAs(genFiles[i]); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func collectGenFiles(
clientCtx client.Context, nodeConfig *tmconfig.Config, chainID string,
nodeIDs []string, valPubKeys []cryptotypes.PubKey, numValidators int,
outputDir, nodeDirPrefix, nodeDaemonHome string, genBalIterator banktypes.GenesisBalancesIterator,
) error {
var appState json.RawMessage
genTime := tmtime.Now()
for i := 0; i < numValidators; i++ {
nodeDirName := fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", nodeDirPrefix, i)
nodeDir := filepath.Join(outputDir, nodeDirName, nodeDaemonHome)
gentxsDir := filepath.Join(outputDir, "gentxs")
nodeConfig.Moniker = nodeDirName
nodeID, valPubKey := nodeIDs[i], valPubKeys[i]
initCfg := genutiltypes.NewInitConfig(chainID, gentxsDir, nodeID, valPubKey)
genDoc, err := types.GenesisDocFromFile(nodeConfig.GenesisFile())
if err != nil {
return err
nodeAppState, err := genutil.GenAppStateFromConfig(clientCtx.Codec, clientCtx.TxConfig, nodeConfig, initCfg, *genDoc, genBalIterator)
if err != nil {
return err
if appState == nil {
// set the canonical application state (they should not differ)
appState = nodeAppState
genFile := nodeConfig.GenesisFile()
// overwrite each validator's genesis file to have a canonical genesis time
if err := genutil.ExportGenesisFileWithTime(genFile, chainID, nil, appState, genTime); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func getIP(i int, startingIPAddr string) (ip string, err error) {
if len(startingIPAddr) == 0 {
ip, err = sdkserver.ExternalIP()
if err != nil {
return "", err
return ip, nil
return calculateIP(startingIPAddr, i)
func calculateIP(ip string, i int) (string, error) {
ipv4 := net.ParseIP(ip).To4()
if ipv4 == nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("%v: non ipv4 address", ip)
for j := 0; j < i; j++ {
return ipv4.String(), nil
// startTestnet starts an in-process testnet
func startTestnet(cmd *cobra.Command, args startArgs) error {
networkConfig := network.DefaultConfig()
// Default networkConfig.ChainID is random, and we should only override it if chainID provided
// is non-empty
if args.chainID != "" {
networkConfig.ChainID = args.chainID
networkConfig.SigningAlgo = args.algo
networkConfig.MinGasPrices = args.minGasPrices
networkConfig.NumValidators = args.numValidators
networkConfig.EnableTMLogging = args.enableLogging
networkConfig.RPCAddress = args.rpcAddress
networkConfig.APIAddress = args.apiAddress
networkConfig.GRPCAddress = args.grpcAddress
networkConfig.JSONRPCAddress = args.jsonrpcAddress
networkConfig.PrintMnemonic = args.printMnemonic
networkLogger := network.NewCLILogger(cmd)
baseDir := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", args.outputDir, networkConfig.ChainID)
if _, err := os.Stat(baseDir); !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return fmt.Errorf(
"testnests directory already exists for chain-id '%s': %s, please remove or select a new --chain-id",
networkConfig.ChainID, baseDir)
testnet, err := network.New(networkLogger, baseDir, networkConfig)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = testnet.WaitForHeight(1)
if err != nil {
return err
cmd.Println("press the Enter Key to terminate")
_, err = fmt.Scanln() // wait for Enter Key
if err != nil {
return err
return nil