const { assertRevert } = require('@aragon/contract-helpers-test/assertThrow') const { bn, assertBn } = require('@aragon/contract-helpers-test/numbers') const { DEFAULT_STAKE_AMOUNT, DEFAULT_LOCK_AMOUNT, EMPTY_DATA, ZERO_ADDRESS } = require('./constants') const { STAKING_ERRORS } = require('../helpers/errors') module.exports = (artifacts) => { const StandardTokenMock = artifacts.require('StandardTokenMock') const LockManagerMock = artifacts.require('LockManagerMock') const approveAndStake = async ({ staking, amount = DEFAULT_STAKE_AMOUNT, from }) => { const token = await staking.token()) await token.approve(staking.address, amount, { from }) await staking.stake(amount, EMPTY_DATA, { from }) } const approveStakeAndLock = async ({ staking, manager, allowanceAmount = DEFAULT_LOCK_AMOUNT, lockAmount = DEFAULT_LOCK_AMOUNT, stakeAmount = DEFAULT_STAKE_AMOUNT, data = EMPTY_DATA, from }) => { await approveAndStake({ staking, stake: stakeAmount, from }) const receipt = await staking.allowManagerAndLock(lockAmount, manager, allowanceAmount, data, { from }) return receipt } // funds flows helpers function UserState(address, walletBalance) { this.address = address this.walletBalance = walletBalance this.stakedBalance = bn(0) this.lockedBalance = bn(0) this.walletAdd = (amount) => { this.walletBalance = this.walletBalance.add(amount) } this.walletSub = (amount) => { this.walletBalance = this.walletBalance.sub(amount) } this.stakedAdd = (amount) => { this.stakedBalance = this.stakedBalance.add(amount) } this.stakedSub = (amount) => { this.stakedBalance = this.stakedBalance.sub(amount) } this.lockedAdd = (amount) => { this.lockedBalance = this.lockedBalance.add(amount) } this.lockedSub = (amount) => { this.lockedBalance = this.lockedBalance.sub(amount) } this.totalBalance = () => this.walletBalance.add(this.stakedBalance) } const approveAndStakeWithState = async ({ staking, amount = DEFAULT_STAKE_AMOUNT, user }) => { await approveAndStake({ staking, amount, from: user.address }) user.walletSub(amount) user.stakedAdd(amount) } const approveStakeAndLockWithState = async ({ staking, manager, allowanceAmount = DEFAULT_LOCK_AMOUNT, lockAmount = DEFAULT_LOCK_AMOUNT, stakeAmount = DEFAULT_STAKE_AMOUNT, data = EMPTY_DATA, user }) => { await approveStakeAndLock({ staking, manager, allowanceAmount, lockAmount, stakeAmount, data, from: user.address }) user.walletSub(stakeAmount) user.stakedAdd(stakeAmount) user.lockedAdd(lockAmount) } const unstakeWithState = async ({ staking, unstakeAmount, user }) => { await staking.unstake(unstakeAmount, EMPTY_DATA, { from: user.address }) user.walletAdd(unstakeAmount) user.stakedSub(unstakeAmount) } const unlockWithState = async ({ staking, managerAddress, unlockAmount, user }) => { await staking.unlock(user.address, managerAddress, unlockAmount, { from: user.address }) user.lockedSub(unlockAmount) } const unlockFromManagerWithState = async ({ staking, lockManager, unlockAmount, user }) => { await lockManager.unlock(staking.address, user.address, unlockAmount, { from: user.address }) user.lockedSub(unlockAmount) } const transferWithState = async ({ staking, transferAmount, userFrom, userTo }) => { await staking.transfer(userTo.address, transferAmount, { from: userFrom.address }) userTo.stakedAdd(transferAmount) userFrom.stakedSub(transferAmount) } const transferAndUnstakeWithState = async ({ staking, transferAmount, userFrom, userTo }) => { await staking.transferAndUnstake(userTo.address, transferAmount, { from: userFrom.address }) userTo.walletAdd(transferAmount) userFrom.stakedSub(transferAmount) } const slashWithState = async ({ staking, slashAmount, userFrom, userTo, managerAddress }) => { await staking.slash(userFrom.address, userTo.address, slashAmount, { from: managerAddress }) userTo.stakedAdd(slashAmount) userFrom.stakedSub(slashAmount) userFrom.lockedSub(slashAmount) } const slashAndUnstakeWithState = async ({ staking, slashAmount, userFrom, userTo, managerAddress }) => { await staking.slashAndUnstake(userFrom.address, userTo.address, slashAmount, { from: managerAddress }) userTo.walletAdd(slashAmount) userFrom.stakedSub(slashAmount) userFrom.lockedSub(slashAmount) } const slashFromContractWithState = async ({ staking, slashAmount, userFrom, userTo, lockManager }) => { await lockManager.slash(staking.address, userFrom.address, userTo.address, slashAmount) userTo.stakedAdd(slashAmount) userFrom.stakedSub(slashAmount) userFrom.lockedSub(slashAmount) } const slashAndUnstakeFromContractWithState = async ({ staking, slashAmount, userFrom, userTo, lockManager }) => { await lockManager.slashAndUnstake(staking.address, userFrom.address, userTo.address, slashAmount) userTo.walletAdd(slashAmount) userFrom.stakedSub(slashAmount) userFrom.lockedSub(slashAmount) } // check that real user balances (token in external wallet, staked and locked) match with accounted in state const checkUserBalances = async ({ staking, users }) => { const token = await staking.token()) await Promise.all( (user) => { assertBn(user.walletBalance, await token.balanceOf(user.address), 'token balance doesn’t match') const balances = await staking.getBalancesOf(user.address) assertBn(user.stakedBalance, balances.staked, 'staked balance doesn’t match') assertBn(user.lockedBalance, balances.locked, 'locked balance doesn’t match') }) ) } // check that Staking contract total staked matches with: // - total staked by users in state (must go in combination with checkUserBalances, to make sure this is legit) // - token balance of staking app const checkTotalStaked = async ({ staking, users }) => { const totalStaked = await staking.totalStaked() const totalStakedState = users.reduce((total, user) => total.add(user.stakedBalance), bn(0)) assertBn(totalStaked, totalStakedState, 'total staked doesn’t match') const token = await staking.token()) const stakingTokenBalance = await token.balanceOf(staking.address) assertBn(totalStaked, stakingTokenBalance, 'Staking token balance doesn’t match') } // check that staked balance is greater than locked balance for all users // uses local state for efficiency, so it must go with checkUserBalances const checkStakeAndLock = ({ staking, users }) => { => assert.isTrue(user.stakedBalance.gte(user.lockedBalance))) } // check that allowed balance is always greater than locked balance, for all pairs of owner-manager const checkAllowanceAndLock = async ({ staking, users, managers }) => { await Promise.all( (user) => await Promise.all( (manager) => { const lock = await staking.getLock(user.address, manager) assert.isTrue(lock._amount.lte(lock._allowance)) }) )) ) } // check that users can’t unstake more than unlocked balance const checkOverUnstaking = async ({ staking, users }) => { await Promise.all( (user) => { await assertRevert( staking.unstake(user.stakedBalance.sub(user.lockedBalance).add(bn(1)), EMPTY_DATA, { from: user.address })/*, STAKING_ERRORS.ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_BALANCE */ ) }) ) } // check that users can’t unlock more than locked balance const checkOverUnlocking = async ({ staking, users, managers }) => { await Promise.all( (user) => await Promise.all( (manager) => { const lock = await staking.getLock(user.address, manager) // const errorMessage = ? STAKING_ERRORS.ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_LOCK : STAKING_ERRORS.ERROR_LOCK_DOES_NOT_EXIST await assertRevert( staking.unlock(user.address, manager, user.lockedBalance.add(bn(1)), { from: user.address })/*, errorMessage */ ) }) )) ) } // check that users can’t transfer more than unlocked balance const checkOverTransferring = async ({ staking, users }) => { await Promise.all( (user) => { const to = user.address === users[0].address ? users[1].address : users[0].address await assertRevert( staking.transfer(to, user.stakedBalance.sub(user.lockedBalance).add(bn(1)), { from: user.address })/*, STAKING_ERRORS.ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_BALANCE */ ) await assertRevert( staking.transferAndUnstake(to, user.stakedBalance.sub(user.lockedBalance).add(bn(1)), { from: user.address })/*, STAKING_ERRORS.ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_BALANCE */ ) }) ) } // check that managers can’t slash more than locked balance const checkOverSlashing = async ({ staking, users, managers }) => { await Promise.all( (user) => { const to = user.address === users[0].address ? users[1].address : users[0].address for (let i = 0; i < managers.length - 1; i++) { await assertRevert( staking.slash(user.address, to, user.lockedBalance.add(bn(1)), { from: managers[i] })/*, STAKING_ERRORS.ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_LOCK */ ) await assertRevert( staking.slashAndUnstake(user.address, to, user.lockedBalance.add(bn(1)), { from: managers[i] }),/* STAKING_ERRORS.ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_LOCK */ ) } // last in the array is a contract const lockManagerAddress = managers[managers.length - 1] const lockManager = await await assertRevert( lockManager.slash(staking.address, user.address, to, user.lockedBalance.add(bn(1))),/* STAKING_ERRORS.ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_LOCK */ ) await assertRevert( lockManager.slashAndUnstake(staking.address, user.address, to, user.lockedBalance.add(bn(1))),/* STAKING_ERRORS.ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_LOCK */ ) }) ) } const checkInvariants = async ({ staking, users, managers }) => { await checkUserBalances({ staking, users }) await checkTotalStaked({ staking, users }) checkStakeAndLock({ staking, users }) await checkAllowanceAndLock({ staking, users, managers }) await checkOverUnstaking({ staking, users }) await checkOverUnlocking({ staking, users, managers }) await checkOverTransferring({ staking, users }) await checkOverSlashing({ staking, users, managers }) } return { approveAndStake, approveStakeAndLock, UserState, approveAndStakeWithState, approveStakeAndLockWithState, unstakeWithState, unlockWithState, unlockFromManagerWithState, transferWithState, transferAndUnstakeWithState, slashWithState, slashAndUnstakeWithState, slashFromContractWithState, slashAndUnstakeFromContractWithState, checkInvariants, } }