#!/usr/bin/make -f PACKAGES_NOSIMULATION=$(shell go list ./... | grep -v '/simulation') PACKAGES_SIMTEST=$(shell go list ./... | grep '/simulation') VERSION ?= $(shell echo $(shell git describe --tags `git rev-list --tags="v*" --max-count=1`) | sed 's/^v//') TMVERSION := $(shell go list -m github.com/tendermint/tendermint | sed 's:.* ::') COMMIT := $(shell git log -1 --format='%H') LEDGER_ENABLED ?= true BINDIR ?= $(GOPATH)/bin LACONIC_BINARY = laconicd LACONIC_DIR = laconic BUILDDIR ?= $(CURDIR)/build SIMAPP = ./app HTTPS_GIT := https://github.com/cerc-io/laconicd.git PROJECT_NAME = $(shell git remote get-url origin | xargs basename -s .git) DOCKER := $(shell which docker) # RocksDB is a native dependency, so we don't assume the library is installed. # Instead, it must be explicitly enabled and we warn when it is not. ENABLE_ROCKSDB ?= false export GO111MODULE = on # Default target executed when no arguments are given to make. default_target: all .PHONY: default_target # process build tags build_tags = netgo ifeq ($(LEDGER_ENABLED),true) ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) GCCEXE = $(shell where gcc.exe 2> NUL) ifeq ($(GCCEXE),) $(error gcc.exe not installed for ledger support, please install or set LEDGER_ENABLED=false) else build_tags += ledger endif else UNAME_S = $(shell uname -s) ifeq ($(UNAME_S),OpenBSD) $(warning OpenBSD detected, disabling ledger support (https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/issues/1988)) else GCC = $(shell command -v gcc 2> /dev/null) ifeq ($(GCC),) $(error gcc not installed for ledger support, please install or set LEDGER_ENABLED=false) else build_tags += ledger endif endif endif endif build_tags += $(BUILD_TAGS) build_tags := $(strip $(build_tags)) whitespace := whitespace += $(whitespace) comma := , build_tags_comma_sep := $(subst $(whitespace),$(comma),$(build_tags)) # process linker flags ldflags = -X github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/version.Name=laconic \ -X github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/version.AppName=$(LACONIC_BINARY) \ -X github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/version.Version=$(VERSION) \ -X github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/version.Commit=$(COMMIT) \ -X "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/version.BuildTags=$(build_tags_comma_sep)" \ -X github.com/tendermint/tendermint/version.TMCoreSemVer=$(TMVERSION) ifeq ($(ENABLE_ROCKSDB),true) BUILD_TAGS += rocksdb_build test_tags += rocksdb_build else $(warning RocksDB support is disabled; to build and test with RocksDB support, set ENABLE_ROCKSDB=true) endif # DB backend selection ifeq (cleveldb,$(findstring cleveldb,$(COSMOS_BUILD_OPTIONS))) BUILD_TAGS += gcc endif ifeq (badgerdb,$(findstring badgerdb,$(COSMOS_BUILD_OPTIONS))) BUILD_TAGS += badgerdb endif # handle rocksdb ifeq (rocksdb,$(findstring rocksdb,$(COSMOS_BUILD_OPTIONS))) ifneq ($(ENABLE_ROCKSDB),true) $(error Cannot use RocksDB backend unless ENABLE_ROCKSDB=true) endif CGO_ENABLED=1 BUILD_TAGS += rocksdb endif # handle boltdb ifeq (boltdb,$(findstring boltdb,$(COSMOS_BUILD_OPTIONS))) BUILD_TAGS += boltdb endif ifeq (,$(findstring nostrip,$(COSMOS_BUILD_OPTIONS))) ldflags += -w -s endif ldflags += $(LDFLAGS) ldflags := $(strip $(ldflags)) build_tags += $(BUILD_TAGS) build_tags := $(strip $(build_tags)) BUILD_FLAGS := -tags "$(build_tags)" -ldflags '$(ldflags)' # check for nostrip option ifeq (,$(findstring nostrip,$(COSMOS_BUILD_OPTIONS))) BUILD_FLAGS += -trimpath endif # check if no optimization option is passed # used for remote debugging ifneq (,$(findstring nooptimization,$(COSMOS_BUILD_OPTIONS))) BUILD_FLAGS += -gcflags "all=-N -l" endif # # The below include contains the tools and runsim targets. # include contrib/devtools/Makefile ############################################################################### ### Build ### ############################################################################### BUILD_TARGETS := build install build: BUILD_ARGS=-o $(BUILDDIR)/ build-linux: GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 LEDGER_ENABLED=false $(MAKE) build $(BUILD_TARGETS): go.sum $(BUILDDIR)/ go $@ $(BUILD_FLAGS) $(BUILD_ARGS) ./... $(BUILDDIR)/: mkdir -p $(BUILDDIR)/ .PHONY: build build-linux docker-build: # TODO replace with kaniko docker build -t ${DOCKER_IMAGE}:${DOCKER_TAG} . docker tag ${DOCKER_IMAGE}:${DOCKER_TAG} ${DOCKER_IMAGE}:latest # docker tag ${DOCKER_IMAGE}:${DOCKER_TAG} ${DOCKER_IMAGE}:${COMMIT_HASH} # update old container docker rm laconicd || true # create a new container from the latest image docker create --name laconic -t -i cerc-io/laconicd:latest laconicd # move the binaries to the ./build directory mkdir -p ./build/ docker cp laconic:/usr/bin/laconicd ./build/ $(MOCKS_DIR): mkdir -p $(MOCKS_DIR) distclean: clean tools-clean clean: rm -rf \ $(BUILDDIR)/ \ artifacts/ \ tmp-swagger-gen/ all: build build-all: tools build lint test vulncheck .PHONY: distclean clean build-all ############################################################################### ### Releasing ### ############################################################################### PACKAGE_NAME:=github.com/cerc-io/laconicd GOLANG_CROSS_VERSION = v1.19 GOPATH ?= '$(HOME)/go' release-dry-run: docker run \ --rm \ --privileged \ -e CGO_ENABLED=1 \ -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ -v `pwd`:/go/src/$(PACKAGE_NAME) \ -v ${GOPATH}/pkg:/go/pkg \ -w /go/src/$(PACKAGE_NAME) \ ghcr.io/goreleaser/goreleaser-cross:${GOLANG_CROSS_VERSION} \ --rm-dist --skip-validate --skip-publish --snapshot release: @if [ ! -f ".release-env" ]; then \ echo "\033[91m.release-env is required for release\033[0m";\ exit 1;\ fi docker run \ --rm \ --privileged \ -e CGO_ENABLED=1 \ --env-file .release-env \ -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ -v `pwd`:/go/src/$(PACKAGE_NAME) \ -w /go/src/$(PACKAGE_NAME) \ ghcr.io/goreleaser/goreleaser-cross:${GOLANG_CROSS_VERSION} \ release --rm-dist --skip-validate .PHONY: release-dry-run release ############################################################################### ### Tools & Dependencies ### ############################################################################### TOOLS_DESTDIR ?= $(GOPATH)/bin STATIK = $(TOOLS_DESTDIR)/statik RUNSIM = $(TOOLS_DESTDIR)/runsim # Install the runsim binary with a temporary workaround of entering an outside # directory as the "go get" command ignores the -mod option and will polute the # go.{mod, sum} files. # # ref: https://github.com/golang/go/issues/30515 runsim: $(RUNSIM) $(RUNSIM): @echo "Installing runsim..." @(cd /tmp && ${GO_MOD} go install github.com/cosmos/tools/cmd/runsim@master) statik: $(STATIK) $(STATIK): @echo "Installing statik..." @(cd /tmp && go get github.com/rakyll/statik@v0.1.6) contract-tools: ifeq (, $(shell which stringer)) @echo "Installing stringer..." @go get golang.org/x/tools/cmd/stringer else @echo "stringer already installed; skipping..." endif ifeq (, $(shell which go-bindata)) @echo "Installing go-bindata..." @go get github.com/kevinburke/go-bindata/go-bindata else @echo "go-bindata already installed; skipping..." endif ifeq (, $(shell which gencodec)) @echo "Installing gencodec..." @go get github.com/fjl/gencodec else @echo "gencodec already installed; skipping..." endif ifeq (, $(shell which protoc-gen-go)) @echo "Installing protoc-gen-go..." @go get github.com/fjl/gencodec github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go else @echo "protoc-gen-go already installed; skipping..." endif ifeq (, $(shell which solcjs)) @echo "Installing solcjs..." @npm install -g solc@0.5.11 else @echo "solcjs already installed; skipping..." endif tools: tools-stamp tools-stamp: contract-tools proto-tools statik runsim # Create dummy file to satisfy dependency and avoid # rebuilding when this Makefile target is hit twice # in a row. touch $@ tools-clean: rm -f $(RUNSIM) rm -f tools-stamp .PHONY: runsim statik tools contract-tools proto-tools tools-stamp tools-clean go.sum: go.mod echo "Ensure dependencies have not been modified ..." >&2 go mod verify go mod tidy vulncheck: $(BUILDDIR)/ GOBIN=$(BUILDDIR) go install golang.org/x/vuln/cmd/govulncheck@latest $(BUILDDIR)/govulncheck ./... ############################################################################### ### Documentation ### ############################################################################### update-swagger-docs: statik $(BINDIR)/statik -src=client/docs/swagger-ui -dest=client/docs -f -m @if [ -n "$(git status --porcelain)" ]; then \ echo "\033[91mSwagger docs are out of sync!!!\033[0m";\ exit 1;\ else \ echo "\033[92mSwagger docs are in sync\033[0m";\ fi .PHONY: update-swagger-docs godocs: @echo "--> Wait a few seconds and visit http://localhost:6060/pkg/github.com/cerc-io/laconicd/types" godoc -http=:6060 ############################################################################### ### Tests & Simulation ### ############################################################################### test: test-unit test-all: test-unit test-race PACKAGES_UNIT=$(shell go list ./... | grep -Ev 'vendor|importer') TEST_PACKAGES=./... TEST_TARGETS := test-unit test-unit-cover test-race # Test runs-specific rules. To add a new test target, just add # a new rule, customise ARGS or TEST_PACKAGES ad libitum, and # append the new rule to the TEST_TARGETS list. test-unit: ARGS=-timeout=10m -race -test.v test-unit: TEST_PACKAGES=$(PACKAGES_UNIT) test-race: ARGS=-race test-race: TEST_PACKAGES=$(PACKAGES_NOSIMULATION) $(TEST_TARGETS): run-tests test-unit-cover: ARGS=-timeout=10m -race -coverprofile=coverage.txt -covermode=atomic test-unit-cover: TEST_PACKAGES=$(PACKAGES_UNIT) run-tests: ifneq (,$(shell which tparse 2>/dev/null)) go test -mod=readonly -json $(ARGS) $(EXTRA_ARGS) $(TEST_PACKAGES) | tparse else go test -mod=readonly $(ARGS) $(EXTRA_ARGS) $(TEST_PACKAGES) endif test-import: go test -run TestImporterTestSuite -v --vet=off github.com/cerc-io/laconicd/tests/importer test-rpc: ./scripts/integration-test-all.sh -t "rpc" -q 1 -z 1 -s 2 -m "rpc" -r "true" run-integration-tests: @nix-shell ./tests/integration_tests/shell.nix --run ./scripts/run-integration-tests.sh .PHONY: run-integration-tests test-rpc-pending: ./scripts/integration-test-all.sh -t "pending" -q 1 -z 1 -s 2 -m "pending" -r "true" test-solidity: @echo "Beginning solidity tests..." ./scripts/run-solidity-tests.sh .PHONY: run-tests test test-all test-import test-rpc test-contract test-solidity $(TEST_TARGETS) benchmark: @go test -mod=readonly -bench=. $(PACKAGES_NOSIMULATION) .PHONY: benchmark ############################################################################### ### Linting ### ############################################################################### lint: @@test -n "$$golangci-lint version | awk '$4 >= 1.42')" golangci-lint run --out-format=tab -n lint-py: flake8 --show-source --count --statistics \ --format="::error file=%(path)s,line=%(row)d,col=%(col)d::%(path)s:%(row)d:%(col)d: %(code)s %(text)s" \ format: find . -name '*.go' -type f -not -path "./vendor*" -not -path "*.git*" -not -path "./client/docs/statik/statik.go" -not -name '*.pb.go' -not -name '*.pb.gw.go' | xargs gofumpt -d -e -extra lint-fix: golangci-lint run --fix --out-format=tab --issues-exit-code=0 .PHONY: lint lint-fix lint-py format-fix: find . -name '*.go' -type f -not -path "./vendor*" -not -path "*.git*" -not -path "./client/docs/statik/statik.go" -not -name '*.pb.go' -not -name '*.pb.gw.go' | xargs gofumpt -w -s find . -name '*.go' -type f -not -path "./vendor*" -not -path "*.git*" -not -path "./client/docs/statik/statik.go" -not -name '*.pb.go' -not -name '*.pb.gw.go' | xargs misspell -w .PHONY: format ############################################################################### ### Protobuf ### ############################################################################### # ------ # NOTE: Link to the tendermintdev/sdk-proto-gen docker images: # https://hub.docker.com/r/tendermintdev/sdk-proto-gen/tags # protoVer=v0.7 protoImageName=tendermintdev/sdk-proto-gen:$(protoVer) protoImage=$(DOCKER) run --network host --rm -v $(CURDIR):/workspace --workdir /workspace $(protoImageName) # ------ # NOTE: cosmos/proto-builder image is needed because clang-format is not installed # on the tendermintdev/sdk-proto-gen docker image. # Link to the cosmos/proto-builder docker images: # https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/pkgs/container/proto-builder # protoCosmosVer=0.11.2 protoCosmosName=ghcr.io/cosmos/proto-builder:$(protoCosmosVer) protoCosmosImage=$(DOCKER) run --network host --rm -v $(CURDIR):/workspace --workdir /workspace $(protoCosmosName) # ------ # NOTE: Link to the yoheimuta/protolint docker images: # https://hub.docker.com/r/yoheimuta/protolint/tags # protolintVer=0.42.2 protolintName=yoheimuta/protolint:$(protolintVer) protolintImage=$(DOCKER) run --network host --rm -v $(CURDIR):/workspace --workdir /workspace $(protolintName) # ------ # NOTE: If you are experiencing problems running these commands, try deleting # the docker images and execute the desired command again. # proto-all: proto-format proto-lint proto-gen proto-gen: @echo "Generating Protobuf files" $(protoImage) sh ./scripts/protocgen.sh # TODO: Rethink API docs generation # proto-swagger-gen: # @echo "Generating Protobuf Swagger" # $(protoImage) sh ./scripts/protoc-swagger-gen.sh proto-format: @echo "Formatting Protobuf files" $(protoCosmosImage) find ./ -name *.proto -exec clang-format -i {} \; # NOTE: The linter configuration lives in .protolint.yaml proto-lint: @echo "Linting Protobuf files" $(protolintImage) lint ./proto proto-check-breaking: @echo "Checking Protobuf files for breaking changes" $(protoImage) buf breaking --against $(HTTPS_GIT)#branch=main .PHONY: proto-all proto-gen proto-gen-any proto-format proto-lint proto-check-breaking ############################################################################### ### Localnet ### ############################################################################### # Build image for a local testnet localnet-build: @$(MAKE) -C networks/local # Start a 4-node testnet locally localnet-start: localnet-stop ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) mkdir localnet-setup & @$(MAKE) localnet-build IF not exist "build/node0/$(LACONIC_BINARY)/config/genesis.json" docker run --rm -v $(CURDIR)/build\laconicd\Z laconicd/node "./laconicd testnet --v 4 -o /laconicd --keyring-backend=test --ip-addresses laconicdnode0,laconicdnode1,laconicdnode2,laconicdnode3" docker-compose up -d else mkdir -p localnet-setup @$(MAKE) localnet-build if ! [ -f localnet-setup/node0/$(LACONIC_BINARY)/config/genesis.json ]; then docker run --rm -v $(CURDIR)/localnet-setup:/localnet-setup:Z laconicd/node "./laconicd testnet --v 4 -o /laconicd --keyring-backend=test --ip-addresses laconicdnode0,laconicdnode1,laconicdnode2,laconicdnode3"; fi docker-compose up -d endif # Stop testnet localnet-stop: docker-compose down # Clean testnet localnet-clean: docker-compose down sudo rm -rf localnet-setup # Reset testnet localnet-unsafe-reset: docker-compose down ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) @docker run --rm -v $(CURDIR)\localnet-setup\node1\laconicd:laconic\Z laconicd/node "laconicd unsafe-reset-all --home=/laconic" @docker run --rm -v $(CURDIR)\localnet-setup\node0\laconicd:laconic\Z laconicd/node "laconicd unsafe-reset-all --home=/laconic" @docker run --rm -v $(CURDIR)\localnet-setup\node2\laconicd:laconic\Z laconicd/node "laconicd unsafe-reset-all --home=/laconic" @docker run --rm -v $(CURDIR)\localnet-setup\node3\laconicd:laconic\Z laconicd/node "laconicd unsafe-reset-all --home=/laconic" else @docker run --rm -v $(CURDIR)/localnet-setup/node0/laconicd:/laconic:Z laconicd/node "laconicd unsafe-reset-all --home=/laconic" @docker run --rm -v $(CURDIR)/localnet-setup/node1/laconicd:/laconic:Z laconicd/node "laconicd unsafe-reset-all --home=/laconic" @docker run --rm -v $(CURDIR)/localnet-setup/node2/laconicd:/laconic:Z laconicd/node "laconicd unsafe-reset-all --home=/laconic" @docker run --rm -v $(CURDIR)/localnet-setup/node3/laconicd:/laconic:Z laconicd/node "laconicd unsafe-reset-all --home=/laconic" endif # Clean testnet localnet-show-logstream: docker-compose logs --tail=1000 -f .PHONY: build-docker-local-laconic localnet-start localnet-stop