const { assertRevert } = require('@aragon/contract-helpers-test/assertThrow') const { bn, assertBn, MAX_UINT256 } = require('@aragon/contract-helpers-test/numbers') const { CHECKPOINT_ERRORS } = require('../helpers/errors') const Checkpointing = artifacts.require('CheckpointingMock') contract('Checkpointing', () => { let checkpointing beforeEach('create tree', async () => { checkpointing = await }) const assertFetchedValue = async (time, expectedValue) => { assertBn((await checkpointing.get(time)), expectedValue, 'value does not match') } describe('add', () => { context('when the given value is can be represented by 192 bits', () => { const value = bn(100) context('when there was no value registered yet', async () => { context('when the given time is zero', async () => { const time = bn(0) it('adds the new value', async () => { await checkpointing.add(time, value) await assertFetchedValue(time, value) }) }) context('when the given time is greater than zero', async () => { const time= bn(1) it('adds the new value', async () => { await checkpointing.add(time, value) await assertFetchedValue(time, value) }) }) }) context('when there were some values already registered', async () => { beforeEach('add some values', async () => { await checkpointing.add(30, 1) await checkpointing.add(50, 2) await checkpointing.add(90, 3) }) context('when the given time is previous to the latest registered value', async () => { const time= bn(40) it('reverts', async () => { await assertRevert(checkpointing.add(time, value)/*, CHECKPOINT_ERRORS.CANNOT_ADD_PAST_VALUE*/) }) }) context('when the given time is equal to the latest registered value', async () => { const time= bn(90) it('updates the already registered value', async () => { await checkpointing.add(time, value) await assertFetchedValue(time, value) await assertFetchedValue(time.add(bn(1)), value) }) }) context('when the given time is after the latest registered value', async () => { const time= bn(95) it('adds the new last value', async () => { const previousLast = await checkpointing.getLast() await checkpointing.add(time, value) await assertFetchedValue(time, value) await assertFetchedValue(time.add(bn(1)), value) await assertFetchedValue(time.sub(bn(1)), previousLast) }) }) }) }) context('when the given value cannot be represented by 192 bits', () => { const value = MAX_UINT256 it('reverts', async () => { await assertRevert(checkpointing.add(0, value)/*, CHECKPOINT_ERRORS.VALUE_TOO_BIG*/) }) }) }) describe('lastUpdate', () => { context('when there are no values registered yet', () => { it('returns zero', async () => { assertBn((await checkpointing.lastUpdate()), bn(0), 'time does not match') }) }) context('when there are values already registered', () => { beforeEach('add some values', async () => { await checkpointing.add(30, 1) await checkpointing.add(50, 2) await checkpointing.add(90, 3) }) it('returns the last registered value', async () => { assertBn((await checkpointing.lastUpdate()), bn(90), 'time does not match') }) }) }) describe('getLast', () => { context('when there are no values registered yet', () => { it('returns zero', async () => { assertBn((await checkpointing.getLast()), bn(0), 'value does not match') }) }) context('when there are values already registered', () => { beforeEach('add some values', async () => { await checkpointing.add(30, 1) await checkpointing.add(50, 2) await checkpointing.add(90, 3) }) it('returns the last registered value', async () => { assertBn((await checkpointing.getLast()), bn(3), 'value does not match') }) }) }) describe('get', () => { context('when there are no values registered yet', () => { context('when there given time is zero', () => { const time= bn(0) it('returns zero', async () => { await assertFetchedValue(time, bn(0)) }) }) context('when there given time is greater than zero', () => { const time= bn(1) it('returns zero', async () => { await assertFetchedValue(time, bn(0)) }) }) }) context('when there are values already registered', () => { beforeEach('add some values', async () => { await checkpointing.add(30, 1) await checkpointing.add(50, 2) await checkpointing.add(90, 3) }) context('when there given time is zero', () => { const time= bn(0) it('returns zero', async () => { await assertFetchedValue(time, bn(0)) }) }) context('when the given time is previous to the time of first registered value', () => { const time= bn(10) it('returns zero', async () => { await assertFetchedValue(time, bn(0)) }) }) context('when the given time is equal to the time of first registered value', () => { const time= bn(30) it('returns the first registered value', async () => { await assertFetchedValue(time, bn(1)) }) }) context('when the given time is between the times of first and the second registered values', () => { const time= bn(40) it('returns the first registered value', async () => { await assertFetchedValue(time, bn(1)) }) }) context('when the given time is the time of the second registered values', () => { const time= bn(50) it('returns the second registered value', async () => { await assertFetchedValue(time, bn(2)) }) }) context('when the given time is between the times of second and the third registered values', () => { const time= bn(60) it('returns the second registered value', async () => { await assertFetchedValue(time, bn(2)) }) }) context('when the given time is equal to the time of the third registered values', () => { const time= bn(90) it('returns the third registered value', async () => { await assertFetchedValue(time, bn(3)) }) }) context('when the given time is after the time of the third registered values', () => { const time= bn(100) it('returns the third registered value', async () => { await assertFetchedValue(time, bn(3)) }) }) }) }) })