const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const { exec, spawn } = require('child_process'); const yargs = require('yargs/yargs') const { hideBin } = require('yargs/helpers') const logger = { warn: msg => console.error(`WARN: ${msg}`), err: msg => console.error(`ERR: ${msg}`), info: msg => console.log(`INFO: ${msg}`) } function panic(errMsg) { logger.err(errMsg); process.exit(-1); } function checkTestEnv() { const argv = yargs(hideBin(process.argv)) .usage('Usage: $0 [options] <tests>') .example('$0 --network ethermint', 'run all tests using ethermint network') .example('$0 --network ethermint --allowTests=test1,test2', 'run only test1 and test2 using ethermint network') .help('h').alias('h', 'help') .describe('network', 'set which network to use: ganache|ethermint') .describe('batch', 'set the test batch in parallelized testing. Format: %d-%d') .describe('allowTests', 'only run specified tests. Separated by comma.') .boolean('verbose-log').describe('verbose-log', 'print laconicd output, default false') .argv; if (!fs.existsSync(path.join(__dirname, './node_modules'))) { panic('node_modules not existed. Please run `yarn install` before running tests.'); } const runConfig = {}; // Check test network if (! { = 'ganache'; } else { if ( !== 'ethermint' && !== 'ganache') { panic('network is invalid. Must be ganache or ethermint'); } else { =; } } if (argv.batch) { const [toRunBatch, allBatches] = argv.batch.split('-').map(e => Number(e)); console.log([toRunBatch, allBatches]); if (!toRunBatch || !allBatches) { panic('bad batch input format'); } if (toRunBatch > allBatches) { panic('test batch number is larger than batch counts'); } if (toRunBatch <= 0 || allBatches <=0 ) { panic('test batch number or batch counts must be non-zero values'); } runConfig.batch = {}; runConfig.batch.this = toRunBatch; runConfig.batch.all = allBatches; } // only test runConfig.onlyTest = !!argv['allowTests'] ? argv['allowTests'].split(',') : undefined; runConfig.verboseLog = !!argv['verbose-log'];`Running on network: ${}`); return runConfig; } function loadTests(runConfig) { let validTests = []; fs.readdirSync(path.join(__dirname, 'suites')).forEach(dirname => { const dirStat = fs.statSync(path.join(__dirname, 'suites', dirname)); if (!dirStat.isDirectory) { logger.warn(`${dirname} is not a directory. Skip this test suite.`); return; } const needFiles = ['package.json', 'test']; for (const f of needFiles) { if (!fs.existsSync(path.join(__dirname, 'suites', dirname, f))) { logger.warn(`${dirname} does not contains file/dir: ${f}. Skip this test suite.`); return; } } // test package.json try { const testManifest = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'suites', dirname, 'package.json'), 'utf-8')) const needScripts = ['test-ganache', 'test-ethermint']; for (const s of needScripts) { if (Object.keys(testManifest['scripts']).indexOf(s) === -1) { logger.warn(`${dirname} does not have test script: \`${s}\`. Skip this test suite.`); return; } } } catch (error) { logger.warn(`${dirname} test package.json load failed. Skip this test suite.`); logger.err(error); return; } validTests.push(dirname); }) if (runConfig.onlyTest) { validTests = validTests.filter(t => runConfig.onlyTest.indexOf(t) !== -1); } if (runConfig.batch) { const chunkSize = Math.ceil(validTests.length / runConfig.batch.all); const toRunTests = validTests.slice( (runConfig.batch.this - 1) * chunkSize, runConfig.batch.this === runConfig.batch.all ? undefined : runConfig.batch.this * chunkSize ); return toRunTests; } else { return validTests; } } function performTestSuite({ testName, network }) { const cmd = network === 'ganache' ? 'test-ganache' : 'test-ethermint'; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const testProc = spawn('yarn', [cmd], { cwd: path.join(__dirname, 'suites', testName) }); testProc.stdout.pipe(process.stdout); testProc.stderr.pipe(process.stderr); testProc.on('close', code => { if (code === 0) { console.log("end"); resolve(); } else { reject(new Error(`Test: ${testName} exited with error code ${code}`)); } }); }); } async function performTests({ allTests, runConfig }) { if (allTests.length === 0) { panic('No tests are found or all invalid!'); } for (const currentTestName of allTests) {`Start test: ${currentTestName}`); await performTestSuite({ testName: currentTestName, network: }); }`${allTests.length} test suites passed!`); } function setupNetwork({ runConfig, timeout }) { if ( !== 'ethermint') { // no need to start ganache. Truffle will start it return; } // Spawn the ethermint process const spawnPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const laconicdProc = spawn('./', { cwd: __dirname, stdio: ['ignore', runConfig.verboseLog ? 'pipe' : 'ignore', 'pipe'], });`Starting laconicd process... timeout: ${timeout}ms`); if (runConfig.verboseLog) { laconicdProc.stdout.pipe(process.stdout); } laconicdProc.stderr.on('data', d => { const oLine = d.toString(); if (runConfig.verboseLog) { process.stdout.write(oLine); } if (oLine.indexOf('Starting JSON-RPC server') !== -1) {'laconicd started'); resolve(laconicdProc); } }); }); const timeoutPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(() => reject(new Error('Start laconicd timeout!')), timeout); }); return Promise.race([spawnPromise, timeoutPromise]); } async function main() { const runConfig = checkTestEnv(); const allTests = loadTests(runConfig); console.log(`Running Tests: ${allTests.join()}`); const proc = await setupNetwork({ runConfig, timeout: 50000 }); await performTests({ allTests, runConfig }); if (proc) { proc.kill(); } process.exit(0); } // Add handler to exit the program when UnhandledPromiseRejection process.on('unhandledRejection', e => { console.error(e); process.exit(-1); }); main();