const { assertRevert } = require('@aragon/contract-helpers-test/assertThrow') const { bn, assertBn, MAX_UINT64 } = require('@aragon/contract-helpers-test/numbers') const { deploy } = require('../helpers/deploy')(artifacts) const { UserState, approveAndStakeWithState, approveStakeAndLockWithState, unstakeWithState, unlockWithState, unlockFromManagerWithState, transferWithState, transferAndUnstakeWithState, slashWithState, slashAndUnstakeWithState, slashFromContractWithState, slashAndUnstakeFromContractWithState, checkInvariants, } = require('../helpers/helpers')(artifacts) const { DEFAULT_STAKE_AMOUNT, DEFAULT_LOCK_AMOUNT, EMPTY_DATA, ZERO_ADDRESS } = require('../helpers/constants') contract('Staking app, Locking funds flows', ([_, owner, user1, user2, user3]) => { let staking, lockManager, users, managers, token beforeEach(async () => { const deployment = await deploy(owner) staking = deployment.staking lockManager = deployment.lockManager token = deployment.token // fund users and create user state objects users = [] const userAddresses = [user1, user2, user3] await Promise.all( (userAddress, index) => { const amount = DEFAULT_STAKE_AMOUNT.mul(bn(userAddresses.length - index)) users.push(new UserState(userAddress, amount)) await token.transfer(userAddress, amount, { from: owner }) })) // managers managers = users.reduce((result, user) => { result.push(user.address) return result }, []) managers.push(lockManager.address) }) describe('same origin and destiny', () => { context('when user hasn’t staked', () => { it('check invariants', async () => { await checkInvariants({ staking, users, managers }) }) }) context('when user has staked', () => { const stakeAmount = DEFAULT_STAKE_AMOUNT beforeEach('stakes', async () => { await checkInvariants({ staking, users, managers }) await approveAndStakeWithState({ staking, amount: stakeAmount, user: users[0] }) await checkInvariants({ staking, users, managers }) }) context('when user hasn’t locked', () => { it('unstakes half', async () => { await unstakeWithState({ staking, unstakeAmount: stakeAmount.div(bn(2)), user: users[0] }) await checkInvariants({ staking, users, managers }) }) it('unstakes all', async () => { await unstakeWithState({ staking, unstakeAmount: stakeAmount, user: users[0] }) await checkInvariants({ staking, users, managers }) }) }) context('when user has locked', () => { const lockAmount = DEFAULT_LOCK_AMOUNT const moveFunds = ({ isContract, canUnlock = false }) => { let lockManagerAddress beforeEach('stakes and locks', async () => { lockManagerAddress = isContract ? lockManager.address : user3 if (isContract && canUnlock) { await lockManager.setResult(true) } await checkInvariants({ staking, users, managers }) await approveStakeAndLockWithState({ staking, manager: lockManagerAddress, stakeAmount, allowanceAmount: stakeAmount, lockAmount, user: users[0] }) await checkInvariants({ staking, users, managers }) }) const unstake = async (unstakeAmount) => { await unstakeWithState({ staking, unstakeAmount, user: users[0] }) await checkInvariants({ staking, users, managers }) } it('unstakes remaining', async () => { await unstake(stakeAmount.sub(lockAmount)) }) const unlockAndUnstake = async (unlockAmount) => { await unlockWithState({ staking, managerAddress: lockManagerAddress, unlockAmount, user: users[0]}) await unstake(stakeAmount.sub(lockAmount.sub(unlockAmount))) } const unlockAndUnstakeFromManager = async (unlockAmount) => { await unlockFromManagerWithState({ staking, lockManager, unlockAmount, user: users[0]}) await unstake(stakeAmount.sub(lockAmount.sub(unlockAmount))) } if (canUnlock) { it('owner unlocks half and then unstakes', async () => { await unlockAndUnstake(lockAmount.div(bn(2))) }) it('owner unlocks all and then unstakes', async () => { await unlockAndUnstake(lockAmount) }) } else { it('owner cannot unlock', async () => { await assertRevert(staking.unlock(users[0].address, lockManagerAddress, bn(1), { from: users[0].address })) }) if (isContract) { it('manager unlocks half and then owner unstakes', async () => { await unlockAndUnstakeFromManager(lockAmount.div(bn(2))) }) it('manager unlocks all and then owner unstakes', async () => { await unlockAndUnstakeFromManager(lockAmount) }) } } } context('when lock manager is EOA', () => { moveFunds({ isContract: false, canUnlock: false }) }) context('when lock manager is contract', () => { context('when lock manager allows to unlock', () => { moveFunds({ isContract: true, canUnlock: true }) }) context('when lock manager doesn’t allow to unlock', () => { moveFunds({ isContract: true, canUnlock: false }) }) }) }) }) }) describe('different origin and destiny', () => { context('when user hasn’t staked', () => { it('check invariants', async () => { await checkInvariants({ staking, users, managers }) }) }) context('when user has staked', () => { const stakeAmount = DEFAULT_STAKE_AMOUNT beforeEach('stakes', async () => { await checkInvariants({ staking, users, managers }) await approveAndStakeWithState({ staking, amount: stakeAmount, user: users[0] }) await checkInvariants({ staking, users, managers }) }) context('when user hasn’t locked', () => { context('to staking balance', () => { it('transfers half', async () => { await transferWithState({ staking, transferAmount: stakeAmount.div(bn(2)), userFrom: users[0], userTo: users[1] }) await checkInvariants({ staking, users, managers }) }) it('transfers all', async () => { await transferWithState({ staking, transferAmount: stakeAmount, userFrom: users[0], userTo: users[1] }) await checkInvariants({ staking, users, managers }) }) }) context('to external wallet', () => { it('transfers half', async () => { await transferAndUnstakeWithState({ staking, transferAmount: stakeAmount.div(bn(2)), userFrom: users[0], userTo: users[1] }) await checkInvariants({ staking, users, managers }) }) it('transfers all', async () => { await transferAndUnstakeWithState({ staking, transferAmount: stakeAmount, userFrom: users[0], userTo: users[1] }) await checkInvariants({ staking, users, managers }) }) }) }) context('when user has locked', () => { const lockAmount = DEFAULT_LOCK_AMOUNT const moveFunds = ({ isContract, canUnlock = false, toStaking }) => { let lockManagerAddress beforeEach('stakes and locks', async () => { lockManagerAddress = isContract ? lockManager.address : user3 if (isContract && canUnlock) { await lockManager.setResult(true) } await checkInvariants({ staking, users, managers }) await approveStakeAndLockWithState({ staking, manager: lockManagerAddress, stakeAmount, allowanceAmount: stakeAmount, lockAmount, user: users[0] }) await checkInvariants({ staking, users, managers }) }) const transfer = async (transferAmount) => { await transferWithState({ staking, transferAmount, userFrom: users[0], userTo: users[1] }) await checkInvariants({ staking, users, managers }) } it('transfers remaining', async () => { await transfer(stakeAmount.sub(lockAmount)) }) const slashAndTransfer = async (slashAmount) => { if (toStaking) { await slashWithState({ staking, slashAmount, userFrom: users[0], userTo: users[1], managerAddress: lockManagerAddress }) } else { await slashAndUnstakeWithState({ staking, slashAmount, userFrom: users[0], userTo: users[1], managerAddress: lockManagerAddress }) } await transfer(stakeAmount.sub(lockAmount.sub(slashAmount))) } const slashAndTransferFromContract = async (slashAmount) => { if (toStaking) { await slashFromContractWithState({ staking, slashAmount, userFrom: users[0], userTo: users[1], lockManager }) } else { await slashAndUnstakeFromContractWithState({ staking, slashAmount, userFrom: users[0], userTo: users[1], lockManager }) } await transfer(stakeAmount.sub(lockAmount.sub(slashAmount))) } if (isContract) { it('manager unlockes half and then owner transfers', async () => { await slashAndTransferFromContract(lockAmount.div(bn(2))) }) it('manager slashes all and then owner transfers', async () => { await slashAndTransferFromContract(lockAmount) }) } else { it('manager slashes half and then transfers', async () => { await slashAndTransfer(lockAmount.div(bn(2))) }) it('manager slashes all and then transfers', async () => { await slashAndTransfer(lockAmount) }) } } context('when lock manager is EOA', () => { context('to staking balance', () => { moveFunds({ isContract: false, canUnlock: false, toStaking: true }) }) context('to external wallet', () => { moveFunds({ isContract: false, canUnlock: false, toStaking: false }) }) }) context('when lock manager is contract', () => { context('when lock manager allows to unlock', () => { context('to staking balance', () => { moveFunds({ isContract: true, canUnlock: true, toStaking: true }) }) context('to external wallet', () => { moveFunds({ isContract: true, canUnlock: true, toStaking: false }) }) }) context('when lock manager doesn’t allow to unlock', () => { context('to staking balance', () => { moveFunds({ isContract: true, canUnlock: false, toStaking: true }) }) context('to external wallet', () => { moveFunds({ isContract: true, canUnlock: false, toStaking: false }) }) }) }) }) }) }) })