const TestRevert = artifacts.require("TestRevert") const truffleAssert = require('truffle-assertions'); async function expectRevert(promise) { try { await promise; } catch (error) { if (error.message.indexOf('revert') === -1) { expect('revert').to.equal(error.message, 'Wrong kind of exception received'); } return; }'Expected an exception but none was received'); } contract('TestRevert', (accounts) => { let revert beforeEach(async () => { revert = await }) it('should revert', async () => { await revert.try_set(10) no = await revert.query_a() assert.equal(no, '0', 'The modification on a should be reverted') no = await revert.query_b() assert.equal(no, '10', 'The modification on b should not be reverted') no = await revert.query_c() assert.equal(no, '10', 'The modification on c should not be reverted') await revert.set(10) no = await revert.query_a() assert.equal(no, '10', 'The force set should not be reverted') }) })