pragma solidity ^0.5.17; // Interface for ERC900: interface ERC900 { event Staked(address indexed user, uint256 amount, uint256 total, bytes data); event Unstaked(address indexed user, uint256 amount, uint256 total, bytes data); /** * @dev Stake a certain amount of tokens * @param _amount Amount of tokens to be staked * @param _data Optional data that can be used to add signalling information in more complex staking applications */ function stake(uint256 _amount, bytes calldata _data) external; /** * @dev Stake a certain amount of tokens in favor of someone * @param _user Address to stake an amount of tokens to * @param _amount Amount of tokens to be staked * @param _data Optional data that can be used to add signalling information in more complex staking applications */ function stakeFor(address _user, uint256 _amount, bytes calldata _data) external; /** * @dev Unstake a certain amount of tokens * @param _amount Amount of tokens to be unstaked * @param _data Optional data that can be used to add signalling information in more complex staking applications */ function unstake(uint256 _amount, bytes calldata _data) external; /** * @dev Tell the total amount of tokens staked for an address * @param _addr Address querying the total amount of tokens staked for * @return Total amount of tokens staked for an address */ function totalStakedFor(address _addr) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Tell the total amount of tokens staked * @return Total amount of tokens staked */ function totalStaked() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Tell the address of the token used for staking * @return Address of the token used for staking */ function token() external view returns (address); /* * @dev Tell if the current registry supports historic information or not * @return True if the optional history functions are implemented, false otherwise */ function supportsHistory() external pure returns (bool); }