Learn how Ethermint's architecture leverages the Cosmos SDK Proof-of-Stake functionality, EVM compatibility and fast-finality from Tendermint Core's BFT consensus. {synopsis}
[Tendermint Core](https://docs.tendermint.com/), ensures that the same transactions are recorded on every machine
in the same order. The application interface, called the [Application Blockchain Interface (ABCI)](https://docs.tendermint.com/master/spec/abci/), enables the transactions to be processed in any programming
Ethermint enables EVM compatibility by implementing various components that together support all the EVM state transitions while ensuring the same developer experience as Ethereum:
- Ethereum transaction format as a Cosmos SDK `Tx` and `Msg` interface
- Ethereum's `secp256k1` curve for the Cosmos Keyring
-`StateDB` interface for state updates and queries