2020-09-01 21:16:28 +00:00
const Staking = artifacts . require ( 'Staking' )
const StakingProxy = artifacts . require ( 'StakingProxy' )
const StandardTokenMock = artifacts . require ( 'StandardTokenMock' )
contract ( 'StakingProxy' , ( [ _ , owner ] ) => {
let proxy , token , implementation
beforeEach ( 'deploy sample token and staking implementation' , async ( ) => {
token = await StandardTokenMock . new ( owner , 100000 , { from : owner } )
implementation = await Staking . new ( )
proxy = await StakingProxy . new ( implementation . address , token . address )
} )
describe ( 'initialize' , async ( ) => {
it ( 'initializes the given implementation' , async ( ) => {
const staking = await Staking . at ( proxy . address )
assert ( await staking . hasInitialized ( ) , 'should have been initialized' )
} )
} )
describe ( 'implementation' , async ( ) => {
it ( 'uses an unstructured storage slot for the implementation address' , async ( ) => {
const implementationAddress = await web3 . eth . getStorageAt ( proxy . address , web3 . utils . sha3 ( 'aragon.network.staking' ) )
2021-10-21 11:06:20 +00:00
assert . equal ( implementationAddress . toLowerCase ( ) . replace ( /0x0*/g , '' ) , implementation . address . toLowerCase ( ) . replace ( /0x0*/g , '' ) , 'implementation address does not match' )
2020-09-01 21:16:28 +00:00
} )
it ( 'uses the given implementation' , async ( ) => {
const implementationAddress = await proxy . implementation ( )
assert . equal ( implementationAddress , implementation . address , 'implementation address does not match' )
} )
} )
describe ( 'proxyType' , ( ) => {
it ( 'is a forwarding type' , async ( ) => {
assert . equal ( await proxy . proxyType ( ) , FORWARDING _TYPE , 'proxy type does not match' )
} )
} )
describe ( 'fallback' , ( ) => {
it ( 'forward calls to the implementation set' , async ( ) => {
const staking = await Staking . at ( proxy . address )
assert . equal ( await staking . token ( ) , token . address , 'token address does not match' )
} )
} )
} )