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package evm
import (
sdk ""
evmtypes ""
ethcmn ""
ethtypes ""
abci ""
tmlog ""
dbm ""
var (
address = ethcmn.HexToAddress("0x756F45E3FA69347A9A973A725E3C98bC4db0b4c1")
accKey = sdk.NewKVStoreKey("acc")
storageKey = sdk.NewKVStoreKey(evmtypes.EvmStoreKey)
codeKey = sdk.NewKVStoreKey(evmtypes.EvmCodeKey)
blockKey = sdk.NewKVStoreKey(evmtypes.EvmBlockKey)
logger = tmlog.NewNopLogger()
func newTestCodec() *codec.Codec {
cdc := codec.New()
return cdc
func TestDBStorage(t *testing.T) {
// create logger, codec and root multi-store
cdc := newTestCodec()
// The ParamsKeeper handles parameter storage for the application
keyParams := sdk.NewKVStoreKey(params.StoreKey)
tkeyParams := sdk.NewTransientStoreKey(params.TStoreKey)
paramsKeeper := params.NewKeeper(cdc, keyParams, tkeyParams, params.DefaultCodespace)
// Set specific supspaces
authSubspace := paramsKeeper.Subspace(auth.DefaultParamspace)
ak := auth.NewAccountKeeper(cdc, accKey, authSubspace, types.ProtoBaseAccount)
ek := NewKeeper(ak, storageKey, codeKey, blockKey, cdc)
db := dbm.NewMemDB()
cms := store.NewCommitMultiStore(db)
// mount stores
keys := []*sdk.KVStoreKey{accKey, storageKey, codeKey, blockKey}
for _, key := range keys {
cms.MountStoreWithDB(key, sdk.StoreTypeIAVL, nil)
// load latest version (root)
err := cms.LoadLatestVersion()
require.NoError(t, err)
// First execution
ms := cms.CacheMultiStore()
ctx := sdk.NewContext(ms, abci.Header{}, false, logger)
ctx = ctx.WithBlockHeight(1)
// Perform state transitions
ek.SetBalance(ctx, address, big.NewInt(5))
ek.SetNonce(ctx, address, 4)
ek.SetState(ctx, address, ethcmn.HexToHash("0x2"), ethcmn.HexToHash("0x3"))
ek.SetCode(ctx, address, []byte{0x1})
// Test block hash mapping functionality
ek.SetBlockHashMapping(ctx, ethcmn.FromHex("0x0d87a3a5f73140f46aac1bf419263e4e94e87c292f25007700ab7f2060e2af68"), 7)
ek.SetBlockHashMapping(ctx, []byte{0x43, 0x32}, 8)
// Test block height mapping functionality
testBloom := ethtypes.BytesToBloom([]byte{0x1, 0x3})
ek.SetBlockBloomMapping(ctx, testBloom, 4)
// Get those state transitions
require.Equal(t, ek.GetBalance(ctx, address).Cmp(big.NewInt(5)), 0)
require.Equal(t, ek.GetNonce(ctx, address), uint64(4))
require.Equal(t, ek.GetState(ctx, address, ethcmn.HexToHash("0x2")), ethcmn.HexToHash("0x3"))
require.Equal(t, ek.GetCode(ctx, address), []byte{0x1})
require.Equal(t, ek.GetBlockHashMapping(ctx, ethcmn.FromHex("0x0d87a3a5f73140f46aac1bf419263e4e94e87c292f25007700ab7f2060e2af68")), int64(7))
require.Equal(t, ek.GetBlockHashMapping(ctx, []byte{0x43, 0x32}), int64(8))
require.Equal(t, ek.GetBlockBloomMapping(ctx, 4), testBloom)
// commit stateDB
_, err = ek.Commit(ctx, false)
require.NoError(t, err, "failed to commit StateDB")
// simulate BaseApp EndBlocker commitment