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2018-11-28 22:19:22 +00:00
package app
import (
ethcmn ""
tmcrypto ""
2018-11-28 22:19:22 +00:00
sdk ""
2018-11-28 22:19:22 +00:00
evmtypes ""
func requireValidTx(
t *testing.T, anteHandler sdk.AnteHandler, ctx sdk.Context, tx sdk.Tx, sim bool,
) {
_, result, abort := anteHandler(ctx, tx, sim)
require.Equal(t, sdk.CodeOK, result.Code, result.Log)
require.False(t, abort)
require.True(t, result.IsOK())
func requireInvalidTx(
t *testing.T, anteHandler sdk.AnteHandler, ctx sdk.Context,
tx sdk.Tx, sim bool, code sdk.CodeType,
) {
newCtx, result, abort := anteHandler(ctx, tx, sim)
require.True(t, abort)
require.Equal(t, code, result.Code, fmt.Sprintf("invalid result: %v", result))
if code == sdk.CodeOutOfGas {
stdTx, ok := tx.(auth.StdTx)
require.True(t, ok, "tx must be in form auth.StdTx")
// require GasWanted is set correctly
require.Equal(t, stdTx.Fee.Gas, result.GasWanted, "'GasWanted' wanted not set correctly")
require.True(t, result.GasUsed > result.GasWanted, "'GasUsed' not greater than GasWanted")
// require that context is set correctly
require.Equal(t, result.GasUsed, newCtx.GasMeter().GasConsumed(), "Context not updated correctly")
func TestValidEthTx(t *testing.T) {
input := newTestSetup()
input.ctx = input.ctx.WithBlockHeight(1)
addr1, priv1 := newTestAddrKey()
addr2, _ := newTestAddrKey()
acc1 := input.accKeeper.NewAccountWithAddress(input.ctx, addr1)
// nolint:errcheck
input.accKeeper.SetAccount(input.ctx, acc1)
acc2 := input.accKeeper.NewAccountWithAddress(input.ctx, addr2)
// nolint:errcheck
input.accKeeper.SetAccount(input.ctx, acc2)
// require a valid Ethereum tx to pass
to := ethcmn.BytesToAddress(addr2.Bytes())
amt := big.NewInt(32)
gas := big.NewInt(20)
ethMsg := evmtypes.NewEthereumTxMsg(0, &to, amt, 22000, gas, []byte("test"))
tx := newTestEthTx(input.ctx, ethMsg, priv1)
requireValidTx(t, input.anteHandler, input.ctx, tx, false)
2018-11-28 22:19:22 +00:00
func TestValidTx(t *testing.T) {
input := newTestSetup()
input.ctx = input.ctx.WithBlockHeight(1)
2018-11-28 22:19:22 +00:00
addr1, priv1 := newTestAddrKey()
addr2, priv2 := newTestAddrKey()
acc1 := input.accKeeper.NewAccountWithAddress(input.ctx, addr1)
// nolint:errcheck
2018-11-28 22:19:22 +00:00
input.accKeeper.SetAccount(input.ctx, acc1)
2018-11-28 22:19:22 +00:00
acc2 := input.accKeeper.NewAccountWithAddress(input.ctx, addr2)
// nolint:errcheck
2018-11-28 22:19:22 +00:00
input.accKeeper.SetAccount(input.ctx, acc2)
2018-11-28 22:19:22 +00:00
// require a valid SDK tx to pass
fee := newTestStdFee()
msg1 := newTestMsg(addr1, addr2)
msgs := []sdk.Msg{msg1}
privKeys := []tmcrypto.PrivKey{priv1, priv2}
accNums := []uint64{acc1.GetAccountNumber(), acc2.GetAccountNumber()}
accSeqs := []uint64{acc1.GetSequence(), acc2.GetSequence()}
2018-11-28 22:19:22 +00:00
tx := newTestSDKTx(input.ctx, msgs, privKeys, accNums, accSeqs, fee)
requireValidTx(t, input.anteHandler, input.ctx, tx, false)
2018-11-28 22:19:22 +00:00
// require accounts to update
acc1 = input.accKeeper.GetAccount(input.ctx, addr1)
acc2 = input.accKeeper.GetAccount(input.ctx, addr2)
2018-11-28 22:19:22 +00:00
require.Equal(t, accSeqs[0]+1, acc1.GetSequence())
require.Equal(t, accSeqs[1]+1, acc2.GetSequence())
func TestSDKInvalidSigs(t *testing.T) {
input := newTestSetup()
input.ctx = input.ctx.WithBlockHeight(1)
2018-11-28 22:19:22 +00:00
addr1, priv1 := newTestAddrKey()
addr2, priv2 := newTestAddrKey()
addr3, priv3 := newTestAddrKey()
acc1 := input.accKeeper.NewAccountWithAddress(input.ctx, addr1)
// nolint:errcheck
2018-11-28 22:19:22 +00:00
input.accKeeper.SetAccount(input.ctx, acc1)
2018-11-28 22:19:22 +00:00
acc2 := input.accKeeper.NewAccountWithAddress(input.ctx, addr2)
// nolint:errcheck
2018-11-28 22:19:22 +00:00
input.accKeeper.SetAccount(input.ctx, acc2)
2018-11-28 22:19:22 +00:00
fee := newTestStdFee()
msg1 := newTestMsg(addr1, addr2)
// require validation failure with no signers
msgs := []sdk.Msg{msg1}
privKeys := []tmcrypto.PrivKey{}
accNums := []uint64{acc1.GetAccountNumber(), acc2.GetAccountNumber()}
accSeqs := []uint64{acc1.GetSequence(), acc2.GetSequence()}
2018-11-28 22:19:22 +00:00
tx := newTestSDKTx(input.ctx, msgs, privKeys, accNums, accSeqs, fee)
requireInvalidTx(t, input.anteHandler, input.ctx, tx, false, sdk.CodeNoSignatures)
2018-11-28 22:19:22 +00:00
// require validation failure with invalid number of signers
msgs = []sdk.Msg{msg1}
privKeys = []tmcrypto.PrivKey{priv1}
accNums = []uint64{acc1.GetAccountNumber(), acc2.GetAccountNumber()}
accSeqs = []uint64{acc1.GetSequence(), acc2.GetSequence()}
2018-11-28 22:19:22 +00:00
tx = newTestSDKTx(input.ctx, msgs, privKeys, accNums, accSeqs, fee)
requireInvalidTx(t, input.anteHandler, input.ctx, tx, false, sdk.CodeUnauthorized)
2018-11-28 22:19:22 +00:00
// require validation failure with an invalid signer
msg2 := newTestMsg(addr1, addr3)
msgs = []sdk.Msg{msg1, msg2}
privKeys = []tmcrypto.PrivKey{priv1, priv2, priv3}
accNums = []uint64{acc1.GetAccountNumber(), acc2.GetAccountNumber(), 0}
accSeqs = []uint64{acc1.GetSequence(), acc2.GetSequence(), 0}
2018-11-28 22:19:22 +00:00
tx = newTestSDKTx(input.ctx, msgs, privKeys, accNums, accSeqs, fee)
requireInvalidTx(t, input.anteHandler, input.ctx, tx, false, sdk.CodeUnknownAddress)
2018-11-28 22:19:22 +00:00
func TestSDKInvalidAcc(t *testing.T) {
input := newTestSetup()
input.ctx = input.ctx.WithBlockHeight(1)
2018-11-28 22:19:22 +00:00
addr1, priv1 := newTestAddrKey()
acc1 := input.accKeeper.NewAccountWithAddress(input.ctx, addr1)
// nolint:errcheck
2018-11-28 22:19:22 +00:00
input.accKeeper.SetAccount(input.ctx, acc1)
2018-11-28 22:19:22 +00:00
fee := newTestStdFee()
msg1 := newTestMsg(addr1)
msgs := []sdk.Msg{msg1}
privKeys := []tmcrypto.PrivKey{priv1}
2018-11-28 22:19:22 +00:00
// require validation failure with invalid account number
accNums := []uint64{1}
accSeqs := []uint64{acc1.GetSequence()}
2018-11-28 22:19:22 +00:00
tx := newTestSDKTx(input.ctx, msgs, privKeys, accNums, accSeqs, fee)
requireInvalidTx(t, input.anteHandler, input.ctx, tx, false, sdk.CodeUnauthorized)
2018-11-28 22:19:22 +00:00
// TODO: Reenable broken test when fixed inside cosmos SDK
// // require validation failure with invalid sequence (nonce)
// accNums = []uint64{acc1.GetAccountNumber()}
// accSeqs = []uint64{1}
// tx = newTestSDKTx(input.ctx, msgs, privKeys, accNums, accSeqs, fee)
// requireInvalidTx(t, input.anteHandler, input.ctx, tx, false, sdk.CodeUnauthorized)
func TestEthInvalidSig(t *testing.T) {
input := newTestSetup()
input.ctx = input.ctx.WithBlockHeight(1)
_, priv1 := newTestAddrKey()
addr2, _ := newTestAddrKey()
to := ethcmn.BytesToAddress(addr2.Bytes())
amt := big.NewInt(32)
gas := big.NewInt(20)
ethMsg := evmtypes.NewEthereumTxMsg(0, &to, amt, 22000, gas, []byte("test"))
tx := newTestEthTx(input.ctx, ethMsg, priv1)
ctx := input.ctx.WithChainID("4")
requireInvalidTx(t, input.anteHandler, ctx, tx, false, sdk.CodeUnauthorized)
func TestEthInvalidNonce(t *testing.T) {
input := newTestSetup()
input.ctx = input.ctx.WithBlockHeight(1)
addr1, priv1 := newTestAddrKey()
addr2, _ := newTestAddrKey()
acc := input.accKeeper.NewAccountWithAddress(input.ctx, addr1)
// nolint:errcheck
// nolint:errcheck
input.accKeeper.SetAccount(input.ctx, acc)
// require a valid Ethereum tx to pass
to := ethcmn.BytesToAddress(addr2.Bytes())
amt := big.NewInt(32)
gas := big.NewInt(20)
ethMsg := evmtypes.NewEthereumTxMsg(0, &to, amt, 22000, gas, []byte("test"))
2018-11-28 22:19:22 +00:00
tx := newTestEthTx(input.ctx, ethMsg, priv1)
requireInvalidTx(t, input.anteHandler, input.ctx, tx, false, sdk.CodeInvalidSequence)
2018-11-28 22:19:22 +00:00
func TestEthInsufficientBalance(t *testing.T) {
input := newTestSetup()
input.ctx = input.ctx.WithBlockHeight(1)
addr1, priv1 := newTestAddrKey()
addr2, _ := newTestAddrKey()
acc := input.accKeeper.NewAccountWithAddress(input.ctx, addr1)
input.accKeeper.SetAccount(input.ctx, acc)
// require a valid Ethereum tx to pass
to := ethcmn.BytesToAddress(addr2.Bytes())
amt := big.NewInt(32)
gas := big.NewInt(20)
ethMsg := evmtypes.NewEthereumTxMsg(0, &to, amt, 22000, gas, []byte("test"))
tx := newTestEthTx(input.ctx, ethMsg, priv1)
requireInvalidTx(t, input.anteHandler, input.ctx, tx, false, sdk.CodeInsufficientFunds)
func TestEthInvalidIntrinsicGas(t *testing.T) {
input := newTestSetup()
input.ctx = input.ctx.WithBlockHeight(1)
addr1, priv1 := newTestAddrKey()
addr2, _ := newTestAddrKey()
acc := input.accKeeper.NewAccountWithAddress(input.ctx, addr1)
// nolint:errcheck
input.accKeeper.SetAccount(input.ctx, acc)
// require a valid Ethereum tx to pass
to := ethcmn.BytesToAddress(addr2.Bytes())
amt := big.NewInt(32)
gas := big.NewInt(20)
gasLimit := uint64(1000)
ethMsg := evmtypes.NewEthereumTxMsg(0, &to, amt, gasLimit, gas, []byte("test"))
tx := newTestEthTx(input.ctx, ethMsg, priv1)
requireInvalidTx(t, input.anteHandler, input.ctx, tx, false, sdk.CodeInternal)
func TestEthInvalidMempoolFees(t *testing.T) {
input := newTestSetup()
input.ctx = input.ctx.WithBlockHeight(1)
input.ctx = input.ctx.WithMinGasPrices(sdk.DecCoins{sdk.NewDecCoin(types.DenomDefault, sdk.NewInt(500000))})
addr1, priv1 := newTestAddrKey()
addr2, _ := newTestAddrKey()
acc := input.accKeeper.NewAccountWithAddress(input.ctx, addr1)
// nolint:errcheck
input.accKeeper.SetAccount(input.ctx, acc)
// require a valid Ethereum tx to pass
to := ethcmn.BytesToAddress(addr2.Bytes())
amt := big.NewInt(32)
gas := big.NewInt(20)
ethMsg := evmtypes.NewEthereumTxMsg(0, &to, amt, 22000, gas, []byte("test"))
tx := newTestEthTx(input.ctx, ethMsg, priv1)
requireInvalidTx(t, input.anteHandler, input.ctx, tx, false, sdk.CodeInsufficientFee)
func TestEthInvalidChainID(t *testing.T) {
input := newTestSetup()
input.ctx = input.ctx.WithBlockHeight(1)
addr1, priv1 := newTestAddrKey()
addr2, _ := newTestAddrKey()
acc := input.accKeeper.NewAccountWithAddress(input.ctx, addr1)
// nolint:errcheck
input.accKeeper.SetAccount(input.ctx, acc)
// require a valid Ethereum tx to pass
to := ethcmn.BytesToAddress(addr2.Bytes())
amt := big.NewInt(32)
gas := big.NewInt(20)
ethMsg := evmtypes.NewEthereumTxMsg(0, &to, amt, 22000, gas, []byte("test"))
tx := newTestEthTx(input.ctx, ethMsg, priv1)
ctx := input.ctx.WithChainID("bad-chain-id")
requireInvalidTx(t, input.anteHandler, ctx, tx, false, types.CodeInvalidChainID)
2018-11-28 22:19:22 +00:00