import isUrl from 'is-url'; import { sha256 } from 'js-sha256'; import { generatePostBodyBroadcast, BroadcastMode } from '@tharsis/provider'; import { Chain, Sender, Fee, createMessageSend, MessageSendParams } from '@tharsis/transactions' import { createTxMsgCancelBond, createTxMsgCreateBond, createTxMsgRefillBond, createTxMsgWithdrawBond, MessageMsgCancelBond, MessageMsgCreateBond, MessageMsgRefillBond, MessageMsgWithdrawBond } from "./messages/bond"; import { RegistryClient } from "./registry-client"; import { Account } from "./account"; import { createTransaction } from "./txbuilder"; import { createTxMsgReserveAuthority, MessageMsgReserveAuthority } from './messages/nameservice'; const DEFAULT_WRITE_ERROR = 'Unable to write to chiba-clonk.'; export const DEFAULT_CHAIN_ID = 'chibaclonk_9000-1'; // Parse Tx response from cosmos-sdk. export const parseTxResponse = (result: any) => { const { txhash: hash, height, ...txResponse } = result; = && Buffer.from(, 'base64').toString('utf8'); => { event.attributes ={ key, value }: { key: string, value: string }) => ({ key: Buffer.from(key, 'base64').toString('utf8'), value: Buffer.from(value, 'base64').toString('utf8') })); }); return { hash, height, ...txResponse }; }; export const isKeyValid = (key: string) => key && key.match(/^[0-9a-fA-F]{64}$/); export class Registry { _endpoint: string _chain: Chain _client: RegistryClient static processWriteError(error: Error) { /** Example: { message: '{"code":18,"data":null,"log":"invalid request: Name already reserved.: failed to execute message; message index: 0","info":"","gasWanted":"200000","gasUsed":"86717","events":[],"codespace":"sdk"}', path: [ 'submit' ] }g */ const message = JSON.parse(error.message); return message.log || DEFAULT_WRITE_ERROR; } constructor(restUrl: string, gqlUrl: string, cosmosChainId = DEFAULT_CHAIN_ID) { if (!isUrl(restUrl)) { throw new Error('Path to a REST endpoint should be provided.'); } if (!isUrl(gqlUrl)) { throw new Error('Path to a GQL endpoint should be provided.'); } this._endpoint = restUrl; this._client = new RegistryClient(restUrl, gqlUrl); this._chain = { chainId: 9000, cosmosChainId } } /** * Get account by addresses. */ async getAccount(address: string) { return this._client.getAccount(address); } /** * Send coins. */ async sendCoins(params: MessageSendParams, senderAddress: string, privateKey: string, fee: Fee) { let result; try { const { account: { base_account: accountInfo } } = await this.getAccount(senderAddress); const sender = { accountAddress: accountInfo.address, sequence: accountInfo.sequence, accountNumber: accountInfo.account_number, pubkey: accountInfo.pub_key.key, } const msg = createMessageSend(this._chain, sender, fee, '', params) result = await this._submitTx(msg, privateKey, sender); } catch (err: any) { const error = err[0] || err; throw new Error(Registry.processWriteError(error)); } return parseTxResponse(result); } /** * Computes the next bondId for the given account private key. */ async getNextBondId(address: string) { let result; try { const { account } = await this.getAccount(address); const accountObj = account.base_account; const nextSeq = parseInt(accountObj.sequence, 10) + 1; result = sha256(`${accountObj.address}:${accountObj.account_number}:${nextSeq}`); } catch (err: any) { const error = err[0] || err; throw new Error(Registry.processWriteError(error)); } return result; } /** * Get bonds by ids. */ async getBondsByIds(ids: string[]) { return this._client.getBondsByIds(ids); } /** * Query bonds by attributes. */ async queryBonds(attributes = {}) { return this._client.queryBonds(attributes); } /** * Create bond. */ async createBond(params: MessageMsgCreateBond, senderAddress: string, privateKey: string, fee: Fee) { let result; try { const { account: { base_account: accountInfo } } = await this.getAccount(senderAddress); const sender = { accountAddress: accountInfo.address, sequence: accountInfo.sequence, accountNumber: accountInfo.account_number, pubkey: accountInfo.pub_key.key, } const msg = createTxMsgCreateBond(this._chain, sender, fee, '', params) result = await this._submitTx(msg, privateKey, sender); } catch (err: any) { const error = err[0] || err; throw new Error(Registry.processWriteError(error)); } return parseTxResponse(result); } /** * Refill bond. */ async refillBond(params: MessageMsgRefillBond, senderAddress: string, privateKey: string, fee: Fee) { let result; try { const { account: { base_account: accountInfo } } = await this.getAccount(senderAddress); const sender = { accountAddress: accountInfo.address, sequence: accountInfo.sequence, accountNumber: accountInfo.account_number, pubkey: accountInfo.pub_key.key, } const msg = createTxMsgRefillBond(this._chain, sender, fee, '', params) result = await this._submitTx(msg, privateKey, sender); } catch (err: any) { const error = err[0] || err; throw new Error(Registry.processWriteError(error)); } return parseTxResponse(result); } /** * Withdraw (from) bond. */ async withdrawBond(params: MessageMsgWithdrawBond, senderAddress: string, privateKey: string, fee: Fee) { let result; try { const { account: { base_account: accountInfo } } = await this.getAccount(senderAddress); const sender = { accountAddress: accountInfo.address, sequence: accountInfo.sequence, accountNumber: accountInfo.account_number, pubkey: accountInfo.pub_key.key, } const msg = createTxMsgWithdrawBond(this._chain, sender, fee, '', params) result = await this._submitTx(msg, privateKey, sender); } catch (err: any) { const error = err[0] || err; throw new Error(Registry.processWriteError(error)); } return parseTxResponse(result); } /** * Cancel bond. */ async cancelBond(params: MessageMsgCancelBond, senderAddress: string, privateKey: string, fee: Fee) { let result; try { const { account: { base_account: accountInfo } } = await this.getAccount(senderAddress); const sender = { accountAddress: accountInfo.address, sequence: accountInfo.sequence, accountNumber: accountInfo.account_number, pubkey: accountInfo.pub_key.key, } const msg = createTxMsgCancelBond(this._chain, sender, fee, '', params) result = await this._submitTx(msg, privateKey, sender); } catch (err: any) { const error = err[0] || err; throw new Error(Registry.processWriteError(error)); } return parseTxResponse(result); } /** * Reserve authority. */ async reserveAuthority(params: MessageMsgReserveAuthority, senderAddress: string, privateKey: string, fee: Fee) { let result; try { const { account: { base_account: accountInfo } } = await this.getAccount(senderAddress); const sender = { accountAddress: accountInfo.address, sequence: accountInfo.sequence, accountNumber: accountInfo.account_number, pubkey: accountInfo.pub_key.key, } const msg = createTxMsgReserveAuthority(this._chain, sender, fee, '', params) result = await this._submitTx(msg, privateKey, sender); } catch (err: any) { const error = err[0] || err; throw new Error(Registry.processWriteError(error)); } return parseTxResponse(result); } /** * Lookup authorities by names. */ async lookupAuthorities(names: string[], auction = false) { return this._client.lookupAuthorities(names, auction); } /** * Submit a generic Tx to the chain. */ async _submitTx(message: any, privateKey: string, sender: Sender) { // Check private key. if (!isKeyValid(privateKey)) { throw new Error('Registry privateKey should be a hex string.'); } // Check that the account exists on-chain. const account = new Account(Buffer.from(privateKey, 'hex')); // Generate signed Tx. const transaction = createTransaction(message, account, sender, this._chain); const tx = generatePostBodyBroadcast(transaction, BroadcastMode.Block) // Submit Tx to chain. const { tx_response: response } = await this._client.submit(tx); return response; } } export { Account }