forked from cerc-io/ipld-eth-server
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// VulcanizeDB
// Copyright © 2019 Vulcanize
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
package transformer
import (
gethTypes ""
srep ""
// Transformer is the top level struct for transforming watched contract data
// Requires a header synced vDB (headers) and a running eth node (or infura)
type Transformer struct {
// Database interfaces
EventRepository srep.EventRepository // Holds transformed watched event log data
HeaderRepository repository.HeaderRepository // Interface for interaction with header repositories
// Pre-processing interfaces
Parser parser.Parser // Parses events and methods out of contract abi fetched using contract address
Retriever retriever.BlockRetriever // Retrieves first block for contract
// Processing interfaces
Fetcher fetcher.Fetcher // Fetches event logs, using header hashes
Converter converter.ConverterInterface // Converts watched event logs into custom log
Poller poller.Poller // Polls methods using arguments collected from events and persists them using a method datastore
// Store contract configuration information
Config config.ContractConfig
// Store contract info as mapping to contract address
Contracts map[string]*contract.Contract
// Internally configured transformer variables
contractAddresses []string // Holds all contract addresses, for batch fetching of logs
sortedEventIds map[string][]string // Map to sort event column ids by contract, for post fetch processing and persisting of logs
sortedMethodIds map[string][]string // Map to sort method column ids by contract, for post fetch method polling
eventIds []string // Holds event column ids across all contract, for batch fetching of headers
eventFilters []common.Hash // Holds topic0 hashes across all contracts, for batch fetching of logs
Start int64 // Hold the lowest starting block and the highest ending block
// Order-of-operations:
// 1. Create new transformer
// 2. Load contract addresses and their parameters
// 3. Init
// 4. Execute
// NewTransformer takes in a contract config, blockchain, and database, and returns a new Transformer
func NewTransformer(con config.ContractConfig, bc core.BlockChain, db *postgres.DB) *Transformer {
return &Transformer{
Poller: poller.NewPoller(bc, db, types.HeaderSync),
Fetcher: fetcher.NewFetcher(bc),
Parser: parser.NewParser(con.Network),
HeaderRepository: repository.NewHeaderRepository(db),
Retriever: retriever.NewBlockRetriever(db),
Converter: &converter.Converter{},
Contracts: map[string]*contract.Contract{},
EventRepository: srep.NewEventRepository(db, types.HeaderSync),
Config: con,
// Init initialized the Transformer
// Use after creating and setting transformer
// Loops over all of the addr => filter sets
// Uses parser to pull event info from abi
// Use this info to generate event filters
func (tr *Transformer) Init() error {
// Initialize internally configured transformer settings
tr.contractAddresses = make([]string, 0) // Holds all contract addresses, for batch fetching of logs
tr.sortedEventIds = make(map[string][]string) // Map to sort event column ids by contract, for post fetch processing and persisting of logs
tr.sortedMethodIds = make(map[string][]string) // Map to sort method column ids by contract, for post fetch method polling
tr.eventIds = make([]string, 0) // Holds event column ids across all contract, for batch fetching of headers
tr.eventFilters = make([]common.Hash, 0) // Holds topic0 hashes across all contracts, for batch fetching of logs
tr.Start = math.MaxInt64
// Iterate through all internal contract addresses
for contractAddr := range tr.Config.Addresses {
// Configure Abi
if tr.Config.Abis[contractAddr] == "" {
// If no abi is given in the config, this method will try fetching from internal look-up table and etherscan
parseErr := tr.Parser.Parse(contractAddr)
if parseErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error parsing contract by address: %s", parseErr.Error())
} else {
// If we have an abi from the config, load that into the parser
parseErr := tr.Parser.ParseAbiStr(tr.Config.Abis[contractAddr])
if parseErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error parsing contract abi: %s", parseErr.Error())
// Get first block and most recent block number in the header repo
firstBlock, retrieveErr := tr.Retriever.RetrieveFirstBlock()
if retrieveErr != nil {
if retrieveErr == sql.ErrNoRows {
logrus.Error(fmt.Errorf("error retrieving first block: %s", retrieveErr.Error()))
firstBlock = 0
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("error retrieving first block: %s", retrieveErr.Error())
// Set to specified range if it falls within the bounds
if firstBlock < tr.Config.StartingBlocks[contractAddr] {
firstBlock = tr.Config.StartingBlocks[contractAddr]
// Get contract name if it has one
var name = new(string)
pollingErr := tr.Poller.FetchContractData(tr.Parser.Abi(), contractAddr, "name", nil, name, -1)
if pollingErr != nil {
// can't return this error because "name" might not exist on the contract
logrus.Warnf("error fetching contract data: %s", pollingErr.Error())
// Remove any potential accidental duplicate inputs
eventArgs := map[string]bool{}
for _, arg := range tr.Config.EventArgs[contractAddr] {
eventArgs[arg] = true
methodArgs := map[string]bool{}
for _, arg := range tr.Config.MethodArgs[contractAddr] {
methodArgs[arg] = true
// Aggregate info into contract object and store for execution
con := contract.Contract{
Name: *name,
Network: tr.Config.Network,
Address: contractAddr,
Abi: tr.Parser.Abi(),
ParsedAbi: tr.Parser.ParsedAbi(),
StartingBlock: firstBlock,
Events: tr.Parser.GetEvents(tr.Config.Events[contractAddr]),
Methods: tr.Parser.GetSelectMethods(tr.Config.Methods[contractAddr]),
FilterArgs: eventArgs,
MethodArgs: methodArgs,
Piping: tr.Config.Piping[contractAddr],
tr.Contracts[contractAddr] = con
tr.contractAddresses = append(tr.contractAddresses, con.Address)
// Create checked_headers columns for each event id and append to list of all event ids
tr.sortedEventIds[con.Address] = make([]string, 0, len(con.Events))
for _, event := range con.Events {
eventID := strings.ToLower(event.Name + "_" + con.Address)
addColumnErr := tr.HeaderRepository.AddCheckColumn(eventID)
if addColumnErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error adding check column: %s", addColumnErr.Error())
// Keep track of this event id; sorted and unsorted
tr.sortedEventIds[con.Address] = append(tr.sortedEventIds[con.Address], eventID)
tr.eventIds = append(tr.eventIds, eventID)
// Append this event sig to the filters
tr.eventFilters = append(tr.eventFilters, event.Sig())
// Create checked_headers columns for each method id and append list of all method ids
tr.sortedMethodIds[con.Address] = make([]string, 0, len(con.Methods))
for _, m := range con.Methods {
methodID := strings.ToLower(m.Name + "_" + con.Address)
addColumnErr := tr.HeaderRepository.AddCheckColumn(methodID)
if addColumnErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error adding check column: %s", addColumnErr.Error())
tr.sortedMethodIds[con.Address] = append(tr.sortedMethodIds[con.Address], methodID)
// Update start to the lowest block
if con.StartingBlock < tr.Start {
tr.Start = con.StartingBlock
return nil
// Execute runs the transformation processes
func (tr *Transformer) Execute() error {
if len(tr.Contracts) == 0 {
return errors.New("error: transformer has no initialized contracts")
// Find unchecked headers for all events across all contracts; these are returned in asc order
missingHeaders, missingHeadersErr := tr.HeaderRepository.MissingHeadersForAll(tr.Start, -1, tr.eventIds)
if missingHeadersErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error getting missing headers: %s", missingHeadersErr.Error())
// Iterate over headers
for _, header := range missingHeaders {
// Set `start` to this header
// This way if we throw an error but don't bring the execution cycle down (how it is currently handled)
// we restart the cycle at this header
tr.Start = header.BlockNumber
// Map to sort batch fetched logs by which contract they belong to, for post fetch processing
sortedLogs := make(map[string][]gethTypes.Log)
// And fetch all event logs across contracts at this header
allLogs, fetchErr := tr.Fetcher.FetchLogs(tr.contractAddresses, tr.eventFilters, header)
if fetchErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error fetching logs: %s", fetchErr.Error())
// If no logs are found mark the header checked for all of these eventIDs
// and continue to method polling and onto the next iteration
if len(allLogs) < 1 {
markCheckedErr := tr.HeaderRepository.MarkHeaderCheckedForAll(header.ID, tr.eventIds)
if markCheckedErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error marking header checked: %s", markCheckedErr.Error())
pollingErr := tr.methodPolling(header, tr.sortedMethodIds)
if pollingErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error polling methods: %s", pollingErr.Error())
tr.Start = header.BlockNumber + 1 // Empty header; setup to start at the next header
logrus.Tracef("no logs found for block %d, continuing", header.BlockNumber)
for _, log := range allLogs {
addr := strings.ToLower(log.Address.Hex())
sortedLogs[addr] = append(sortedLogs[addr], log)
// Process logs for each contract
for conAddr, logs := range sortedLogs {
if logs == nil {
logrus.Tracef("no logs found for contract %s at block %d, continuing", conAddr, header.BlockNumber)
// Configure converter with this contract
con := tr.Contracts[conAddr]
// Convert logs into batches of log mappings (eventName => []types.Logs
convertedLogs, convertErr := tr.Converter.ConvertBatch(logs, con.Events, header.ID)
if convertErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error converting logs: %s", convertErr.Error())
// Cycle through each type of event log and persist them
for eventName, logs := range convertedLogs {
// If logs for this event are empty, mark them checked at this header and continue
if len(logs) < 1 {
logrus.Tracef("no logs found for event %s on contract %s at block %d, continuing", eventName, conAddr, header.BlockNumber)
// If logs aren't empty, persist them
persistErr := tr.EventRepository.PersistLogs(logs, con.Events[eventName], con.Address, con.Name)
if persistErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error persisting logs: %s", persistErr.Error())
markCheckedErr := tr.HeaderRepository.MarkHeaderCheckedForAll(header.ID, tr.eventIds)
if markCheckedErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error marking header checked: %s", markCheckedErr.Error())
// Poll contracts at this block height
pollingErr := tr.methodPolling(header, tr.sortedMethodIds)
if pollingErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error polling methods: %s", pollingErr.Error())
// Success; setup to start at the next header
tr.Start = header.BlockNumber + 1
return nil
// Used to poll contract methods at a given header
func (tr *Transformer) methodPolling(header core.Header, sortedMethodIds map[string][]string) error {
for _, con := range tr.Contracts {
// Skip method polling processes if no methods are specified
// Also don't try to poll methods below this contract's specified starting block
if len(con.Methods) == 0 || header.BlockNumber < con.StartingBlock {
logrus.Tracef("not polling contract: %s", con.Address)
// Poll all methods for this contract at this header
pollingErr := tr.Poller.PollContractAt(*con, header.BlockNumber)
if pollingErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error polling contract %s: %s", con.Address, pollingErr.Error())
// Mark this header checked for the methods
markCheckedErr := tr.HeaderRepository.MarkHeaderCheckedForAll(header.ID, sortedMethodIds[con.Address])
if markCheckedErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error marking header checked: %s", markCheckedErr.Error())
return nil
// GetConfig returns the transformers config; satisfies the transformer interface
func (tr *Transformer) GetConfig() config.ContractConfig {
return tr.Config