forked from cerc-io/ipld-eth-server
- Previous setup would fail if there were no headers in the db. This makes sense because we need headers that haven't been checked for logs to exist so that we can fetch logs for those headers. But it also prevents us from kicking off the headerSync and contractWatcher processes concurrently. These changes enable kicking off both processes at the same time with the idea that we will have unchecked headers upon transformer execution.
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// VulcanizeDB
// Copyright © 2019 Vulcanize
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
package transformer
import (
gethTypes ""
srep ""
// Requires a header synced vDB (headers) and a running eth node (or infura)
type Transformer struct {
// Database interfaces
EventRepository srep.EventRepository // Holds transformed watched event log data
HeaderRepository repository.HeaderRepository // Interface for interaction with header repositories
// Pre-processing interfaces
Parser parser.Parser // Parses events and methods out of contract abi fetched using contract address
Retriever retriever.BlockRetriever // Retrieves first block for contract
// Processing interfaces
Fetcher fetcher.Fetcher // Fetches event logs, using header hashes
Converter converter.ConverterInterface // Converts watched event logs into custom log
Poller poller.Poller // Polls methods using arguments collected from events and persists them using a method datastore
// Store contract configuration information
Config config.ContractConfig
// Store contract info as mapping to contract address
Contracts map[string]*contract.Contract
// Internally configured transformer variables
contractAddresses []string // Holds all contract addresses, for batch fetching of logs
sortedEventIds map[string][]string // Map to sort event column ids by contract, for post fetch processing and persisting of logs
sortedMethodIds map[string][]string // Map to sort method column ids by contract, for post fetch method polling
eventIds []string // Holds event column ids across all contract, for batch fetching of headers
eventFilters []common.Hash // Holds topic0 hashes across all contracts, for batch fetching of logs
Start int64 // Hold the lowest starting block and the highest ending block
// Order-of-operations:
// 1. Create new transformer
// 2. Load contract addresses and their parameters
// 3. Init
// 4. Execute
// Transformer takes in config for blockchain, database, and network id
func NewTransformer(con config.ContractConfig, bc core.BlockChain, db *postgres.DB) *Transformer {
return &Transformer{
Poller: poller.NewPoller(bc, db, types.HeaderSync),
Fetcher: fetcher.NewFetcher(bc),
Parser: parser.NewParser(con.Network),
HeaderRepository: repository.NewHeaderRepository(db),
Retriever: retriever.NewBlockRetriever(db),
Converter: &converter.Converter{},
Contracts: map[string]*contract.Contract{},
EventRepository: srep.NewEventRepository(db, types.HeaderSync),
Config: con,
// Use after creating and setting transformer
// Loops over all of the addr => filter sets
// Uses parser to pull event info from abi
// Use this info to generate event filters
func (tr *Transformer) Init() error {
// Initialize internally configured transformer settings
tr.contractAddresses = make([]string, 0) // Holds all contract addresses, for batch fetching of logs
tr.sortedEventIds = make(map[string][]string) // Map to sort event column ids by contract, for post fetch processing and persisting of logs
tr.sortedMethodIds = make(map[string][]string) // Map to sort method column ids by contract, for post fetch method polling
tr.eventIds = make([]string, 0) // Holds event column ids across all contract, for batch fetching of headers
tr.eventFilters = make([]common.Hash, 0) // Holds topic0 hashes across all contracts, for batch fetching of logs
tr.Start = 100000000000
// Iterate through all internal contract addresses
for contractAddr := range tr.Config.Addresses {
// Configure Abi
if tr.Config.Abis[contractAddr] == "" {
// If no abi is given in the config, this method will try fetching from internal look-up table and etherscan
parseErr := tr.Parser.Parse(contractAddr)
if parseErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error parsing contract by address: %s", parseErr.Error())
} else {
// If we have an abi from the config, load that into the parser
parseErr := tr.Parser.ParseAbiStr(tr.Config.Abis[contractAddr])
if parseErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error parsing contract abi: %s", parseErr.Error())
// Get first block and most recent block number in the header repo
firstBlock, retrieveErr := tr.Retriever.RetrieveFirstBlock()
if retrieveErr != nil {
if retrieveErr == sql.ErrNoRows {
firstBlock = 0
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("error retrieving first block: %s", retrieveErr.Error())
// Set to specified range if it falls within the bounds
if firstBlock < tr.Config.StartingBlocks[contractAddr] {
firstBlock = tr.Config.StartingBlocks[contractAddr]
// Get contract name if it has one
var name = new(string)
pollingErr := tr.Poller.FetchContractData(tr.Parser.Abi(), contractAddr, "name", nil, name, -1)
if pollingErr != nil {
// can't return this error because "name" might not exist on the contract
logrus.Warnf("error fetching contract data: %s", pollingErr.Error())
// Remove any potential accidental duplicate inputs
eventArgs := map[string]bool{}
for _, arg := range tr.Config.EventArgs[contractAddr] {
eventArgs[arg] = true
methodArgs := map[string]bool{}
for _, arg := range tr.Config.MethodArgs[contractAddr] {
methodArgs[arg] = true
// Aggregate info into contract object and store for execution
con := contract.Contract{
Name: *name,
Network: tr.Config.Network,
Address: contractAddr,
Abi: tr.Parser.Abi(),
ParsedAbi: tr.Parser.ParsedAbi(),
StartingBlock: firstBlock,
Events: tr.Parser.GetEvents(tr.Config.Events[contractAddr]),
Methods: tr.Parser.GetSelectMethods(tr.Config.Methods[contractAddr]),
FilterArgs: eventArgs,
MethodArgs: methodArgs,
Piping: tr.Config.Piping[contractAddr],
tr.Contracts[contractAddr] = con
tr.contractAddresses = append(tr.contractAddresses, con.Address)
// Create checked_headers columns for each event id and append to list of all event ids
tr.sortedEventIds[con.Address] = make([]string, 0, len(con.Events))
for _, event := range con.Events {
eventId := strings.ToLower(event.Name + "_" + con.Address)
addColumnErr := tr.HeaderRepository.AddCheckColumn(eventId)
if addColumnErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error adding check column: %s", addColumnErr.Error())
// Keep track of this event id; sorted and unsorted
tr.sortedEventIds[con.Address] = append(tr.sortedEventIds[con.Address], eventId)
tr.eventIds = append(tr.eventIds, eventId)
// Append this event sig to the filters
tr.eventFilters = append(tr.eventFilters, event.Sig())
// Create checked_headers columns for each method id and append list of all method ids
tr.sortedMethodIds[con.Address] = make([]string, 0, len(con.Methods))
for _, m := range con.Methods {
methodId := strings.ToLower(m.Name + "_" + con.Address)
addColumnErr := tr.HeaderRepository.AddCheckColumn(methodId)
if addColumnErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error adding check column: %s", addColumnErr.Error())
tr.sortedMethodIds[con.Address] = append(tr.sortedMethodIds[con.Address], methodId)
// Update start to the lowest block
if con.StartingBlock < tr.Start {
tr.Start = con.StartingBlock
return nil
func (tr *Transformer) Execute() error {
if len(tr.Contracts) == 0 {
return errors.New("error: transformer has no initialized contracts")
// Find unchecked headers for all events across all contracts; these are returned in asc order
missingHeaders, missingHeadersErr := tr.HeaderRepository.MissingHeadersForAll(tr.Start, -1, tr.eventIds)
if missingHeadersErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error getting missing headers: %s", missingHeadersErr.Error())
// Iterate over headers
for _, header := range missingHeaders {
// Set `start` to this header
// This way if we throw an error but don't bring the execution cycle down (how it is currently handled)
// we restart the cycle at this header
tr.Start = header.BlockNumber
// Map to sort batch fetched logs by which contract they belong to, for post fetch processing
sortedLogs := make(map[string][]gethTypes.Log)
// And fetch all event logs across contracts at this header
allLogs, fetchErr := tr.Fetcher.FetchLogs(tr.contractAddresses, tr.eventFilters, header)
if fetchErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error fetching logs: %s", fetchErr.Error())
// If no logs are found mark the header checked for all of these eventIDs
// and continue to method polling and onto the next iteration
if len(allLogs) < 1 {
markCheckedErr := tr.HeaderRepository.MarkHeaderCheckedForAll(header.Id, tr.eventIds)
if markCheckedErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error marking header checked: %s", markCheckedErr.Error())
pollingErr := tr.methodPolling(header, tr.sortedMethodIds)
if pollingErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error polling methods: %s", pollingErr.Error())
tr.Start = header.BlockNumber + 1 // Empty header; setup to start at the next header
logrus.Tracef("no logs found for block %d, continuing", header.BlockNumber)
// Sort logs by the contract they belong to
for _, log := range allLogs {
addr := strings.ToLower(log.Address.Hex())
sortedLogs[addr] = append(sortedLogs[addr], log)
// Process logs for each contract
for conAddr, logs := range sortedLogs {
if logs == nil {
logrus.Tracef("no logs found for contract %s at block %d, continuing", conAddr, header.BlockNumber)
// Configure converter with this contract
con := tr.Contracts[conAddr]
// Convert logs into batches of log mappings (eventName => []types.Logs
convertedLogs, convertErr := tr.Converter.ConvertBatch(logs, con.Events, header.Id)
if convertErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error converting logs: %s", convertErr.Error())
// Cycle through each type of event log and persist them
for eventName, logs := range convertedLogs {
// If logs for this event are empty, mark them checked at this header and continue
if len(logs) < 1 {
eventId := strings.ToLower(eventName + "_" + con.Address)
markCheckedErr := tr.HeaderRepository.MarkHeaderChecked(header.Id, eventId)
if markCheckedErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error marking header checked: %s", markCheckedErr.Error())
logrus.Tracef("no logs found for event %s on contract %s at block %d, continuing", eventName, conAddr, header.BlockNumber)
// If logs aren't empty, persist them
// Header is marked checked in the transactions
persistErr := tr.EventRepository.PersistLogs(logs, con.Events[eventName], con.Address, con.Name)
if persistErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error persisting logs: %s", persistErr.Error())
// Poll contracts at this block height
pollingErr := tr.methodPolling(header, tr.sortedMethodIds)
if pollingErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error polling methods: %s", pollingErr.Error())
// Success; setup to start at the next header
tr.Start = header.BlockNumber + 1
return nil
// Used to poll contract methods at a given header
func (tr *Transformer) methodPolling(header core.Header, sortedMethodIds map[string][]string) error {
for _, con := range tr.Contracts {
// Skip method polling processes if no methods are specified
// Also don't try to poll methods below this contract's specified starting block
if len(con.Methods) == 0 || header.BlockNumber < con.StartingBlock {
logrus.Tracef("not polling contract: %s", con.Address)
// Poll all methods for this contract at this header
pollingErr := tr.Poller.PollContractAt(*con, header.BlockNumber)
if pollingErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error polling contract %s: %s", con.Address, pollingErr.Error())
// Mark this header checked for the methods
markCheckedErr := tr.HeaderRepository.MarkHeaderCheckedForAll(header.Id, sortedMethodIds[con.Address])
if markCheckedErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error marking header checked: %s", markCheckedErr.Error())
return nil
func (tr *Transformer) GetConfig() config.ContractConfig {
return tr.Config