#!/bin/sh # Runs the db migrations and starts the seed node services # Exit if the variable tests fail set -e # Check the database variables are set test $VDB_PG_NAME test $VDB_PG_HOSTNAME test $VDB_PG_PORT test $VDB_PG_USER set +e # Export our database variables so that the IPFS Postgres plugin can use them export IPFS_PGHOST=$VDB_PG_HOSTNAME export IPFS_PGUSER=$VDB_PG_USER export IPFS_PGDATABASE=$VDB_PG_NAME export IPFS_PGPORT=$VDB_PG_PORT export IPFS_PGPASSWORD=$VDB_PG_PASSWORD # Construct the connection string for postgres VDB_PG_CONNECT=postgresql://$VDB_PG_USER:$VDB_PG_PASSWORD@$VDB_PG_HOSTNAME:$VDB_PG_PORT/$VDB_PG_NAME?sslmode=disable # Run the DB migrations echo "Connecting with: $VDB_PG_CONNECT" echo "Running database migrations" ./goose -dir migrations/vulcanizedb postgres "$VDB_PG_CONNECT" up # If the db migrations ran without err if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # Initialize PG-IPFS echo "Initializing Postgres-IPFS profile" ./ipfs init --profile=postgresds else echo "Could not run migrations. Are the database details correct?" exit fi # If IPFS initialization was successful if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # Begin the state-diffing Geth process echo "Beginning the state-diffing Geth process" ./geth --statediff --statediff.streamblock --ws --syncmode=full 2>&1 | tee -a log.txt & sleep 1 else echo "Could not initialize Postgres backed IPFS profile. Are the database details correct?" exit fi # If Geth startup was successful if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # Wait until block synchronisation has begun echo "Waiting for block synchronization to begin" ( tail -f -n0 log.txt & ) | grep -q "Block synchronisation started" # this blocks til we see "Block synchronisation started" # And then spin up the syncPublishScreenAndServe Vulcanizedb service echo "Beginning the syncPublishScreenAndServe vulcanizedb process" ./vulcanizedb syncPublishScreenAndServe --config=config.toml 2>&1 | tee -a log.txt & else echo "Could not initialize Postgres backed IPFS profile. Are the database details correct?" exit fi # If Vulcanizedb startup was successful if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Seed node successfully booted" else echo "Could not start vulcanizedb syncPublishScreenAndServe process. Is the config file correct?" exit fi wait