# Vulcanize GraphQL API This application utilizes Postgraphile to expose GraphQL endpoints for exposure of the varied data that VulcanizeDB tracks. ## Docker use _Note: currently this image is ~500MB large (unpacked)_ Build the docker image in this directory. Start the `GraphiQL` frontend by: * Setting the env variables for the database connection: `DATABASE_HOST`, `DATABASE_NAME`, `DATABASE_USER`, `DATABASE_PASSWORD` (and optionally `DATABASE_PORT` if running on non-standard port). * The specified user needs to be `superuser` on the vulcanizeDB database, so postgraphile can setup watch fixtures keeping track of live schema changes. * To limit the amount of available queries in GraphQL, a restricted user can be used for postgraphile introspection by adding env variables `GQ_USER` and `GQ_PASSWORD`. * By doing `GRANT [SELECT | EXECUTE]` on tables/functions for this user, you can selectively assign things you want available in GraphQL. * You still need to pass in a superuser with `DATABASE_USER` & `DATABASE_PASSWORD` for for the postgraphile watch fixtures to work. * By default, postgraphile publishes the `public` schema. This can be expanded with for example `GQ_SCHEMAS=public,maker` * Run the container (ex. `docker run -e DATABASE_HOST=localhost -e DATABASE_NAME=my_database -e DATABASE_USER=superuser -e DATABASE_PASSWORD=superuser -e GQ_USER=graphql -e GQ_PASSWORD=graphql -e GQ_SCHEMAS=public,anotherSchema -d my-postgraphile-image`) * GraphiQL frontend is available at `:3000/graphiql` GraphQL endpoint is available at `:3000/graphql` By default, this build will expose only the "public" schema - to add other schemas, use either the env variables, or a config file `config.toml` and set the env var `CONFIG_PATH` to point to its location. Example `toml`: ``` [database] name = "vulcanize_public" hostname = "localhost" port = 5432 gq_schemas = ["public", "yourschema"] gq_user = "graphql" gq_password = "graphql" ``` ## Building *This application assumes the use of the [Yarn package manager](https://yarnpkg.com/en/). The use of npm may produce unexpected results.* Install dependencies with `yarn` and execute `yarn build`. The bundle produced by Webpack will be present in `build/dist/`. ## Running Provide the built bundle to node as a runnable script: `node ./build/dist/vulcanize-postgraphile-server.js` ## Testing Tests are executed via Jasmine with a console reporter via the `yarn test` task.