collected from watched events; 'MissingMethodsCheckedEventsIntersection'
method to find headers which have been checked for each event of
interest but methods have not yet been polled at that header; tests for
new features; travis ci go version 1.9 -> 1.11 ; consolidate omniWatcher and lightOmniWatcher into single command with light as default
towards generic method polling and reposito;y; config settings to
filterevents/methods by account address; refactoring some stuff out of
repo and into converter; remove fetcher and instead call
blockchain's FetchContractData directly; finishing tests
- Only syncs block headers (excludes block bodies, transactions, receipts, and logs)
- Modifies validation window to include the most recent block
- Isolates validation window to the variable defined in the cmd directory (blocks
have a separate variable defined in the block_repository for determining when
to set a block as final)
= Add eth_node_fingerprint to block that can be imitated by both hot and cold imports
- Only sync missing blocks (blocks that are missing or don't share a fingerprint) on cold import
- Set block is_final status after import