forked from cerc-io/ipld-eth-server
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273 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2015 Arista Networks, Inc.
// Use of this source code is governed by the Apache License 2.0
// that can be found in the COPYING file.
package test
import (
// diffable types have a method that returns the diff
// of two objects
type diffable interface {
// Diff returns a human readable string of the diff of the two objects
// an empty string means that the two objects are equal
Diff(other interface{}) string
// Diff returns the difference of two objects in a human readable format.
// An empty string is returned when there is no difference.
// To avoid confusing diffs, make sure you pass the expected value first.
func Diff(expected, actual interface{}) string {
if DeepEqual(expected, actual) {
return ""
return diffImpl(expected, actual, nil)
func diffImpl(a, b interface{}, seen map[edge]struct{}) string {
av := reflect.ValueOf(a)
bv := reflect.ValueOf(b)
// Check if nil
if !av.IsValid() {
if !bv.IsValid() {
return "" // Both are "nil" with no type
return fmt.Sprintf("expected nil but got a %T: %#v", b, b)
} else if !bv.IsValid() {
return fmt.Sprintf("expected a %T (%#v) but got nil", a, a)
if av.Type() != bv.Type() {
return fmt.Sprintf("expected a %T but got a %T", a, b)
switch a := a.(type) {
case string, bool,
int8, int16, int32, int64,
uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64,
float32, float64,
complex64, complex128,
int, uint, uintptr:
if a != b {
typ := reflect.TypeOf(a).Name()
return fmt.Sprintf("%s(%v) != %s(%v)", typ, a, typ, b)
return ""
case []byte:
if !bytes.Equal(a, b.([]byte)) {
return fmt.Sprintf("[]byte(%q) != []byte(%q)", a, b)
if ac, ok := a.(diffable); ok {
return ac.Diff(b.(diffable))
if ac, ok := a.(key.Comparable); ok {
if ac.Equal(b.(key.Comparable)) {
return ""
return fmt.Sprintf("Comparable types are different: %s vs %s",
PrettyPrint(a), PrettyPrint(b))
switch av.Kind() {
case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice:
l := av.Len()
if l != bv.Len() {
return fmt.Sprintf("Expected an array of size %d but got %d",
l, bv.Len())
for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
diff := diffImpl(av.Index(i).Interface(), bv.Index(i).Interface(),
if len(diff) > 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("In arrays, values are different at index %d: %s", i, diff)
case reflect.Map:
if c, d := isNilCheck(av, bv); c {
return d
if av.Len() != bv.Len() {
return fmt.Sprintf("Maps have different size: %d != %d (%s)",
av.Len(), bv.Len(), diffMapKeys(av, bv))
for _, ka := range av.MapKeys() {
ae := av.MapIndex(ka)
if k := ka.Kind(); k == reflect.Ptr || k == reflect.Interface {
return diffComplexKeyMap(av, bv, seen)
be := bv.MapIndex(ka)
if !be.IsValid() {
return fmt.Sprintf(
"key %s in map is missing in the actual map",
prettyPrint(ka, ptrSet{}, prettyPrintDepth))
if !ae.CanInterface() {
return fmt.Sprintf(
"for key %s in map, value can't become an interface: %s",
prettyPrint(ka, ptrSet{}, prettyPrintDepth),
prettyPrint(ae, ptrSet{}, prettyPrintDepth))
if !be.CanInterface() {
return fmt.Sprintf(
"for key %s in map, value can't become an interface: %s",
prettyPrint(ka, ptrSet{}, prettyPrintDepth),
prettyPrint(be, ptrSet{}, prettyPrintDepth))
if diff := diffImpl(ae.Interface(), be.Interface(), seen); len(diff) > 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf(
"for key %s in map, values are different: %s",
prettyPrint(ka, ptrSet{}, prettyPrintDepth), diff)
case reflect.Ptr, reflect.Interface:
if c, d := isNilCheck(av, bv); c {
return d
av = av.Elem()
bv = bv.Elem()
if av.CanAddr() && bv.CanAddr() {
e := edge{from: av.UnsafeAddr(), to: bv.UnsafeAddr()}
// Detect and prevent cycles.
if seen == nil {
seen = make(map[edge]struct{})
} else if _, ok := seen[e]; ok {
return ""
seen[e] = struct{}{}
return diffImpl(av.Interface(), bv.Interface(), seen)
case reflect.Struct:
typ := av.Type()
for i, n := 0, av.NumField(); i < n; i++ {
if typ.Field(i).Tag.Get("deepequal") == "ignore" {
af := areflect.ForceExport(av.Field(i))
bf := areflect.ForceExport(bv.Field(i))
if diff := diffImpl(af.Interface(), bf.Interface(), seen); len(diff) > 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("attributes %q are different: %s",
av.Type().Field(i).Name, diff)
// The following cases are here to handle named types (aka type aliases).
case reflect.String:
if as, bs := av.String(), bv.String(); as != bs {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s(%q) != %s(%q)", av.Type().Name(), as, bv.Type().Name(), bs)
case reflect.Bool:
if ab, bb := av.Bool(), bv.Bool(); ab != bb {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s(%t) != %s(%t)", av.Type().Name(), ab, bv.Type().Name(), bb)
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uintptr,
reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
if ai, bi := av.Uint(), bv.Uint(); ai != bi {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s(%d) != %s(%d)", av.Type().Name(), ai, bv.Type().Name(), bi)
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
if ai, bi := av.Int(), bv.Int(); ai != bi {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s(%d) != %s(%d)", av.Type().Name(), ai, bv.Type().Name(), bi)
case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
if af, bf := av.Float(), bv.Float(); af != bf {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s(%f) != %s(%f)", av.Type().Name(), af, bv.Type().Name(), bf)
case reflect.Complex64, reflect.Complex128:
if ac, bc := av.Complex(), bv.Complex(); ac != bc {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s(%f) != %s(%f)", av.Type().Name(), ac, bv.Type().Name(), bc)
return fmt.Sprintf("Unknown or unsupported type: %T: %#v", a, a)
return ""
func diffComplexKeyMap(av, bv reflect.Value, seen map[edge]struct{}) string {
ok, ka, be := complexKeyMapEqual(av, bv, seen)
if ok {
return ""
} else if be.IsValid() {
return fmt.Sprintf("for complex key %s in map, values are different: %s",
prettyPrint(ka, ptrSet{}, prettyPrintDepth),
diffImpl(av.MapIndex(ka).Interface(), be.Interface(), seen))
return fmt.Sprintf("complex key %s in map is missing in the actual map",
prettyPrint(ka, ptrSet{}, prettyPrintDepth))
func diffMapKeys(av, bv reflect.Value) string {
var diffs []string
// TODO: We produce extraneous diffs for composite keys.
for _, ka := range av.MapKeys() {
be := bv.MapIndex(ka)
if !be.IsValid() {
diffs = append(diffs, fmt.Sprintf("missing key: %s",
for _, kb := range bv.MapKeys() {
ae := av.MapIndex(kb)
if !ae.IsValid() {
diffs = append(diffs, fmt.Sprintf("extra key: %s",
return strings.Join(diffs, ", ")
func isNilCheck(a, b reflect.Value) (bool /*checked*/, string) {
if a.IsNil() {
if b.IsNil() {
return true, ""
return true, fmt.Sprintf("expected nil but got %s",
prettyPrint(b, ptrSet{}, prettyPrintDepth))
} else if b.IsNil() {
return true, fmt.Sprintf("got nil instead of %s",
prettyPrint(a, ptrSet{}, prettyPrintDepth))
return false, ""
type mapEntry struct {
k, v string
type mapEntries struct {
entries []*mapEntry
func (t *mapEntries) Len() int {
return len(t.entries)
func (t *mapEntries) Less(i, j int) bool {
if t.entries[i].k > t.entries[j].k {
return false
} else if t.entries[i].k < t.entries[j].k {
return true
return t.entries[i].v <= t.entries[j].v
func (t *mapEntries) Swap(i, j int) {
t.entries[i], t.entries[j] = t.entries[j], t.entries[i]