# fixturenet-optimism (L2-only) Instructions to setup and deploy L2 fixturenet using [Optimism](https://stack.optimism.io) Prerequisite: An L1 Ethereum RPC endpoint (with unprotected txs enabled) ## Setup Clone the stack repo: ```bash laconic-so fetch-stack git.vdb.to/cerc-io/fixturenet-optimism-stack ``` Clone required repositories: ```bash laconic-so --stack ~/cerc/fixturenet-optimism-stack/stack/fixturenet-optimism setup-repositories # If this throws an error as a result of being already checked out to a branch/tag in a repo, remove concerned repositories and re-run the command ``` Build the container images: ```bash laconic-so --stack ~/cerc/fixturenet-optimism-stack/stack/fixturenet-optimism build-containers ``` This should create the required docker images in the local image registry: * `cerc/optimism-contracts` * `cerc/optimism-l2geth` * `cerc/optimism-op-node` * `cerc/optimism-op-batcher` * `cerc/optimism-op-proposer` ## Create a deployment First, create a spec file for the deployment, which will map the stack's ports and volumes to the host: ```bash laconic-so --stack ~/cerc/fixturenet-optimism-stack/stack/fixturenet-optimism deploy init --map-ports-to-host any-fixed-random --output fixturenet-optimism-spec.yml ``` ### Ports and Data volumes The default port and volume mappings to host can be customized by editing the "spec" file generated by `laconic-so deploy init` --- Once you've made any needed changes to the spec file, create a deployment from it: ```bash laconic-so --stack ~/cerc/fixturenet-optimism-stack/stack/fixturenet-optimism deploy create --spec-file fixturenet-optimism-spec.yml --deployment-dir fixturenet-optimism-deployment ``` ## Set chain env variables Inside the deployment directory, open the file `config.env` and add the following variables to point the stack at your L1 rpc and provide account credentials ([defaults](../../config/fixturenet-optimism/l1-params.env)): ```bash # External L1 endpoint CERC_L1_CHAIN_ID= CERC_L1_RPC= CERC_L1_HOST= CERC_L1_PORT= # URL to get CSV with credentials for accounts on L1 # that are used to send balance to Optimism Proxy contract # (enables them to do transactions on L2) CERC_L1_ACCOUNTS_CSV_URL= # OR # Specify the required account credentials for the Admin account # Other generated accounts will be funded from this account, so it should contain ~20 Eth CERC_L1_ADDRESS= CERC_L1_PRIV_KEY= ``` * NOTE: If L1 is running on the host machine, use `host.docker.internal` as the hostname to access the host port, or use the `ip a` command to find the IP address of the `docker0` interface (this will usually be something like `` or ``) ## Start the stack Start the deployment: ```bash laconic-so deployment --dir fixturenet-optimism-deployment start ``` 1. The stack will check for a response from the L1 endpoint specified in your env file 2. The `fixturenet-optimism-contracts` service will configure and deploy the Optimism contracts to L1, exiting when complete. This may take several minutes; you can follow the progress by following the container's logs (see below) 3. The `op-node` and `op-geth` services will initialize themselves (if not already initialized) and start 4. The remaining services, `op-batcher` and `op-proposer` will start ### Logs To list and monitor the running containers: ```bash laconic-so --stack fixturenet-optimism deploy ps # With status docker ps # Check logs for a container docker logs -f ``` ## Example Try out the [example](./README.md#example-bridge-some-eth-from-l1-to-l2) to bridge ETH from L1 to L2 Note: Use external L1 endpoint as `L1_RPC` and add flag `--add-host="host.docker.internal:host-gateway"` to `docker run` commands if necessary ## Clean up To stop all L2 services running in the background, while preserving chain data: ```bash laconic-so deployment --dir fixturenet-optimism-deployment stop ``` To stop all L2 services and also delete chain data: ```bash laconic-so deployment --dir fixturenet-optimism-deployment stop --delete-volumes ``` ## Troubleshooting See [Troubleshooting](./README.md#troubleshooting)