Merge pull request 'style: laconic colors' (#12) from cfbender/snowballtools-base:style/laconic-colors into staging
Reviewed-on: cerc-io/snowballtools-base#12
@ -1,19 +1,21 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
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@ -1 +1,10 @@
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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"name": "Snowball Tools Dashboard",
"name": "Laconic Tools Dashboard",
"short_name": "snowball tools",
"short_name": "snowball tools",
"icons": [
"icons": [
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';
import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';
import { Heading } from './shared/Heading';
interface LogoProps {
interface LogoProps {
orgSlug?: string;
orgSlug?: string;
@ -9,14 +8,7 @@ export const Logo = ({ orgSlug }: LogoProps) => {
return (
return (
<Link to={`/${orgSlug}`}>
<Link to={`/${orgSlug}`}>
<div className="flex items-center gap-3 px-0 lg:px-2">
<div className="flex items-center gap-3 px-0 lg:px-2">
<img src="/logo.svg" alt="Snowball Logo" />
alt="Snowball Logo"
className="lg:h-10 lg:w-10 h-8 w-8 rounded-lg"
<Heading className="lg:text-[24px] text-[19px] font-semibold">
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ const SearchBar: React.ForwardRefRenderFunction<
return (
return (
<div className="relative flex w-full">
<div className="relative flex w-full">
leftIcon={<SearchIcon />}
leftIcon={<SearchIcon className="text-foreground-secondary" />}
@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ const Stepper = ({ activeStep, stepperValues }: StepperProps) => {
className={`text-sm ${
className={`text-sm ${
activeStep === stepperValue.step
activeStep === stepperValue.step
? 'text-black font-semibold'
? 'text-black font-semibold dark:text-foreground'
: 'text-gray-600'
: 'text-gray-600 dark:text-foreground-secondary'
@ -4,7 +4,9 @@ export const projectCardTheme = tv({
slots: {
slots: {
wrapper: [
wrapper: [
@ -17,10 +19,16 @@ export const projectCardTheme = tv({
description: ['text-xs', 'text-elements-low-em', 'truncate'],
description: [
icons: ['flex', 'items-center', 'gap-1'],
icons: ['flex', 'items-center', 'gap-1'],
lowerContent: [
lowerContent: [
@ -32,6 +40,7 @@ export const projectCardTheme = tv({
latestDeployment: ['flex', 'items-center', 'gap-2'],
latestDeployment: ['flex', 'items-center', 'gap-2'],
deploymentStatusContainer: [
deploymentStatusContainer: [
@ -42,10 +51,15 @@ export const projectCardTheme = tv({
deploymentStatus: ['w-1', 'h-1', 'rounded-full'],
deploymentStatus: ['w-1', 'h-1', 'rounded-full'],
deploymentName: ['text-xs', 'text-elements-low-em'],
deploymentName: [
deploymentText: [
deploymentText: [
@ -53,9 +67,11 @@ export const projectCardTheme = tv({
wavyBorder: [
wavyBorder: [
variants: {
variants: {
@ -67,7 +83,7 @@ export const projectCardTheme = tv({
deploymentStatus: ['bg-orange-400'],
deploymentStatus: ['bg-orange-400'],
failure: {
failure: {
deploymentStatus: ['bg-rose-500'],
deploymentStatus: ['bg-error'],
pending: {
pending: {
deploymentStatus: ['bg-gray-500'],
deploymentStatus: ['bg-gray-500'],
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ export const ProjectCard = ({
{/* Icons */}
{/* Icons */}
<div className={theme.icons()}>
<div className={theme.icons()}>
{hasError && <WarningDiamondIcon className="text-elements-danger" />}
{hasError && <WarningDiamondIcon className="text-error" />}
<Menu placement="bottom-end">
<Menu placement="bottom-end">
@ -101,12 +101,15 @@ export const ProjectCard = ({
<HorizontalDotIcon />
<HorizontalDotIcon />
<MenuList className="dark:bg-overlay3 dark:shadow-background dark:border-none">
<MenuItem onClick={navigateToSettingsOnClick}>
Project settings
Project settings
Delete project
Delete project
@ -59,12 +59,12 @@ export const ProjectSearchBar = ({ onChange }: ProjectSearchBarProps) => {
}, [fetchProjects, debouncedInputValue]);
}, [fetchProjects, debouncedInputValue]);
return (
return (
<div className="relative w-full lg:w-fit">
<div className="relative w-full lg:w-fit dark:bg-overlay">
<SearchBar {...getInputProps()} />
<SearchBar {...getInputProps()} />
{...getMenuProps({}, { suppressRefError: true })}
{...getMenuProps({}, { suppressRefError: true })}
'flex flex-col shadow-dropdown rounded-xl bg-surface-card absolute w-[459px] max-h-52 overflow-y-auto px-2 py-2 gap-1 z-50',
'flex flex-col shadow-dropdown rounded-xl dark:bg-overlay2 bg-surface-card absolute w-[459px] max-h-52 overflow-y-auto px-2 py-2 gap-1 z-50',
{ hidden: !inputValue || !isOpen },
{ hidden: !inputValue || !isOpen },
@ -13,10 +13,10 @@ export const ProjectSearchBarEmpty = ({
className={cn('flex items-center px-2 py-2 gap-3', className)}
className={cn('flex items-center px-2 py-2 gap-3', className)}
<div className="w-8 h-8 rounded-lg flex items-center justify-center bg-orange-50 text-elements-warning">
<div className="w-8 h-8 rounded-lg flex items-center justify-center bg-orange-50 text-elements-warning dark:bg-red-50 text-error">
<InfoRoundFilledIcon size={16} />
<InfoRoundFilledIcon size={16} />
<p className="text-elements-low-em text-sm tracking-[-0.006em]">
<p className="text-elements-low-em text-sm dark:text-foreground-secondary tracking-[-0.006em]">
No projects matching this name
No projects matching this name
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ import { Button } from '../../shared/Button';
import {
import {
} from '../../shared/CustomIcon';
} from '../../shared/CustomIcon';
@ -15,6 +14,7 @@ import { IconWithFrame } from '../../shared/IconWithFrame';
import { Heading } from '../../shared/Heading';
import { Heading } from '../../shared/Heading';
import { MockConnectGitCard } from './MockConnectGitCard';
import { MockConnectGitCard } from './MockConnectGitCard';
import { VITE_GITHUB_CLIENT_ID } from 'utils/constants';
import { VITE_GITHUB_CLIENT_ID } from 'utils/constants';
import { LaconicIcon } from 'components/shared/CustomIcon/LaconicIcon';
const SCOPES = 'repo user';
const SCOPES = 'repo user';
const GITHUB_OAUTH_URL = `${VITE_GITHUB_CLIENT_ID}&scope=${encodeURIComponent(SCOPES)}`;
const GITHUB_OAUTH_URL = `${VITE_GITHUB_CLIENT_ID}&scope=${encodeURIComponent(SCOPES)}`;
@ -46,20 +46,24 @@ const ConnectAccount: React.FC<ConnectAccountInterface> = ({
// TODO: Use correct height
// TODO: Use correct height
return (
return (
<div className="bg-gray-100 flex flex-col p-4 gap-7 justify-center items-center text-center text-sm h-full rounded-2xl">
<div className="dark:bg-overlay bg-gray-100 flex flex-col p-4 gap-7 justify-center items-center text-center text-sm h-full rounded-2xl">
<div className="flex flex-col items-center max-w-[420px]">
<div className="flex flex-col items-center max-w-[420px]">
{/** Icons */}
{/** Icons */}
<div className="w-52 h-16 justify-center items-center gap-4 inline-flex mb-7">
<div className="w-52 h-16 justify-center items-center gap-4 inline-flex mb-7">
<IconWithFrame icon={<GitIcon />} />
<IconWithFrame icon={<GitIcon />} hasHighlight={false} />
<EllipsesIcon className="items-center gap-1.5 flex" />
<EllipsesIcon className="items-center gap-1.5 flex" />
<IconWithFrame className="bg-blue-400" icon={<SnowballIcon />} />
icon={<LaconicIcon />}
{/** Text */}
{/** Text */}
<div className="flex flex-col gap-1.5 mb-6">
<div className="flex flex-col gap-1.5 mb-6">
<Heading className="text-xl font-medium">
<Heading className="text-xl font-medium dark:text-foreground">
Connect to your Git account
Connect to your Git account
<p className="text-center text-elements-mid-em">
<p className="text-center text-elements-mid-em dark:text-foreground-secondary">
Once connected, you can import a repository from your account or
Once connected, you can import a repository from your account or
start with one of our templates.
start with one of our templates.
@ -70,14 +74,14 @@ const ConnectAccount: React.FC<ConnectAccountInterface> = ({
onClose={() => {}}
onClose={() => {}}
className="w-full sm:w-auto"
className="w-full sm:w-auto"
leftIcon={<GithubIcon />}
leftIcon={<GithubIcon />}
Connect to GitHub
Connect to GitHub
@ -85,7 +89,7 @@ const ConnectAccount: React.FC<ConnectAccountInterface> = ({
className="w-full sm:w-auto"
className="w-full sm:w-auto"
leftIcon={<GitTeaIcon />}
leftIcon={<GitTeaIcon />}
Connect to GitTea
Connect to GitTea
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ export const MockConnectGitCard = () => {
}, [segmentedControlsValue]);
}, [segmentedControlsValue]);
return (
return (
<div className="relative bg-base-bg shadow-card rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 w-full max-w-[560px] flex flex-col gap-2">
<div className="relative dark:bg-overlay bg-base-bg shadow-card dark:shadow-background rounded-2xl px-2 py-2 w-full max-w-[560px] flex flex-col gap-2">
{/* Content */}
{/* Content */}
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ export const MockConnectGitCard = () => {
{/* Shade */}
{/* Shade */}
<div className="pointer-events-none z-99 absolute inset-0 rounded-2xl bg-gradient-to-t from-white to-transparent" />
<div className="pointer-events-none z-99 absolute inset-0 rounded-2xl bg-gradient-to-t from-white dark:from-overlay to-transparent" />
@ -121,18 +121,18 @@ const MockProjectCard = ({
visibility?: string;
visibility?: string;
}) => {
}) => {
return (
return (
<div className="group flex items-start sm:items-center gap-3 pl-3 py-3 cursor-pointer rounded-xl hover:bg-base-bg-emphasized relative">
<div className="group flex items-start sm:items-center gap-3 pl-3 py-3 cursor-pointer rounded-xl hover:bg-base-bg-emphasized dark:hover:bg-background relative">
{/* Icon container */}
{/* Icon container */}
<div className="w-10 h-10 bg-base-bg rounded-md justify-center items-center flex">
<div className="w-10 h-10 bg-base-bg dark:bg-background rounded-md justify-center items-center flex">
<GithubIcon />
<GithubIcon />
{/* Content */}
{/* Content */}
<div className="flex flex-1 gap-3 flex-wrap">
<div className="flex flex-1 gap-3 flex-wrap">
<div className="flex flex-col items-start gap-1">
<div className="flex flex-col items-start gap-1">
<p className="text-elements-high-em text-sm font-medium tracking-[-0.006em]">
<p className="text-elements-high-em text-sm dark:text-foreground font-medium tracking-[-0.006em]">
<p className="text-elements-low-em text-xs">
<p className="text-elements-low-em text-xs dark:text-foreground-secondary">
{updated_at && relativeTimeISO(updated_at)}
{updated_at && relativeTimeISO(updated_at)}
@ -149,13 +149,13 @@ const MockProjectCard = ({
const MockTemplateCard = ({ icon, name }: { icon: string; name: string }) => {
const MockTemplateCard = ({ icon, name }: { icon: string; name: string }) => {
return (
return (
<div className="flex items-center gap-3 px-3 py-3 hover:bg-base-bg-emphasized rounded-2xl group relative cursor-default">
<div className="flex items-center gap-3 px-3 py-3 hover:bg-base-bg-emphasized dark:hover:bg-background relative rounded-2xl group relative cursor-default">
{/* Icon */}
{/* Icon */}
<div className="px-1 py-1 rounded-xl bg-base-bg border border-border-interactive/10 shadow-card-sm">
<div className="px-1 py-1 rounded-xl bg-base-bg dark:bg-background border border-border-interactive/10 shadow-card-sm">
<TemplateIcon type={icon as TemplateIconType} />
<TemplateIcon type={icon as TemplateIconType} />
{/* Name */}
{/* Name */}
<p className="flex-1 text-left text-sm tracking-tighter text-elements-high-em">
<p className="flex-1 text-left text-sm tracking-tighter text-elements-high-em dark:text-foreground">
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ export const Activity = ({
<div className="flex items-center justify-between">
<div className="flex items-center justify-between">
<Heading className="text-lg leading-6 font-medium">Activity</Heading>
<Heading className="text-lg leading-6 font-medium">Activity</Heading>
<Button variant="tertiary" size="sm">
<Button variant="tertiary" size="sm">
See all
<div className="mt-5">
<div className="mt-5">
@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ import { Button, Heading, Tag } from 'components/shared';
const WAIT_DURATION = 5000;
const WAIT_DURATION = 5000;
const DIALOG_STYLE = {
const DIALOG_STYLE = {
backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0, .9)',
padding: '2em',
padding: '2em',
borderRadius: '0.5em',
borderRadius: '0.5em',
marginLeft: '0.5em',
marginLeft: '0.5em',
@ -86,27 +85,27 @@ export const AuctionCard = ({ project }: { project: Project }) => {
return (
return (
<div className="p-3 gap-2 rounded-xl border border-gray-200 transition-colors hover:bg-base-bg-alternate flex flex-col mt-8">
<div className="p-3 gap-2 rounded-xl border dark:border-overlay3 border-gray-200 transition-colors hover:bg-base-bg-alternate dark:hover:bg-overlay3 flex flex-col mt-8">
<div className="flex justify-between items-center">
<div className="flex justify-between items-center">
<Heading className="text-lg leading-6 font-medium">
<Heading className="text-lg leading-6 font-medium">
Auction details
Auction details
<Button onClick={handleOpenDialog} variant="tertiary" size="sm">
<Button onClick={handleOpenDialog} variant="tertiary" size="sm">
View details
<div className="flex justify-between items-center mt-2">
<div className="flex justify-between items-center mt-2">
<span className="text-elements-high-em text-sm font-medium tracking-tight">
<span className="text-elements-high-em dark:text-foreground-secondary text-sm font-medium tracking-tight">
Auction Id
Auction Id
<span className="text-elements-mid-em text-sm text-right">
<span className="text-elements-mid-em dark:text-foreground text-sm text-right">
<div className="flex justify-between items-center mt-1">
<div className="flex justify-between items-center mt-1">
<span className="text-elements-high-em text-sm font-medium tracking-tight">
<span className="text-elements-high-em dark:text-foreground-secondary text-sm font-medium tracking-tight">
Auction Status
Auction Status
<div className="ml-2">{renderAuctionStatus()}</div>
<div className="ml-2">{renderAuctionStatus()}</div>
@ -116,17 +115,20 @@ export const AuctionCard = ({ project }: { project: Project }) => {
{deployers?.length > 0 ? (
{deployers?.length > 0 ? (
<span className="text-elements-high-em text-sm font-medium tracking-tight">
<span className="text-elements-high-em dark:text-foreground-secondary text-sm font-medium tracking-tight">
Deployer LRNs
Deployer LRNs
{, index) => (
{, index) => (
<p key={index} className="text-elements-mid-em text-sm">
className="text-elements-mid-em dark:text-foreground text-sm"
{'\u2022'} {deployer.deployerLrn}
{'\u2022'} {deployer.deployerLrn}
<div className="flex justify-between items-center mt-1">
<div className="flex justify-between items-center mt-1">
<span className="text-elements-high-em text-sm font-medium tracking-tight">
<span className="text-elements-high-em dark:text-foreground-secondary text-sm font-medium tracking-tight">
Deployer Funds Status
Deployer Funds Status
<div className="ml-2">
<div className="ml-2">
@ -141,7 +143,7 @@ export const AuctionCard = ({ project }: { project: Project }) => {
) : (
) : (
<div className="mt-3">
<div className="mt-3">
<span className="text-elements-high-em text-sm font-medium tracking-tight">
<span className="text-elements-high-em dark:text-foreground-secondary text-sm font-medium tracking-tight">
No winning deployers
No winning deployers
@ -155,15 +157,24 @@ export const AuctionCard = ({ project }: { project: Project }) => {
className: 'dark:bg-overlay2',
<DialogTitle>Auction Details</DialogTitle>
<DialogTitle className="dark:text-foreground">
Auction Details
<DialogContent style={DIALOG_STYLE}>
<DialogContent style={DIALOG_STYLE}>
{auctionDetails && (
{auctionDetails && (
<pre>{JSON.stringify(auctionDetails, null, 2)}</pre>
<pre className="dark:text-foreground-secondary">
{JSON.stringify(auctionDetails, null, 2)}
<Button onClick={handleCloseDialog}>Close</Button>
<Button onClick={handleCloseDialog} shape="default">
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ export const OverviewInfo = ({
return (
return (
<div className="flex justify-between gap-2 py-3 text-sm items-center">
<div className="flex justify-between gap-2 py-3 text-sm items-center">
<div className="flex gap-2 items-center text-elements-high-em">
<div className="flex gap-2 items-center text-elements-high-em dark:text-foreground-secondary">
@ -93,11 +93,11 @@ const AddMemberDialog = ({
<Button onClick={handleOpen} variant="secondary">
<Button onClick={handleOpen} variant="danger" shape="default">
<Button type="submit" disabled={!isValid}>
<Button type="submit" disabled={!isValid} shape="default">
Send invite
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ const DisplayEnvironmentVariables = ({
return (
return (
className="flex gap-4 p-2"
className="flex gap-4 p-2 dark:text-foreground"
onClick={() => setOpenCollapse((cur) => !cur)}
onClick={() => setOpenCollapse((cur) => !cur)}
{openCollapse ? <ChevronUpSmallIcon /> : <ChevronDownSmallIcon />}
{openCollapse ? <ChevronUpSmallIcon /> : <ChevronDownSmallIcon />}
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ const DisplayEnvironmentVariables = ({
<Collapse open={openCollapse}>
<Collapse open={openCollapse}>
{variables.length === 0 ? (
{variables.length === 0 ? (
<div className="bg-slate-100 rounded-xl flex-col p-4">
<div className="bg-slate-100 dark:bg-overlay2 dark:text-foreground rounded-xl flex-col p-4">
No environment variables added yet. Once you add them, they'll show
No environment variables added yet. Once you add them, they'll show
up here.
up here.
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ const MemberCard = ({
return (
return (
className={`flex py-1 items-center ${!isFirstCard && 'mt-1 border-t border-gray-300'}`}
className={`flex py-1 items-center ${!isFirstCard && 'mt-1 border-t border-gray-300'} dark:text-foreground`}
<div className="basis-1/2">
<div className="basis-1/2">
{ && (
{ && (
@ -102,8 +102,8 @@ const SetupDomain = () => {
<div className="self-stretch">
<div className="self-stretch">
<Button disabled={!isValid} type="submit">
<Button disabled={!isValid} type="submit" shape="default">
@ -30,7 +30,12 @@ export const avatarTheme = tv(
fallback: ['text-elements-warning', 'bg-base-bg-emphasized-warning'],
fallback: ['text-elements-warning', 'bg-base-bg-emphasized-warning'],
blue: {
blue: {
fallback: ['text-elements-info', 'bg-base-bg-emphasized-info'],
fallback: [
size: {
size: {
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ export const buttonTheme = tv(
variants: {
variants: {
size: {
size: {
@ -28,7 +29,7 @@ export const buttonTheme = tv(
true: 'w-full',
true: 'w-full',
shape: {
shape: {
default: 'rounded-lg',
default: 'rounded',
rounded: 'rounded-full',
rounded: 'rounded-full',
iconOnly: {
iconOnly: {
@ -39,21 +40,21 @@ export const buttonTheme = tv(
secondary: [
secondary: [
@ -77,10 +78,12 @@ export const buttonTheme = tv(
ghost: [
ghost: [
@ -93,7 +96,7 @@ export const buttonTheme = tv(
@ -40,11 +40,11 @@ abbr[title] {
.react-calendar__tile {
.react-calendar__tile {
@apply h-12 w-12 text-elements-high-em;
@apply h-12 w-12 text-elements-high-em dark:text-foreground;
.react-calendar__tile:hover {
.react-calendar__tile:hover {
@apply bg-base-bg-emphasized rounded-lg;
@apply bg-base-bg-emphasized dark:bg-overlay3 rounded-lg;
.react-calendar__tile:focus-visible {
.react-calendar__tile:focus-visible {
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ abbr[title] {
.react-calendar__tile--now {
.react-calendar__tile--now {
@apply bg-base-bg-emphasized text-elements-high-em rounded-lg;
@apply bg-base-bg-emphasized dark:bg-overlay3 text-elements-high-em rounded-lg;
.react-calendar__tile--now:hover {
.react-calendar__tile--now:hover {
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ abbr[title] {
/* Range -- START */
/* Range -- START */
.react-calendar__tile--range {
.react-calendar__tile--range {
@apply bg-controls-secondary text-elements-on-secondary rounded-none;
@apply bg-controls-secondary dark:bg-overlay3 text-elements-on-secondary rounded-none;
.react-calendar__tile--range:hover {
.react-calendar__tile--range:hover {
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ abbr[title] {
.react-calendar__tile--rangeStart {
.react-calendar__tile--rangeStart {
@apply bg-controls-primary text-elements-on-primary rounded-lg;
@apply bg-controls-primary dark:bg-primary text-elements-on-primary rounded-lg;
.react-calendar__tile--rangeStart:hover {
.react-calendar__tile--rangeStart:hover {
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ abbr[title] {
.react-calendar__tile--rangeEnd {
.react-calendar__tile--rangeEnd {
@apply bg-controls-primary text-elements-on-primary rounded-lg;
@apply bg-controls-primary dark:bg-primary text-elements-on-primary rounded-lg;
.react-calendar__tile--rangeEnd:hover {
.react-calendar__tile--rangeEnd:hover {
@ -5,7 +5,9 @@ export const calendarTheme = tv({
wrapper: [
wrapper: [
calendar: ['flex', 'flex-col', 'py-2', 'px-2', 'gap-2'],
calendar: ['flex', 'flex-col', 'py-2', 'px-2', 'gap-2'],
@ -28,9 +30,12 @@ export const calendarTheme = tv({
footer: [
footer: [
@ -280,6 +280,7 @@ export const Calendar = ({
// tileClassName="dark:text-foreground-secondary dark:hover:bg-overlay3"
onClickMonth={(date) => handleChangeNavigation('month', date)}
onClickMonth={(date) => handleChangeNavigation('month', date)}
onClickYear={(date) => handleChangeNavigation('year', date)}
onClickYear={(date) => handleChangeNavigation('year', date)}
@ -297,19 +298,20 @@ export const Calendar = ({
) : (
) : (
{value && (
{value && (
<Button variant="danger" onClick={handleReset}>
<Button variant="danger" onClick={handleReset} shape="default">
<div className="space-x-3">
<div className="space-x-3">
<Button variant="tertiary" onClick={onCancel}>
<Button variant="tertiary" onClick={onCancel} shape="default">
onClick={() => (value ? onSelect?.(value) : null)}
onClick={() => (value ? onSelect?.(value) : null)}
@ -11,7 +11,9 @@ export const getCheckboxVariant = tv({
@ -23,6 +25,7 @@ export const getCheckboxVariant = tv({
@ -30,9 +33,13 @@ export const getCheckboxVariant = tv({
@ -43,12 +50,17 @@ export const getCheckboxVariant = tv({
description: ['text-xs', 'text-elements-low-em'],
description: [
variants: {
variants: {
disabled: {
disabled: {
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ export const GitIcon: React.FC<CustomIconProps> = (props) => {
d="M35.7782 16.4219L20.0791 0.723956C19.864 0.508762 19.6087 0.338053 19.3276 0.221583C19.0466 0.105114 18.7453 0.045166 18.4411 0.045166C18.1368 0.045166 17.8356 0.105114 17.5545 0.221583C17.2735 0.338053 17.0181 0.508762 16.8031 0.723956L13.5443 3.9843L17.6788 8.11882C18.1649 7.95374 18.6875 7.92797 19.1875 8.04442C19.6874 8.16088 20.1448 8.41491 20.5079 8.77778C20.8731 9.14329 21.128 9.60418 21.2435 10.1077C21.359 10.6113 21.3304 11.1372 21.161 11.6253L25.1473 15.6103C25.6355 15.4408 26.1616 15.4122 26.6653 15.5279C27.169 15.6437 27.6299 15.899 27.9952 16.2646C28.251 16.5204 28.454 16.8241 28.5925 17.1584C28.7309 17.4926 28.8022 17.8509 28.8022 18.2127C28.8022 18.5745 28.7309 18.9328 28.5925 19.267C28.454 19.6013 28.251 19.905 27.9952 20.1608C27.4779 20.6776 26.7766 20.9678 26.0455 20.9678C25.3143 20.9678 24.6131 20.6776 24.0958 20.1608C23.7116 19.7759 23.4497 19.286 23.3434 18.7526C23.237 18.2192 23.2907 17.6663 23.4979 17.1634L19.7805 13.4472V23.2287C20.1729 23.4225 20.5134 23.707 20.7739 24.0586C21.0345 24.4103 21.2075 24.8189 21.2786 25.2507C21.3497 25.6825 21.317 26.1251 21.183 26.5417C21.0491 26.9583 20.8178 27.337 20.5083 27.6465C20.2525 27.9023 19.9488 28.1053 19.6146 28.2438C19.2803 28.3822 18.922 28.4535 18.5602 28.4535C18.1984 28.4535 17.8402 28.3822 17.5059 28.2438C17.1716 28.1053 16.8679 27.9023 16.6121 27.6465C16.3562 27.3907 16.1532 27.0869 16.0147 26.7526C15.8762 26.4183 15.8049 26.06 15.8049 25.6982C15.8049 25.3363 15.8762 24.978 16.0147 24.6437C16.1532 24.3094 16.3562 24.0057 16.6121 23.7499C16.8699 23.4916 17.1763 23.2869 17.5137 23.1477V13.2762C17.1777 13.1378 16.8724 12.9344 16.6153 12.6777C16.3582 12.421 16.1543 12.116 16.0154 11.7802C15.8765 11.4445 15.8053 11.0846 15.8059 10.7212C15.8065 10.3579 15.8789 9.9982 16.0189 9.66291L11.9423 5.58552L1.17673 16.3483C0.742912 16.783 0.499268 17.372 0.499268 17.9862C0.499268 18.6003 0.742912 19.1893 1.17673 19.624L16.8766 35.3239C17.3113 35.7576 17.9002 36.0011 18.5143 36.0011C19.1283 36.0011 19.7172 35.7576 20.1519 35.3239L35.7782 19.6975C36.212 19.2629 36.4557 18.6738 36.4557 18.0597C36.4557 17.4456 36.212 16.8566 35.7782 16.4219Z"
d="M35.7782 16.4219L20.0791 0.723956C19.864 0.508762 19.6087 0.338053 19.3276 0.221583C19.0466 0.105114 18.7453 0.045166 18.4411 0.045166C18.1368 0.045166 17.8356 0.105114 17.5545 0.221583C17.2735 0.338053 17.0181 0.508762 16.8031 0.723956L13.5443 3.9843L17.6788 8.11882C18.1649 7.95374 18.6875 7.92797 19.1875 8.04442C19.6874 8.16088 20.1448 8.41491 20.5079 8.77778C20.8731 9.14329 21.128 9.60418 21.2435 10.1077C21.359 10.6113 21.3304 11.1372 21.161 11.6253L25.1473 15.6103C25.6355 15.4408 26.1616 15.4122 26.6653 15.5279C27.169 15.6437 27.6299 15.899 27.9952 16.2646C28.251 16.5204 28.454 16.8241 28.5925 17.1584C28.7309 17.4926 28.8022 17.8509 28.8022 18.2127C28.8022 18.5745 28.7309 18.9328 28.5925 19.267C28.454 19.6013 28.251 19.905 27.9952 20.1608C27.4779 20.6776 26.7766 20.9678 26.0455 20.9678C25.3143 20.9678 24.6131 20.6776 24.0958 20.1608C23.7116 19.7759 23.4497 19.286 23.3434 18.7526C23.237 18.2192 23.2907 17.6663 23.4979 17.1634L19.7805 13.4472V23.2287C20.1729 23.4225 20.5134 23.707 20.7739 24.0586C21.0345 24.4103 21.2075 24.8189 21.2786 25.2507C21.3497 25.6825 21.317 26.1251 21.183 26.5417C21.0491 26.9583 20.8178 27.337 20.5083 27.6465C20.2525 27.9023 19.9488 28.1053 19.6146 28.2438C19.2803 28.3822 18.922 28.4535 18.5602 28.4535C18.1984 28.4535 17.8402 28.3822 17.5059 28.2438C17.1716 28.1053 16.8679 27.9023 16.6121 27.6465C16.3562 27.3907 16.1532 27.0869 16.0147 26.7526C15.8762 26.4183 15.8049 26.06 15.8049 25.6982C15.8049 25.3363 15.8762 24.978 16.0147 24.6437C16.1532 24.3094 16.3562 24.0057 16.6121 23.7499C16.8699 23.4916 17.1763 23.2869 17.5137 23.1477V13.2762C17.1777 13.1378 16.8724 12.9344 16.6153 12.6777C16.3582 12.421 16.1543 12.116 16.0154 11.7802C15.8765 11.4445 15.8053 11.0846 15.8059 10.7212C15.8065 10.3579 15.8789 9.9982 16.0189 9.66291L11.9423 5.58552L1.17673 16.3483C0.742912 16.783 0.499268 17.372 0.499268 17.9862C0.499268 18.6003 0.742912 19.1893 1.17673 19.624L16.8766 35.3239C17.3113 35.7576 17.9002 36.0011 18.5143 36.0011C19.1283 36.0011 19.7172 35.7576 20.1519 35.3239L35.7782 19.6975C36.212 19.2629 36.4557 18.6738 36.4557 18.0597C36.4557 17.4456 36.212 16.8566 35.7782 16.4219Z"
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ export const GithubIcon: React.FC<CustomIconProps> = (props) => {
d="M9.9702 0.206024C4.45694 0.206024 0 4.69582 0 10.2503C0 14.6903 2.85571 18.4487 6.81735 19.7789C7.31265 19.8789 7.49408 19.5628 7.49408 19.2968C7.49408 19.064 7.47776 18.2658 7.47776 17.4342C4.70429 18.033 4.12674 16.2368 4.12674 16.2368C3.68102 15.0728 3.02061 14.7736 3.02061 14.7736C2.11286 14.1583 3.08673 14.1583 3.08673 14.1583C4.09367 14.2248 4.62204 15.1893 4.62204 15.1893C5.51327 16.7191 6.94939 16.2868 7.52714 16.0207C7.60959 15.3721 7.87388 14.9232 8.15449 14.6738C5.94245 14.4409 3.6151 13.5762 3.6151 9.71807C3.6151 8.62051 4.01102 7.72256 4.63837 7.02419C4.53939 6.7748 4.19265 5.74358 4.73755 4.36337C4.73755 4.36337 5.57939 4.09725 7.47755 5.39439C8.29022 5.17453 9.12832 5.06268 9.9702 5.06174C10.812 5.06174 11.6702 5.17827 12.4627 5.39439C14.361 4.09725 15.2029 4.36337 15.2029 4.36337C15.7478 5.74358 15.4008 6.7748 15.3018 7.02419C15.9457 7.72256 16.3253 8.62051 16.3253 9.71807C16.3253 13.5762 13.998 14.4242 11.7694 14.6738C12.1327 14.9897 12.4461 15.5883 12.4461 16.5362C12.4461 17.8832 12.4298 18.9642 12.4298 19.2966C12.4298 19.5628 12.6114 19.8789 13.1065 19.7791C17.0682 18.4485 19.9239 14.6903 19.9239 10.2503C19.9402 4.69582 15.4669 0.206024 9.9702 0.206024Z"
d="M9.9702 0.206024C4.45694 0.206024 0 4.69582 0 10.2503C0 14.6903 2.85571 18.4487 6.81735 19.7789C7.31265 19.8789 7.49408 19.5628 7.49408 19.2968C7.49408 19.064 7.47776 18.2658 7.47776 17.4342C4.70429 18.033 4.12674 16.2368 4.12674 16.2368C3.68102 15.0728 3.02061 14.7736 3.02061 14.7736C2.11286 14.1583 3.08673 14.1583 3.08673 14.1583C4.09367 14.2248 4.62204 15.1893 4.62204 15.1893C5.51327 16.7191 6.94939 16.2868 7.52714 16.0207C7.60959 15.3721 7.87388 14.9232 8.15449 14.6738C5.94245 14.4409 3.6151 13.5762 3.6151 9.71807C3.6151 8.62051 4.01102 7.72256 4.63837 7.02419C4.53939 6.7748 4.19265 5.74358 4.73755 4.36337C4.73755 4.36337 5.57939 4.09725 7.47755 5.39439C8.29022 5.17453 9.12832 5.06268 9.9702 5.06174C10.812 5.06174 11.6702 5.17827 12.4627 5.39439C14.361 4.09725 15.2029 4.36337 15.2029 4.36337C15.7478 5.74358 15.4008 6.7748 15.3018 7.02419C15.9457 7.72256 16.3253 8.62051 16.3253 9.71807C16.3253 13.5762 13.998 14.4242 11.7694 14.6738C12.1327 14.9897 12.4461 15.5883 12.4461 16.5362C12.4461 17.8832 12.4298 18.9642 12.4298 19.2966C12.4298 19.5628 12.6114 19.8789 13.1065 19.7791C17.0682 18.4485 19.9239 14.6903 19.9239 10.2503C19.9402 4.69582 15.4669 0.206024 9.9702 0.206024Z"
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
import { CustomIcon, CustomIconProps } from './CustomIcon';
export const LaconicIcon: React.FC<CustomIconProps> = (props) => {
return (
viewBox="0 0 48 48"
<rect width="48" height="48" rx="4" fill="#29292E" />
d="M16.0494 24.6233C18.8425 21.8302 20.5713 17.973 20.5706 13.7142C20.5717 13.1361 20.5396 12.5645 20.4762 12L12 12.0008L12.0003 28.2867C11.9996 30.2608 12.7522 32.2356 14.2578 33.7411C15.7633 35.2466 17.7395 36.0001 19.7139 35.9991L19.7134 35.9996L36 36L35.9995 27.5227C35.4362 27.4605 34.8645 27.4285 34.2852 27.4284C30.0275 27.4289 26.1701 29.1577 23.377 31.9507C21.3446 33.9321 18.0858 33.9325 16.0785 31.9252C14.0722 29.9191 14.0715 26.6593 16.0494 24.6233ZM34.2419 13.7624C31.9012 11.4217 28.0982 11.4208 25.7566 13.7624C23.4151 16.1038 23.4159 19.9067 25.7566 22.2473C28.0986 24.5892 31.9004 24.5889 34.2419 22.2473C36.5835 19.9059 36.5839 16.1042 34.2419 13.7624Z"
@ -1,7 +1,12 @@
import { tv, type VariantProps } from 'tailwind-variants';
import { tv, type VariantProps } from 'tailwind-variants';
export const headingTheme = tv({
export const headingTheme = tv({
base: ['text-elements-high-em', 'font-display', 'font-normal'],
base: [
export type HeadingVariants = VariantProps<typeof headingTheme>;
export type HeadingVariants = VariantProps<typeof headingTheme>;
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ export const IconWithFrame = ({
'relative justify-center items-center gap-2.5 inline-flex',
'relative justify-center items-center gap-2.5 inline-flex',
'w-16 h-16 rounded-2xl shadow-inner',
'w-16 h-16 rounded-2xl shadow-inner',
'border border-b-[3px] border-border-interactive border-opacity-10',
'border border-b-[3px] border-border-interactive border-opacity-10',
@ -14,22 +14,29 @@ export const inputTheme = tv(
label: ['text-sm', 'text-elements-high-em'],
label: [
description: ['text-xs', 'text-elements-low-em'],
description: ['text-xs', 'text-elements-low-em'],
input: [
input: [
icon: ['text-elements-low-em'],
icon: ['text-elements-low-em dark:text-foreground-secondary'],
iconContainer: [
iconContainer: [
@ -39,7 +46,13 @@ export const inputTheme = tv(
helperIcon: [],
helperIcon: [],
helperText: ['flex', 'gap-2', 'items-center', 'text-elements-danger'],
helperText: [
variants: {
variants: {
state: {
state: {
@ -54,7 +67,7 @@ export const inputTheme = tv(
helperText: 'text-elements-danger',
helperText: 'text-error',
size: {
size: {
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ export const modalTheme = tv({
headerTitle: [
headerTitle: [
@ -39,7 +40,11 @@ export const modalTheme = tv({
headerDescription: ['text-sm', 'text-elements-low-em'],
headerDescription: [
footer: ['flex', 'gap-3', 'px-4', 'pb-4', 'pt-7', 'sm:pb-6', 'sm:px-6'],
footer: ['flex', 'gap-3', 'px-4', 'pb-4', 'pt-7', 'sm:pb-6', 'sm:px-6'],
content: [
content: [
@ -53,8 +58,11 @@ export const modalTheme = tv({
body: ['flex-1', 'px-4', 'pt-4', 'sm:pt-6', 'sm:px-6'],
body: ['flex-1', 'px-4', 'pt-4', 'sm:pt-6', 'sm:px-6'],
@ -4,7 +4,12 @@ export const radioTheme = tv({
slots: {
slots: {
root: ['flex', 'gap-3'],
root: ['flex', 'gap-3'],
wrapper: ['flex', 'items-center', 'gap-2', 'group'],
wrapper: ['flex', 'items-center', 'gap-2', 'group'],
label: ['text-sm', 'tracking-[-0.006em]', 'text-elements-high-em'],
label: [
radio: [
radio: [
@ -17,6 +22,7 @@ export const radioTheme = tv({
// Checked
// Checked
indicator: [
indicator: [
@ -36,6 +42,7 @@ export const radioTheme = tv({
// Checked
// Checked
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ export const segmentedControlsTheme = tv({
@ -18,6 +19,7 @@ export const segmentedControlsTheme = tv({
@ -26,6 +28,7 @@ export const segmentedControlsTheme = tv({
@ -33,6 +36,7 @@ export const segmentedControlsTheme = tv({
@ -3,8 +3,16 @@ import { VariantProps, tv } from 'tailwind-variants';
export const selectTheme = tv({
export const selectTheme = tv({
slots: {
slots: {
container: ['flex', 'flex-col', 'relative', 'gap-2', 'w-full'],
container: ['flex', 'flex-col', 'relative', 'gap-2', 'w-full'],
label: ['text-sm', 'text-elements-high-em'],
label: [
description: ['text-xs', 'text-elements-low-em'],
description: [
inputWrapper: [
inputWrapper: [
@ -14,6 +22,7 @@ export const selectTheme = tv({
@ -22,7 +31,7 @@ export const selectTheme = tv({
input: ['outline-none'],
input: ['outline-none', 'dark:bg-overlay2', 'dark:text-foreground'],
iconContainer: [
iconContainer: [
@ -32,9 +41,15 @@ export const selectTheme = tv({
icon: ['text-elements-mid-em'],
icon: ['text-elements-mid-em', 'dark:text-foreground-secondary'],
helperIcon: [],
helperIcon: [],
helperText: ['flex', 'gap-2', 'items-center', 'text-elements-low-em'],
helperText: [
popover: [
popover: [
@ -44,12 +59,14 @@ export const selectTheme = tv({
@ -79,7 +96,7 @@ export const selectTheme = tv({
helperText: ['text-elements-danger'],
helperText: ['text-error'],
size: {
size: {
@ -12,11 +12,12 @@ export const selectItemTheme = tv({
icon: ['h-4.5', 'w-4.5', 'text-elements-high-em'],
icon: ['h-4.5', 'w-4.5', 'text-elements-high-em', 'dark:text-foreground'],
content: ['flex', 'flex-1', 'whitespace-nowrap'],
content: ['flex', 'flex-1', 'whitespace-nowrap'],
label: [
label: [
@ -47,7 +48,11 @@ export const selectItemTheme = tv({
active: {
active: {
true: {
true: {
wrapper: ['bg-base-bg-emphasized', 'data-[disabled]:bg-transparent'],
wrapper: [
@ -87,15 +87,15 @@ export const Sidebar = ({ mobileOpen }: SidebarProps) => {
className="hidden lg:flex"
className="hidden lg:flex"
<a className="cursor-pointer" onClick={handleLogOut}>
<a className="cursor-pointer font-mono" onClick={handleLogOut}>
Log Out
<Tabs.Trigger icon={<QuestionMarkRoundIcon />} value="">
<Tabs.Trigger icon={<QuestionMarkRoundIcon />} value="">
<a className="cursor-pointer">Documentation</a>
<a className="cursor-pointer font-mono">DOCUMENTATION</a>
<Tabs.Trigger icon={<LifeBuoyIcon />} value="">
<Tabs.Trigger icon={<LifeBuoyIcon />} value="">
<a className="cursor-pointer">Support</a>
<a className="cursor-pointer font-mono">SUPPORT</a>
@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ export const switchTheme = tv({
true: {
true: {
switch: [
switch: [
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ export const tableTheme = tv({
@ -17,6 +18,7 @@ export const tableTheme = tv({
columnHeaderCell: [
columnHeaderCell: [
@ -26,6 +28,7 @@ export const tableTheme = tv({
rowHeaderCell: [
rowHeaderCell: [
@ -36,6 +39,7 @@ export const tableTheme = tv({
@ -11,14 +11,17 @@ export const tabsTheme = tv({
// Vertical
// Vertical
@ -27,6 +30,7 @@ export const tabsTheme = tv({
@ -34,13 +38,17 @@ export const tabsTheme = tv({
// TODO: demo additions
// TODO: demo additions
@ -6,8 +6,10 @@ export const tooltipTheme = tv({
arrow: ['fill-surface-high-contrast'],
arrow: ['fill-surface-high-contrast'],
@ -144,6 +144,7 @@
@layer utilities {
@layer utilities {
.focus-ring {
.focus-ring {
@apply focus-visible:ring-[3px] focus-visible:ring-snowball-200 focus-visible:ring-offset-1 focus-visible:ring-offset-snowball-500 focus-visible:outline-none;
@apply focus-visible:ring-[3px] focus-visible:ring-snowball-200 focus-visible:ring-offset-1 focus-visible:ring-offset-snowball-500 focus-visible:outline-none;
@apply focus-visible:ring-[3px] dark:focus-visible:ring-primary focus-visible:ring-offset-1 dark:focus-visible:ring-offset-primary focus-visible:outline-none;
@keyframes dialog-overlay-show {
@keyframes dialog-overlay-show {
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ const ProjectSearch = () => {
return (
return (
<section className="h-full flex flex-col">
<section className="h-full flex flex-col">
{/* Header */}
{/* Header */}
<div className="sticky hidden lg:block top-0 border-b bg-base-bg border-border-separator/[0.06] hover:z-30">
<div className="sticky hidden lg:block top-0 border-b dark:bg-overlay bg-base-bg border-border-separator/[0.06] hover:z-30">
<div className="flex pr-6 pl-2 py-2 items-center">
<div className="flex pr-6 pl-2 py-2 items-center">
<div className="flex-1">
<div className="flex-1">
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ const ProjectSearch = () => {
{/* Content */}
{/* Content */}
<section className="h-full z-0 overflow-y-auto">
<section className="h-full z-0 overflow-y-auto dark:bg-overlay">
<Outlet />
<Outlet />
@ -1 +0,0 @@
<svg width="500" height="500" viewBox="0 0 500 500" fill="none" xmlns=""><rect width="500" height="500" fill="#0F86F5"/><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M191.873 125.126C224.893 126.765 250.458 150.121 274.042 172.995C297.925 196.158 323.089 221.108 324.868 254.114C326.718 288.42 308.902 321.108 283.281 344.355C258.67 366.687 225.288 373.859 191.873 374.788C157.228 375.752 119.038 374.394 95.1648 349.588C71.6207 325.125 74.6696 287.843 75.7341 254.114C76.7518 221.865 79.2961 188.525 101.009 164.41C123.845 139.047 157.543 123.423 191.873 125.126Z" fill="#4BA4F7"/><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M229.373 125.126C262.393 126.765 287.958 150.121 311.542 172.995C335.425 196.158 360.589 221.108 362.368 254.114C364.218 288.42 346.402 321.108 320.781 344.355C296.17 366.687 262.788 373.859 229.373 374.788C194.728 375.752 156.538 374.394 132.665 349.588C109.121 325.125 112.17 287.843 113.234 254.114C114.252 221.865 116.796 188.525 138.509 164.41C161.345 139.047 195.043 123.423 229.373 125.126Z" fill="#8AC4FA"/><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M266.873 125.126C299.893 126.765 325.458 150.121 349.042 172.995C372.925 196.158 398.089 221.108 399.868 254.114C401.718 288.42 383.902 321.108 358.281 344.355C333.67 366.687 300.288 373.859 266.873 374.788C232.228 375.752 194.038 374.394 170.165 349.588C146.621 325.125 149.67 287.843 150.734 254.114C151.752 221.865 154.296 188.525 176.009 164.41C198.845 139.047 232.543 123.423 266.873 125.126Z" fill="#CAE4FD"/><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M304.373 125.126C337.393 126.765 362.958 150.121 386.542 172.995C410.425 196.158 435.589 221.108 437.368 254.114C439.218 288.42 421.402 321.108 395.781 344.355C371.17 366.687 337.788 373.859 304.373 374.788C269.728 375.752 231.538 374.394 207.665 349.588C184.121 325.125 187.17 287.843 188.234 254.114C189.252 221.865 191.796 188.525 213.509 164.41C236.345 139.047 270.043 123.423 304.373 125.126Z" fill="white"/></svg>
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 2.0 KiB |
@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
import { CloudyFlow } from 'components/CloudyFlow';
import { Login } from './auth/Login';
import { Login } from './auth/Login';
const AuthPage = () => {
const AuthPage = () => {
return (
return (
<CloudyFlow className="flex flex-col min-h-screen">
<div className="dark:bg-background flex flex-col min-h-screen">
<div className="py-8 relative z-10">
<div className="py-8 relative z-10">
<div className="flex justify-center items-center gap-2.5">
<div className="flex justify-center items-center gap-2.5">
@ -11,17 +10,14 @@ const AuthPage = () => {
alt="snowball logo"
alt="snowball logo"
className="h-10 rounded-xl"
className="h-10 rounded-xl"
<div className="text-sky-950 text-2xl font-semibold font-display leading-loose">
<div className="pb-12 relative z-10 flex-1 flex-center">
<div className="pb-12 relative z-10 flex-1 flex-center">
<div className="max-w-[520px] w-full bg-white rounded-xl shadow">
<div className="max-w-[520px] w-full dark:bg-overlay bg-white rounded-xl shadow">
<Login />
<Login />
@ -10,16 +10,16 @@ type Props = {
export const Done = ({ continueTo }: Props) => {
export const Done = ({ continueTo }: Props) => {
return (
return (
<div className="dark: bg-background">
<div className="self-stretch p-3 xs:p-6 flex-col justify-center items-center gap-5 flex">
<div className="self-stretch p-3 xs:p-6 flex-col justify-center items-center gap-5 flex">
<div className="w-16 h-16 p-2 bg-sky-100 rounded-[800px] justify-center items-center gap-2 inline-flex">
<div className="w-16 h-16 p-2 dark:bg-overlay bg-sky-100 rounded-[800px] justify-center items-center gap-2 inline-flex">
<CheckRoundFilledIcon />
<CheckRoundFilledIcon />
<div className="self-stretch text-center text-sky-950 text-2xl font-medium font-display leading-loose">
<div className="self-stretch text-center dark:text-foreground text-sky-950 text-2xl font-medium font-display leading-loose">
You're in!
You're in!
<div className="text-center text-slate-600 text-sm font-normal font-['Inter'] leading-tight">
<div className="text-center dark:text-foreground-secondary text-slate-600 text-sm font-normal font-['Inter'] leading-tight">
It's time to get your project rolling 😎
It's time to get your project rolling 😎
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ export const Done = ({ continueTo }: Props) => {
Enter Snowball
Enter Laconic
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ export const Login = () => {
return (
return (
<div className="self-stretch p-3 xs:p-6 flex-col justify-center items-center gap-5 flex">
<div className="self-stretch p-3 xs:p-6 flex-col justify-center items-center gap-5 flex">
<div className="self-stretch text-center text-sky-950 text-2xl font-medium font-display leading-tight">
<div className="self-stretch text-center text-foreground text-2xl font-medium font-display leading-tight">
Sign in to Snowball
Sign in to Laconic
<WavyBorder className="self-stretch" variant="stroke" />
<WavyBorder className="self-stretch" variant="stroke" />
@ -6,11 +6,12 @@ import { Heading, Badge, Button } from 'components/shared';
import { PlusIcon } from 'components/shared/CustomIcon';
import { PlusIcon } from 'components/shared/CustomIcon';
import { useGQLClient } from 'context/GQLClientContext';
import { useGQLClient } from 'context/GQLClientContext';
import { Project } from 'gql-client';
import { Project } from 'gql-client';
import { project as mockProject } from 'pages/index';
const Projects = () => {
const Projects = () => {
const client = useGQLClient();
const client = useGQLClient();
const { orgSlug } = useParams();
const { orgSlug } = useParams();
const [projects, setProjects] = useState<Project[]>([]);
const [projects, setProjects] = useState<Project[]>([mockProject]);
const fetchProjects = useCallback(async () => {
const fetchProjects = useCallback(async () => {
const { projectsInOrganization } = await client.getProjectsInOrganization(
const { projectsInOrganization } = await client.getProjectsInOrganization(
@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ const Projects = () => {
<div className="flex items-center">
<div className="flex items-center">
<div className="grow">
<div className="grow">
<div className="flex gap-4 items-center">
<div className="flex gap-4 items-center">
<Heading as="h2" className="text-[24px]">
<Heading as="h2" className="text-[24px] dark:text-foreground">
<Badge className="bg-base-bg-alternate text-elements-mid-em h-7 w-7">
<Badge className="bg-base-bg-alternate text-elements-mid-em h-7 w-7">
@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ const Projects = () => {
<Link to="projects/create">
<Link to="projects/create">
<Button leftIcon={<PlusIcon />}>Create project</Button>
<Button leftIcon={<PlusIcon />}>CREATE PROJECT</Button>
{/* List of projects */}
{/* List of projects */}
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ export const DashboardLayout = ({
'flex flex-col lg:flex-row h-screen bg-snowball-50',
'flex flex-col lg:flex-row h-screen bg-background',
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ export const DashboardLayout = ({
transition={{ ease: 'easeInOut', duration: 0.3 }}
transition={{ ease: 'easeInOut', duration: 0.3 }}
<div className="rounded-t-3xl lg:rounded-3xl bg-base-bg h-full shadow-card overflow-y-auto relative">
<div className="rounded-t-3xl lg:rounded-3xl dark:bg-background bg-base-bg h-full shadow-card dark:shadow-background overflow-y-auto relative">
<Outlet />
<Outlet />
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ const Id = () => {
leftIcon={<ChevronLeft />}
leftIcon={<ChevronLeft />}
onClick={() => navigate(-1)}
onClick={() => navigate(-1)}
<Heading className="text-2xl font-medium truncate">
<Heading className="text-2xl font-medium truncate dark:text-foreground">
@ -88,17 +88,24 @@ const Id = () => {
className="h-11 transition-colors"
className="h-11 transition-colors"
Open repo
{(project.deployments.length > 0) &&
{project.deployments.length > 0 && (
<Link to={`https://${}.${project.deployments[0].deployer.baseDomain}`}>
<Button {...buttonSize} className="h-11 transition-colors">
Go to app
className="h-11 transition-colors"
<WavyBorder />
<WavyBorder />
@ -20,7 +20,10 @@ export const CreateProjectLayout = ({
const closeBtnLink = `/${orgSlug}`;
const closeBtnLink = `/${orgSlug}`;
const heading = (
const heading = (
<Heading as="h2" className="flex-1 text-xl md:text-2xl font-medium">
className="flex-1 text-xl md:text-2xl font-medium dark:text-foreground"
Create new project
Create new project
@ -30,17 +33,20 @@ export const CreateProjectLayout = ({
{/* Desktop */}
{/* Desktop */}
className={cn('h-full flex-col hidden md:flex', className)}
'dark:bg-background h-full flex-col hidden md:flex',
<div className="sticky top-0">
<div className="sticky top-0">
<div className="flex px-6 py-4 bg-base-bg items-center gap-4">
<div className="flex px-6 py-4 dark:bg-overlay bg-base-bg items-center gap-4">
{/* Cannot save btn as variable since responsive variant don't work with compoundVariant */}
{/* Cannot save btn as variable since responsive variant don't work with compoundVariant */}
<Link to={closeBtnLink}>
<Link to={closeBtnLink}>
leftIcon={<CrossIcon />}
leftIcon={<CrossIcon />}
@ -121,21 +121,22 @@ const DeploymentsTabPanel = () => {
) : (
) : (
// TODO: Update the height based on the layout, need to re-styling the layout similar to create project layout
// TODO: Update the height based on the layout, need to re-styling the layout similar to create project layout
<div className="h-3/4 bg-base-bg-alternate flex flex-col rounded-xl items-center justify-center text-center gap-5">
<div className="h-3/4 bg-base-bg-alternate dark:bg-overlay3 flex flex-col rounded-xl items-center justify-center text-center gap-5">
<div className="space-y-1">
<div className="space-y-1">
<p className="font-medium tracking-[-0.011em] text-elements-high-em">
<p className="font-medium tracking-[-0.011em] text-elements-high-em dark:text-foreground">
No deployments found
No deployments found
<p className="text-sm tracking-[-0.006em] text-elements-mid-em">
<p className="text-sm tracking-[-0.006em] text-elements-mid-em dark:text-foreground-secondary">
Please change your search query or filters.
Please change your search query or filters.
leftIcon={<RefreshIcon />}
leftIcon={<RefreshIcon />}
Reset filters
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ const OverviewTabPanel = () => {
<div className="flex-1 space-y-1 overflow-hidden">
<div className="flex-1 space-y-1 overflow-hidden">
<Heading className="text-lg leading-6 font-medium truncate">
<Heading className="text-lg leading-6 font-medium truncate dark:text-foreground">
{project.deployments &&
{project.deployments &&
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ const OverviewTabPanel = () => {
className="text-sm text-elements-low-em tracking-tight truncate"
className="text-sm text-elements-low-em dark:text-foreground tracking-tight truncate"
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ const OverviewTabPanel = () => {
@ -171,8 +171,8 @@ const OverviewTabPanel = () => {
{/* SOURCE */}
{/* SOURCE */}
<OverviewInfo label="Source" icon={<GithubStrokeIcon />}>
<OverviewInfo label="Source" icon={<GithubStrokeIcon />}>
<div className="flex gap-2 items-center">
<div className="flex gap-2 items-center">
<BranchStrokeIcon className="text-elements-low-em w-4 h-5" />
<BranchStrokeIcon className="text-elements-low-em dark:text-foreground w-4 h-5" />
<span className="text-elements-high-em text-sm tracking-tighter">
<span className="text-elements-high-em dark:text-foreground-secondary text-sm tracking-tighter">
@ -184,8 +184,10 @@ const OverviewTabPanel = () => {
project.deployments.length > 0 &&
project.deployments.length > 0 &&
|||||| => (
| => (
<div className="flex gap-2 items-center">
<div className="flex gap-2 items-center">
<Link to={`https://${}.${deployment.deployer.baseDomain}`}>
<span className="text-controls-primary group hover:border-controls-primary transition-colors border-b border-b-transparent flex gap-2 items-center text-sm tracking-tight">
<span className="text-controls-primary dark:text-foreground group hover:border-controls-primary transition-colors border-b border-b-transparent flex gap-2 items-center text-sm tracking-tight">
<LinkIcon className="group-hover:rotate-45 transition-transform" />
<LinkIcon className="group-hover:rotate-45 transition-transform" />
@ -196,7 +198,7 @@ const OverviewTabPanel = () => {
<OverviewInfo label="Deployment date" icon={<CalendarDaysIcon />}>
<OverviewInfo label="Deployment date" icon={<CalendarDaysIcon />}>
<div className="flex gap-2 items-center text-elements-high-em text-sm tracking-tighter">
<div className="flex gap-2 items-center text-elements-high-em dark:text-foreground text-sm tracking-tighter">
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import CollaboratorsTabPanel from './settings/Collaborators';
import Domains from './settings/Domains';
import Domains from './settings/Domains';
const Integrations = () => (
const Integrations = () => (
<div className="dark:text-foreground">
Content of integrations tab
Content of integrations tab
<p className="block">
<p className="block">
There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available.
There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available.
@ -117,9 +117,10 @@ const CollaboratorsTabPanel = () => {
onClick={() => setAddMemberDialogOpen((preVal) => !preVal)}
onClick={() => setAddMemberDialogOpen((preVal) => !preVal)}
leftIcon={<PlusIcon />}
leftIcon={<PlusIcon />}
Add member
@ -111,10 +111,10 @@ export const EnvironmentVariablesTabPanel = () => {
return (
return (
<ProjectSettingContainer headingText="Environment variables">
<ProjectSettingContainer headingText="Environment variables">
<p className="text-slate-600 text-sm font-normal leading-tight">
<p className="text-slate-600 dark:text-foreground-secondary text-sm font-normal leading-tight">
A new deployment is required for your changes to take effect.
A new deployment is required for your changes to take effect.
<div className="bg-slate-100 rounded-xl flex-col">
<div className="bg-slate-100 dark:bg-overlay2 rounded-xl flex-col">
onClick={() => setCreateNewVariable((cur) => !cur)}
onClick={() => setCreateNewVariable((cur) => !cur)}
@ -131,12 +131,12 @@ export const EnvironmentVariablesTabPanel = () => {
<div className="p-4 bg-slate-100">
<div className="p-4 bg-slate-100 dark:bg-overlay3">
<EnvironmentVariablesForm />
<EnvironmentVariablesForm />
<div className="p-2">
<div className="p-2">
<Button size="md" type="submit">
<Button size="md" type="submit" shape="default">
Save changes
@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
import { useEffect, useMemo } from 'react';
import { useEffect, useMemo } from 'react';
import { useFieldArray, useFormContext } from 'react-hook-form';
import { useFieldArray, useFormContext } from 'react-hook-form';
// TODO: Use custom checkbox component
import { Checkbox } from '@snowballtools/material-tailwind-react-fork';
import { Button } from 'components/shared/Button';
import { Button } from 'components/shared/Button';
import { InlineNotification } from 'components/shared/InlineNotification';
import { InlineNotification } from 'components/shared/InlineNotification';
import AddEnvironmentVariableRow from 'components/projects/project/settings/AddEnvironmentVariableRow';
import AddEnvironmentVariableRow from 'components/projects/project/settings/AddEnvironmentVariableRow';
import { EnvironmentVariablesFormValues } from 'types/types';
import { EnvironmentVariablesFormValues } from 'types/types';
import { Checkbox } from 'components/shared/Checkbox';
const EnvironmentVariablesForm = () => {
const EnvironmentVariablesForm = () => {
const {
const {
@ -54,8 +52,12 @@ const EnvironmentVariablesForm = () => {
<div className="flex gap-1 p-2">
<div className="flex gap-1 p-2">
<Button size="md" onClick={() => append({ key: '', value: '' })}>
+ Add variable
onClick={() => append({ key: '', value: '' })}
{isFieldEmpty && (
{isFieldEmpty && (
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ const GeneralTabPanel = () => {
const client = useGQLClient();
const client = useGQLClient();
const { toast } = useToast();
const { toast } = useToast();
const { project, onUpdate } = useOutletContext<OutletContextType>();
const { project, onUpdate } = useOutletContext<OutletContextType>();
const [transferOrganizations, setTransferOrganizations] = useState<
const [transferOrganizations, setTransferOrganizations] = useState<
@ -157,8 +158,9 @@ const GeneralTabPanel = () => {
@ -185,8 +187,8 @@ const GeneralTabPanel = () => {
setSelectedTransferOrganization(value as SelectOption)
setSelectedTransferOrganization(value as SelectOption)
<Button disabled type="submit" size="md">
<Button disabled type="submit" size="md" shape="default">
@ -211,7 +213,7 @@ const GeneralTabPanel = () => {
leftIcon={<TrashIcon />}
leftIcon={<TrashIcon />}
Delete project
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ const GitTabPanel = () => {
<div className="self-stretch space-y-3">
<div className="self-stretch space-y-3">
<div className="flex justify-between mt-4">
<div className="flex justify-between mt-4">
<p className="text-slate-600 text-sm font-normal leading-tight">
<p className="text-slate-600 dark:text-foreground-secondary text-sm font-normal leading-tight">
Pull request comments
Pull request comments
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ const GitTabPanel = () => {
<div className="flex justify-between">
<div className="flex justify-between">
<p className="text-slate-600 text-sm font-normal leading-tight">
<p className="text-slate-600 dark:text-foreground-secondary text-sm font-normal leading-tight">
Commit comments
Commit comments
@ -171,18 +171,18 @@ const GitTabPanel = () => {
<ProjectSettingHeader headingText="Production branch" />
<ProjectSettingHeader headingText="Production branch" />
<p className="text-slate-600 text-sm font-normal leading-tight">
<p className="text-slate-600 dark:text-foreground-secondary text-sm font-normal leading-tight">
By default, each commit pushed to the{' '}
By default, each commit pushed to the{' '}
<span className="font-bold">{project.prodBranch}</span> branch
<span className="font-bold">{project.prodBranch}</span> branch
initiates a production deployment. You can opt for a different branch
initiates a production deployment. You can opt for a different branch
for deployment in the settings.
for deployment in the settings.
<p className="text-slate-600 text-sm font-normal leading-tight">
<p className="text-slate-600 dark:text-foreground-secondary text-sm font-normal leading-tight">
Branch name
Branch name
<Input {...registerProdBranch('prodBranch')} />
<Input {...registerProdBranch('prodBranch')} />
<Button size="md" variant="primary">
<Button size="md" variant="primary" shape="default">
@ -191,21 +191,21 @@ const GitTabPanel = () => {
<ProjectSettingHeader headingText="Deploy webhooks" />
<ProjectSettingHeader headingText="Deploy webhooks" />
<p className="text-slate-600 text-sm font-normal leading-tight">
<p className="text-slate-600 dark:text-foreground-secondary text-sm font-normal leading-tight">
{' '}
{' '}
Webhooks configured to trigger when there is a change in a
Webhooks configured to trigger when there is a change in a
project's build or deployment status.
project's build or deployment status.
<div className="flex gap-1">
<div className="flex gap-1">
<div className="grow">
<div className="grow">
<p className="text-slate-600 text-sm font-normal leading-tight">
<p className="text-slate-600 dark:text-foreground-secondary text-sm font-normal leading-tight">
Webhook URL
Webhook URL
<Input {...registerWebhooks('webhookUrl')} />
<Input {...registerWebhooks('webhookUrl')} />
<div className="self-end">
<div className="self-end">
<Button size="sm" type="submit">
<Button size="sm" type="submit" shape="default">
@ -102,9 +102,10 @@ const Config = () => {
rightIcon={<ArrowRightCircleIcon />}
rightIcon={<ArrowRightCircleIcon />}
@ -33,19 +33,29 @@ const AddDomain = () => {
return (
return (
<div className="p-4">
<div className="p-4">
<div className="flex justify-between">
<div className="flex justify-between">
<Typography variant="h3">Add Domain</Typography>
<Typography variant="h3" className="dark:text-foreground">
Add Domain
<Link to={`/${orgSlug}/projects/${id}`}>
<Link to={`/${orgSlug}/projects/${id}`}>
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className="rounded-full dark:text-foreground dark:border-foreground"
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<div className="flex justify-start gap-3 p-5">
<i className="bg-gray-100 w-12 h-12 rounded-lg">^</i>
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className="my-auto w-1/3 dark:text-foreground"
Project Name
Project Name
@ -9,6 +9,17 @@ export default withMT({
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@ -20,7 +31,7 @@ export default withMT({
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